Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 10, 18 November - 25 November 1915, Part 3

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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TO. TON OSSN S MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. L Moa Office Stamp Seot, or sent out Recene se ae oll BA Chard to colleds SAFES Mttaon Handed in at LIOSYISISNE SATSINON SSMKESEANNE AAA Dm 1639 S4347 18 Noted Password mon Durrants Post RAORATN 1065 t Ad t M Ven Mtd FMt E MAWVRAL AL A A. AA- FRANONI SAMSHMMONE Handed in at Leag Bsew fee MROn ROLEN a 1 C.Form Daplicate GAYPONONL No. of Mossage— MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. OAOSAN OAAPOSWSPSY. 129 RCONTWSSSNSN JN AAA 11654
L ASSOR Sow Bollian SAGES AND SIGNALS. L Iva of Masase Ofce Stamp CAAEOWPE 80 120 ste I SACONENE SASANON AAA FROM PlACEANAIS a Mo Pads SL. A ALad-FormC.MI T.C. PoM DbSlSnS L SONSINR MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. Na of Mossage OAANEOWPE OACOC a & 1692 2/13 TRttctoN 12 pa Mna t Be 2 Boe Mat SAMAEESENNN AAA Dorel 38 At 100 Altered despositions received noted FRon COA2 Aul Sation PLAONATEMN WIM MAPad GIL A.A LL-Fe. M
TO. PoW BSSSS TSO MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. [Ina of Mewase Charges to Pay. ORESSAN SB " .0 38 worked Surtes Htetor 33 Handedin at a Recorred 7 47 Bal Nor Bete SMMSESENNNN DATANON SEOSSESNSN aaa s DE96 WI Leeto have Diportion arrived Will yee pless Lan Mony FRoM PLAOEAME WM MoPad 87L A B.Lld-FormyOMss JC. Pom CustonS Ly KONONE MISSAGRS AND SIONAIS. N. AMIMSI X Charges to Par. L Oee Stam SarSHAon 134 4/13 2 221. o Handed in at t 4Sd Fonder & VAMST. SATOIMONN DENTWNSSS AAA Mnted llteons Lyoitions ther 1815 ana until ageist 2100 patrots Parter 14 irricade or proposed £030 alloant timned trot etur 210 Dury ynaware so please copin Atene FROM CO N Sub Lectir PLACKA TMIE 1915 WA BOP Srl. A BLl-FormCAI stmarks intinate. Bro 16 to wirmS Capin
35 Beauchop's Hill Anzai Nov. 18/15 Dear Seclenmeyer. As Locke is now Stuaff Captain, & as I have not So for appointed a permanent Orderly officer, I am taking an interest in the Mers Staves myself.- After a little experience of the rate of consumption, we find it desirable to an the quantities for the fortmghtly supply, incrensing some stes & reducing others. - For this reason, I am enclosing you an amended list hesewith, representing and fortnightly requirements. - Please put this lust into Firca, on lew of previous instructions, on the occasion of the next & following consignments, which should tallon each other at intervals not exceeding 14 days - Please ensure that at monce of ench consignment comer with the consignment, so that same may be checked immetiately on atrival. - Acknowledge this letter prmidiately on receipt, peaase so that I may know we are in touch. - Trusting all in well with you yours faithfully JhnMonash
Mew Stoves required every 14 days Idoz tru Milk 15th Oatmeal 20th Hour of bottles tomats Sance I bottle Piekled Omons " Myed Pickle Fecalilli Chutrey Curry Powder Ponnce Allspice twdered Cinnamon 1 L. Baking powder t br. best Margerne 2 buther Cappie Essence 10 packets Comflower 4 tm a pots Cheddas Chisse I bottle olives & packets Fellis 1 Wt. Fy's Coeva 2 bottler Horcite Sance the currants 1th Karsins 1th. Sultanas 10 te Almonds & Walmit B trus Anchon Paate 3 potshiel in Extract of Mfeat Etis assorted Doup 1ENO 36 addrnd to Bgds. Sene Monash G.U.C. 4th (Hirsh/ Inf. Bde Anyao Ftrns Asparagus to time Pees Stins tomatoes 2 packets lustand powder 2 " Eg powder 2 t. drut aporcats 2 ths. dond applis his tru peaches pearo 6 pineapple Salmon 6 5 Sardme Herrings Sawsages 6 Famb Jongues 5 the peasu brocuts amrted do 2 As Casbury's Chocolate I wil torlet paper 200 Cgarettes George II Whisky 1 do
