Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 10, 18 November - 25 November 1915, Part 11

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
Open to contributions
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Eventomes Stone 6 requested in l Parahsubf 3 o 4 SAB Mar6 187766 Rts Ammunition - NG terui Brmbs 100 oncuon H.C 436 260 encket fai 721 pausing 4 Verry Btol 122 castudges Ham gares 146 Buscopes 8 Sanition Stcks matches 24 with Silences Rilles 11
24/12/15. Extracts from Army Fist September 1915 509-2657d McCay Index: 509- 2658V chanwvel 506- 2658. Monash 50 a-170, 1073,2522,2658 a. McLagan not in Holmes 49 2658✓ Russel 28 1414 26586 Tolmston 30172541 Chaytor 26588 50 a- Hughes 2658 502 koe Col. Col E.W.C. Chaytor 16 Oct. 14 A.A.G- Conmands & Staff: - 38. as Bgde Conn - Maj (Temp R.G. F. E Toluntr1 Sep 14 19as Col [Tamp A. CA.H. Russell) 16 oct 14 se McCay 50½ Hughes Chainvel &nodates Monach Linclai Maclagan Kyrie -as office of Army on Actisshest Maclaga 170 3/6/15 as Coldel temp. Mig. Sent) 3/6/15 bot Col. (Repiental d 1073 lin) 16/2/11 1414 Johnston, (an Mayo-temp BryLet) 20/1/11 2522 Maclagon a R.M. C. Anst. 15 Aug. 14 M. Cay. 2659d. 17 Oct 14 2658 Hughes 10 Dec 14 chanvel 15 Sept 19 Monach 16001 14 Rusat 19S4 14 Kysie 15 Aug 14 Maclagan 2658. a 1 Sep 14 Tohnson 2658C
24/15 Extract taken from notebook - G.H.B. Levis. Royal Irish Rifles Order of march H.R.J. Kents at 7.30 - we follow A. Company-2 platoons in rear. Nopacks -naversacks, Water Bottles & ammunition. No pring or words of command. No operation order, only a movement on a compass bearingto a bushy umbrell a tree at the side of the lake. Shenon 47 to a telegraph post & then deploy into 2 Btrs 1st Line, in line Of 2 Platoons. Deployment on bearing 3170 and continue on bearing of 470 to hill where orations end Ferthen Notes When we get where we have to occupy evenyone is to dig in but we may be ordered to entrench. Neighbouring Units Cas- walties. KN.M. A Sentery in every trench-Dead to be collected Orderly to live at H.Q.- Ends
S88 AABISSS Als0 Jound 80110 28. Headquarters Atn. Australian Infentry Brigate, AAB/SSS. Hay Valley, Anzac, Arny Corps Ga.275. Gallipoli Peninsula, 20 24th. November, 18154. Headquarters, N. 2. and A. Division. Noted and returned. Grateful for action taken upon my AAB/SSS of 12/11/15. For several days past there has been an almost entire absence of these overs' from the direction of Walkers Ridge - intil last evening, men the evil- recurred for several hours to a worse degree than usual. M BriS.-General, Commanding 4th. Australian Infantry Brigade.
JO POM OMN MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. CAO 739 on lan Gate agowarde LMM Handed in at MISSSSSE Tte FSSNN 0 PRON PLACEA TIHS 18000) W.8888 - 1612. 50,000 Pads 1214. P.T. & Co. Ltd-Forms,2128. SRonDRE Root Monn Donice Stamp m AAA r
