Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 10, 12 November - 18 November 1915, Part 10

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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e h St a MATAONSN Br SMESSAORS AVE SIANAES. B. O Vane a This message is on a/e of: Rood at vaw a onot and sooo bogodon Service (Dato Copy 1 90 70 90C. 4th Bde Blnature of MPranDAy ONANY/BY Hee 1Syb-SocFion, Durrants Post) Dispositions, night 14th /25th Novemper 1815. TETES SANE MtETRS (a) CANTERBURY BATTALIONAA INTORNATTGN (1) trient estrot to tnotr front oro0 to 0000. PASSHGRD -OTTANA. 10) 162 BATTALTO [OE (I) One N.C.O. and three men (Leave barricade at 1890 for point 260 yarde east along AAAME DERE to investigate tunnel in frent of 14th Btin. Lines. Return 2030. (it) TThree men to patrof Western side of SECKS(BLNEF tarards GURREA ALLL. - 1830 to 2100. 6 men wire fixing from 1830 to 2400. (1i1) (2I WTENTION (a/Ith Brin. patrol ViIl Leave their (lines at 1499 returning vic right of 1364 line at O200. Observation station (Joy Coy. 1421964tin) to paintatu contipuons waton pr AACKNRY MCK and report as preriously instructed. Password All sections 4th Bde. (3) PASCWORD. DUEBEG. X Mar AAd Jutant, 13th Battapion. Copy Yo. L. Brigade 2. Canterbury 3. 16th Battalion F From 5.Atl- Conpanies and Capt. 61660. C.File he aters may to sonvarted as now caoreaten Ter ne & M a onmd to tetmat to to Pn This line should be crased I not required 9) (2 C. 24 6 LTBS N0 AAHYIOERE a Bom 91 t0 4h B55 HO BM CO WOUUS 14 SM. TTELT BDEHO SpXTGEWTH BATTPEIGN Otir Vatral of Vrco 3oentand leave the BARRICADE A 1800 proceeving arang HOHYLDERE about 1250X for purpose of investiganiag newly and tunnee M OERE in flont of 14t Br lines & wwill return at 2030. Etrac of 3hex to have WEST Ssea of BECKSBLUEE At 1830 proceeding algua DBME lsde HACKNEYNICKtswards AH with the abjest of inderptn a w pative whoch i sugptes of com down taware BECK AVC Patil propose returner tesa warty of 6hen as were fessers wew be and on fronaf 16Bn n from 1830 contin 2400 ohe Ae 1614 144 Say aftar
1 Army Form C. 2121 No. of Message— MotoS P Col / W 00000 Recd. at OMESNATESSSMER a Oae E IeeeN FIAAM OMACTY/BY th Bde. ot Brigatle SAMTN W CATW MSMS. Dar of Monly AAR 14 CAAIY Cantertary Infantry, memo from subject PRSSWoRN forwarded Herewith 2 t 20/59 No 14 Duwats Post Place 1735 Time The above may be forwarded as now corrected Farks Dronne atanno n en te y mam CCNSOT. Tis Kine Should be crased il not regured. (91 Bu 4t 34 cending t front palrol t a preturu i 0r00 et 10500- dewo OTITAWA. 11D19E -415 1530 Centy Tufty Bn
4117 Extract from List No. 10 issued with Australian inperial Force orders of 14/11115. The following extract from the Commonwealth of Australia Gazette 2. No. 102 of 3rd. September, 1915, 18 published for information:- Department of Defence, Nelboumne, 1st. Septr. 1815. Ex. MIn. No. 714. ABSTRALLAN LPERTAE FORCR. Promotions. His Excellency the Governor-General, acting with the advice of the Federal Executive Council, has been pleased to approve of the following promotions being made in the Australian Imperial Force:- To be Brigedier-Generals, Idated Colonel the Honorable J.W. McCAY. V.D., 15th. August, 1914. Colonel F. G. SINCLAIR-MACLAGAN, D.S.O., Colonel H. N. MACLAURIN, Dated 15th. Septr. 1914 Colonel J. MONASH, v.D., Dated 19th. Septr. 1914 Colonel G. de L. RYRIE Dated 17th. Octr. 1914 Colonel r. G. HUGHES, V.D.. Dated 10th. Decr. 1914 Colonel H. G. CHAUVEL, C.M.G.. Col. Chanvel has no date of appointment assigned to him in A.U.F. officer list Dates of N.Z. Mrigadiee:- (see N.2. Exp. Forse Gondation Sist) 16.2.11 Colonl 1/9/14 Mye Tohnston Fancis Easl (Femp Col. H.Q. Fnce) Russell, Andoas Hamilton A.P.C. Colonel 19.5011 Colonel 1//4
