Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 10, 18 November - 25 November 1915, Part 8

First World War, 1914–18
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Ia Army Form C 2121. ES AND SIGNALS. Noa Men Charge This message is on a/e of is hasiaction bood t ummm So eervice 46 10 m Do 03 (Signature of Franking Oficer) T0 Hth Aust Iuf Bde MlISA SYANON Di W A Bl 715 21 st AAA Password for tonight GIPPSLAND Not Leetn [ An 1671 1440 W -4 M N Pron 2 Tuf Bde Place FO 1410. The otty new be sonered a now arreated (3 en Mas of 201 Or T SirnatuR AAATESe OPpron Authorised to Mad as Mna This tine should be crased i not turct-IMFANTRY BRIGADE (000) - MOC. &Co Lid, London - W1414204l. 22,,600. 415 Forms O2210
C. ToM DoStSn L AASO MESSAGES AND SIGNALS Na of Mossage— OaESt PaY. / OH StAm " " a Cg an 115 24 handed in at Racoa 14 SAMACSENNNN SAAORR SEOSGESNANS AAA 23A 167 Aa 470 scened ofar 50 Gurrcutz post 155 PLAORATMN WM MoPad 81. AB.Lld-FormyCMM TO.TOW IOAAS LATTONSN MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Monase Ofice Stamp Aecg sont or cot on Words pae 6h a woe /15 Corrce humotou Ren 1510 l Handed in at Hh Sety Dalor 7d& WWOSYWONENN JSSANRN SAOINON aaa 21st 1671 A2 119 tater word pass rad $602 Dub Vickow MACEATIMR TTSI W mo Pad-Gr AR Lld-Fomst
aenaanna . FOM Army Form C. 2121. MESSAGES AND SIGNAL B0. of Mae PCRL CdC m/ Wordo] ChaRSE end gats Tp MeF H OMAtO Thet NSAENASENIEHAME Date Service 1241 Fromoy 24 191 SEANEN Do to 468 n. emnor Frann /88 0 C.O.C. 4th pde 18 Dspositions No. I subssestion - Night pist /2and JR FStGH Wieny to Nine AAA No. E Sub-section, Patrol INFORNATION. (L) three mes pECKS ALUFF, to GREEN KNOLL 1850 to 2100. (o) Canterbury Sn. 82450 their (Front 2000 returning 2400. (o) Password - GIPPSLAND. INTEATYON Patrois (13tn an). Wiij Leave barricade at 2200 and 0300 returning viz right of No. 1 (Post at 2390 and 0430.) Patrols Will carry one verys Pistol (and 5 cartridges. If working parties are heard on HACKNEY WICK one vlye lignt Yhis will be a signal for Machine will be fired. Oun fire from Nos.) 2 and 5 Machine Guns, which will be kept trained on spot where fresh works are observed to be in (progress. Dtark Capt. Wadsutapt, I3tn en. Issued at 1550. Copy No. ode Agrs. cestooe PrON No. 2 Sub-sec. (16tn on.) C.C.) No. 1 Post Pace O.C. No. 2 Post Time ost The above may be forwarded as now correged. D.C., A.LuEngTS. EenAUanONAANOnCODEONNAMOILC Condo This line should be crased if not required. 2157/ 1 116e at o3 Sed Sectr 161 N024/1315 M TACHYL DERE Bect Carinr 21-111 Desportions Ah 2 Sutrection or. night 121 22 Ma 15 toation of Deten will JMEARMAIEN lean Becks Coge at 1830 going in direction of CRCEH KValL and returning at 2100, for the purpose of listening + obserning encump increments. 70 B0E W2 BDE No 1SUO SECIIAN
R 100 C.O.C. 4th Austi Suf Bde 2/1/15 LaLAlanRLEEAERLEELAINE. J Copy No. 9. renone al Belence in ence ef Mtack SESRAL. The line held by the Nev Lealand Infantry Brigade rune from the left of the 3rd Lisht Herse Brigade (on our right) RAST along KRCDODERDROR SPUR, round the AFEK and thence NORTH UEST along UPPER CRESRIRE RIBGS where 1t Joine the risht of 5th Anstralian infantry Brigade. The line to divided for purposes of defence into the fellesing subsections :- r0. CANTEASURY ALOPE. No. 2 The ArEL. Ne. I UPrEN CAS MISL of the sbeve the second is of the greatest impertance, as a suecessful attaes by the enemy weald force us to reatjust our Line further back on lewer ground, the CRREEIRE RiDGt would be turned and a valuable point of vantage leat. 14 is at the same time the rest exposed to suddes attack oving to the prexinity of the eneays advanced works, the Righer ground to its innediate