Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 10, 12 November - 18 November 1915, Part 11

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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26 Foowards for perncal of Os, C. Nos 1 an 2 Techis The papers disclose that Subordinate Oficers were responsible, possibly through over Zeal, for action which did not come within their Sabere of duty Fwither what has been dis- closed herein Emphasises the absolutely Essatial that all important Executive action should be in the hans of the D.C. Sub Sechin whose duty it is to see that all within his Command are made aware of in¬ buto, pass wow exc. Please instruct Ohes according hote tahn Colonel vncrmnf mpt ty him AUSTRALLAN IMPERIAL FURCE INOYS OC No 2 Sub Sum BN.Y r itruction tampher wil Jcs 1 OC. No 2 SubSec Attenion is again directed to the crreularity of an adjutant Syning correspondenceof this natue, which is obviouly everial for the Ferotatin of the O.C. te Iub Secto Will you kindly wore Debver yboo withn toce SMII orC No. 1 Sub Sech Please note Feturn Jwyha prbnDE MASOAAN ME. SRIGADE. Moreaiun MOERIAL FORCE. IhOWIS
LTYEONSN TO PON OMN RANn MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. ORoe Stamp S Nene aan 1316 Charges to collect $/5 SANMMN an MSSS 1 Buigatte TA DASAROY NE AAA RaMI t hours ended $500 Heport for D Snpndg Gally Wil anw 15/41/15 of Casnalliu &ion Wdat 1th Battalion (3) HAOkwey WICK Moring under close oleservation as of r4th onserves fresh earth worl on Southern side of Pst 4 74th Bli papolliesA9AIL DeRE from 0100 o0200 adv t No175 JMachue Aung (13th Ph) openies conveyi fire on HACKneY W IIH. at 2217. Owo $0300 aad half fired in euch case gow R1 welt istering past sothin to raport and Wt Gurran Dast RaAMe 0500 CleAd teCMNINE JAN WRSS-IOIL. OAN EAAS- IlE P.F. 4 O. A- Sor 1.
28 Hay Valley Beauchops Hill Unfidential Nov. 15/15 N.E&A. Di. H.Q. In reply to LaC, I have pleasure in submitting the following recommendations. FDr Covix de Chevalier, Legion of Honor Majr S.C.E. Herring Bt. Br. B. Fo Medaitle Militarre No. 717, Sergeant E.P. Hill, 14th 13n No. 154, Cooporal John Hynes, 15th B Crow de Gueri Fi Private E.T. Miller 16th Br No 1353 Ne 355 Corporal W. Clarke 13th N Full details, and reasons for above recommendations are set Footh in the papeos funished herewith Johntonash Bng. Lemeril Comdy. 2th Anst. Inf. Bde
NE/Sul Scc Report NEt Jo G10. 0144 14100 Bragress of Works Further Teriaei has been carried in and land progress made suppine forward for the imprrodement of the fary tine has been pushest an very fatisfactory Wife entoinglements on other bo has ncen fuld in front of firn line cohmunication brench to Frandein has been further impropect by Aeakenig also puunen more thavereo M.G. emplacements wase been improsed b Tannes purtes forward. 108 Datholy Bandy Hole rport nnothing amusnal resuined 2) Ratial towords Ghurla Hill sports oigging an Hadnay knoll by th memy continues to be heard therwise all guite 3) Ratrol (towards new Yannil report with& abserted M.G an i9 porte fired at enemy about 10 on rong cumning up towards Hackney wick with good wlt E ae. eettary f magen ofC Wendrer Br 598 05.13 Tame
AO PON,IOMSNN SAENN Ro. d Nee MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. Ofice Stamg snt, o mon mer Non 15 Ourre to wred 1 LHAN Handedin at 1th Hust BR a MISSEANE AAA 13:0 1344 488 Report fothes 10 Syth Di taussed 4th H 161 rrepeated PRON 2 PLACR A TIHS 18000) N.0888- 1872 O0, 000 Pads 11L. P.T. & Co. Ltd-Ferme O,3128
.ORo Besl ASOMSINN MESSAGES AND SIGNALS Ja A Mane Ca WE CAWDA Dar n9 1610 1 SASS t de CANSWSNEN SaF MaK aa 620 15 Your daily report a Tht burits of naghie Gun to bo Hackney wick e which surks working night parte hegd ard therefor Li close touch pt Brigad with 105 to nights so durn that information the this point PRon ny ADro BACEA TIS 1120 18000) W. 800S-1612 suO0 Pads- 19/14. P.T. 4 Ca. 4ld-Ferma O. 2128. 2 100 A TORSSIR LAPTEAL. PMESSAAES AND SIONALS No of Monere Charge PreAr This message is on alo of: Cana On aA Ba ser wrle FroM EIRARTO, FIMSHTS OMAT Ath. Austyalian infantry Brisade. STAMoN Lerert to Tte SAAFESEEN AAA be 288 15th Reference your daily report and the 54th. (Mivision ar0 arranging to bring bursts of machine gun Lira on to RACKNEY WICK Auring nights on which Turkis Working parties can be heard Add Thereford please Keep in close touch with Brigade on your LEFT during nights po as to sive then inmediate infemation on inE this point. (PrONON. 2. A. Dipision, 1720. 127 00 Ca No. 2 Supsections For your Intomation and necessary action. Bgh Hay Valley. Brisade Major xtn. Aust. mE. Bae. Annac. 15/11/15. 1556. From Time The above menbe Corverded as an arriated snr arite d 1am o r a a w a .. "This line should be crased if not required.