154.1 28 Copy Australian Imperial Frce. Fouth Infantry Brigade Nov. 14/15 Confidentent 1915 Headguaster N.2 S A. Division In A.I.F. Orders of 9/11/15 it is notified that an officer grimor to me in present rank, has been appointed to temporal. lly Command the First Australian Division.- I desire to respectfully bring under the notice of the Aonny Coops Commander that I am the serioor Anstralian officer of my present rank, present with the Army Coops. While it has been my unvarying rule, throughout my 31 year's service, neither to place myself in competition with any other officer, to military advancement, nor to set my personal interests before those of the service - yet I feel it my duty to draw attention to this matter, in order to safeguard the inherent nepts of semority; - and I would respectfully submit that by virtue of such semority, I am entitled to consideration in any selection for appointments of this nature in Anstrahian fo nations within the Army Coops. Sqd) Joprnbrom Brig- Seneoal.
Headquarters, 4th. Aust. Inf. Brigade, Hay Valley, Anzac, Gallipoli Peninsula, Headquarters, 14th. November, 1915. N. 2. 2 A. Division. While acting as C. o. Sarpi Camp, Mudres West, in September, arrangements were made with, as I informed, the concurrence of the G.O.C., Mvision, to hire a steam launch for use of the N. 2. A. Divisional units in connection with the disembarka- tion of stores, equipment, personnel, etc. etc.. The cost of hire was arranged at 216 per month and 1 paid the amount to Major Powles, Brigade Major N. Z. M. R. Brigade, to complete such arrangement and to cover one month:s hire. I should be glad if steps could be taken to secure me a refund of amount in question. 2s.-Genl. commanding atn. aust. Inf. Brigade. Enal Receis £16
B.M-189. Headquarters 4th. Aust. Inf. Brigade Hat Valley, Anzac, t Gallipoli Peninsula, Headquarters, 14th. November, 1915. N. 2. and A. Division. In reply to C.a.105 of 11th. instant. My personal Knowledge of the Wiles Kitchen’'is limited. I believe the inquiry refers to an invention by a Sergeant Tok of the 70th. Australian Infantry (Ballarat), which has been under the notice and trial of the Military Authorities in Australia for several years past. One of the Wiles Kitchen’ was employed by one of the Battalions of the 13th. Infantry Brigade under my Command, during its annual Continuous Training in February 1914. My criticisn is based upon the invention as then disclosed, but I an unawars if there Rassben have been any recent improvements to this type of Kitchen. As then employed it cannot compare either with the Salamander’Kitchen invented by Roberts of New Zealand, or with the War Office pattern; it has a much more limited output for its size; has a much higher fuel consumption, and is far too heavy to be turned to account as a mobile travelling Kitchen. Brig.—Genl. commending 2th. just. inf. Bae.
m AForm. Army Form C. 2121 No. of Message. MESSAGES AND SICNALS. Norte Charge This Message is on a/c of: Reed. at OMESAONS SIME Hit Date Service Sent. From (Signature of Frankin Officer 70 Brigade G.O.C.H in reply to Number. Dey of Mosthy AAA OAHO9 14 14th Battalion is forwarded Report from C.O. herewith From D Dunants Post 1250 RACC Time The above may be forwarded as now sorrected. 2 Stenature of Addresser or persanautherined to lelesraphin His hame Censor. 7 This fine should be erased if not required.
Ar Form Army FOT C. DIL. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Message Worse CRATS - C an E recay of This message to on ale of: Sen Dal service From T0 O.C. Post. Durrants AintGtGRE SAYAMENK Lrert toRnt AAA CM.D.2. purteenth attached hereto reports from Lieut Err and Capt Tubrmann also a copy order issued to these officers by the tre patrols etc., by which you will see that they were informed that the Bus one both flanks had been notified. By reading paras A and c g this oldery you will see that Becks Bluff was mentioned) to distinguish between the two branches of the ACHYL DERE Claseel Save Cllap OC14B - EN. 14/1/15 PC TI II1E The above may be forwarded as now corrected cams Craore d nen or veno na W A...O This line should be crased I not required L MFaa M P O
Daerants o
LGEONSN WO Por CO MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. Na. of Meange. Ofice Stamp SAAMON M Norte 13th th Cr Dae an Orace Handed in at F SOAIR TSSAOEONMMNS aa 14 1565 th o 0 WIC1 Cuseruation HACKNEY Movnnet day 10 to lte Maxt aad trooply exavated vesiald whs then eat tat any yeded was Iwork 2 Cover al m ad mign of PRON Durer 117 et PLAOBS TIHE 18000) W.0888- 1812. 50,000 Pads- 18/14. P.T. 4 Co. Lld-Forms O.2128.