frent, and to the fact that converging fire can be treught to bear on 1t. 1t 1s therefore necessary to tase special precautions for its defance and recapture if tenperarily leat. The treeps available for the defence of the whele pesition censist of Lreaps AIALL M. S. Infantry Brigate, 2ad Bisld Cey. D.S.k.. 1 Meld Treep F.2.S.. 1 fecties reuntain Battery. in addition : 7th Battery 18 prs., 1 Section lat Battery 18 pars., and one section 4.5 Novitsers have been detailed for the Artillery defence of the pesition. &c. 1 Tubsection; suekland Pattalion. AMCMEMT No. 2 Fellington Battalien. RLLMSEE. No. , Canterbury Battalien. Brissds reserve (1) ctage Battalien. (11) 2nd Miold Cey. P.L.k. C. C. Battaliens vill paintats the lines now held at all ceate using leeal reserves either for feeding the firing lise or for couster attsex as required. should the line be penctrated by the enoxy juxediate counter attack is to be made to recestablish it. J. The forvard Artillery Observing Officer in the ArEI vill report by telephene to Brigade Leadquarters. (111). Brigade reserve 1- Liase Eattalian vill fore up in the CHAILAK just above read leading to DURRANTS FOST,KEAR Battalion Feadquarters and arsit erders. 2nd Hald Enanany and was from Battaliens verking under the S.S.X. in tunnelling vill 1f not actuelly ex shift in the trenches or tunnels, Torn up at the Prigate Duay, and avait erdere. These on shift in the tunnels and trenches vi Join the firing line and act underthe senter Officer or F.C.C. present on the apot.
12) The Brigade Beadquarters details vill (1v) parsde at Brigade Readquarters under the Sealer N.C.C. present. The arrival of units and details of the Brigade Recerve at their stations vill be imediately reported to Brigade Headquarters by the senter officer with the unit or party. The Frigade Fecerve vill be under the direct erdere of the Brigedier for use as occasios denande. Founded are to be reweved from the trenches as quickly Mblio as possible. They will be evacuated vta the CRAILAK DRNE after treatment, On ne account 4 any officer or pan to wounnan. accompeny any wounded Officer or man. This duty te to be laft to atratcher bearere enly. PolrES Pers. Felice Posts vill be established in the CREILAE DERY Just above the road 73 Poit, and one on the unper reat seneing to DUAATS POST. They vill be respensible for directing all reinfersevents, stragglers and details to the fighting line and vill prevent any san,other than wounded and despatch bearers, meving down the BaRk. any attary vill prebably be sudden. Should Commanding Acrion 70 Ma Offieers be satisfied that an attack has connenced or is Tan on isxisent, they vill take insediate steps to earry out the AbOUk. above instructions without avaiting erdere froe Brigade Readquarters. comienrior. Every offert sust be made to naintsin telephene lines intact. Tolephene commnication, hewever, must be supple- nented by erderlies and all messages of Impertance sent by more than one meane of comnunication. All reports vill be oont to the present Briands LandinartarE. Mrlsen. These instructions are issued in erder That there may be ne doubt as to what action is to be taken should any emergency cecur, or sudden attack take place on the whole or any pertion of the line held by the R.L. Infantry Brigads. They vill be communicated to all offieers(enly) and are not to be cepied. They are franed for the present distribution of the 10) Brigade, but should any alteration take place the priaciples held good. C.0o are reninted that in the event of attack or any 10) energency erieing, every available man (cooks, batmen, fatisues of all kieds) vill at ence Jein the HisLHns exeens. Explanatery diagrans shewing the Kachine Gun and Artill- MACHIR CONS. ery suppert which vill be siven are being prepared, and be issued at an early date. Dener Najor, 1 Brigade Wajer. she ceneelianedisi O.C.2nd Meld Co.N.L.L 1. 6.0.C. x.x. inf.Bde. No. Ird Aust.L.K.Bde 2. N.2. 4 A. Mvisien. ath Aurt. Inf.Bde J. O.C. Auchland Ma. . Dval Reserve 10. Fellington pa. 1l. Var Diary. Cantertury Ba. oereM. 12. Bpare.