mei iaimn ouir ammm used on mnu Ar FORM Aray Form O. 2121 MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Message Mac Cane - This measage is on a/o of: Rood. AtM. Office of Orisis and Service lnstruction s Dervice AGI. mmm DOmmum omunm (Sienature of Frentias Offcer hd rigade T0 Brigade 4th Aust SutiHent Do s tnt tot AAA Buib39 5 Password The for use tonight occupied section ly in the between Brigade OH8 Irigade this for fire trenches and and is of ESSEX patiols ase ocn 755 teegt actd Drm 1592 2 r t 1515 Bde From N.2 Fut Place heer Time The atoe mor to concered as wwe amoutt. the 127 Pl Majo mumum Con.] Secued Rah a ro intamd to retoror a borte 6 This liw woald be rawd i ad INFANTRY ORICAPE
AC. PON, ORSS a MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. Ta a Hea Mana vae bam PreAE Code WO Charges to conedt ANHANM Handed in st -M. Recelved. 4 te AAA O #915 BY1S92 Gceieved noted and PRON Dunant Bst RiathAME 1500 This Hne should be crased if not required. 1800) W.AS-10IL. D O Pad- 11L P.T. 4 C. Lt-Forme 812l. TO.PON, ORSNN MA JSNR MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of New PreAr O0do 9 Bl Anips to clee A LAMAE 30 Handed in al Bte Hde Major 4 AHITN h AAA B2/1897 Password noted. 7 2 Sub Sectior PRON PLAORA THS 1420 Mhete Aald C CanNiN BAItS C Fa- vowna an. E.T. a a. M Tomon
30 Beauchof Hill Confidential Nov 15/15 N.2.A. Div. H.Q In reply to NEAA 531 of 15th inct. the statement in my letter of Nov. 14 that I am "the Senior Australian officer of my present rant present with the Army Corp's is based upon action by the war office, consequential action by the Military Board (Anstralia) & my understanding of the regulations on the subject On April 6/15 & again on June 27/15 I requested in writing that the question of the relative semority of all Brigade Commanders Cartin the Army ( ps) might be definitely settled, so that the chain of precedence, authority & responsibility might be made known to all confryed, - I am inawad of any decision hereon.- 3 It had prevously been ruled (by H.A.G. Division) that as between my. self & Brigadie Genl F.E. Tohnston Your relation semority in the Imperial Forces (of N.2. & Aistraha respectively) – ad not that before the outhreat of war - would goven the question, & I accepted this ruling without demur. London Gagette, July 95 given the dates from which the appointments to Tempovaly rank of Brigadzes Seneof take effect, thus Major (temps. El. ) F.A Johnston Sep 1/14. Col. D. Monash "15/14 Cve. H. Danvel JC.M.G. Dee 10/14 Commonwealth Goretty of Sp. 5/15 announces temporaty appointments to the rank of Brigadiy fereneong in the Anst. Imperal Force in the same order of procedence as alive. G.R.O. 675 states that, in accordance with Army Orders, all officer (belonging to a wrnt take precedence therein, & in their respective branks according to the date of their appointment or promotion to "those ranks.- By a decision of the Military Board (Hustoulia) Officers on the active list of the Commonwealth silitaty Forces shall rant
31 according to the date of appointment in that rand in the Commonwealth Military Forces; - but this rule applies, as stated in the rule itself, only to the rank of First appointment in the A.U.P., & not to Subrequent promotions or appointments.- If this rule were read otherwise it would be in direct conflict with the army order, which appies, in terms, both to promotions & appointments & with the local practigl of recugnizing precidence in accordance with temporaly rank apperntlity to fill vacancees.- The grant of Tanoraly rank of Brigadie General is discribed both in the London Cittef in the Commonwealth Gagette as an Appoint mant.- JohnMonash Brig Lenl. Condg 4th Anst. Iq. Bbe

