Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 10, 25 November - 30 November 1915, Part 2

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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T. Fon, C D MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. or seaoo OAe Stamp MAMon Received Words Chargos to collect 4 60 Lt 26 177143 Handed in at 1thBte Het Ite CANWA TACKSNNNNE aan BM1721 DE151 Nassward received noted and 16th 18 PRON CO PLACR A TIT 1740 This line should be crased if hot required. 1O0 W.OOS-1OTL 8, O Pads- 18/4. P.T. & cs. Lld -Forme A.8128 OO. RoW Oaslie T AS MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Mossage CLENEGWEN Office Stainr e"a 2 251 SertesHsMton 6 Handed in at m. Becol Lete Hg Tde 10 A 74 Cp 1 1p 271 AAA Password noted Durrants Posh PRON PACE A MTAIL 910 WD O0 P S. 8.B.M
OrFom Vasloae ay Con D. A MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. an Sor Wm St DS A n8 & 40 Sertes Mtoton Handed in at 4th thist Inf Brigade Lnes TCSGSSSNS 140 AAA 5 24 Novr stated four Ne 855 Io falling bullets At what time aoa did butlets last evening the fall A Div FrON PLLACESTIME 1835 WAs S. 30,000 Pads 8L. S. B.Ltd-FormaC.MA 21SYT B4 2030
LAGDATRY. the following Special Ary Corps order 1s published for information Dated a5/11115. Lord Kitchcner has assired me to convey to the Australian and Nex Zesland Amy Corps a message with, he has been specielly entrusted by the King to bring to our Arn) Corps. His Majesty comsended Lord Kitch- enar to express his high apprecistion of the gallant and unflinching conduct of our mon through Righting which hes been as hard as any yet seen during the war, and Ris Majesty wisnes to erpress his conplete confidence in the determination and fight- ing qualities of our men to assist in carrying this war to an entirely success- rul tamination. Lord Kitchener heg ordered me to express to all the very great pleasure it grve him to have the opportunity, which he considers a privilege, of visiting ANZAC to see for himself some of the wonderfully good work which has been done by the officers and men of our arny Corps. as 1t was not until he had himself seen the positions we hed captured and held, that he was able fully to realise the mssnitue of the work which hes been accomplisned. Lord Kitchener such regrett. ad that tine did not pernit of his seeing the mnole Corps, but he was very pleased to see a considereble proportion of officers and men, and to find all in such good heart, and so confidently inbued with that grand spirit, which has carried then through all their trials and many danger- ous feats of arns; a spirit wich be 1s quite confident they will maintsin to the and; until they have toxen their full share in completely overthrowing our menies. Boyss We may all well be proud to receive such message and it 1s up to all of us to live up to then and prove their wruth. (Sed) W. R. Brawoed.
C Form Duplicate King Fow C. E. MISSACRS AND SIONAIS, NS. A SAMnS. 9 J Dpm 33 e obcet nr AlSSTRALN AMPERIAL FPRCE Hak 194 RerTEO MAMSOS Nov251 1375 irt Handed in at OMod ec I th Tust Iof Bot MOOSWSSSNN 2931 E 3684 AAA General Godley wishes to se the Brigader At 1000 Comorrow morning at Devisional Headquarters Fon 2 FRoM Dir a 2 ps & Me Net 60. D.MPade 8. S.B. Lid- Fome C 22.
Feac 1677 24 d t. W.2YA. Die Since my last minute on thy subject thes has been no mercare in the number of offices available in the Hattating 13 Dring 13 out of an intablishment of 22).- I am very lotte to take up any attitude which as calculated to place difficulties in the way of Capt. Tarry Oaklen in the formation of the Avmy Coops taok; but am naturally desirous of safequasting the officiency of the Hattalian of thi Hrigade. May I put this matte in this mayy, that if the transfer of this officer (Lt. Pulling) to Army Coops tack is refroded as of special importance in the interests of the Army Carps in a whole I am ax in to waie the praron objection. Hi. Trul. 4 X