Nov. 21/16 Copx NO. 8 Re de He R. BRICADE. de 8 Plan for defenge of Section 3. Section 3 alletted to the N. L. M. K. Brigade extands from WAKWICK CASTLE (exclusive) on the right, (4th. Australian Ianfantry sde.) to BOSKINIS WALK- STRATFORD JUNCTION (exclasive) on the left (Eastern Mounted Brigade). The section is subdivided into 4 subseetia I. SECIION AND SUBSEGILONe. es foldows:- Subseation. WARWICK CASTLE - FISHERSI POST - BARTON ROAD Ne -BARRIER (STAFFORD GULLEY) - to a peint mid- way between HILL STREET and WINDSOR WALK, and including advance post and M.G. post at HAMMONDIS HOPE.; Held by AUCKLAND M.K. HIL. Continues from No. 1 subsection along Nee2 subsection BRIGHTON KOAD to OTAGO BARRIER (exclusive). Neld by CANTERBURY M.K. REGT. Runs from OTAGO BARRIER (inolatve Ne3 Subsection MALDON ROW -ammmanand CFEIMSFORD RAD to CARISEROOK POST (exclusive) with advanced post at LIONIS DEN, and is held by OTAGO M.R. REGT. CARISSROOK POST- STRATFORD SRODNAY to Ne A subsectien top of SaP running down into KALMIK DERE, with advanced post and M.G. position at Held by WELLINGTON M.R. RGT. CULVERIS POST. The forward trench line is the Brigade line of defence and each O.C. Kegt. is held responsible for the defence am of his subsection. He will forthwith:- Extend his main fare trench to the brow of the (2). hill wherever necessary to prevent the enemy making use of dead ground. Establish a system of patrolling constantly by (2). night up to the snemy trenches in frent of subsectias Select his posts so that he wll have by night ene fourth of his troops in the firing line, one fourth in support and ene half in reserve; patrols being provided from reserve. Everything pessible must be done to improve communications so that firing line may be rapidly reinforced at wm sny part, and that supports and reserves are familiar with the communications and with the names and numbers of mammposts. Keep in constant touch with the subsections on (4). his right and left, and keep them supplied with any information of value, also keep in touch with any Artillery Obsevation Station on his subsection, and give prompt infrenaten to Artillery Officer of any Artillery targets offering, Give prompt co-operation and support to subsection (5). on dther side, whenever he can do so witheut endangernghis own portion of the line. 18). Secure an ascendancy over the enemy in frent in B (1)-sniping, (2) M.G. fire, (3) patrelling, (4) bambing, and generally making and keeping him & jumpyy and in a 2.
state of uncertainty at all times. These will be underte orders of the S. MACHIN GURL AND CALAPNLIS. They must be tested daily and kept in O.C. Subsection, perfect erder so as to be at any time ready for a sevare trial Nothing, for example, is werse than to have sM.6. Alternative emplacements should Jamb at a critical moment. be provided, and, where pessible, a secret emplacant for use in emergency. Catapult pesitions must always be clear of the firing line or communication trenches. Four Gin. Fevitzers and two M.B. 10 poundery sune a. ARIILLERL are allotted to the ares, while many other guns are available for support without special arrangementsm en request threagh Night lines are registered CRCA., N.L. and A. Division. on SANDSAG RIDGE, HILL 100, Junctien of DERES in 822 2. COMMUNIGAIION. All means of