Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 10, 25 November - 30 November 1915, Part 1

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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2 1 AUSLEALLAF AIL ME LEALAND ATEIY COlre. AlTY CORPS CMLR SF-CLAL. 25-11-15. Lord Kitchenor has desired me to convey to the Aurtralien and New Lealand Army Corps a message with which he was specially ensrurted oy the King to bring to our Army Corps. His McJosty commanded Lord Kitchener to express his high Preoiation of the gallant and unflinabir, corduct of our men Crcucl fighting which hes boen as ard as any yet seen during the Wer, and Krs Majesty wishes to express his conplete confiience in the decermination and fighting qualities of our men to assist in cerrying this war to an entirely suocessfull termination. erDreSS to Lora Kitchener has ordered me to all the very greet Wleasire it gave him to have the opportunity, which he considers a Frivilage, of visiting ANLAC, to see for himself some of the wonderfully good work which has been done by the officers and men cF car Army Corps, as it was not until he had himself seen the positions we had opatured and heid, that he was eble fully to roelise the megn tude of the work which has been accompliched. Lord Kitchener much regretted that time did not permit of his seeing the whole Corps, but he was very pleased to see a considerable proportion of Officers and men, and to find all in such geed hear- and so conridently imbued with that grand spirit, which hes carried Them through all their trials and many dangerour feees of arrs- o spirit which he is quite confident they will maintedn to the ena. until they hove ta hen their full share in completely overdmoring Tur CnemleS Boys: We may all well be proud to receive such mesceges. anC Lv Is up to ail of us to live wp to them and prowe their Tauth. (Sea). W.R. BESTFDOD.
0. Fon C AASN MESSAGES AND SIONALSVOME] Received OneSnn TROTAMON n So cant Home by Ln 4040 Chargas to Coioct Cores tanatone An Hth ABde TEEAGSKSSE Daa LWSYWSNSNSS aaa asth 4 89 & the 2 aust Arnsior Ser tr arranged the following coloured rockts to indicak hostil on various portions of this attact line aaa) Russells To three whi Red roskets aas ropes Red whi 9 are bu whate 18160 clusive rclin Red whire A16 to 38 Green white Qreening ling three wice Ded as Hockets bet of te mom NA RACRATIE 1030 Thet A UM Mt WAA MANEA- SL AALL-FNN A O A. MA CAN MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of MecC P. AABISAO. Pretx Codl M/ Word Chare Reed. at This message is on a/c of: Ohee of Me ASettee Haon Dagh Service Copy. 60 SITAFEO- FTAMEME CORIC T0 Arrkz,Ath, Australian Infantry Brigade. RAYEEESEeatton FSetttGRinte in reply to Number Day of Month. AAA 0.880 ITwentyfifth. the and. Australign Division has arranged the following signals by coloured rockets to ipdicate hosfile attack on various portions of their ling AAA RUSSELLS roP three white rockets AAA POPES Red white red AAA CULNNS Three green AAA COURTNEYS to D.p6 inclusivg wite red white 1.16 to B.s Ainclusive speen white freen ina LOTE PINE/three rea paA in each) case a pauds of ten seconds between rockets. (From) M.L.A.Divisign. 1030. 121. Oobos N0 37 SuR-SSStLO. for information and promulgation to all concerned. WGhn .0. Hay Valley, Anzac. Brisade pajor fth. Just.Inf. Bde. RIORSIII/25. 1658 JNt Noff Offers M. Time B0 The chore thay be forwarted as nw correced BAEALHNEMONMNMATSDMFRKNNLL Consor This line should be crased if not required.
