Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 10, 18 November - 25 November 1915, Part 7

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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(2) to then and through then without hesitation during any part of the day or night. the above instructions are to be censidered aggpnj. Najer. Brigate Majer. Nev Lealand Infantry Brigate. Brigade Readquarters. 20th Nevember, 1915. kindly acknowledge receipit hor
TO. FoT DSSa JAOSNR MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. hso CAAEOWPA OACOSENN 12 Bn 21 Sen SuTESEMANE 11/15 on OA Rcred O510 4t Bote SAMACSONNN Da LWSGESNSNE Ass BA466 21 Report for 2 hrs inded $500 124/1/5 Of Sping Lally Ml and wsehenl to dok and Camalitie Vill (2 (3) Work in hand sra N01Po thennground housing systems & wd) tnnels to firing line aac New firing ling on left of post dac kBoost four 4 Knnels t firing line which rodate have a total lengsh of 124p7 aad Iwa2 undergioung o housend systems daaMoost sended hmel TROM JoM M S.C.M. SADMA TO. POM DSSnS M TONSNN MESSAGES AND. SIGNALS. Na of Mossage Ofice Stamp OAAPEOWPE 18 Ente ten SASS WIOSGWSTDNS SSMSESNENN SATSNON AAA having to date an aggregate length of 100ff paar rack to cornec ppap agre approach rignil sere aad with Patrols H Lietening Pos report add to Nothing M Durrants Post thow PLAORA MEE Filt C AIE M ASM TENS
feng er eg gn. Report NH. F2 Bub Sac 2/1414 So CDc 144 Works Gernnms has buen further continued. saps the Franklins has been supther improved also sap to I newharpi has heen cartied on General improvement to the firming any was been don gaps perward have accn compected for the new firing eme the new form cannot be stated on till nt will be lays spttly the Engenios which will be din ds poome as thy moon will hipn to decand Tnelings tor a new fire trency lat new purnes Was been commnenced wiry entane tements ward to a p pane thr at tnight fm accrmt of wigt ma esb uting. Generall Ingormattion at 6045 a rurks t hropnet fill on Frankem Int domage don. at 2145 in reply to a seare vent up by me to wards Macknay wich the trss have oppened riple fire fory an to our franeling part and have also bent o hombr. olige ime I could be heared thengo thr might ah Dack ney wck Artillen pire wonld bexadvisibly tast racane weeh as it appears qremy is estalnting him self there Sper pn Buidett has hiltest a tern in pont a Butatat py
they also still can cnnon Collect pay hasks olso fgam mt parts in the tully last of Becky. enomy & Saps un alapp N0 Staft from Wewerarregs hdde been Pertendes and caverred by Kme. enemy were contanglements reported destroyed sen sopipe have not been repared Eareolin Mayor ge Wt ut sel Ob Bo
No. 1 Sub-section. EELIUNE OF WORRS IN RAND ArD PROUEOTED. Copy 1. TEEL ENDING SATURDAY, 20-11-15. t0 G.O.C Brigade N0. I NSL. Three underground winter quarters. (2) Two tunnels Leing driven from Divouac to firing line. New firing line on lert of Post. Trench deepening and improving. General improvements and revetments in approaches to trenches. Proposed works. 1 more underground bivouac. (a) decited on (o) Timbering of artillery observation post. new post No. 2 Post. four drives were compenced on the 14tn inst. on the nortn-western slopes of Durrants Post, going in an easterly In the From fair to good progress has veen made. direction. case of numbers 1, 2 and 5 drives, timver is urgently required as character of soil at mouth of abovementioned arivee le llable to slice, and in present state is dangerous. No.1 Drivex is now in good ground and a total lengtn DRIVED. o1 00 leet from moutn of drive. No.2. Good ground nas now been reacuea, Dut, mouth Total length of drivefrom mouth requires timbering immediately. is 31 feet. very good progress maue, good country encoun- No.5. tered. Total length of drive 38 reet. very nard sandstone formation has been encoun- A304 Total lengtn of drive 20 feet. tered. Fair progress made. A commencement was made with