communication with Headgaarters and with flank commanders must be kept in perfect werking order and s hould be regularly tested. Thess instructions are secret and enly this cepy is It will be made knewn to to be kept in the subsection. officers only, but every officer in the subsection must be made familiar with the contents. Thess instructions are subject. to alteration. It was proposed to divide the frent line into subsections instead of four as at present and to held one Regiment in FINEBURY VALd as Brigade Reserve, preparing essy communication for quickly reinforcing any part of he line. These propesals are at present held ever, 11s.C. vill issue their orders under these instruct- lens, Weekestun Lieat.—Cel. COMAS NL.NR. Sde. Copies issued to:- Copy No.IH.Q., N.2. and A. Division 2 N.G., N.L.M.K. Brigade. 10th. December, 102 3 AcMok. 4 C.M.K. 5 O.M.K. C.W.M.R. 7 C.O., N.L. Engineers. 8 4th. Australian Infantry Brigade. 8 Eastern Mounted Brigade. 10 War Diary. 11 Brigade Staff.
2. 3. 21 (2) List No. 12 contd, 22/1W15. Extract from List Ec.55 of Appointments, Comnissione Rewards stc., issued with C.A.0. 647 of 16th.Nov., 1915;- COMANDSE STAPE (o) Captain E.ff. W. LADCELLES, 3rd. Dragoon Guards, G.S.O., 3rd.Grade, 2nd.Australian Division, is appointed Acting C.S.O. 3rd.Grade, 3th. Army Corps, vice Captain J.G.Lyons,hes. of Off. dated 11th. November, 1515. (1) Captain's. V.MAfh the Kanchestr Reginent, C.S.O. 3rd.Grade, 2nd. Australian Division, vice Captain .If. W.Lascelles, 3rd. Dragoon Guards & dated 11th.Novenber, 1515. Extract from Commonwealth of Australia Cazette,No. 111, of 13th. September, 1815 :- Department of Defence, Fx.Min.No. 760. MclBourne, 15th. Sept, 1510. AUSTRALTRE EEPERIAY POPOY Pronctions. His Excellency the Governor -General, acting with the advice of the Fedcral executive Council, has been pleased to approve of the following temporary promotions being made in the Eustralian Imperial Force: To be temporary Brigacier -Generals whilst comnanding Erigides- Colonel the Honorable J.V.McCAT,V.D. Dated 15th. Colonel L.G. SLLCLAIH - Mac LAGAN,D.S.C., August, 1514 C-lonel H.N. MACLAURLL C Lonel J.MOEASH, V.D. Dated 15th. September, 1616. Colonel C. de L.RYRIE Dated 15th. Septmier, 1914. Colonel F.G.HUGHES, V.D. Dated 17th. October, 1518. Colonel H.G.CHAUVEE, C.M.G. Dated 10th. Dec:, 1814. This cancels the notification respecting the promotion of the above-mentioned officers which appeared in Executive Winute 1o. 714, promulgated on page 1724 of Cononwealth of Australian Cazette, Fo.163, dated 5th. Soptember, 1915. o Promulgated in List No.10 of Appointrents, Promotions etc., issued with A.I.T. Onder, No.34, of 14th.Nov., 1815. Tpffishs 1308. Eilitary Secy.. A.W N.L. Army Corps.
TO Fon Aastan A TONSN M M Na of Morsage— Cnnn Dco Bams NW 0 142i State angig feeto 1380 morly 2p97 IIk 50 LENTWNSNNN 34 p73 242 about party 50 of t advance attempted tiks XI left of no8 tte on apex at about post two aan one or 7950 bombs threwn by them tanded on the puraper and a tew bomt from their mortars landed Fon Morem Wa DoPad 8 A BLl-FormyUAM Pow Dostonis LA JONSIOR RESSSTW AD SISSIIS aan CharraSW PaT./ ORoS SiamS SueeHutcon 20 Handedin at mn Senders Number SAAM SIWSSN AAA behend our lined aad Machire Feen anr was opened on them fire Catafults and and our Mortar fired a Mmber bonts and know disteran plast of reft with first no casualties fire gat quiet nowa ane everyting FROM FonATmE W DOPad A7L A BLld-FormOA
Pon Bastions 1 S4 AND SIGNALS He of Kenre Cherrn to Pes. Office Stamp SATTES TMMSON MAS SATAMSNN PTSYEENS AAA advessed a t ABRe repeated Inf Bde& $ and bdg The tl ta Leper NO 2140 fions Inf Bde TROM Of RutRETME 2650 WDoPad G ABLld-FamM