14. FO SASNEEN 00. C MESSAGES AND SIANALSUSL AMnd Proa o o Cnarn OedOMSE Aetreehsnatone Reed at Mio mecond t oo Red 482 SECREY J Dispositionardo.I sub-pection MsJooplt 18542 r NOvCMPEEY MMMTTIOT- TIAIV OMCYIPP TNFORNATTON (1) (a) No/2 Sub-section. (I) Patrol three men PECKS BLUFT TO CREEN (KNOLL 1830 to 2030. PatroceAt Dea de east and returning at 2930. AAA TO to) Paserord to be notified later. INTENTTON (2) (e) scruo cutting and listening pests in front of No.1 Post 1800 to 0530, (0) Patrols. (1) An Officers patrol will leave Noot Post 4t dusk and take up a position where track from EARn meets AGKYL DERE with the object of intercepting Turkish patrol. Notification will be sent when this patrot returns. Subject to the return of the (12) above patrol a 14th sn. patrol of 1 N.C.D. and 5 pen will leave CONNORS TUNNEL at 0100 returning &10 718ht of N00p Post at 0300. or Capt. Wadjutant, Isth Sattalion. Tesued at 1580. Copy No. 1 Bde. Headquarters 2 Canterbury pn. 5 O.C. No.3 Sub-section to6.00 Noot Posts From S. O.C. No.2 Post Place 8 O.C. No. 3 Post (AAth (Bn). Time , O.C., N.2.Engrs. The above My be Corerded as ned srratt 15. 2 NN 1616 Cmor rad CIHnO MANANON W IAM. WNO VIE This line should be crased Hf not required. , T S MI SECRET. CODY NO. e Co0 1715 804. 486. AKENDED DISPOSITIONS No. 1 Sub-section —Night 24th/25th November, 1815. INFORNATION (1) (a) No. 2 Sub-section. Patrol three men SECKS BLUFF to GREEN KNOLL 1830 to 2100 and 0300 to 0400. (11) Patrol of 1 N.C.O. and 3 men will Leave sarricade at 1830 proceeding 260 yds. along AGAYL DERE and returning at 2030 reporting on return to O.C. No.2 Post. (vo sut seaton (o) Caateroury sn. Patrol to their front 0100 to 0450. (c) Password to be notified later. INTENTION (2) Sorub cutting and listening posts in front of No. 1 Post 1800 to 0530. (o) Patrols. (1) An Officers patrol will leave No. 1 Post at dusk and take up a position where track from FaRn meets AGHYL DERE wath the object of intercepting Turkish patrol. Notification will be sent when this patrol returns. (11) subject to the return of the above patrol a 14th sn. patrol of 1 N.C.O. and 3 men will leave CONNORS TUNNEL at O100 returning via right of No.2 Post at 0300. Mlark Capt. NAdjutant, 13th sattalion. Issued at 1700. sde hars. Copy No.1 Canterbury Bn. O.C. No. 2 Sub-section O.C. No.1 Post 0.C. No.2 Post O.C. No.3 Post (14th pn). O.C., N.L.Engrs. Pile.
124 No2 Se Sectur 0 W ISSOCONBee AGHYL DERE 18 CAL Aman 15 Dispositions Na2Sve Secud for or Nov 24 -25 Nav 15 At patrol of 3 ien will leave IAEARNATIAN Bocks Bluk at 1530 and PATROLS NI 6200 going in direction of CREEN KNALL & returning at 2190 & anxo respectively, for the purpose of Eislening obserning eneunps morments. ((A patiol of 1NCOT 3men will leave BrsaCADS at 1839 preceeding along AGAYL DERE N2- 222 due EAST T returning at 2030 reporting on return to OC. No L25t 2/1 X 162 Bot HBDE Na1 So Sectian M A 4a1 MIXFI4 Sck Wo.1 1223A Mr 24 ARHYL DERE M In pad 1524 Re 1115 146 pport StVp 10.4 24 N t 4.tp01 2045 INCAKWST 29 SatoTre (Spet) F 242 29 rd Np poet Bp. 711pHenan pll lep BraxiCap at (1592 psiding along HAnyL Derg toabou $232 EO MASDS T Iclrming 2 oting t N2BS) 4 ABOE 430 430 NIS eat ts
A0. To Wo 2S Section ACNYL DERE 1274 175 EMI 25/1/1 Ba Daily Suping disposition Smpers take up then ponitions daily between the hours of A809 F 1700 on forward slopes of NEWOERRYS T BOCKS From tomorrow a supers position will be, out from FRANKLINS in a direction about 72725 towards Becks CO Was doo Section BOL. AWE. 4 Bo
LA TNSIR OTON CAS No. of Mossage MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. Oaco Bamr Sent, or sent out Received M p Battat Charges to collect Service Instructions an 110 sac Handed in at TWSYWSNSNNN DATAKON JASNSNNE AAA MA Passuford fro Tnom de n38 RtEATE Thte ths Mont b Cnd HAtt Ma WM MORd SIL. ARLl-FormaCHE

