Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 10, 18 November - 25 November 1915, Part 2

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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MMISAIT DIS 104 als to aimess Mr aldarreade af whst to Jaors Gristero a ealleleals maets ai Bas,anticleats Isacareg If Atod ebszI Bas sreeIlle usgrco of exod 1 said Jareo soliatted no s To mi of aliaoge te es o ,a16.5.x -res as aaatoltito So Tedt Baa Joo BsbnesFgidS EAE Abgeaco Holisidaito yee e Rog nottoee& exsBeion Alclanogaer Lis nogs gyueasrg paliver Trere eroteres Jas bae nolalvzegus IseTaxco estorexe vest aat exsage ot aeisatorepa To satstanca eaah ed alt aseia easssed atlost 10 Retoerrco se Iodweo terti Jer becttof evss I dor slst est to Lis anses on vt HasoAti eso B o et taBega eg toa tast gort betoeters toa, Wiiss Bemals ter 2121. (1) sererrce, boo at Iseds sail Iel beroeta WisIbedte EDST mis te conees astte Bas Iss SLI SregI b seool.LTLmm AOLSLAes evII euoo To Seoffge o JooT-reh Reo 10 A.A.S WTAme Tol T0 areSTS Beat TOETosearo Ieelo Lsolsoaten of 11 FE of SOLI Tollere ean af asoslg enerots besestors Br to coaadg acosit Hod eIsolbat of AoreLta en bas,aenoheT bas abisod colton Araog Teatt to rolIteb Isren Holseslat of Di is asase t0 Tno Tlest gas Ireis Toa areryeade hs seitn AcSHTsg Ron Teteabe Al Bo Neve eo YilseIisoeters pated ton, wiss Ine-xoef he toa V HIReRedert SRvoigat To SnlaceteM AADNTT A Bevolessa VlD & SOIm Frted Weiog Io EAtAd to Palad Vitee Tol De te an 5t te be a B T S TeeIrId yd Reve - arerost Bas aserSbs asta to s sates re ereITes vd bea Fol Derso BS ReVSA, Wis Wianoereg ne V -Tenass VInsvos R Hrow Bas,wrID Ba Fret a weela Jeco He Eredmn To &zwoico solistsd To Gors Maey essolbat o axieste,Haet to eegsad to eo bod A w eele Aoet Ba Jot ees al JoH nen, Serotn senert Teate Bas Soo etoged ovreser ro Usoef etnt betoelies ones ald to Felsoer es ot estelngas Wlsacereg Lya10. relley LereneerES Wass Mogills eb A SAID 1184
Copy. Nov 18/15 DUTIES OF ASSISTANT PROVOST MARSHALSAND MILITARY POLICE. - It does not appear to be clear to Commanders of Divisions and Brigades and their Staff Officers, that the Assistant Provest Marshal of a Division is the Commanding Officer of the 25 Military Mounted Police in an Infantry Division, (or the 50 in a Mounted Division) allowed by War Establishments. It must be distinctly understood that these Military Mounted Police are part of the Divisional Headquarters, and that the Assist- ant Provost Marshal of the Division is responsible for assigning ) to then their duties, and for causing any casualties amongst them to be reported to D.A.G., 3rd. Echelon, on the A.F.B.213 rendered by Camp Commandant, Divisional Headquarters, It rests with the Assistant Provost Marshal how many, or whether any, should be attached to a Brigade in a Division, subject of course to the orders he may receive through the A.A. & 9.M.G. from the General officer Commanding Division, or from the Assistant Provost Marshal of the Corps, who is generally responsible for the effective carrying out of Police duties amongst the Divisions con- posing the Corps. If the Assistant Provost Marshal decides to attach any Police to a Brigade, the General Officer Commanding Brigade is responsible for notifying to him any orsulties, but these police are only tenporarily attached and are in no sense part of the Establishment of the Brigade. In order to keep up the efficiency of the Military Police it is preferable to Keep the Military Police quartered together at Divisional Headquarters under the eye of the Assustant Provost Marshal, who can then detail then according to circumstances, 1f, however, a Brigade is at any distance, the Assistant Provost Marshal of the Division may detail a party of Military Police to be Quartered tenporarily with any Brigade, that may be stationed at an incomvenient distance, or for any period he may wish, as for instance during a march. when casualties occur amongst the Military Mounted police of a Division, soldiers to act as Military Police may be selected from units during the vacancy but such men are im no way part of the Corps of Military Police and they will revert to their nonnal duties when the vacancies are filled by reinforceents of regular Military Police. Similarly casualties amongst the Police of Corps Headguar- terswill be reported to D.A.G., 3rd Echelon on the A.F.B.213 render. ed by the Camp Commandant, and the vacancies may be filled by acting Police. These acting police, provided they are efficient, will be changed as seldom as possible. Casualties in the police causing vacancies will also be reported to the Provost Marshal, General Headguarters, throughn the Corps Assistant Provost Mars-hal, so that he can distribute reinforcenents as they arrive from England, The Regimental Polive of a unit are responsible for discipline within the unit, and are not under the Assistant Provost Marshaly but will carry out within their lines the general rules and regula- tions as to disciplinary measures which the General officer Command- ing may order through his staff or the Assistant Provost Marshal, and they are at all times to assist the Military Mounted Police when called upon to do so The MilitaryMounted Police, whilst supervising the discipline of the Division generally, are not responsible for discipline within an unit.
The Military Mounted Police or Military Foot Police wnether regular or acting, are solely for police duties and gre not to be en- ployed as Camp quartermaster Sergeants, or Storexeepers, orderlies, grooms, mess servants, etc., as has occasionally happened. Non-commissioned officers and men enployed as acting Police in vacancies in the War Establishment of Divisional Police, may draw acting Police Pay, and claims for such, shewing explanation of vacancy are to be forwarded to Provost Marshal, General Headquarters, for approval or otherwise. Promotion in the Military Police can only be made by the Provost Marshal, General Headquarters, to whom all recommendations should be sent. Except on the establishment of their units, no soldier acting as Military Police is to be given promotion, temporary or otherwise, with- out reference to the Provost Marshal, General Headquarters, and where an acting Policenan is given regimental pronotion, it will be reported to Provost Marshal, General Headquarters, so that he can decide as to the future police duties of the non-commissioned officer. The above applies