"A" Form.   Army Form C. 2121.
ds. Charge
At   m.
This message is on a/c of:
(Signature of "Franking Office.")
Recd. at     m.
From   16
TO  4th Aust Inf Bde
*  Senders Number.     Day of Month.   In reply to Number     AAA
Bm 715                             21st
Password for tonight GIPPSLAND
No1 Sectn   }      BM 1671
 "   2    "         }
From  N.Z. Inf Bde
Time  1410
The above may be forwarded as now corrected.
R O Cleesnery Major
Brigade Major
Signature of Addressor or person authorized to telegraph in his name.
* This line should be erased if not required.

(6388-9) -McC. & Co. Ltd., London- W 14141/641.  225,600  4/15 Forms C2121/10.


"C" Form (Duplicate). Army Form C. 2123   
Charges to Pay. 
₤   s.   d.
Office Stamp.


Service instructions.
Handed in at            Office    m.   Received 1350   m.
TO   4th Bde
*  Senders Number.     Day of Month.   In reply to Number     AAA

QA 470                             21st                      BM 1671
Received & Noted
FROM    Durrants post 1550
W.2384-583  30,000 Pads-8/14. S.B. Ltd.-Forms/C.2123.

Army Form C. 2123.
"C" Form. (Original).
No. of  Message
Prefix    SM   Code       Words  
From 16th
Sent, or sent out
At  m.
To    15
Office Stamp.  
£  s.  d.
Charges to collect  
Service Instructions.
Handed in at        Office    m.   Received    1510 m.
TO     Bde Major 4th. Bde
*  Senders Number.     Day of Month.   In reply to Number     AAA

QE 119                                21st                       BM 1671 -
pass word noted
FROM No.2 Sub Section
PLACE & TIME   1510
* This line should be erased if not required.
W.2384-583  30,000 Pads-8/14. S.B. Ltd.-Forms/C.2123.


"A" Form.   Army Form C. 2121.
Prefix   Code   m.
Office of Origin and Service Instructions.
Q.A. 469
Words. Charge
At   m.
This message is on a/c of:
(Signature of "Franking Office.")
Recd. at     m.
By  Copy No. 1
TO   G.O.C. , 4th Bde
Dispositions No.1 Sub-section - Night 21st/22
*  Senders Number.     Day of Month.   In reply to Number     AAA
INFORMATION.  (1) (a) No. 2 Sub-section. Patrol
three men BECKS BLUFF to GREEN KNOLL 1830 to 2100.
(b) Canterbury Bn. Patrol
their front 2000 returning 2400.
(c) Pasword - GIPPSLAND.
INTENTION  (2) Patrols (13th Bn). will leave
barricade at 2200 and 0300 returning via right of
No. 1 Post at 2300 and 0430. Patrols will carry
one Very's Pistol and 5 cartridges. If working
parties are heard on HACKNEY WICK one blue light
will be fired. This will be a signal for Machine 
Gun fire from Nos. 2 and 5 Machine Guns, which will
be kept trained on spot where fresh works are
observed to be in progress.
A/Adjutant, 13th Bn.
Issued at 1550
Copy No. 1 Bde Hqrs
                  2 Canterbury Bn.
                  3 No 2 Sub-sec. (16th Bn.)
                  4. O.C. No. 1 Post
                   5 O.C. No. 2 Post
                   6 O.C. No. 3 Post (14th Bn).
                   7. O.C. N.Z Engrs
                   8. File
Place  JM
The above may be forwarded as now corrected.
Signature of Addressor or person authorized to telegraph in his name.
* This line should be erased if not required.

NOV 21 1915
4TH Infantry Brigade
4aB /1245
16th BN

_____ISSUED AT 1500 ____
Dispositions No 2 Subsection for
night 21-22 Nov.15
INFORMATION (1) A patrol of 3 men will
leave BECKS BLUFF at 1830
going in direction of GREEN
KNOLL and returning at 2100,
for the purpose of listening &
observing enemy's movements.
TO. C.O.  4TH BDE.
                162 BDE.
                No 1 SUB SECTION