TO. TON CNSNA LATRONON MESSAGES AND SIGNALSD Na. Of MosssSL Received Sent, or sent out JaC. PlANN t en ob Charges to collect Corrice bototon Handed in at ta Recotod TANSN AAt Ser no secks &oeddno Bu 1717 Jy 115026-x 12 OnOM A Sir MACRSTIME t e Wm MoBad-GI ABLl-FormCM
A Form. Army Form C. 2121. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Message Nor Charge This message is on a/c of: Reed. at Oce AfTenH Sirte HAEE Sen Dateff Lees 0 TSONAJTE TFTMAINP CMICL. 8 Dar Maso 150 T0 Batth TATESY BSSNE AAA B874 Swenty five Iam peadut a scout ort from Sourh side of Newbarys a 1730 He will procu up Aghyt yor bn TAAM &no Isubsictis ferney reen returning to kewhar at 1430 duutions to AAR investigate aotan faritor information refardy telephow were reportu personally to you on SNAAA I have given Im all neapary, instradion bearins ewere Se n rreport to you ths wenny with Sketch of sam 101 oc Subsection has ben worner 442 - 1 Aasitant 11000 The above may be forwarded as now corrected. 2) SRaun L CONN SontEAAUcaTIOlKnMAhored WICOANNNNNE This line should be crased if not required.
20) 42 9.E.120. RedgSTeS AAB)iSS7. Atn. (aust.) inf. Brigade, Hey Velley, anzac, Gallipoli Poninsula, RROMMrterS. 25th. November, 1915. N. 2 and a. Division. I have to report that the 0.C., No. 2 Subsection of the Defensive Line held by the Brigade under my Command has been sending out in day- light sall parties of trained scouts from BECKS BLUFT along the Dere (not marked on man) bearing EAST from BARRICARE and sbout 150 yards FrON BECKS BLUFF. on the 18th. instant they found a number of unburied bodies of English soldiers in the Dere referred to and state that there are also bodies in the water courses off this Dere in the direction of the Groyt Turkish Frenches. The scouts estimate that altogether there are about 150 bodies, and that they are lying facing the Turkish trenches mostly in groups of seven or eight, the bodies are those of troops which 1tis thought belonged to 13th. Division, King's onn, East Lancashire Past Hampshire; on some of the corpses were found HERTS badges. smongst the dead was an English officer on whose body a diary was found. This diary has the namey. K. B. LEVIS, GTH. R. L. MPLES written on inside of cover and is forwarded herewith. the sconts recovered the following, viz. :- 2 S. N. L. J. Rifles 1 Machine Gun Lock 6000 rounds S.A.A., Mark VI 2 Bombs 4 Mary (J. A. B. Levis, sth. R. I. R.)
121 3 7 paybooks belonging to :- Ne. 10893 Private Long J., Royal Warvicks Regt. Ford T. cth. South Lancashires No. 13149 Banks E. 6th. No. 15646 Wildsmith W. 6th. South Lancashires No. Collins E. K. sth. Worcesters No. 18851 . No. 18893 . 8tho Adsms J. Bowers J.. R. L. Rifles. No. 11583 1. 5 Identity Dises belonging to :- Roval Engineers No. 47403 Private Day R. No. 13168 (. Savill Worcester Regt. .0 No. 15186 . Phillips No. 11150—. Pers R. R. I. Rifles Nx. and. Lient. J. K. B. Levis, R. j. Rifles. the amaunition and hombs have been taken to account and Divisional Wl Regeten Mas VeH SnS. the two rifles and machine sun lock, are held for use here. the diary, paybooks, and identity dises are forwarded herewith. Dhnhonsh SON commanding 4th. (Anst.) Infantry Brigade. 3 o