terracing the north TERRAULEU. western slopes of Durrants Post, for winter quarters for at Company and a terrace has now veen sunx to a depth of 8 feet by avout 50 Great difficulty was at first feet long and 6 reet wide. experienced owing to unsuitavle cnaracter of country to stand terracing, but this has now been overcome anu fair progress has been made. a support shelter ior Ac Company supports has been SRELTERS. completen and a structure 24 reet long and covered with 5 feet iron A support snelter for Dr Company 30 feet long and is now in use. to be covered with iron is now in course of construction, and completion expedted on 2ist inst. PRUFUDED WURRS OtE. TERRAUING. it is proposed to commence to-morrow 2ist inst, terracing on the hill velow Dr Company’- present position. Terrace when completed to be occupied by A.M.C. and Stretcner searers, also, a start is to be made with digging a large underground tank ror aumping lack of latrine deposits. Work generally has been hampered owing to facilities KEMARRS. for removal from workings to aump neaps of earth etc. No. 5 POSL. wire steps being renovated and loop-holes fixed in EEIEMIND Floor of Suo-post No. 4 being deepened. parapets. (1).
No. 3 POSL (continued). Support: tunnels and tunnels for Reserve SENERAL. proceeding slowly owing to nature of ground and vivouacs are Ten tunnels are shortage of artificial light for night work. of excavation with an average drive of 10 feet in course per tunnel. Cook houses with iron roofs are in course of con- struction. mule track in continuation of track from CHALLLK constructed to connect up with AGAYL DERE. DERE being Mat Durrants Post, Gallipoli, NAdjutant, 15tn Pattalion. 21-11-15. Brigade Headquarters Issued to O.C. No.1 Post O.C. No.2 Post O.C. No.5 Post O.C., N. L. Engineers. vile.
443 Bete 21. Headguarters, 3 (aust.) IRE B40 4th. Nay Valley, AAZAC, Gallipoli Peninsula Hegdguartore 20th. Novenber 191. and 4. Division. 20 and. (Eieutenant y. p. (ren) 15th. Battanon, was exeined by a Medical Board at Mudros (Westlon 19th, uiting, and as a result was classified as Clasi o; he subsequently reported to 9.C., (Australian and New Zealand Base Details Canp, Mndres West. In view of the above it is (recommended that he be strues off the strength of this Brigade as from 31/28125. Iattach & copy of the renarxs’'supplied D O.C Austrelian and (New Zealsna (Base, Nudros, in regard 40 -decision of Nedical Board. 2 Bristcent JMS 46h. Au8t IRE. Brigade. 15 251 19/45 0 55 $5 and t 2672 4a trp 413 6 Crrke ry
C'Form DDuplicate) way For OM MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No of Mossage— CAMPEOWPEY Once Stame EPB R Matone m. Received Handed in at DATON Senders Vumber DIENTWNSNSN AAa EHAGG all ad £ Mo PLAOFATMME WA MoPad 8l. A. B.Ltd-Forme C. 212 56
CrForm (OrifinaD. LA TOMSIRR MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Mossage ORESSANS Received E t ca K mose Mr 1745 Charges to collect t4 B Service Instructions now Recoed 824 Handed in at Ade uot In SSNASTSSANSS DATSISONTS TTOSYESSANSS AAA 21st 842 Cuss will to Mis out FNOM FLAOR TM HAN Mt 5.00 TnM Fon
102 S0B SeCTN OEII HYLPERE 21-11-11 23 Special Report. Gol 4th Bakg Hawalter Our scouts report that up the little awn about 150y gst of secksosent di English wadies rumbering about50 apparentily belont my to 13Do:- Kings Owrl Cast Laucashire, Cost Hampshire & same bodes had on badp Herts. Those bodrs also are up the branches off the silth dere in the direction of the GRE) TURRISH TMENCHEP tlepte ms report previously are row trave dowarw th GRAYTRNSH 24 Attbadus are lying pacing tawards the arent trush, & are mossly in graups of siven orlefat Accompanying the report 1 an Dujust Officers Deary fav an his body on Bo n which was lyn amongst the deas. reportend H Dautt ape ann for CHRR Wurolin ay of asvat 81/11/15 also Accompaniing this report is a NG lock found in the came dear amongst the Deadlesdies you th 20//1C Emusptin mau oClges 20/11/15 I.