DW Paull Captain, CO
16 BN


[*G.O.C. 4th Austn Inf Bde
Recd. 1430
on 21/11/15*]
[*Copy No. 9.*]
Scheme of Defence in case of attack.
The line held by the New Zealand Infantry Brigade runs from
the left of the 3rd Light Horse Brigade (on our right)
EAST along RHODODENDRON SPUR, round the APEX and thence
NORTH WEST along UPPER CHESHIRE RIDGE where it joins the
right of 4th Australian Infantry Brigade.
The line is divided for purposes of defence into the
following subsections :-
No. 2 The APEX.
Of the above the second is of the greatest importance,
as a successful attack by the enemy would force us to
readjust our line further back on lower ground, the CHESHIRE
RIDGE  would be turned and a valuable point of vantage lost.
It is at the same time the most exposed to sudden attack
owing to the proximity of the enemy's advanced works, the
higher ground to its immediate front, and to the fact that a
converging fire can be brought to bear on it. It is
therefore necessary to take special precautions for its
defence and recapture if temporarily lost.
2. Troops AVAILABLE.
The troops available for the defence of the whole
position consist of ;_
N. Z. Infantry Brigade,
2nd Field Coy. N.Z.E.,
1 Field Troop N.Z.E.,
1 Section Mountain Battery.
In addition ; 5th Battery 18 prs., 1 Section 1st
Battery 18 pdrs., and one section 4.5 Howitzers have been
detailed for the Artillery defence of the position.
No. 1 Subsection;  Auckland Battalion.
No. 2       "             :  Wellington Battalion.
No. 3       "             :  Canterbury Battalion.
Brigade Reserve : (1)  Otago Battalion.
                                  (11)  2nd Field Coy. N.Z.E.
(1) O.C. Battalions will maintain the lines now held at
all costs using local resources either for feeding the
firing line or for counter attack as required.
Should the line be penetrated by the enemy immediate
counter attack is to be made to re-establish it.
(11). The forward Artillery Observing Officer in the APEX
will report by telephone to Brigade Headquarters.
(111). Brigade reserve :-
Otago Battalion will form up in the CHAILAK DERE
just above road leading to DURRANTS POST, NEAR
Battalion Headquarters and await orders.
2nd Field Company and men from Battalions working u
under the N.Z.E. in tunnelling will if not
actually on shift in the trenches or tunnels,
form up at the Brigade Dump, and await orders.
Those on shift in the tunnels and trenches will
join the firing line and act underthe Senior
Officer or N.C.O. present on the spot.



(IV) The Brigade Headquarters details will
parade at Brigade Headquarters under the Senior
N.C.O.  present. The arrival of units and details
of the Brigade Reserve at their stations will be
immediately reported to Brigade Headquarters by
the Senior Officer with the unit or party. The
Brigade Reserve will be under the direct orders
of the Brigadier for use as occasion demands. 
Wounded are to be removed from the trenches as quickly 
as possible. They will be evacuated via the CHALAK DERE
after treatment. On no account xx ^is any officer or man to
accompany any wounded Officer or man. This duty is to be 
left to stretcher bearers only.
Police Posts will be established in the CHAILAK DERE
just above the road leading to DURRANTS POST, and one on
the upper road ^immediately above the road leading to DURRANTS POST. They will be
responsible for directing all reinforcements, stragglers and
details to the fighting line and will prevent any man, other
than wounded and despatch bearers, moving down the DERE.
Any attack will probably be sudden. Should Commanding
Officers be satisfied that an attack has commenced or is
imminent, they will take immediate steps to carry out the
above instructions without awaiting orders from Brigade
Every effort must be made to maintain telephone lines
intact. Telephone communication, however, must be supplemented
by orderlies and all messages of importance sent by
more than one means of communication. All reports will be
sent to the present Brigade Headquarters.