generally to the Police forming part of the establishment of Headquarters of Bases, and of 1.G.C. The Assistant Provost Marshal, on the staff of the 1.G.C. 1s responsible to the Provost Martial, General Headquarters, for the control of Police matters on the Lines of Conmunication. Certain Advanced Bases are, for the time being, placed under the supervision of Provost Mxxtial Marshal, General Headquarters or of Corps Assistant Provost Marshals as to Police matters but this temperary arrangement does not affect the above general principle). The Divisional Military Police of Territorial Divisions drawn From Yeomanry RayixaEax Units, are supermimerary to the Establishments of their inits. Casualties amongst those Territorial Police will be filled either by selections from units in the Division, or from regular Military Police, according to the orders which may be issued by Provost Marshal, General Headquarters. Casualties anongst those Territorial Divisional Police are to be reported to D.A.G., 3rd. Echelon, through Camp Commandant and to Provost Marshal, General Headquarters, as shewm im 3 above. The Military Mounted Police ofna Mounted Brigade will, when the Brigade becones part of a Mounted or other Division, be under the orders, and at the disposel, of the Assistant Provost Marshal of the Division as shewn in paragraphs 1 to 6 above Attention is directed to Field Service Regulations, Part II, Sections 107 to 112. (Sed) A. CAVENDISH, Colonel, General Headquarters, For D.A.G. 18th. November, 1915. -00000-
AO. PON CMSSAR A MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. L Charges to CAWCAN 19/1/15 CAA 39 B0 MOB 951 4Bite SASSSSNN DCISIN A Ap42 18 Repert for o he ended 2500 18/2/15 If Amping Fally at 1000 MaC H.A.31 Hosong acceunted a Sek 109yds N of FAAM claa sotes to dote yla Gasnanties Nil Aad (3) Odtrers andlistenings Ports nething to report Iaad 4 at 1950 there was heavy firing on night in direction of WRERS HRIDGF) and from JFTAORA MID a woe wh aws tae tene t. t. a ca ts AORON BIS A S SMESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of N0 5 CWEO JAWSANS LTAAM FaAeSS C SAS SSCSGWSE aaa desultery firing from APHFF Fnts Host ana allittl fire from Turks at HARM therwise all gies had Fire had ceased at 2000. A 28 178 Extent pty Preppeencet Worrs Bu 1624 it FRON Durrants Vost EACTA MAIS 0500 M T M MII ML TTSAN INNSI
f N2/ sut ar Report Ny. 18/1/15 To Gvp. 144 121 137 procress of work serrainy has been carriedd an saps have been pushed on during the day but for the might it had to be staped swing to rain & smipers report st sager has cos the enemy one camuality in a position towards Bulgar Hill they also report treal that there isno inemy on the osytiadandeo fire trunshes or they also observed an opponn in the enemy, wire entangl sd tue a gate they mygrt to have Wallatey smping cage be sired on that position to be sined daring night 2 MOR pag smpers olso report abserving of enemy Coopholing theyer Frenches on pasitiod of Hill 421 to mards cnunad Ber136 Patrale from Besss Beuft reports that during the shower at 2000 the Enemf kept a fire on oenkent appearantly expecting an attack fou yren Knall (Hackney week) lnt after a flare has been sent up the fire gradhaly stoped General There is nothing to report except as per Bati repart which is ourwhor t en all sec communders TeMarotn mater of o 4arat si 05 10
panition over the whole front facmy our sub- setion. gate in Nore entanlement at the head of thi Branch gully running botween Franklins & Beck Lasphales to the left of Franklin between the sand cliffs at about 500l from Franklens
ETTREEDMS WOrpow Cnpiato MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Mosge Office Stamp CANWEG sm 94 7 " " B8 R2 LL 18/11 Ara 7 Handed in at th Anst Bte TUSWSNNSE SAASSN JeAASSNENON AAA Bynadis Considerable hossile flelling of whole liney thiring morning but no casugllies and like domag parapess and Hegny ar rifle and madhine opened by Tuskt ie sooo during labout viotens tunderstom continuing for half hour but ared between om tine and thears let up b showed no ligtning movement. Remanider i a0 very now A4 of night peated 54 Oddressed dust see WrAON Boe 16 HS 3703 it fo w2 Aawtal Al P.I.A.C.M SANS pe 162
A0. MO. PoN Ditt aag TomOR MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. Ro.df Meaan ecne Ofice Stamp Cen MCMICN Pretr Charges to collect 10 SA 1 Mn. Recetved. Handedin at RNGWSSSSA SAASARE AAA 51 The N0 unde ground purt A o six now No AAA NO com cin Le be a FSON ted e f 18000) W.O08S- 1612 50, 000 Pad- 1916 P.T. 4 Oo. Lid-Forme
Patton lg A Der 2 a 5 1de te gead mcpp $94 tolton 24 te4 pe 40 effect 1004 16 24 a5 B004 A4 N0 Tay Deste & afec fegc 20 ax pot Devie 4 10 t noeffect Hedsmh 38 Pay 1900k (Cofly). (South Lamephiie Reg. 6Dr RoaWhrich Pifles Borgers 1o 142 RSE Pay Books Conly ont. Copoit. t and spof houe y Ahntin we cat upet the 2e ff a Paute ₤44 £4 Adg
42 Po AAT PONAM. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. 10. d Vease Brall I cose a/Mor a This message is on a/e of: Rad s m vawa mot aod torne bore 4 t J Ht 4 (46 Bonatur of .Frater ORONPT/BY 18 N0. I Suo-Seption - Dippaitians Moht LotHLoth JOVODOT. In reply to Num STM MAMon AAA et (44) Patroi 3 Men from SEIKE HUIRE In Atoottor of CES KNO at 2340 returning at 2182 1241 Mire Hytne party of S 12 Eron4 of Loth DRp LIneS FrOM O239 T0 O0O 16) Canterbyry On Patrolling e theiren00to 000. Co1 Pasnord 1ONA INTLNIOf. () 12 A14 D2. patrele- 1 H.O.0. a & upr witt tearb barrioade pt 2030 and p336 Foturniaf va richt of 40. 1 Poot at 33 274 1463 50870OlfrOl POOA.C. p0. 1 P306 pr return. te) OC. No. TPoet to dothis tno Lsfening poote (t0 tece ve 4 pottton of Tardo in advange of his frint line. Wust Datacon that brose are coity arate of the projoted povo- Bents of our patrols. Mark3 Opst. &ASutant, (Wtn On. Reened at 1725 10 COPY oribade 5O. 14 Post No. 3 Sub-sec. 10 C.Ce 19. 1 Pact CT (iath (on.) From Cobo 1 & Poot D.C0 p. 2. 6. Pace 6 File. The An My to Tnnen A MC 5 amre d M omotl JMM This line should be crased if not required C -T LC T M M PM CMN No 2 S00 Sectn 64 AHTL DERE 18-1115 Jrued at 1825 18:19 t Deposelian for NXIII 32 Ipatod of Zene will go Mrotier ut touight from BECHS BLUE in direction of CACONKNOII 221242 at 130 returning a 2102 pr purpose of listening & oberning enemys enguncnts I wire poeing party of six encer will be ons in W1SE front of 16H Bn lines from FILINC C1239 to 6530 ARTIES 66 NoTSSection 162 BREADE BRTEADE