to them and through them without hesitation during any
part of the day or night.
The above instructions are to be considered SECRET.
R O Chenery
Brigade Major.
New Zealand Infantry Brigade.
Brigade Headquarters.
20th November, 1915.
Kindly acknowledge receipt


"C" Form (Duplicate).
Army Form C. 2123.
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.   No. of Message...
SMJ    13 Bn 
Service Instructions.
Charges to Pay
₤    s.    d.  
Office Stamp.

Handed in at QA Office...m.   Received 0510 m.
TO        4th   Bde
*  Senders Number.     Day of Month.   In reply to Number     AAA
BA466                               21st                                                    
Report for 24 hrs ended 0500
(1)   Sniping Tally Nil AAA
seven to date AAA
(2)   Casualties Nil
(3) Work in hand AAA  No 1 Post
three (3) underground housing systems
& two (2) tunnels to firing line AAA
New firing line on left of post
AAA  No 2 Post four (4) tunnels to
firing line which to date have
a total length of 124ft AAA  Two (2)
underground housing systems
AAA  No 3 Post ten (10) tunnels


"C" Form (Duplicate).
Army Form C. 2123.
Service Instructions.
Charges to Pay.
₤    s.    d.
Office Stamp.
Handed in at   Office  .m.   Received    m.
TO        (2)
*  Senders Number.     Day of Month.   In reply to Number     AAA
having to date an aggregate
length of 100 ft AAA Track to
connect Chailik Dere approach
with Aghyl Dere AAA
Patrol & Listening Post.
Nothing to report AAA
Bm 1667*)
FROM        Durrants Post
PLACE & TIME     05


NZ Sub Sec Report N10
To G.O.C.  4th Inf
Works Terracing has been
further continued.
Saps to Franklins has been
further improved also sap to
2 new tunnels has been carried
on. General improvements
to the firing line has been
don. Saps forward have been
completed for the new firing
line. The new firing cannot be
started on till it will be layed
out by the Engineers which
will be don as soon as the
moon will begin to decend
Tunnelling for a new fire trench
at new Burne's has been
Wire entanglements
had to be postponded

for a few nights
on account of bright moon
some scrub cutting.
General Information
at 1145 a Turks Shrapnel
fell on Franklins no damage
don. at 2145 in reply to a
[*2*] flare sent up by me towards
Hackney wick The Turks have
oppened rifle fire, firing on
to our Franklins post and
have also sent 8 bombs.
Digging could be heared
through the night on
Hackney Wick.  Artillery
fire would be advisible
to get Hackney much as
it appears enemy is
establishing himself there.
2 Snipers pte Buidett has
killed a Turk in front of
Bulgar Ridge they


they also still continue to
collect pay books also sum in the Gully East
of Becks.  Enemy's Saps in
Bluff 40o B Coy S of E from
Newburry's have been extended
and covered by scrub.

Enemy's Wire Entanglements
reported destroyed on 20/11/15
have not been repared
[*previous report?*]
ELMargolin Major
O/C N2 Sub Sec




No. 1 Sub-section.

[*Copy 1  TO  G.O.C. Brigade*]
No.  1  POST.

(1)   Three underground winter quarters.
(2)   Two tunnels being driven from bivouac to firing line.
(3)   New firing line on left of Post.
(4)   Trench deepening and improving.
(5)   General improvements and revetments in approaches to 
Proposed works.
(a)   1 more underground bivouac.
(b)   Timbering of artillery observation post.
[*decided on new post*]
No.  2 Post.
Four drives were commenced on the 14th inst. on the
north-western slopes of Durrants Post, going in an easterly
direction.  From fair to good progress has been made.  In the
case of numbers 1, 2 and 3 drives, timber is urgently required as
character of soil at mouth of abovementioned drives is liable to
slide, and in present state is dangerous.
DRIVES.  No.1 Driver is now in good ground and a total length
of 30 feet from mouth of drive.
No.2.  Good ground has now been reached, but, mouth
requires timbering immediately.  Total length of drive from mouth
is 31 feet.
No.3.  Very good progress made, good country encountered. 
Total length of drive 38 feet.
No.4  Very hard sandstone formation has been encountered.
Fair progress made.  Total length of drive 25 feet.
TERRACING.  A commencement was made with terracing the north
western slopes of Durrants Post, for winter quarters for "A" Company
and a terrace has now been sunk to a depth of 8 feet by about 30
feet long and 6 feet wide.  Great difficulty was at first
experienced owing to unsuitable character of country to stand
terracing, but this has now been overcome and fair progress has
been made.
SHELTERS.  A support shelter for "A" Company supports has been
completed and a structure 24 feet long and covered with 6 feet iron
is now in use.  A support shelter for "B" Company 30 feet long and
to be covered with iron is now in course of construction, and
completion expected on 21st inst.
It is proposed to commence to-morrow 21st inst, terracing on the
hill below "B" Company's present position. Terrace when completed
to be occupied by A.M.C. and Stretcher Bearers, also, a start is
to be made with digging a large underground tank for dumping
latrine deposits.
REMARKS.  Work generally has been hampered owing to ∧lack of facilities
for removal from workings to dump heaps of earth etc.