These instructions are issued in order -
(a) That there may be doubt as to what action is to be
taken should an emergency occur, or sudden attack take
place on the whole or any portion of the line held by
the N.Z. Infantry Brigade. They will be communicated to
all Officers (only) and are not to be copied.
(b) They are framed for the present distribution of the
Brigade, but should any alteration take place
the principles hold good.
(c) C.O.'s are reminded that in the event of attack or any
emergency arising, every available man ( cooks, batmen,
fatigues of all kinds) will at once join the fighting

Explanatory diagrams showing the Machine Gun and Artillery
support which will be given are being prepared, and
will be issued at an early date.
RO Cleesnery 

Brigade Major, 
Copies issued to:-
No. 1. C.O.G. N.Z. Inf. Bde.                7.  O. C. 2nd Field Co.N.Z.E
       2. N.Z. & A Division.                    8.     "     3rd Aust.L.H. Bde
       3. O.C. Auckland Bn.                  9.     "     4th Aust. Inf .Bde
       4.   "     Wellington Bn.              10.    "      Dival Reserve
       5.    "     Canterbury Bn.              11. War Diary.
       6.    "     Otago Bn.                        12. Spare



[*Nov 21/15
COPY No. 8*]
Plan for defence of Section 3.
[*Recd 0940 
15  II /15*]
Sections 3 allotted to the N.Z.M.R. Brigade extends from
WARWICK CASTLE (exclusive) on the right, (4th. Australian I8nfantyr Bde.)
to HOSKIN'S WALK - STRATFORD JUNCTION (exclusive) on the left (eastern
Mounted Brigade).
1. SECTION AND SUBSECTIONS. The section is subdivided  into 4 subsection
as follows:-
-BARRIER (STAFFORD GULLEY) - to a point midway
including advance post and M.G. post at
No. 2 Subsection.  Continues from No.1 subsection along
No. 3 Subsection.  Runs from OTAGO BARRIER (inclusive)
CARISBROOK POST (exclusive) with advanced
post at LION'S DEN, and is held by OTAGO
top of SAP running down into KAIAJIK DERE, 
with advanced post and M.G. position at
2. The forward trench line is the Brigade line of defence and
each O.C. Regt. is held responsible for the defence mmm if his
He will forthwith:-
(1). Extend his main fire trench to the brow of the
hill wherever necessary to prevent the enemy making use of
dead ground.
(2). Establish a system of patrolling constantly by
night up to the enemy trenches in front of subsection.
(3). Select his posts so that he will have by night one
fourth of his troops in the firing line, one fourth in support
and one half in reserve; patrols being provided from reserve.
Everything possible must be done to improve
communications so that firing line may be rapidly reinforced at
mm  any part, and that supports and reserves are familiar with
the communications and with the names and numbers of xxx posts.
(4). Keep in constant touch with the subsections on
his right and left, and keep them supplied with any information
of value, also keep in touch with any Artillery Observation
Station on his subsection, and give prompt information to
Artillery Officer of any Artillery targets offering.
(5). Give prompt co-operation and support to subsection
on either side, whenever he can do so without endangering his own
portion of the line.
(6). Secure an ascendancy over the enemy front in
(1)  . sniping,  (2) M.G. Fire, (3) patrolling, (4) bombing,
and generally making and keeping him "jumpy" and in a nnn



state of uncertainty at all times. 
3. MACHINE GUNS AND CATAPULTS. These will be under the orders of the
O.C. Subsection,  They must be tested daily and kept in
perfect order so as to be at any time ready for a severe
Nothing, for example, is worse than to have a M.G.
jamb at a critical moment. Alterative emplacements should
be provided, and , where possible, a secret emplacement for use
in emergency. 
Catapult positions must always be clear of the firing
line or communication trenches.
4. ARTILLERY.  Four 5in. Howitzers and two M.B. 10 pounders guns
are allotted to the area, while many other guns are available
for support without special arrangements on request through
CR.A., N.Z. and A. Division. Night lines are registered
on SANDBAG RIDGE, HILL 100, Junctions of DERES in 92 Z 2.
5. COMMUNICATION.  All means of communication with Headquarters and
with flank commanders must be kept in perfect working order
and should be regularly tested. 
6.  These instructions are secret and only this copy is
to be kept in the subsection. It will be made known to
officers only, but every officer in the subsections must be
made familiar with these contents.
7. These instructions are subject to alteration.
It was proposed to divide the front line into 3
subsections instead of four as at present and to hold one 
Regiment in FINSBURY VALE as Brigade Reserve, preparing easy 
communication for quickly reinforcing any part of he line.
These proposals are at present held over.
8. O's, C. will issue their orders under these instructions.
W U Oldburn     Lieut.-Col.
Commdg.N.Z. M.R. Bde.
Copies issued to:-
Copy No. 1 H.Q., N.Z. and A. Division
                  2 H.Q., N.Z. M.R. Brigade.
                  3 A.M.R.
                  4 C.M.R.
                   5 O.M.R.
                   6, W.M.R.
                    7 C.O., N.Z. Engineers.
                    8 4th. Australain Infantry Brigade.
                    9 Eastern Mounted Brigade. 
                   10 War Diary.
                    11 Brigade Staff.
                    12     do          do
10th. December, 1915