[*map attached
no with Bn 24/11/15*]
Inventories for Stores
etc as requested in
RO302 Para SubS .J.
13th Bn                       [*18*]
Ammunition SAA Mark 6               157769 Rds
          " M9          "         "                      81750     "
Bombs   xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Friction H.E.                       103   }
Cricket Ball                         436  }   1260
Jam Tins                              721  } ✓
Verry Pistol                              4    ✓
   "       Cartridges                122     ✓
Hand Flares                        146    ✓
Periscopes                            28   ✓
Ignition Sticks                      80  ✓
Matches                                 24  ✓
Rifles with Silencers            11   ✓



Extracts from Army List
of September 1915 
Indesx :-  McCay    50a✓ - 2657 d  ✓
                  Chauvel    50a - 2658 ✓
                  Monash  50a - 2658 ✓
                  McLayan  50a - 170✓,  1073✓, 2552✓, 2658 a✓
                  Holmes  _________________  not in
                  Russel      49 ✓-2658✓
                  Johnston   48 ✓- 1414 ✓ - 2658 c
                  Clayton     38✓ - 2541
                  Hughes   50a✓ - 2658 ✓
                  Ryrie  50a✓ - 2658✓ __________________________________________________________

Commands & Staff :-Col.  38 as  A.A.G - Col. E.W.C. Clayton 16 Oct. 14
48 as Bgde Com - Maj (Temp B.G|F.E Johston) 1 Sep 14
49           "                - Col (Temp A.G.|A.H. Russell) 16 Oct 14
50-a         "                  McCay                                }
                 "                  Hughes                             }
                 "                  Chauvel                            }
                 "                  Monash                             }  no dates
                 "                  Sinclair Maclayan          }
                 "                  Ryrie                                  }

    170 Maclayan - as Officer of Army on Active List
                                (as Colonel temp. Brig. Genl)      3/6/15

     1073      do   -    [[?]] Col. (Regimental list)         3/6/15
     1414  Johnston, (as Major - Temp Brig Gen)   16/2/11

     2522  Maclagan - as R.M.C. Austr.                      20/1/11

                             26587d.      McCay               15 Aug. 14
                             2658         Hughes               17 Oct 14
                                  "           Chauvel              10 Dec 14
                                  "           Monash               15 Sept 14
                                  "            Russel                 16 Oct 14
                                  "            Ryrie                    19 Sep 14
                          2658 a         Maclayan          15 Aug 14
                          2658 c          Johnston           1 Sep 14       


Extract taken from notebook - G.H.B. Levis.
Royal Irish Rifles :-
Order of march H.R.L.
[*?*]ants at 7.30 - we follow A Company - 2 platoons
in rear.  No packs - haversacks, Water Bottles &
ammunition.  No firing or words of command.
No operation order, only a movement on a
compass bearing to a bushy umbrella tree at
the side of the lake.  Then on 47o to a telegraph
post & then deploy into 2 Btns 1st Line, in line
of 1/2 Platoons.  Deployment on bearing 317o and
continue on bearing of 47o to hill where
operations end.
- Further Notes -
When we get where we have to occupy everyone is to dig in
but we may be ordered to entrench.  Neighbouring Units Cas-
ualties. K.W.M.  A Sentry in every trench - Dead to be collected.
Orderly to live at H.Q. - Ends -


          [*page contains a diagram*]


See 4AB/855 also
Journal on Folio 28.
Headquarters, [*41*]
4th. Australian Infantry Brigade,
Hay Valley, Anzac,
Gallipoli Peninsula
24th. November, 1915 [*20*]
Army Corps Ga.275.
N.Z. and A. Division.
                                       Noted and returned.
Grateful for action taken upon my 4AB/855 of 12/11/15.  For several
days past there has been an almost entire absence of these "overs" from
the direction of Walkers Ridge - until last evening, when the evil
recurred for several hours to a worse degree than usual.
Commanding 4th. Australian Infantry Brigade





"C" Form (Original)                                    Army Form C.2123
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.                      No. of Message ...........
From  JM     Code...........................  Works...............
Charges to collect      £     s.     d.   4  a B