Copy Ams. 875 Confidential Anstoilian & New Ieland Army Corps Headguasters 2520 November 1915 Headpaters N.2TH. Divinon In reply to you N.L.A.A.S31 enclosing conspondence from Biy- General Monash on the subject of his semority - I a to say that the Aary Coops Comman sconcurs in you ori that Brig. Lenent Monach & Bg Sent Chanvel have both been granted Comporary vank while holding certain appointments, & their respective semonty is deter¬ mined by the date of their substantive promotion to the rank of Colonel. – The dates from which temporary maak was pranted in the Losidon Grazitte are therefore not factors and Brigadie Seneral Chanvel is therefore semor to Brigadi Leneal Monach I am further to say that the Army Corps Commander defecates the assertion by officer of thes claim to appointments which are filled by The semority and claims of all eligible officers ane fully selection. considered befor a decision is made. (890) T. Griffith Mayr Military Secretary N.2.AA. 531. A5 N.2. Amy Corps Bry Lin F Monesh C.B.V.D. Ionded to your information Will you please ritun this letter Chentiet Scol aato H.ZxA. Dis. 26 x115 NEHA.D fec 29/1/15 Noted retered JohutmonadingE
26 Appointment o Sipralling office (15 my order of Riferefce S. Fith - (Seelsh N. 1 Firelen opente - Ats Ninten (N.L. Wale. Apy 27t - (Came in Borta. (Vict. Sp Relynack Ap. 21. Ne Accountant in Cordite Factory. Wa a control about 1 month.- Claw Rossity. Hrnte- Jyn Lignalling, (W.A. St No2 Sm 2 yor. Com. Clesical Bode 2- Ey. Byde. Ap 25.
26/1/13 Mr Catonel Fanert Wnight men Salk one Catomel in the morning Tably mill lime day aftermeats n
Rett SeoN Hat Australian Infantry Brigade, IMPERIAL FORAN Hay Valley, Ansac, 1363 Gallipoli Peninsula, Nov 261B 28th. November, 1815. 44 Mmlantry Prlomte Headquarters, N. 2. and A. Division, As, in pursuance of readjustnents of line ordered, another Brigade of this Division will replace the 181st. and 182nd. Brigades, it is epportune to draw attention to the condition of the Ashyl Dere Road. The Brigade Ares of 4th. Brigade excludes the mhole of the Ashyl Dere strean-bed except a mall portion of about so yards from the Ferward Barricade, demstream. tne upper and of the Ashyl Dere route is, now- ever, so important to me for rapid access to my Nc. 2 Subssection (Warwick Castle)Ridge) that I have had constructed a high level sumon road in the Ashyl Dere Valley, extending from the Ferward Barricade domnstrean as far as the Hetenkiss sun. the valley of the Ashyl Dere, domnstream from this latter point renains in a very unsatisfactory condition, the atrean bed is so blocked in many places that, after any neavy rain, it will become a string of deep water holes. The strean bed proper will become useless as a line of supply, and this circumstance will affect the N. 2. M. R. Brigade even more sariously than this Brigade. 1 consider that immediate steps ought tot be taken both to clear the stream bed and to construct a high level road from Walden Point as far as the Rotchkiss sun. Hhikonah SMO Commanding 4th. (Anstralian) Infantry Brigade.
Or 2/13 Te Jul 3 Dut 24 yas 2 1763 N.z.A. Die. As, in pursuance of readjustments of line ordered, and the Brigade of it is opportune to draw. this Division will replace the 161st & 162 Drigndes, p attention condition of the directed to the Aghyl Deve Road. 4th The Brigude Arca of th Brignde excludes the whole of the Aighyl Dive streambed except a small portion of about 80 yuods from the Forward Barricade, downstram. appeeend of the The lighyl Deve vorte is however so important to me fo rapid access to my No 2 Dubsection (Narvicll Castle Ridge) that I have had con¬ structed a high level simker road exte in the Aghyl Deve Valley, extending as far as from the Forward Harricade downstriam ty the Hotchkin Sun. remain The valley of the Aghgl Deve, downstram from this latter point &s on a very unsatisfictory condition. The stream bed is so blocked in many place that, after any heavy rain, it will become a string of deep water holes. The strambed prope will become useless as a line of supply, & this circumstance will affect the N.L.M.R. Brigade even mar seriously than this Migude. I consider that immediate steps oight to be taken both to clear the streambed and to construct a high level road from Walden point. as for as the Hoteltin gu Bry Senl Younel N02 44

"C" Form (Original)
Army Form C. 2123.
Sent, or sent out
To 60
Office Stamp.
Received 1743
TO Bde Mjr 4th Bde
*Sender's Number     Day of Month     In reply to Number
QE 151                                  25th                            BM 1721      
Password received
and noted
FROM CO 16th Bn


"C" Form (Duplicate). Army Form C. 2123.