Nov 18/15
1. It does not appear to be clear to Commanders of Divisions and
Brigades and their Staff Officers, that the Assistant Provost
Marshal of a Division is the Commanding Officer of the 25 Military
Mounted Police in an Infantry Division, (or the 50 in a Mounted
Division) allowed by War Establishments.
It must be distinctly understood that these Military Mounted
Police are part of the Divisional Headquarters, and that the Assistant 
Provost Marshal of the Division is responsible for assigning y
to them their duties, and for causing any casualties amongst them
to be reported to D.A.G., 3rd. Echelon, on the A.F.B.213 rendered
by Camp Commandant, Divisional Headquarters,
It rests with the Assistant Provost Marshal how many, or whether
any, should be attached to a Brigade in a Division, subject of
course to the orders he may receive through the A.A. & Q.M.G. from
the General officer Commanding Division, or from the Assistant
Provost Marshal of the Corps, who is generally responsible for the
effective carrying out of Police duties amongst the Divisions composing 
the Corps. If the Assistant Provost Marshal decides to
attach any Police to a Brigade, the General Officer Commanding
Brigade is responsible for notifying to him any casualties, but
these police are only temporarily attached and are in no sense part
of the Establishment of the Brigade.
In order to keep up the efficiency of the Military Police it is
preferable to keep the Military Police quartered together at
Divisional Headquarters under the eye of the Assistant Provost
Marshal, who can then detail them according to circumstances,
1f, however, a Brigade is at any distance, the Assistant Provost
Marshal of the Division may detail a party of Military Police to be
quartered temporarily with any Brigade, that may be stationed at an
inconvenient distance, or for any period he may wish, as for instance
during a march.
2. When casualties occur amongst the Military Mounted police of a
Division, soldiers to act as Military Police may be selected from
units during the vacancy but such men are in no way part of the
Corps of Military Police and they will revert to their normal duties
when the vacancies are filled by reinforcements of regular Military
Police. Similarly casualties amongst the Police of Corps Headquarters
will be reported to D.A.G., 3rd Echelon on the A.F.B.213 rendered
by the Camp Commandant, and the vacancies may be filled by acting
Police. These acting Police, provided they are efficient, will be
changed as seldom as possible.
Casualties in the Police causing vacancies will also be reported
to the Provost Marshal, General Headquarters, through the^|Corps
Assistant Provost Marshal, so that he can distribute reinforcements
as they arrive from England,
3. The Regimental Police of a unit are responsible for discipline
within the unit, and are not under the Assistant Provost Marshal,
but will carry out within their lines the general rules and regulations 
as to disciplinary measures which the General officer Commanding 
may order through his staff or the Assistant Provost Marshal,
and they are at all times to assist the Military Mounted Police
when called upon to do so
The Military^|Mounted Police, whilst supervising the discipline of
the Division generally, are not responsible for discipline within an