Received  From .....13th......    By..... RG

Sent or sent out  [*Stamp AUSTRALIAN IMPERIAL FORCE NOV 24 1915 4th Infantry Brigade*] [*55*] To..............  By...........
Office Stamp  24 11 15
Handed in at............................ Office ..................m. Received....11 12 .... m.
TO  BM   4th Bde
*Senders Number 1    Day of Month  24th    In Reply to Number    AAA
have any hurricane lamps
been issued to the brigade
for windy purposes and if so
would you please inform us how
they are allotted aaa
FROM    O/C   Engrs Durrant
PLACE & TIME      1410
*This line should be erased if not required



"A" Form                                    Army Form C.2121
[*O.C.*] MESSAGES AND SIGNALS           No. of Message .............
Prefix...... Code....... m. [*4th Brigade*]  Words    Charge 1.
Office of Origin and Service Instructions.

Dispositions No.1 Sub-section - Night 24th/25th
November, 1915.

At................. m.
This message is on a/c of:
.......................... Service
(Signature of "Franking Officer.")
Recd. at ............................m.
Date  Copy No. 1

4th*] [*4aB/1327*][*49]
TO : INFORMATION (1) (a) No. 2 Sub-section.
(i) patrol three men BECKS BLUFF to GREEN
KNOLL 1830 to 2030.
*Senders number (ii) Patrol proceeding along AGHYL DERE due
east and returning at 2020.                                                           AAA
(b) Password to be notified later.
INTENTION  (2) (a) Scrub cutting and listening
posts in front of No.1 Post 1800 to 0530.
(b) Patrols. (i) An Officers
patrol will leave No. 1 Post at dusk and take up
a position where track from FARM meets AGHYL DERE
with the object of intercepting Turkish patrol.
Notification will be sent when this patrol
(ii) Subject to the return of the
above patrol a 14th Bn. patrol of 1 N.C.O. and
3 men will leave CONNORS TUNNEL at 0100 returning
via right of No.2 Post at 0300.
[signature DW Larky] Capt.
A/Adjutant, 13th Battalion.
Issued at 1550.
Copy No. 1 Bde. Headquarters
                  2 Canterbury Bn.
                  3 O.C. No.2 Sub-section
                  4. O.C. No. 1 Post
                  5. O.C. No. 2 Post
                  6 O.C. No. 3 Post (14th Bn).
                  7 O.C., N.Z.Engrs.
                  8. File
The above may be forwarded as now corrected (Z)   Red 1610
Signature of Addressor or persons authorised to telegraph in his place
*This line should be erased if not required.



SECRET.                                                                        Copy No. 1
Q.A. 496.           [*G.O.C 4th Bde*] [*Bde 1715*]  [*48*]
AMENDED DISPOSITIONS No. 1 Sub-section - Night
24th/25th November, 1915.
INFORMATION (1) (a) No. 2 Sub-section.
(i) Patrol three men BECKS BLUFF to
GREEN KNOLL 1830 to 2100 and 0200 to 0400.
(ii) Patrol of 1 N.C.O. and 3 men will
leave Barricade at 1830 proceeding 250 yds. along
AGHYL DERE and returning at 2030 reporting on
return to O.C. No.2 Post. [*NO.2 Sub-section*]
(b) Canterbury Bn.  Patrol to
their front 0100 to 0430.
(c) Password to be notified

INTENTION (2) (a) Scrub cutting and listening
posts in front of No. 1 Post 1800 to 0530.
(b) Patrols. (i) An Officers
patrol will leave No. 1 Post at dusk and take up
a position where track from FARM meets AGHYL
DERE with the object of intercepting Turkish
patrol. Notification will be sent when this
patrol returns.
(ii) Subject to the return of the
above patrol a 14th Bn. patrol of 1 N.C.O. and 3
men will leave CONNORS TUNNEL at 0100 returning
via right of No.2 Post at 0300.
[*signature DW Larky*] Capt.
A/Adjutant, 13th Battalion.
Issued at 1700.
Copy No. 1  Bde hqrs.
                  2 Canterbury Bn.