(20 List No. 12 contd,  22/11/15.
2. Extract from List No. 53 of appointments, commissions,
Rewards etc., issued with G.R.O. 647 of 16th.Nov. , 1915;-
(c) Captain E. ff. W. LASCELLES, 3rd. Dragon Guards,
G.S.O. 3rd. Grade, 2nd. Australian Division, 
is appointed Acting G.S.O. 3rd. Grade  , 8th. Army
Corps, vice Captain J.G. Lyons , Res. of Off.-
dated 11th. November, 1915.
(1)  Captain B. V. MAIR, the Manchester Regiment, G.S.O.
3rd. Grade, 2nd. Australian Division, vice Captain
E. ff. W. LASCELLES, 3rd. Dragon Guards -dated 
11th.November, 1915
3. Extract from Commonwealth of Australia Gazette, NO.
111 , of 18th. September, 1915 :-
Department of Defence,
Melbourne, 15th Sept. 1915.
His excellency the Governor-General, acting with
the advice of the Federal Executive Council, has been
pleased to approve the following temporary promotions
being made by the Australian Imperial Force: -
To be temporary Brigadier - Generals whilst commanding 
Colonel the Honorable J.W. MCCAY, V.D.       }   Dated 15th.
Colonel M.G. SINCLAIR -  Mac LAGAN, D.S.O.}    August, 1914
Colonel H.M. MacLAURIN                                   }
Colonel J. MONASH, V.D. Dated 15th, September, 1914.
Colonel C. de L. RYRIE       Dated 19,  September,   1914.
Colonel F.G. HUGHES , V.D.  Dated 17th. October,   1914.
Colonel H.G. CHAUVEL, C.M.G.  Dated 10th Dec.      1914.
This cancels the notification respecting the promotion of
the above-mentioned officers which appeared in Executive
Minute No, 714, promulgated on page 1724 of Commonwealth
of Australian Gazette, No. 103, dated 4th. September. 1915.

X Promulgated in list No. 10 of appointments, Promotions
etc., issued with A.I.F. Order. No. 34, of 14th Nov.,1915.
T Griffiths  Major,
Military Secy.,
A. & N.Z. Army Corps.



"C" Form (Duplicate). Army Form C. 2123   

NOV 21 1915*]

Charges to Pay. 
₤   s.   d.
Office Stamp.
Service instructions.
Handed in at   ZZA         Office    m.   Received  2102   m.
TO   4th A I Bde
*  Senders Number.     Day of Month.   In reply to Number     AAA

 ZZA 72                           22nd
A party of about 30
turks attempted to advance
on the left of no2
post at Apex about 
1950 aaa one or two
bombs thrown by them
landed on the parapet and
a few bombs from their 
mortars landed


"C" Form (Duplicate). Army Form C. 2123   
Charges to Pay. 
₤   s.   d.

Office Stamp.
Service instructions.
Handed in at            Office    m.   Received    m.
*  Senders Number.     Day of Month.   In reply to Number     AAA

behind our lines aaa
machine Gun and rifle
fire was opened on them
and out catapults and 
mortars fired a number of
bombs aaa now dispersed
with first blast of rifle
fire aaa no casualties
and everything quiet now aaa



"C" Form (Duplicate). Army Form C. 2123   
Charges to Pay. 
₤   s.   d.

Office Stamp.
Service instructions.
Handed in at            Office    m.   Received    m.
*  Senders Number.     Day of Month.   In reply to Number     AAA

addressed NZ & A Divn
reported 3rd L H Bde
and 4th InfBde & 
all Batts this bde
Repeated to No 1 &
No 2 Sub Sections 2140
G Hodgetts
FROM   NZ Inf Bde
PLACE & TIME   2050



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