37 Anzae Nev. 18/15 My dear Mc Cay. The actionn the itary rin frandly promatio to theobtitoret of y s n it the gne bolonet asgmathin here sig the speral trng oligueand the figanty notice was denly promutifuted in Br Corp Order here, osheng that & it was accepted by Army Corks atent guestion But when, after several days, it came under trodleys notice, he was turious, & said it was all a mistake, & expressed his inter tion of inducing Aonny Corps to write to Pearce to fet this action reversed. - The point is, of course, that it puts Chanvel, + Hughes + myself (who are all on Godley's dursion) at some advantage comparal with his own N.L. pets, F.E. Tohnston (whose Army rank is Major) & Russell whose rank is "temporary only. - to case he sucseeds in getting Birdwood to mecom end such aation to Fearce, I tund you will have something to sary about it, as you will be equally appeated. - I think it most unbecoming to anyone to quection the right of the Cnstration Crovenment to give at own officers, in its own Imperal Force, whatever vant & states it chaores. - Morewer, the gation taken is fully in acaord with thony order 35 of 1915, and the dates assymed t us by London Gazette of Juuly 9/15 Trusting all is well with you yours sincerely Thnmonast
88 P.S. I am not sure whether it is clead to you that it asmrakes all the difference in the world to us, whether our rank is substantivn or temporiry. - By a recent reting of the Milstary Board, all temporary ranks have to be relinguished as soon is the officer concerned goes sick or is wounded. so you will apprecate how closily the matter affects yourself.
38 Anzac Craccipoli Pesonal & unafficial Nov. 18/15 My dear Senator Fearce my justification fo writing you is that I am now semos Hrgndies. Seneoal present with the Arsiy Coops, - & wnth a view to snfegnarding our present & future interests. - while I do not reflect upon any office semes to me, I am bound to say that Anstriliams here sometimes feet that on regard to advancements the idea is that no Australian neet apply;- the Army alique is very strong here, & several appointments tr which Ancton gaus entertained quite legitimate aspiations have goo to Imparrnl offai the action of the solitary Board on promoting seven Anstralion Colonel to the substantive vank of Brgondies Leneral in the H.S.P. ha crented some stir in this cligue, who have their cy on buture possibilities, & I have reason to believe that an attempt may be made to induce you & the slitary Board to reverve ther aatun in the matter. I sincerely truse you will not allow such athing to happen. - The Anstration Govern ment is sworly entirely within its rights in assyning whatever statis & vant it chavses to its own officers, in its own Impayial tirce; & it seems crubecoming of anyone to queation, as has been done, the propriety of such action. - Mreve in riin of Aonny order 35 of 1915, & of the amoouncements on the Lndon Gorgette of July 9/15 it appeairs to me that the action of the Federal Freantive Council was in every way regulad & approponate. tmating that all is well with you, & with knind ragaindy to Mr Pearse Yours sincerely JhnMonash
TAO0ENA JAATEUA e0eivod Erect from Banly Report of 16/10-11/28 from O.C.. No. 2 subssection. $26 snipers Report they have also cut some telephone wires as already reported by special report, Extract from Prisade Report Dirision (B.N. 1642). Peatrols also) found some telephone fines about 300 Fards EAsT from BEOKS out out portion BLUFY AAA to forlon. Further Feport (3) Staff 628112 Please place with other papers. $ turn LtCol Ray Valley. ansac, BrIOAdo/AaYOr. 4t7. Jaust InL. pas. Callinoll Penin. 18/11/15.
FO.TONBSS AT TSSRN MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. LNa A Mosase sont or cont on Office Stamp Received e Words From 13 carses t a Sares Rettetan ORice. a Handed in at 14 DDe SATANSN TNONGWSNANSN SAASSTENNN AAA 19 No Wg Repart for 24 hows ende 0500 19/1/11ann pin tally Wil aan 7 to dit and 710 Calustin Maw 113th Bh Kielsam 1 work in hind & additional tw systen commnes and thework under ay should when completed Axcomodaty all Supports Nocal reserv he coughted approuch to lef of Notpost don 14)A Haskiy wiek abservator Move woled durof the day & ratein the Afternoon, out Markn & supers got out reas party which was eadgaygs epenwg frinch aow io resul caped b ansower but the work censes Mon MAOKATIMN AtM AMM WMEdM SBLl-Fa TO. TOW BIS LTSSIN MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Message. 2 SAMLOECAMON Ofice Stamp Rene ProAL Coda Words. "d Charge to collect SortesTucton Aet Handed in at SSSSSSNENN SATSINON TTONYWSSSN AAA Asn Mothe S Dapate at tistenof posts to report tade BDrs H RACEATIME Waa MoBd-GI SRI