"A" Form.   Army Form C. 2121.
Prefix   Code   m.
Office of Origin and Service Instructions.
Copy No 1
Words. Charge
At   m.
To  To G.O.C. 4th Bde
This message is on a/c of:
(Signature of "Franking Office.")
Recd. at     m.
From   90
TO   No. 1 sub-section, Durrants Post.
Dispositions, night 14th/15th November 1915.
*  Senders Number.     Day of Month.   In reply to Number     AAA
(right) Patrol to their front 0100 to 0500.
[* Bm NZ Inf Bde States Quebec*]
(b) 16th BATTALTION.   (left)
(i)    One N.C.O. and three men leave barricade
at 1800 for point 250 yards east along AGHYL DERE
to investigate tunnel in front of 14th Btln. lines.
Return 2030.
  (ii)   Three men to patrolfrom western side of
BECKS BLUFF towards GURKHA  HILL - 1830 to 2100.
(iii)     6 men wire fixing from 1830 to 2400.
(2)  INTENTION. (a)14th Btln. patrol will leave
their lines at 1100 0100returning via right of 13th
 line at O200.
[*Capt Mac
(b) Observation station ("C" Coy,
 13th Btln),  to maintain continuous watch on
HACKNEY WICK and report as previously instructed.
(3) PASSWORD.    -    Password all sections 4th Bde.

D G Marks

A/Adjutant, 13th Battalion.
 Copy No. 1. Brigade
                   2. Canterbury
                   3. 16th Battalion
                   4. 14th.        do
                   5. All Companies and Capt. Gibbs.
                     6. File           

Bm / 1591*]


BM.  4th BDE HQ
BM  162nd BDE HQ
(1) Our Patrol of 1 NCO 3 men will
leave the BARRICADE at 1800
 proceeding along AGHYL DERE
 about 250 x EAST for
purpose of investigating 
newly dug tunnels in DERE
in front of 14th BN lines &
will return at 2030.
(2) Patrol of 3 men to leave WEST
side of BECKS BLUFF at 18.30
proceeding along DERE beside
GHURKA HILL with the object of
intercepting a TURK patrol
which is suspected of coming
down towards BECK BLUFF. Patrol
proposes returning to BECKS at 2100
(3) Party of 6 men as wire fixers
will be out in front of 16 Bn
lines from 18.30 until 2400 
EL Margolin
major CO, 16thBN 1440


   "A" Form.   Army Form C. 2121.
Prefix   Code   m.
Office of Origin and Service Instructions.
Words. Charge
At   m.


NOV 14 1915

This message is on a/c of:
(Signature of "Franking Office.")
Recd. at     m.
From   92
TO  Brigade Major 4th Bde
*  Senders Number.     Day of Month.   In reply to Number     AAA
 QA 412                             14th
Memo from Canterbury Infantry, 
subject PASSWORD forwarded

Staff Captain
& Bn NZ Inf Bde

re Canterbury using 
separate different password. 
Reconciled 2000
no 1 SS advised
14 X1 15


From Durrants Post 
Time   1735

DW Marks



13th Bn             91
4th Bde
We are sending out a
patrol to our front at 
0100 and it is returning
at 0500 -

Password  OTTAWA.




A D Stitt


A/c - adj.



Extract from List No. 10 issued with Australian Imperial Force orders
of 14/11/15.
2. The following extract from the Commonwealth of Australia Gazette
No. 102 of 3rd. September, 1915, is published for information:-
Department of Defence,
Melbourne, 1st. Septr. 1915.
Ex. Min. No. 714.
His Excellency the Governor-General, acting with the advice of
the Federal Executive Council, has been pleased to approve of
the following promotions being made in the Australian Imperial
To be Brigadier-Generals,
Colonel the Honorable J.W. McCAY. V.D.,          )dated
Colonel F. G. SINCLAIR-MACLAGAN, D.S.O.,     )15th. August, 1914.
Colonel H. N. MACLAURIN,                                   )

Colonel J. MONASH, V.D.,                                         Dated 15th. Septr. 1914 ,
Colonel G. de L. RYRIE                                              Dated 19th. Septr. 1914
Colonel F. G. HUGHES, V.D.,                                     Dated 17th. Octr. 1914
Colonel H. G. CHAUVEL, C.M.G..                              Dated 10th. Decr. 1914 

Col. Chauvel has no "date of appointment" assigned to him
in A.I.F. officer's list
Dates of N.Z. Brigadiers :- (see N.Z. Exp. Force Graduation List)
Johnston Francis Earl   - Major  16-2 11      Colonel 1/9/14            
                                              (Temp Col. N.Z. . Forces)
Russell, Andras Hamilton A..D.C.     Colonel  17-3-11    Colonel 1/9/14