No.  3 POST.
TRENCHES.  Fire steps being renovated and loop-holes fixed in
parapets.    Floor of Sub-post No. 4 being deepened.


No.  3  POST (continued).

GENERAL.   "Support" tunnels and tunnels for "Reserve"
bivouacs are proceeding slowly owing to nature of ground and
shortage of artificial light for night work.  Ten tunnels are
in course of excavation with an average drive of 10 feet
per tunnel.
Cook houses with iron roofs are in course of construction.
Mule track in continuation of track from CHAILIK
DERE being constructed to connect up with AGHYL DERE.
DW Marks Capt.
A/Adjutant,  13th Battalion.
Durrants Post,

Issued to     Brigade Headquarters
                       O.C.  No.1 Post
                       O.C.  No.2 Post
                       O.C.  No.3 Post
                       O.C.,  N.Z.Engineers.



4th. (Aust.) Inf. Bde.,
Hay Valley, Anzac,
Gallipoli Peninsula,
20th. November 1915
N. Z. and A. Division.

2nd. Lieutenant W. P. Fish, 15th. Battalion,
was examined by a Medical Board at Mudros West on
18th ultimo, and as a result was classified as Class
"C", he subsequently reported to O.C., Australian and
New Zealand Base Details Camp, Mudros West.
In view of the above it is recommended that he
be struck off the strength of this Brigade as from
I attach a copy of the "remarks" supplied by O.C.,
Australian and New Zealand Base, Mudros, in regard
to decision of Medical Board.
JM Brig.Genl.

Commanding 4th. Aust. Inf. Brigade.

[*Z.A. 19/45 25-11-15

AMS 831


A.I.Base asked for
 Confirmation of Board finding*]

NOV 21 1915
4th Infantry*]


"C" Form (Duplicate).
Army Form C. 2123.
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.  No. of Message...
for G  21

Service Instructions.

Charges to Pay.

₤    s.    d.

Office Stamp



Handed in at ZPB Office  m.  Received     m.

TO         4th   Bde

*  Senders Number.     Day of Month.   In reply to Number     AAA

    BM 499                        21st
Nothing to report aaa

Addressed 54th Div
repeated 161st Bde and
4th Aust Bde
FROM                   162nd  Bde
PLACE & TIME     0659


"C" Form (Original).
Army Form C. 2123.
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.  No. of Message...
Prefix    SB     Code    HK     Words    18
₤    s.    d.
Charges to Collect
Service Instructions.
From   NZ
By   TJA
Sent, or sent out
At    4aB
Office Stamp.
Handed in at  NZ  Office...m.   Received 0854  m.

TO          4th  Aust  Inf  Bde
*  Senders Number.     Day of Month.   In reply to Number     AAA
G 843                                21st  
Mine on Russell Top will
be fired about 0900

[*To  Armsmith CO

for No 1 & 2 Sub-Sect
at 0900
FROM                    N.Z. A. Div
PLACE & TIME     0850




Special Report.
4th  Bde HQ
Hay Valley
Our scouts report that up
the little dere about 150 yds
East of Becks Bluff dead
English bodies numbering
about 50 apparently belonging 
to 13th Div:- Kings Airok
East Lancaster, East
Hampshire & some bodies
had on badge Herts:-

These bodies also are
up the branches off the
Little Dere in the
direction of the GREY

The telephone wires reported
previously are now traced
towards the GREY TURKISH

All bodies are lying in
facing towards the
Turkish Trenches & are
mostly in groups of seven
or eight.
Accompanying the report
is an English Officers Diary
found on his body on -
20 inst. which was lying
amongst the dead.
report encl.
RP Paul Capt Adj
for Co 16 BN
[*to be signed

by O.C. *]
E Margolin  major
O/C N2 sub sect 

[*also Accompanying this report is a M.G. lock
found in the same dere amongst
the dead bodies on the 20/11/15
EL Margolin major
O.C. N2 sub sec.
22/11/15 *]


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