"C" Form (Original).                     Army For
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.       No of Message
Prefix    Code    Words 
£      s.    d.
Charges to collect
From QA
By W Corker
Sent, or sent out
At   m. To  By 
Office stamp.

Handed in at QA Office  m.  Received 1808 m.
TO 4th Bde
*Sender's Number    Day of Month    In reply to Number  AAA
  QA 347                        18th                      BM 1639
Password noted
FROM Durrants Post
PLACE & TIME  1905

"C" Form (Duplicate). Army Form C. 2123   
Charges to Pay. 
₤   s.   d.
Office Stamp.
Service instructions.
Handed in at            Office    m.   Received    m.
TO   Bde Major  4th Bde
*  Senders Number.     Day of Month.   In reply to Number     AAA

QE 95                                18                           BM 1634                                                
Password received
FROM CO NZ SubSection
PLACE & TIME 1740   



Form (Duplicate).            Army Form C. 2123.
SAGES AND SIGNALS.    No. of Message
QA W Corker  
Charges to Pay. 
£ s. d. 
Office Stamp 
at   Office    m. Received   m. 
4th Bde
Sender's Number Day of Month  In reply to Number  AAA
 QA445                      18th                         BM1638
Instructions noted
FROM                   Durrant's Post
PLACE & TIME    1950

"C" Form (Duplicate). Army Form C. 2123   
SM     16th Bn
Charges to Pay. 
₤   s.   d.
Office Stamp.
Service instructions.
Handed in at      QE      Office    m.   Received   2020 m.
TO   Bde Major 4th Bde
*  Senders Number.     Day of Month.   In reply to Number     AAA

QE 100                             18th                        BM 1638
Altered dispositions received 
& noted 
FROM                   C.O No2 SubSection
PLACE & TIME    2015



"C" Form (Duplicate).              Army Form C. 2123.
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.    No. of Message 
SB QE W Corker 
Service Instructions.
Charges to Pay. £ s. d. 
Office Stamp.
Handed in at    Office   m. Received    1747m.
TO Bde Major 4th Bde
Sender's Number   Day of Month   In reply to Number  AAA
QE96                           18th    
Disposition of No 1 SubSection have
not yet arrived Will you
hurry along please
FROM                 CO No2 Sub Section
PLACE & TIME  1745