4. The Military Mounted Police or Military Foot Police whether
regular or acting, are solely for police duties and are not to be employed 
as Camp Quartermaster Sergeants, or Storekeepers, Orderlies,
grooms, mess servants, etc., as has occasionally happened.
5. Non-commissioned officers and men employed as acting Police in
vacancies in the War Establishment of Divisional Police, may draw
acting Police Pay, and claims for such, shewing explanation of vacancy,
are to be forwarded to Provost Marshal, General Headquarters, for
approval or otherwise.
6. Promotion in the Military Police can only be made by the Provost
Marshal, General Headquarters, to whom all recommendations should be
sent. Except on the establishment of their units, no soldier acting as
Military Police is to be given promotion, temporary or otherwise, without 
reference to the Provost Marshal, General Headquarters, and where an
acting Policeman is given regimental promotion, it will be reported to
Provost Marshal, General Headquarters, so that he can decide as to the
future police duties of the non-commissioned officer.
7. The above applies generally to the Police forming part of the
establishment of Headquarters of Bases, and of I.G.C. The Assistant
Provost Marshal, on the staff of the I.G.C. is responsible to the Provost
Martial, General Headquarters, for the control of Police matters on the
Lines of Conmunication.
(Certain Advanced Bases are, for the time being, placed under the
supervision of Provost Mxxtial Marshal, General Headquarters or of Corps
Assistant Provost Marshals as to Police matters but this temporary
arrangement does not affect the above general principle).
8. The Divisional Military Police of Territorial Divisions drawn
from Yeomanry RayixaEax Units, are supernumerary to the Establishments
of their units. Casualties amongst those Territorial Police will be
filled either by selections from units in the Division, or from regular
Military Police, according to the orders which may be issued by Provost
Marshal, General Headquarters. Casualties anongst those Territorial
Divisional Police are to be reported to D.A.G., 3rd. Echelon, through
Camp Commandant and to Provost Marshal, General Headquarters, as shewm
in 3 above. The Military Mounted Police of a Mounted Brigade will, when
the Brigade becomes part of a Mounted or other Division, be under the
orders, and at the disposal, of the Assistant Provost Marshal of the
Division as shewn in paragraphs 1 to 6 above.
9. Attention is directed to Field Service Regulations, Part II,
Sections 107 to 112.
(Sgd) A. CAVENDISH, Colonel,