                  3 O.C. No.2 Sub-section
                  4 O.C. No. 1 Post
                  5. O.C. No. 2 Post
                  6. O.C. No. 3 Post (14th Bn).
                  7. O.C., N.Z.Engrs.
                  8. File.




OR.27                                                                                        No.2 Sub Section
16th BN   [*4aB 1323 1510*]        ISSUED AT 1500          AGHYL DERE
                                                                                            Nov. 24.15 [*47*]

[*Stamp AUSTRALIAN IMPERIAL FORCE NOV 24 1915 4th Infantry Brigade*]
Dispositions of No.2 SUB SECTION for night
NOV 24th - 25th NOV 15
INFORMATION  (i) A patrol of 3 men will leave
                                    BECKS BLUFF at 1830 and
PATROLS NO.1       0200 going in direction of
                                   GREEN KNOLL & returning at
                                   2100 & 0400 respectively, for
                                   the prupose of listening &
                                   observing enemys movements.
                                   (2) A patrol of  1 N.C.O. & 3 men
                                   will leave BARRICADE at 1830
PATROL NO.2         proceeding along AGHYL DERE
                                 due EAST & returning at 2030
                                 reporting on return to O.C. NO.2
To OC's
162 BDE
No.1 Sub Section


[*Signature D Margohn?*] Major C.O.

O.C. NZ sub-sec. 16th BN.


OR27 [*4aB 1323 1510*]
[*stamp  IMPERIAL FORCES NOV 24 1915 4th Infantry Brigade*]
16BN No2 SUB SECTION                                                                    
NOV 24 15 [*47*]
Disposition of No. 2 SUB SECTION for night
NOV 24TH- 25TH NOV 15
INFORMATION  (i) A patrol of 3 men will leave
                                    BECKS BLUFF at 1630 and
PATROLS NO.1       1200 going in direction of
                                    GREEN KNOLL & returning at
                                    2100 & 0400 respectively, for
                                    The purpose of listening &
                                    observing enemys movements.
                                    (2) A patrol of 1 NCO & 3 men 
                                     will leave BARRICADE at 1830
PATROL NO.2         proceeding along AGHYL DERE
                                  then EAST & returning at 2030
                                  reporting on return to OC No 2

162 BDE
NO.1. SUB SECTION  [*Signature D Margohn Majn CO*]
JM                                   O.C. NZ sub sec. 16THBN




[*Stamp AUSTRALIAN IMPERIAL FORCE NOV 24 1915 4th Infantry Brigade*]                     [*OR28*] [*4aB 1323]


Issued 1550               24.11.15   [*46*]
Disposition of No 2 SUB SECTION
night of 24-25 NOV


Cut out  "due EAST" & insert
for about 250 YARDS
A part of 1 N.C.O. & 3 men will
leave BARRICADE at 1530 proceeding
along AGHYL DERE for about
250 YARDS, & returning at 2030
reporting ON return to OC
No.2 POST.
To OCs   162 BDE                    
                    4 BDE
JM              No. 1 Sub Section 


[*signature*] A. adj 16 Bn

Read 1655 24 11 15



O.R.29  4aB 1279  [*Stamp AUSTRALIAN IMPERIAL FORCE Nov 24 1915 4th Infantry Brigade*]
No. 2 Sub Section
16th BN             1715                                     24/11/14



Daily Sniping disposition
Snipers take up their positions
daily between the hours of
0800 & 1700 in forward slopes
From tomorrow a snipers position
will be, out from FRANKLINS and
a direction about 12 yds towards
BDE MVR.  4 BN..
[*Signature?*] for CO  16BN


"C" Form (Original)                            Army Form C. 2123
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS               No. of Messages..........
Prefix  SB   Code  Ear    Words   13
Charges to collect   £  s.   d.   
Received   From....NZ....       By....Tgl.....

Service Instructions Recd 1713 24/XI/15

Sent, or sent out



Office Stamp. [*52*]

Handed in at............................ Office...................... m.  Received 1710 m.
TO : 4th A I Bde
*Senders Number Bn 151             Day of Month 24th      In Reply to Number     AAA
Password for tonight
O.C. No. 1 S S )    Bn 1710  2 Brig
  "      "     2  "   )    1715  24   XI  15
FROM   NZ Inf Bde
*This line should be erased if not required.


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