"C" Form (Duplicate).              Army Form C. 2123.
QE W Corker 
NOV 18 1915
4th Infantry Brigade.*]
Service Instructions.
Charges to Pay.
 £ s. d. 
Office Stamp.
Handed in at   Office    m. Received 1920m.
TO Bde Major 4th Bde
Sender's Number  Day of Month  In reply to Number  AAA
Number one Sub Sections dispositions
arrived here at 1815 aaa
I suggest delaying until 2100
14th patrols departure from barricade
proposed for 2030 aaa On
account of 16th patrols timed 
to return 2100 being unaware
of 14th patrols please confirm
 FROM                 CO No2 Sub Section
PLACE & TIME  1915
[* Capt Marks instructed accogly
Confirmed to No 1 & 2 SS Bm 1638


Beauchop's Hill
Nov. 18/15
Dear Seelenmeyer.
As Locke is now Staff Captain, & as I have not
so far appointed a permanent orderly officer, I am taking
an interest in the Mess Stores myself.- After a little
experience of the rate of consumption, we find it desirable to
va the quantities for the fortnightly supply, increasing
some items & reducing others. - For this reason, I am
enclosing you an amended list herewith, representing
our fortnightly requirements. - Please put this list
into force, in lieu of previous instructions, on the occasion
of the next & following consignments, which should follow
each other at intervals not exceeding 14 days. -
Please ensure that an invoice of each consignment
l  ves with the consignment, so that same may be
checked immediately on arrival. -
Acknowledge this letter immediately on receipt, please
so that I may know we are in touch. -
Trusting all in well with you
yours faithfully
John Monash



Mess Stores
required every 14 days - addressed to Bgdr-Genl Monash
                                              G.O.C 4th (Aust) Inf. Bde

1 doz. tins Milk                                          4 tins Asparagus
15 Oatmeal                                                6 tins Peas
20lbs Flour                                                 6 tins Tomatoes
4 bottles Tomato Sauce                         2  packets custard powder
1 bottle Pickled Onions                          2    "             Egg powder
1     "       Mixed Pickles                             2lb dried apricots
1     "      Piccalilli                                        2lb dried apples
1     "      Chutney                                       6 tins peaches
1     "      Curry Powder                             6    "    pears
1 ounce  Allspice                                      6    "    pineapple
1     "         Powdered Cinnamon           6    "    salmon 
1 lb           Baking powder                      6    "    sardines
6 lbs           best Margerine                    3   "     Herrings
2 bottles  Coffee Essence                      6    "   Sausages
10 packets Cornflower                           6    "   Lambs Tongues
4 tin or pots Cheddar Cheese             5lb     plain biscuits
1 bottle olives                                            5  "      assorted  do
 4 packets Jellies                                      2 lb    Cadburys Chocolate
1 lb. Fry's Cocoa                                        1 roll    Toilet paper
2 bottles Worcester Sauce                    200     Cigarettes
1 lbs currants                                             1 doz George IV Whisky
 1 lb Raisins                                                                                     
1 lb Sultanas
10 lbs Almonds & Walnuts
3 tins Anchovy Paste
3 pots Liebig Extract of Meat
6 tins assorted Soups


Nov. 18/15
My dear McCay.
The action of the Military Board granting promotion
to the substantive rank of Brigadier General to the seven Colonels
as per Gazette of Sep 3/15 has caused something of a stir
here amongst the Imperial Army clique. - The Gazette notice 
was clearly promulgated in Army Corp Orders here, sharing that
& it was accepted by Army Corps without question - But when,
after several days, it came under Godley's notice, he was
furious, & said it was "all a mistake", & expressed his intention 
of inducing Army Corps to write to Pearce to get this action
reversed. - The point is, of course, that it puts Chauvel, &
Hughes & myself (who are all in Godley's division) at some
advantage compared with his own N.Z. pets, F.E. Johnston
(whose Army rank is Major) & Russell whose rank is "temporary"
only. - In case he succeeds in getting Birdwood to recommend 
such action to Pearce, I trust you will have something to
say about it, as you will be equally affected. - I think it
most unbecoming for anyone to question the right of the Australian
Government to give its own officers, in its own Imperial Force, whatever
rank & status it chooses. - Moreover, the action taken is fully
in accord with Army order 35 of 1915, and the dates assigned
to us by London Gazette of July 9/15 - 
Trusting all is well with you