For D.A.G.
General Headquarters,
18th. November, 1915. 


Army Form C. 2123
"C" Form (Duplicate).    
SM   13th B
Charges to Pay. 
₤   s.   d.
Office Stamp.
Service instructions.
Handed in at    QA        Office    m.   Received  0512  m.
TO   4t Bde
*  Senders Number.     Day of Month.   In reply to Number     AAA
 QA 434                            18th
Report for 24 hrs ended 0500
91) Sniping Tally at 1000 - No 2509
H.A.S. HOLIDAY accounted for
a Turk 100 Yds N. of FARM aaa
Total to date 7 aaa
(2) Causalities Nil aaa
(3) Patrols and Listening Posts
nothing to report aaa

At 1950 There was heavy
firing on Right in direction of


Army Form C. 2123
"C" Form (Duplicate).    
Charges to Pay. 
₤   s.   d.
Office Stamp.
Service instructions.
Handed in at             Office    m.   Received     m.
TO    2
*  Senders Number.     Day of Month.   In reply to Number     AAA
desultory firing form APEX &
fire from Turks at FARM otherwise
all quiet aaa Fire had
ceased at 2010.
BM 1628

Explanation asked
for why no
reference to Works  BM 1629
Reply attached 
FROM   Durrants Post



NZ Sub. Sec Report N7.
To G.O.C.  4th Inf   137
Progress of Work
Terracing has been carried on
saps have been pushed on
during the day but for the
night it had to be stopped
owing to rain &
snipers report Pte Sager has
caused the enemy one causality
in a position towards
Bulgar Hill They also report
that there is practically no enemy on the
[* Position*] advanced fire trenches or
they also observed an oppening
[* Locality firing*] in the enemy's , wire entanglements
like a gate they, suggest to have
Wallaby sniping cage be
fixed on that position to be
fired during night


snipers also report observing
of enemy loopholing theyer
[*?*]Trenches on position of Hill 971
to towards Chunak Bir.  136
Patrol from Beck's Bluff
reports that during the shower
at 2000 the Enemy kept a
fire on front line apparently
expecting an attack on Green
Knoll (Hackney Wick) but 
after a Flare has been
sent up the fire gradually
General There is nothing to
report except as per patrol
report which is collaborated
by all sec. commanders
ES Margolin Major
0510  O/C NZ sub Sec



Position  over the whole
front facing our sub-section.
Gate in Wire entanglements
at the head of the Branch
Gully running between
Franklins & Beck's
Loopholes to the left of
Franklin between the
sand cliffs at about 600.t
from Franklins


Army Form C. 2123
"C" Form (Duplicate).    
SM  GA  74
Charges to Pay. 
₤   s.   d.
Office Stamp.