TO PON CMSS A For SRA MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Mesage. CASWSE Office Stamp £1 C.D 16th Rondedt 3 The TAKSSRANNE LUNSWNSSNE 76 AA 14 24 24 1719 Canfeted 311 Lwith Fron PLAORST 575 1678. 50,00 Lads -11L. P.T. & Co. Ltd—Forms O212s. ASYFTN tio o VIX
2 Por Kn ROTC.NA MESSAGES AND SIGNALS JMe Word/ Charge rocd. at Office of Oristy and Service Instructions. This message is on ale of: 1atl Service foro Hect 15 48I LIStoMATO OITFTMAIOS MRAOTY/BI 4th Brigade & N.2 Sut- Section D MCONGHM AAA 25302 29 Dispositions night 22/26 November Listening ports to youls in front of NEI ROST aaa 1800 to 0530 Gaa 2. Sank- cutters in port of 20 1. Poxt 2000 tell 2400 X aae 3 Patrols 1NCH X4 men leave N1 Post at 1800 and 0330, patrol AGHYE DERE and return by different route to same post at 2200 and asoo respetively H.O 12t Pon infincted this part up to beser FOM Lanly Dunant Post EMC M 2530 144½ The above may be forwarded as now corpected X1 ar13 < came <q<ee a <ero fo a This line should be crased if not required. s S.B. LA. WI. WISISBI-S,000. 9/1L. Forms CRTO. Captsadyt CopY No.1 SECRET 305 6eA To, 5o.c.; 55 4th Brigade Dispositions No. 1 sub-section - Night 25th/26th November, 1915. INFORMATION (1) (a) No. 2 sub-section. Patrel 1 N.C.OL and 6 men leaves No. 5 Post at 1730 proceeding up LITTLE DERE to a spot 40 yds in advance of a line from FRANKLINS to SECKS. Returns at 0530. (11) Patrol 1 N.C.0. and 3 pen leaves NENDURYS at 1730 moving on a bearing of 135 degrees about 50 yds in advance of our trenches, Returns at 0530. (111) Engineers party of three men in Front of Nos. 2 and 3 Posts from 1850 to 2230. Patrol to their (o) Canterbury pn. Front 0100 to 0430. (o) Password -ROBERTS. (a) Listening posts 25 pds in INTENTION. (2) Front of no. 1 Post. serub cutting parties are can- celled. Patrols 1 N.C.Os and 4 men (13th sn), leave No.1 Post at 1800 and 0330, patrol AGALL DERE and return by different route to the same post at 2200 and 0500 respectively. Bajor Aesbenfista settalion. Issued at 1645. Bde Agrs. Copy No. 1 Canterbury pn. O. C. No.2 Sub-sec. O. C. No. 1 Post 5. 0.C. No.2 Post O.C No.3 Post (14th pn). O.C., N.L.Engrs. Mr 8. File.
an 55 ed M E Sep Section ACHYL DERE 31029 15 ISOCD 1339 45 [Repabone of MJ Sea SecTian 25 26 A✓/15 nght CFaRMaTian O LSTCNINR PATPAL. (A.) A listening pratro of (M Cenery will Care 103 o 1730 proceeding up LVTLC DERE to a 2por40105 in soverC q upaquary liue drawn from Fnt n tr Pocks for the ess of posering any engey enordinent. re will return at 2530 L5TEvena PoTP0 E I pstening papol of NCH. Pixcn will leave NEWOCXEYS as 1730 preceedting on a bearing of 1354 abou saga in actrange o pen trenghes, for the purpose of observing They will return at 2030 Et9 Layins NEw FIREUNE. a enquiress party of 3uay well to out in part of trenches of No 273 th from 1830 to 2230 f a
Dr For Army Form C. 2121. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. N0 of Meanoo Charge This message is on a/c of Offce of Origin and Serrice Instructions S evice concuined 2 (Signature of Franting Officer7 - T0 Htte Tuf Aust 4th MMAMont Loreay toRi Patto R AAA 25th 6 BM 25/264 is Password for night ROBERTS. Heed o A0 Jon 172 H tay ths 25HN Bde XX N2 Tuf Place 1613 Time The ats may to sonreit as nw areatd 12) Asalconig mm Arature of Addrenor or person auchorteed to tolegraptt in Me mame. Connor This line should be erased il not required seens (0880) -MCC. & Ca Lad, London— W 1414261l. 22,600 41s. Forms O2121/10