yours sincerely
John Monash 


P.S. I am not sure whether it is clear to you that it makes all
the difference in the world to us, whether our rank is substantive
or temporary. - By a recent ruling of the Military Board, all
temporary ranks have to be relinquished as soon is the officer
concerned goes sick or is wounded. - So you will appreciate
how closely this matter affects yourself. -


Nov. 18/15.
Personal & unofficial

My dear Senator Pearce
My justification for writing you is that I am now senior
Brigadier General present with the Army Corps, - & with a view to safeguarding
our present & future interests. - while I do not reflect upon any officer
senior to me, I am bound to say that Australians here sometimes feel that
in regard to advancements the idea is that "no Australian need apply";-
the Army clique is very strong here, & several appointments for which Australians 
entertained quite legitimate aspirations have gone to Imperial officers.
The action of the Military Board on promoting seven Australian Colonels
to the substantive rank of Brigadier General in the A.I.F. has created some
stir in this clique, who have their eyes on future possibilities; & I have
reason to believe that an attempt may be made to induce you & the
Military Board to reverse their actions in the matter. I sincerely trust
you will not allow such a thing to happen. - The Australian Government 
is surely entirely within its rights in assigning whatever status &
rank it chooses to its own officers, in its own Imperial Force; & it seems
unbecoming of anyone to question, as has been done, the propriety of
such action. - Moreover in mind of Army order 35 of 1915, & of the
announcements in the London Gazette of July 9/15 it appears to me
that the action of the Federal Executive Council was in every way
regular & appropriate. -
Trusting that all is well with you, & with kind regards to
Mrs Pearse
Yours sincerely
John Monash


Extract from Daily Report of 18/19-11/15, received
from O.C., No. 2 Sub-Section. :-
Snipers Report. 126
x     x     x    x     x
They have also cut some telephone wires as already
reported by special report."

Extract from Brigade Report to Division (B.M. 1642).
"Patrols also found some telephone Lines about
200 yards EAST from BECKS BLUFF AAA Cut out portion
Further report to follow"
Staff captain,
Please place with other papers.

Hay Valley, Anzac,                JP McGlinn Lt - Gol
Gallipoli Penin.                      Brigadier Major, 4th. Inf. Bde.


"C" Form (Original).                     Army Form C. 2123.
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.       No. of Message 
Prefix  SM Code  Words
£      s.    d.
Charges to collect
From 13th
Sent, or sent out
At.... m. To.... By....
Office stamp.

Handed in at.... Office....m.  Received.... m.
TO 4th Bde
*Sender's Number    Day of Month 19   In reply to Number AAA
QA 449                            19                              ____
Report for 24 hours ended 0500
19/1/11 aaa
(1) Sniping tally Nil aaa 7 to date aaa
(2) Casualties 1 Naw 13th Bde Ruled aaa
(3) Work in hand 2 additional 
Housing Systems Commenced aaa. The work
under way should when completed
accommodate all Supports & local reserves
aaa completed tunnel approach to left
of No1 post aaa
(4) Hackney Wick observation Movement
noticed during the day & late in the
afternoon, our Machine guns & snipers
got on to a party which was engaged
deepening trenches aaa No result
could be observed but the work cease


"C" Form (Original).                     Army Form C. 2123.
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.       No. of Message 
Prefix    Code    Words 
£      s.    d.
Charges to collect
Sent, or sent out
At     m. 
Office stamp.

Handed in at    Office    m.  Received    m.
*Sender's Number   Day of Month   In reply to Number  AAA

(5) Patrols at listening posts Nothing
to report

FROM                   Durrants Post
PLACE & TIME    0500

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