Charges to Pay.
Office Stamp.
Received 1915 m.
TO Bde. Mjr 4th Bde
*Sender's Number     Day of Month     In reply to Number
QA 504                                  25th                      BM 1721
Password noted
FROM Durrants Post


"C" Form (Duplicate).  Army Form C. 2123.
GH pm 26
NOV 25 1915
4th Infantry Brigade
Office Stamp.
Service Instructions.
Received 1850 m.
TO 4th Aust Inf Brigade
Sender's Number       Day of Month  
G 901                                      25th
Your 855 dated 24 Nov re
-  [[6]]  falling bullets aaa At what time
last evening did the bullets
Div Bn
From[[?7 eve?]] to 10
heaviest [[?eve?]] to 8
FROM NZ & A Div.


LAUDATORY.  The following Special Army Corps order
is published for information :-
Dated 25/11/15.
"Lord Kitchener has desired me to convey
to the Australian and New Zealand Army
Corps a message with which he has been specially
entrusted by the King to bring to our Army
"His Majesty commanded Lord Kitchener
to express his high appreciation of
the gallant and unflinching conduct of our
men through fighting which has been as
hard as any yet seen during the war, and
His Majesty wishes to express his complete
confidence in the determination and fighting
qualities of our men to assist in
carrying this war to an entirely successful
"Lord Kitchener has ordered me to 
express to all the very great pleasure it

gave him to have the opportunity, which
he considers a privilege, of visiting
ANZAC to see for himself some of the
wonderfully good work which has been done
by the officers and men of our Army Corps.,
as it was not until he had himself seen
the positions we had captured and held ,
that he was able fully to realise the
magnitude of the work which has been
accomplished. Lord Kitchener such regretted
that time did not permit of his seeing
the whole Corps, but he was very pleased
to see a considerable proportion of

officers and men, and to find all in such
good heart, and so confidently imbued with
that grand spirit, which has carried them
through all their trials and many dangerous
feats of arms; a spirit which he is
quite confident they will maintain to the
end ; until they have taken their full
share in completely overthrowing our
Boys : We may all well be proud to
receive such message and it is up to all
of us to live up to them and prove their
(Sgd) W. R Birdwood.       


"C" Form (Duplicate).  Army Form C. 2123
Sm FD pm 33
NOV 25 1915
4th Infantry Brigade
Handed in at NZ Office
TO 4th Aust Inf Bde
Sender's Number    Day of Month  In reply to Number
X AD 684                                25th                       ______
General Godley wishes to see
the Brigadier at 1000 tomorrow
morning at Divisional Headquarters.


4 aB
cms 767
Sig bmjr
N.Z & A. Div.
Since my last minute on this subject, there has been 

no increase in the number of officers available in 13th Battalion

(being ^only 13 out of an establishment of 32). -

I am very loth to take up any attitude which is calculated 

to place difficulties in the way of Capt. Parry Oakden in the formation

of the Army Corps Park; but am naturally desirous of safeguarding

the interest efficiency of the Battalions of this Brigade.

May I put this matter in this way, that if the transfer of this

officer (Lt. Pulling) to Army Corps Park is regarded as of special

importance in the interests of the Army Corps as a whole, I am 

willing to waive the previous objection. - 

25 XI/15

Brig. Genl.


Australian & New Zealand Army Corps
25  20 November 1915
N.Z&A. Division
In reply to your N.Z.A.A. 531 enclosing correspondence from Brig-General
Monash on the subject of his seniority - I am to say that the Army Corps Command
concurs in your view that Brig-General Monash & Brig Genl Chauvel have both been granted
temporary rank while holding certain appointments, & their respective seniority is determined
by the date of their substantive promotion to the rank of Colonel. - The dates from
which temporary rank was granted in the London Gazette are therefore not factors and
Brigadier General Chauvel is therefore senior to Brigadier General Monash.
2. I am further to say that the Army Corps Commander deprecates
the assertion by officers of their claim to appointments which are filled by
selection. - The seniority and claims of all eligible officers are fully
considered before a decision is made. -
(sgd) T. Griffiths
Military Secretary
A & N.Z. Army Corps
Brig. Gen J Monash C.B. V.D.
Forwarded for your information
Will you please return this letter
C Bentinck
Lt Col.
A.A.G. N.Z. & A. Div
N Z & A Div
Recd 28/11/15
Noted & returned 
John Monash 
Brig. Genl.


Appointment of Signalling Officer

My order of
No 1
Sgt. Firth - (See. [[??]])
Wireless operator - "Auto Workers" / N.S.Wales.
Age, 27. - (came in Borda.)
No 3. Sgt Kelynack. Age:- 21. (Vict.)
Accountant in Cordie Factory.-
Was in control about 1 month.-
Under Roositer.-
No 2. Sgt. Hunter:- 7 yrs Signalling,- (W.A
Suprs. 2 yrs.- Comm. Clerical
Bgde 2nd Inf. Bgde.- Age 25.



Recd 26/11/15
xxxxx Three Calomel Tablets to-night &
Salts in the morning Then one Calomel
Tablet Three times a day after meals


NOV 26 1915
4th Infantry Brigade.
Australian Infantry Brigade,

Hay Valley, Anzac,
Gallipoli Peninsula,
26th. November, 1915.
N.Z. and A. Division,
As, in pursuance of readjustments of line
ordered, another Brigade of this Division will replace the 161st. and
162nd. Brigades, it is opportune to draw attention to the condition of
the Aghyl Dere Road.
The Brigade Area of 4th. Brigade excludes the
whole of the Aghyl Dere stream-bed except a small portion of about 80
yards from the Forward Barricade, downstream.
The upper end of the Aghyl Dere route is, however,
so important to me for rapid access to my No. 2 Sub-section
(Warwick Castle) Ridge) that I have had constructed a high level sunken
road in the Aghyl Dere Valley, extending from the Forward Barricade
downstream as far as the Hotchkiss gun.
The valley of the Aghyl Dere, downstream from
this latter point remains in a very unsatisfactory condition. The
stream bed is so blocked in many places that, after any heavy rain, it
will become a string of deep water holes. The stream bed proper will
become useless as a line of supply, and this circumstance will affect
the N.Z.M.R. Brigade even more seriously than this Brigade.
I consider that immediate steps ought to be
taken both to clear the stream bed and to construct a high level road
from Walden Point as far as the Hotchkiss gun.

J M Monash Brigadier-General
Commanding 4th. (Australian) Infantry Brigade.


Jul 3
Peace 26/11/15
As, in pursuance of readjustments of line ordered, another Brigade of
this Division will replace the 161st & 162nd Brigades, - should ^ it is opportune to draw attention
is directed to the ^ condition of the Aghyl Dere Road. -
The Brigade Area of this ^ 4th Brigade excludes the whole of the Aghyl Dere
streambed except a small portion of about 80 yards from the Forward
Barricade, downstream.-
The ^ upper end of the Aghyl Dere route is however so important to me for rapid access
to my No 2 Subsection (Warwick Castle Ridge) that I have had constructed
a high level sunken road extra in the Aghyl Dere Valley, extending
from the Forward Barricade downstream ^ as far as to the Hotchkiss Gun.-
The valley of the Aghyl Dere, downstream from this latter point ^ remains in in a
very unsatisfactory condition. The stream bed is so blocked in many places
that, after any heavy rain, it will become a string of deep water holes.
The stream bed proper will become useless so as a line of supply, & this
circumstance will affect the N.Z.M.R. Brigade even more seriously than
this Brigade.-
I consider that immediate steps ought to be taken both to clear the
stream bed and to construct a high level road from Walden Point
as far as the Hotchkiss gun.-
Journal No 2
Brig Genl

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