Lord Kitchener has desired me to convey to the Australian and New
Zealand Army Corps a message with which he was specially entrusted
by the King to bring to our Army Corps.
"His Majesty commanded Lord Kitchener to express his high
appreciation of the gallant and unflinching conduct of our men
through fighting which has been as hard as any yet seen during the
war, and His Majesty wishes to express hi complete confidence in
the determination and fighting qualities of our men to assist in 
carrying this war to an entirely successfull termination".
"Lord Kitchener has ordered me to express to all the very great
pleasure it gave him to have the opportunity, which he considers a
privilege, of visiting "ANZAC", to see for himself some of the
wonderfully good work which has been done by the officers and men
of our Army Corps, as it was not until he had himself seen the
positions we had captured and held, that he was able fully to
realise the magnitude of the work which has been accomplished.
Lord Kitchener much regretted that time did not permit of his seeing
the whole Corps, but he was very pleased to a considerable
proportion of officers and men, and to find all in such good heart
and so confidently imbued with that grand spirit, which has carried
them through all their trials and many dangerous feats of arms - 
a spirit which he is quite confident they will maintain to the end.
until they have taken their full share in completely over-throwing
our enemies".
Boys; We may all well be proud to receive such messages
and it is up to all of us to live up to them and prove their truth.


C. Form. (Original)               Army Form C. 2123. 
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.   No. of Message... 

Prefix      SM      Code      KHq      Words      89 
Charges to collect  £   s.    d.
Service Instructions.
From NZ                      
 Sent, or sent out
At NOV 25 1915 m.
To 4th Infantry Brigade
Office Stamp.
Handed in at NZ Office ....... m.  Received 1047m.
TO 4th  A I Bde. 
*Sender's Number       Day of Month        In reply to Number         AAA 
       G 890                               25th                              - 
The 2 Aust Division has
arranged the following signals by
coloured rockets to indicate hostile
attack on various portions of their
line aaa Russells Top three white
rockets aaa Popes Red white Red
aaa Quinns Three green aaa
Courteneys to D16 inclusive white
Red white D16 to B8 Inclusive
green white green aaa Lone Pine three
Red aaa In each case a pause
of ten second between Rockets

* This line should be erased if not required.
W2384-583. 20,000 Pads - 8/14. S.B. Ltd.-Forms/C2123.

"A" Form.
Army Form C. 2121
No. of Message P.

Prefix 4ab1340.  Code ...... m.
Office of Origin and Service Instructions.
Words  Charge
This message is on a/c of:
(Signature of "Franking Officer.")
Recd. at................m.
From 62
TO xxxxx. 4th. Australian Infantry Brigade.
* Sender's Number.
Day of Month.
In reply to Number.
The 2nd. Australian Division has arranged the following
signals by coloured rockets to indicate hostile attack
on various portions of their line AAA RUSSELLS TOP
three white rockets AAA POPES Red white red AAA QUINNS
Three green AAA COURTNEYS to D.16 inclusive white red
white D.16 to B.8 inclusive green white green AAA
LONE PINE three red AAA In each case a pause of ten
seconds between rockets.

(From) N.Z.A.Division. 1030.
O.C., 1)√
No. 2)√ Sub-section,
for information and promulgation
to all concerned.
J P Mc Glinn Lt.-Col.
Brigade Major 4th. Aust. Inf. Bde.
Hay Valley, Anzac.
From 25/11/15                             1600.
Place JM
Time BO
Staff Officers  W.J.M.F
The above may be forwarded as now corrected.
Signature of Addressor or person authorized to telegraph in his name.
* This line should be erased if not required.