26   4aB/859
Forwarded for perusal of by
O's C. Nos 1 an 2 ^sub Sections
The papers disclose that
Subordinate Officers were
responsible, possibly through
over zeal, for action which
did not come within their
sphere of duty.
Further, what has been disclosed
herein Emphasises
that it is how absolutely Essential
^it is that all important Executive
action should be in the
hands of the O.C. Sub Section
whose duty it is to see
that all within his Command
are made aware of instruction, 
password etc.
Please instruct Officers 
accordingly: note return
 J P McGlinn Lieut. Colonel,
OC No 2 Sub sectn
BM. 4th Bd.
Your instructions 16/11/15
complied with
for CO CR Paull

O.C. No. 2 SubSectn
Attention is again
directed to the
irregularity of an
adjutant signing
correspondence of this
nature, which is obviously
for the ^personal s notation of
the O.C. the SubSectn
Will you kindly note
J P McGlinn Lieut. Colonel,
G.O.C. 4th Inf
above noted
E. L Margolin major
O/C N2 sub Sec

No. 1 SubSectn
Please note return
J P McGlinn Lieut. Colonel,


"C" Form (Original)    Army Form C. 2123
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.    No. of message
Prefix  SM  Code 5am  Words
£.   s.    d. 
Charges to collect
From 13th
Sent, or sent out    
At      m.                           
To              102
Office stamp
Service Instructions.
Handed in at   13th Btn   Office       m.     Received 5am   m.
To   4th Brigade
*Senders number      Day of month    in reply to number       AAA
Qa 413                                    15th                         ---
Report for 24 hours ended 0500
15/11/15 (1) Sniping tally Nil aaa
4 to date (2) Casualties 2 wounded
14th Battalion (3) HACKNEY WICK
under close observation aaa Morning
of 14th observed fresh earth work
on Southern side of Post aaa (4)
14thBtn patrolled.  AQAIL DERE
from 0100 to 0200 aaa (5) No 2 & 5
Machine guns (13th Btn) opened
converging fire on HAckey WITH.
at 2217. 0100 & 0300 aaa half
belt fired in each case aaa (6)
listening post nothing to report aaa
From     Durrants Post
PLACE & TIME   0500
* This line should be erased if not required
(6900) W. 9668-1672   50 000 Pads - 12/14 F.T. & Co. Ltd. Forms/C.2123


Hay Valley
Beauchops Hill
Nov. 15/15
N.Z. & A. Div. H.Q.
In reply to Z a 6, I have pleasure in
submitting the following recommendations:-
A. For Croix de Chevalier, Legion of Honor
Major S.C.E. Herring 13th  Bn.
B. For Medaille Militaire
No. 717, Sergeant E.P. Hill, 14th Bn
No. 154, Corporal John Hynes, 15th Bn
C. For Croix de Guerre
No 1353 Private E.J. Miller 16th Bn
No 355 Corporal W. Clarke 13th Bn
Full details, and reasons for above recommendations
are set forth in the papers furnished herewith
John Monash
Brig. General
Comdg. 4th Aust. Inf. Bde


NZ Sub Sec. Report N4
To G.O.C. 4th Inf   101
Progress of Works
Further Terracing has been
carried in and good progress
Sapping forward for the
improvement of the firing line
has been pushed on very
Wire entanglements our other
50x has been fixed in front
of firing line
Communication trench to
Franklins has been further
improved by deepening also
putting more traverses.
M.G. emplacements have been
improved by tunnels pushed

1) Sandy Knoll reports nothing
unusual observed.
2) Patrol towards Ghurka Hill reports
digging on Hackney Knoll ^Wick by the
enemy continues to be heard
otherwise all quite
3) Patrol towards new tunnel
reports nothing observed
[*Time?*] M.G an N9 poste fired at
enemy about 10 on strong coming
up towards Hackney Wick
with Good result
[*Capt Paul "1730"   
15 X1/15

E S Margolin Major
O/C NZ sub Sec

Bm 1595
Time 05.15


"C" Form (Original).    Army Form C. 2123
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.    no. of message
Prefix  SM  Code   Words 21 
£     &     d. 
Charges to collect
Sent, of sent out     
At                        m.
Office Stamp
Handed in at      Office       m.     Received 0700 am.
To   4th Aust Bde
*Senders Number                 Day of Month    In reply to Number       AAA
BM 458                                              15th                          
Nothing to Report
Aadressed 54th Div
repeated 161st & 4th A Bdg

From       162 Bdg 0700
* This line should be erased if not required
(6900) W. 9668-1672   50 000 Pads - 12/14 F.T. & Co. Ltd. Forms/C.2123


"C" Form (Duplicate)    Army Form C. 2123
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.    no. of message
SM L Dam 66 NZ
Charges to pay.   
£  &  d.
Office Stamp.
Service Instructions          
Handed in at  NZ    Office       m.     Received 1121  m.
To   4th Aust Inf Bde
*Senders number         day of month    in reply to number       AAA
G 789                                        15              
Reference your daily report aaa
The 54th Divn are arranging
to bring bursts of machine Gun
fire on to Hackney Wick during
night on which Turks working
parties can be heard aaa Therefore
please keep in close touch
with Brigade on your left
during nights so as to give
them immediate information on
this point

3 copies

From       NZ A Div
PLACE & TIME  1120
(6900) W. 9668-1672   50 000 Pads - 12/14 F.T. & Co. Ltd. Forms/C.2123

"A Form."      Army Form C. 2121.
4AB/942.    MESSAGES AND SIGNALS   No. of message
Prefix      Code      m.     
Words      Charge
Office of Origin and Service Instructions. 
This message is on a/c of: 
(Signature of "Franking Officer.")
Recd at      m.
Date   107
At    m.
To 4th. Australian Infantry Brigade.
* Sender's Number   Day of Month   In reply to Number     AAA
G. 789.                            15th                     ----------
Reference your daily report AAA The 54th. Division
are arranging to bring bursts of machine gun fire xx
on to HACKNEY WICK during nights on which Turk's
working parties can be heard AAA Therefore please
keep in close touch with Brigade on your LEFT during
nights so as to give them immediate information on xxx
this point.
(From ()N.Z.A. Division, 1120.
No. 2 Sub-section,s
For your Information and
necessary action.
JP McGlinn Lt.- Col.
Brigade Major 4th Aust Inf. Bde
Hay Valley.
Anzac. 15/11/15.
The above may be forwarded as now corrected  (Z)
Censor    Signature of Addressor or person authorised to telegraph in his name
*This line should be erased if not required. 


"A" Form.   Army Form C. 2121.
Prefix   Code   m.
Office of Origin and Service Instructions.
Words. Charge
At   m.
This message is on a/c of:
(Signature of "Franking Office.")
Recd. at     m.
From   105
TO  3rd  LH    Brigade
        4th Aust Brigade
*  Senders Number.     Day of Month.   In reply to Number     AAA
    Bm 639                        15th                          __

The password for use tonight
in the section occupied by
this Brigade between Brigade H.Q
and fire trenches and for
use of patrols is ESSEX
OC No 1 SS } Bm 1597   Receipts acnd
  "    "    2  "   } 
13 15
15 X1 /15
From N.Z Inf Bde
Time  1110.
R O Chesney
Brigade Major

The above may be forwarded as now corrected. (Z) X
Censor.  Signature of Addressor or person authorised to telegraph in his name
*This line should be erased if not required. 


"C" Form. (Original.)  Army Form C.2123
Prefix  Code     Words
Sent, or sent out
At   m.
Office Stamp.
₤  s.  d.
Charges to collect
Service Instructions. 
Handed in at the      Office at     m.    Received here at   m.
TO  4th Bde
*  Senders Number.     Day of Month.   In reply to Number     AAA

   QA 415                           15.                           BM 1597
Recieved and noted
FROM                      Durrants Post
PLACE & TIME       1500
* This line should be erased if not required.
(6900) W. 9668-1672   50 000 Pads - 12/14 F.T. & Co. Ltd. Forms/C.2123

"C" Form. (Original.)  Army Form C.2123
Prefix  Code     Words
From  QE
By         RFS
Sent, or sent out
At   m.
By    104
Office Stamp.
₤  s.  d.
Charges to collect

Service Instructions. 
Handed in at the      Office at     m.    Received here at   1430m.
TO  Bde Major 4th Bde
*  Senders Number.     Day of Month.   In reply to Number     AAA

  QE 70                                 15th                          BM 1597
Password noted.
FROM                      No 2 Sub Section
PLACE & TIME       1425
* This line should be erased if not required.
(6900) W. 9668-1672   50 000 Pads - 12/14 F.T. & Co. Ltd. Forms/C.2123


Beauchops' Hill
Nov 15/15

N.Z. & A. Div. H.Q
In reply to NZAA 531 of 15th inst. -
The statement in my letter of Nov. 14 that I am "the Senior Australian
officer of my present rank present with the Army Corps" is based upon action
by the war office, consequential action by the Military Board (Australia) &
my understanding of the regulations on the subject
On April 6/15 & again on June 27/15 I requested in writing that the
question of the relative seniority of all Brigade Commanders (within the Army
Corps) might be definitely settled, so that the chain of precedence, authority &
responsibility might be made known to all concerned, - I am unaware of
any decision hereon.-
It had previously been ruled (by A.A.G. Division) that as between myself 
& Brigadier Genl F.E. Johnston our relative seniority in the Imperial
Forces (of N.2. & Australia respectively) – and not that before the outbreak of
war - would govern the question, & I accepted this ruling without demur.
London Gazette, July 9/15 gives the dates from which the appointments
to Temporary rank of Brigadier General take effect, thus:-
Major (temps. Col. ) F.E Johnston Sep 1/14.
Col. J. Monash                                     "      15/14
Col. H. Chauvel C.M.G.                      Dec 10/14
Commonwealth Gazette of Sep 5/15 announces temporary "appointments" to
the rank of Brigadier General in the Austr. Imperial Force in the same order
of precedence as above.
G.R.O. 635 states that, in accordance with Army Orders, "all officers
"belonging to a unit take precedence therein, & in their respective
"ranks according to the date of their appointment or promotion to
"those ranks.-"
By a decision of the Military Board (Australia) "Officers on
"the active list of the Commonwealth Military Forces shall rank
[* This letter was not sent
See substitute page 32]


according to the date of appointment in that rank in the Commonwealth
Military Forces; - but this rule applies, as stated in the rule
itself, only to the rank of first appointment in the A.I.F., & not to
Subsequent promotions or appointments.-
If this rule were read otherwise it would be in direct conflict with
the army order, which applies, in terms, both to promotions & appointments
& with the local practise of recognizing precedence in accordance with
temporary rank appointments to fill vacancies.-
The grant of Temporary rank of Brigadier General is described both
in the London Gazette in the Commonwealth Gazette as an Appointment.-
John Monash
Brig Genl.
Comdg 4th Aust. Inf. Bde

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