Australian Imperial Force.
Fouth Infantry Brigade
Nov. 14/15
N.Z &  A. Division
In A.I.F. Orders of 9/11/15 it is notified that an officer
junior to me in present rank, has been appointed to temporarily
command the First Australian Division.-
I desire to respectfully bring under the notice of the Army
Corps Commander that I am the senior Australian officer of my
present rank, present with the Army Coops.
While it has been my unvarying rule, throughout my 31
year's service, neither to place myself in competition with any other
officer, to military advancement, nor to set my personal interests
before those of the service - yet I feel it my duty to draw
attention to this matter, in order to safeguard the inherent
rights of seniority; - and I would respectfully submit that
by virtue of such seniority, I am entitled to consideration
in any selection for appointments of this nature in Australian
formations within the Army Coops.
(Sgd)  John Monash


4th. Aust. Inf. Brigade,
Hay Valley, Anzac,
Gallipoli Peninsula,
14th. November, 1915.
N. Z. & A. Division.
While acting as G. a. Sarpi Camp, Mudros West,
in September, arrangements were made with, as I
informed, the concurrence of the G.O.C., Division,
to hire a steam launch for use of the N. Z. A.
Divisional units in connection with the disembarkation 
of stores, equipment, personnel, etc. etc..
The cost of hire was arranged at ₤16 per month
and 1 paid the amount to Major Powles, Brigade Major
N. Z. M. R. Brigade, to complete such arrangement
and to cover one month's hire.
I should be glad if steps could be taken to
secure me a refund of amount in question.

JM  Brig.-Genl.
Commanding 4th . Aust. Inf. Brigade.
Receipt £16



[* 4Ab/ 536  835A*]
4th. Aust. Inf. Brigade
Hay Valley, Anzac,
Gallipoli Peninsula,
14th. November, 1915.
N. 2. and A. Division.
In reply toG.a.105 of 11th. instant. My personal
knowledge of the "Wiles Kitchen’' is limited. I believe
the inquiry refers to an invention by a Sergeant
Tok of the 70th. Australian Infantry (Ballarat),
which has been under the notice and trial of the
Military Authorities in Australia for several years
past. One of the "Wiles Kitchen" was employed by one
of the Battalions of the 13th. Infantry Brigade
under my Command, during its annual Continuous
Training in February 1914.
My criticism is based upon the invention as then
disclosed, but I an unaware if there has been have
been any recent improvements to this type of
As then employed it cannot compare either with the
"Salamander" Kitchen invented by Roberts of New Zealand,
or with the War Office pattern; it has a much more
limited output for its size; has a much higher fuel
consumption, and is far too heavy to be turned to
account as a mobile travelling Kitchen.

Commanding 4th. Aust. Inf. Bde.



"A" Form.   Army Form C. 2121.
Prefix   Code   m.
Office of Origin and Service Instructions.
Words. Charge
At   m.
To   XX
This message is on a/c of:
(Signature of "Franking Office.")
Recd. at     m.
Date   41
TO  G.O.C. 4th Brigade
*  Senders Number.     Day of Month.   In reply to Number     AAA
QA 409                            14th
Report from C.O. 14th Battalion is forwarded 

From   Durrants Post

Place   1250 
Time  DC Marks



"A" Form.   Army Form C. 2121.
Prefix   Code   m.
Office of Origin and Service Instructions.
Words. Charge
At   m.
By   IX
This message is on a/c of:
(Signature of "Franking Office.")
Recd. at     m.
Date   40
TO  O.C. .Durrants Post.
*  Senders Number.     Day of Month.   In reply to Number     AAA
  C.M.D. Z                        fourteenth
attached hereto reports from Lieut Orr
and Capt Fohrmann. also a copy
order issued to these officers by me re
patrols etc., by which you will see
that they were informed that the
Bns on both flanks had been notified.
By reading paras A and c g this
order you will see that Becks Bluff
was mentioned to distinguish between
the two branches of the ACHYL DERE

Chas M.M Dare


O.C. 14th Bn
From   FOURTEENTH BN. 14/11/15

Time  1115



O.C.Durrants' Post.


"C" Form. (Original.)  Army Form C.2123
Prefix  SM  Code     Words
From   13th
Sent, or sent out
At   m.
Office Stamp.
₤  s.  d.
Charges to collect
Service Instructions. 

4AB/ 912
Handed in at the      Office at     m.    Received here at  1502 m.
To 4th Bde
*  Senders Number.     Day of Month.   In reply to Number     AAA
  Ga 408                           14th                     BM 1565
Observation HACKNEY WYCK

aaa No Movement day or
Night aaa freshly excavated 
earth visible where there
was not any yesterday
indication work under cover
of last night.
 FROM   Durrants Post
PLACE & TIME   1245

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