C. Form. (Original)               Army Form C. 2123. 
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. 5  No. of Message... 
Prefix      SM      Code      KHq      Words      82 
Charges to collect  £   s.    d.
Service Instructions.
From NZ
Sent, or sent out

At ................................m
To NOV 25 1915 m.
 By Infantry Brigade
Office Stamp.
Handed in at NZ Office ....... m.  Received 1103m.
TO 4th  A I Bde. 
*Sender's Number       Day of Month        In reply to Number         AAA 
       G 891                               25th                                ------- 
In continuation G881 aaa Should
any specially good target present
itself or should any considerable
working party be seen working
too openly fire may be opened
but the object should be to
avoid firing if possible aaa Troops
are to be instructed to Keep
under cover as much as possible
particularly from aircraft &
should not expose Blankets &
other conspicuous objects
To Sub Sections
& All Bns
Bn 1717/1150  25.XI.15
* This line should be erased if not required.
W2384-583. 20,000 Pads - 8/14. S.B. Ltd.-Forms/C2123.


"A" Form.

Army Form C. 2121

25 XI/15
TO Bde Major
4th Bde HQ.
* Sender's Number.
Day of Month.
In reply to Number.
I am sending out a scout from
South side of Newburys at 1130
He will proceed up Aghyl Dere
between the FARM & No 1 Subsection
firing line returning to Newburys
at 1430 AAA. Intentions to
investigate & obtain further information
regarding telephone wire reported
personally to you on 21st inst AAA
I have given him all necessary
instructions & bearings & will
send in report to you
this morning with sketch of same
OC No 1 Subsection has been 
warned  W.J.M.L.
Place Adjutant
Time 1100
The above may be forwarded as now corrected.
(Z) P R Paulli
Signature of Addressor or person authorized to telegraph in his name.
* This line should be erased if not required.


4th. (Aust.) Inf. Brigade,
Hay Valley, Anzac
Gallipoli Peninsula,
25th. November, 1915.
N.Z. and A. Division.
I have to report that the O.C., No. 2 Subsection of the Defensive
Line held by the Brigade under my Command has been sending out in
daylight small parties of trained scouts from BECKS BLUFF along the Dere
(not marked on map) bearing EAST from BARRICADE and about 150 yards
On the 19th. instant they found a number of unburied bodies of
English soldiers in the Dere referred to and state that there are also
bodies in the water courses off this Dere in the direction of the "Grey"
Turkish Trenches.
The scouts estimate that altogether there are about 150 bodies,
and that they are lying facing the Turkish trenches mostly in groups
of seven or eight. The bodies are those of troops which it is thought
belonged to 13th. Division, King's own, East Lancashire; East Hampshire;
on some of the corpses were found "HERTS" badges.
Amongst the dead was an English Officer on whose body a diary
was found. This diary has the name J.H.B. LEVIS, 6TH. R.I.RIFLES"
written on inside of cover and is forwarded herewith.
The scouts recovered the following, viz. :-
2 S.M.L.E. Rifles
1 Machine Gun Lock
6000 rounds S.A.A., Mark VI
2 Bombs
1 Diary (J.H.B.Levis, 6th. R.I.R.)



22  43
7 paybooks belonging to :-
No. 10992 Private Long J., Royal Warwicks Regt.
No. 13149        "       Ford. T. 6th. South Lancashires
No. 15646       "       Banks E. 6th.    "            "
No.                   "       Wildsmith. W, 6th. South Lancashires
No. 19651         "       Collins E.H. 9th. Worcesters
No. 18693        "       Adams J.      9th.        "
No. 11583         "       Bowers J.,R.I. Rifles.
5 Identity Discs belonging to ;-
No. 47403 Private Day R.      Royal Engineers
No. 13168         "       Savill        Worcester Regt.
No. 15196         "       Phillips           "               "
No. 11150         "       Pews R.     R.I. Rifles.
xx 2nd. Lieut. J.H.B. Levis, R.I. Rifles
The ammunition and bombs have been taken to account and Divisional
Headquarters has been advised.
The two rifles and machine gun lock are held for use here.
The diary, paybooks, and identity discs are forwarded herewith.
John Monash Brig.-General,
Commanding 4th. (Aust.) Infantry Brigade.
[*Journal No.2
Folio 42*]


C. Form. (Duplicate)               Army Form C. 2123. 
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.  No. of Message... 
SM  CQ  16th BAG 
Charges to collect  £   s.    d.
Office Stamp.
TO Bde MJ 4th Bde. 
*Sender's Number       Day of Month        In reply to Number         AAA 
       GE 149                              20th                        BM 1719

B O. 311  para 1. complied
FROM C/o 16th Btn
PLACE & TIME 1575.
(6900) W.9668-1672. 50,000 Pads - 12/14. F.T. & Co., Ltd.-forms/C.2123.