Service instructions.
Handed in at     ZPB        Office    m.   Received    0733 m.
TO    4Th Aust Bde
*  Senders Number.     Day of Month.   In reply to Number     AAA
BM484                            18
Considerable hostile shelling
of whole line during 
morning nut no causalities
and little damage to
parapets aaa Heavy
rifle and machine gun
fire opened by Turks
about 2000 during
violent thunderstorm
continuing for half hour
but area between own line
and theirs lit up by
lightning showed no 
movement. Remainder 
of night very quiet aaa
addressed 54th Div repeated
161 and 9th Aust Bde
FROM    162 Bde

BM 1630 


"C" Form. (Original.)  Army Form C.2123
Prefix  Code     Words
From  QA
By  PH
Sent, or sent out
At   m.
To   140
Office Stamp.
₤  s.  d.
Charges to collect
Service Instructions. 
Handed in at the      Office at     m.    Received here at   m.
*  Senders Number.     Day of Month.   In reply to Number     AAA
QA 436                             18                         BM 1629
No 1 The construction of
underground shelters being
pushed on and there are
now six systems under way
AAA No 2 Tunnels to connect
No  No 2 Post with advanced
trench in No 2 is nearly
complete and should be finished
by nightfall today AAA Forward 
Sap in No 2 Post is
being extended to the East
about 20 yds


No2 Sub Section Aghyl Dere
16th Bn
to Bde Major  ==     =1455=
4th Bde
=Re dead mens effects=
The following pay books and
effects are returned herewith to 
16th Bn Pte RA Moody No 2025  Pay Book Disc &
16th Bn  Cpl H Davies No 45 Pay Book & Disc &
no effects.
5th/Les Pte J Wildsmith No 38 Pay Book (Only)
(South Lancshire Reg)
R I F.   "  J Bowers  No 6/11583, 6th Bn Royal Irish Rifles)
Pay Book (only)
Also 2 bombs and 6000 rounds of
ammunition were bought in
with these effects
for PR Paull Adj + Adj 16th Battn 


"A" Form.   Army Form C. 2121.
Prefix   Code   Words
Office of Origin and Service Instructions.
Q.A. 440.
Words. Charge|
GO.C 4th Bde
At   m.
This message is on a/c of:
(Signature of "Franking Officer.")
Recd. at     m.
Date  131 
From Copy No. 1
TO    No. 1 Sub-section  - Dispositions night
18th/16th November.

*  Senders Number.     Day of Month.   In reply to Number     AAA
INFORMATION (1) (a) No. 2 Sub-section.
(1) Patrol 3 men from BECKS BLUFF in
direction of GREEN KNOLL at 1330 returning 2100.
(ii) Wire fixing party of six men front of
16th Bn. lines from 0230 to 0530
(b) Canterbury Bn. Patrolling
to their front 2000 to 2400.
(c) Password - POONAH.
INTENTION. (2)  (a) 14 Bn. patrols - 1 N.C.O. 
and 3 men will leave barricade at 2030 and 0335
returning via right of No.1 Post at 2200 and 0450
respectively reporting to O.C. No. 1 Post on
(b) O.C. No, 1 Post to detail 
two listening posts to take up a position 25 yards
in advance of his front line. Care must be taken
that those are fully aware of the projected movements
of our patrols.

DW Marks   Capt.
A/Adjutant, 13th Bn.
Issued at 1735
No. 1 Copy     Brigade                  5. O.C. No.2 Post
        2     NO, 2 Sub-sec.               6   O.C. No. 3 Post
        3        Canterbury Bn.                 (14th Bn.)
        4       O.C. No. 1 Post              7.  O.C., N.Z. E.
                    8. File.



16TH BN.
issued at 1525
Depositions for NIGHT 18 -19 Nov
1 A patrol of 3 men will go
out tonight from BECKS BLUFF
in direction of GREEN KNOLL
at 1830 returning at 2100, for purpose of listening & observing
enemys movements
2 A wire fixing party of 
six men will be out in front of 16TH BN lines front
A230 to A530


D Margolin  CO.

16 Bn

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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