"A" Form.
Army Form C. 2121

Office of Origin and Service Instructions.
Recd 1515

TO 4th Brigade & No2 Sub-Section
Sender's Number
Day of Month.
In reply to Number.
Dispositions night 25/26 November
1. Listening posts 25 yards in front of
No 1 POST aaa 1800 to 0530 aaa
2. Sent cutters in front of no 1. Post 2000
till 2400 aaa

[*Diagram as per original*]
3. Patrols 1 NCO x 4 men leave No 1 Post
at 1800 and 0330, patrol AGHYL

DERE and return by different route
to same post at 2200 and 0500
[*Diagram as per original*]
13th Bn informed
this party was to be sent
out tonight
D G Marks
Capt & Adjt

Q.A. 505. SECRET Copy No. 1
Recd 1750
To, G.O.C.,
4th Brigade.
Dispositions No. 1 sub-section - Night 25th/26th
November, 1915.
INFORMATION (1) (a) No. 2 Sub-section.
(i) Patrol 1 N.C.O and 6 men leaves No. 3 Post
at 1730 proceeding up LITTLE DERE to a spot 40 yds
in advance of a line from FRANKLINS to BECKS.
Returns at 0530.
(ii) Patrol 1 N.C.O. and 3 men leaves
NEWBURYS at 1730 moving on a bearing of 135 degrees
about 50 yds in advance of our trenches. Returns
at 0530.
(iii) Engineers party of three men in
front of Nos. 2 and 3 Posts from 1830 to 2230.
(b) Canterbury Bn. Patrol to their
front 0100 to 0430.
(c) Password - ROBERTS.
INTENTION. (2) (a) Listening posts 25 yds in
front of No. 1 Post.
(b) Scrub cutting parties are cancelled.
(c) Patrols 1 N.C.O. and 4 men
(13th Bn). leave No.1 Post at 1800 and 0330, patrol
AGHYL DERE and return by different route to the
same post at 2200 and 0500 respectively.

[[??]] Capt Major.
A/Adjutant, C.O. 13th Battalion.
Issued at 1645.

Copy No 1 Bde Hqrs.
2 Canterbury Bn.
3 O.C. No. 2 Sub-sec.
4. O.C. No. 1 Post
5. O.C. No 2 Post
6. O.C. No 3 Post (14th Bn).
7. O.C., N.Z. Engrs.
8. File.



1340 25/11/15

16TH BN  ISSUED 1330
Disposition of No 2. SUB SECTION for
night 25-26 NOV 15
A listening patrol of 1 NCO. 6 men
will leave No 3 Post at 1730 proceeding
up LITTLE DERE to a spot 40 YDS
IN ADVANCE of imaginary line drawn
from FRANKLINS to BECKS. For the
purpose of observing any enemy
They will return at 0530.
3 reliefs*]
A listening patrol of 1 NCO + 3 men
will leave NEWBERRYS at 1730
proceeding on a bearing of 135°n
about 50 YDS in advance of our
trenches, for the purpose of observing.
They will return at 0530
An engineers party of 3 men will be
out in front of trenches of No 27 3 Post
from 1830 to 2230

E L Margolin Major
O.C. NZ Sub Sec.


"A" Form.  Army Form C.2121


TO 4th Aust Inf Bde
Sender's Number.
BM 765
Day of Month
Password for night 25/26th is
Recd 1640
No 1 SS} Bm 1721
No2 SS} [[?]] 1640

From NZ  Inf  Bde
Time 1615
AS Macconel

Last edited by:
Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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Last updated: