Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 10, 12 November - 18 November 1915, Part 9

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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1f Each the Dnal Size Copy sent to 4 BryDies Confidential. Gon. Godley 24 for foumat 14/1/15 10 Officers Conmanding Battalions. It is somewhat unfortunate that this Brigade has been called upon to resume duty in the firing line at a junctire when both the peason of the year & the tun of events in other theatres of was rendse it imperative that a very large amount of heavy work has to be carried out, most ingently, in the improvement of the Defences, the Bivonaes & the Communications of this Section, - Enough is known of the Frend of event to make it certain that it is impertive that all the work now propected must be prished on with the utmost possible speed. This situation will make very heavy demands upon the power & energies of officer & men; but they will cheerfully respond if they are made to understand that it is in their own vital interests to do so. – I therefore look to Hattalion Comman- desr to use evely means in thait power to secure the very utmot output of work from the whole of the personnel, until the desired impovements have been completed. to this ent there are two departures from methods previously in vogue which will at once have to be intrrduced in order to expedite the progrers of all works. It has been customaty to regard a four hous relief as a full day's work. It must him now on he understood throughout they Mrigude that a full days work will be t houss either continuously (with a break for one meal) or in two foire- hour reliefs with an eight hour interval. – Again, many men previously exempted from pick s shovel work must be called upon to do their share of same, in due alteration with their specialist work. - In many cases specialists releas can be employed to do many internal battalion fatigues, so as to recuv other men, inscially employed at same, for the heavies digging work. - Stretchel beav can do water & other tatigues, machine puumer can asist quartermaster
stores, spave signallers can ally ectarpen take their tun a sentries - There must be no edlers, - all must help directly or indirectly to piish the work a for the common good.- of in imetiate support peronnel actually Generally speaking, the Compan marding the trenches, will be employed on work directly associated with the Defenses; while the recuve in reseive will be employed on the bivoniaas, sheltes & communnications. - Even in the or observes actual firig line, men not actually on duty as sentues, must take thei tron at the work of local French improvement. Please allow all the officers of your command to see this memo. & encure that all officer & N.C.O0 are impressed with the vital importance putting tooth of a very special effort (on a scale exceeding all that has be hithcote been ensuing (done) during the sxt month at six weeks, Brig- bent. Counef 4th Hush. Ent. Hde.
149 Hill Bean chap No 14/15 p Chanvel 14 dear I feet perperth. certain that you will not misundestand the purpose & motive of the letter a copy of which I enclose for your information. That it might result in the disturbance of present arrangements so far an they afpear yourself is the And I also recoge eeything I leart desire. enge that it is a mere accident that our rela- tive positions, in the semonty list, have been reveried during to aur recent promations Yet after consideration I have taken the vrew present that I cyst not to allow myself, as the senior, to be passed over, without at the very least drawing attention to the matter. gee will go on te a long has to consider that the was time, & that other vacancies, temporary o promanent may occud in the Anstration Durssoual Com mands & I have my aspirations, & like every other man, a desire to have my activities sployed in the evident possible splcse To I trust you will see that there was no alteo- tive but to me to bring this matter under notice With Kindest regard fours sincerely lonmona st
28 Copy. Australian Imperal Frce. Frth Infantry Brigade Nev. 14/15 Confidentent Headguaster N.24A. Diison In A.U.P. Orders of 9/11/15 it is notified that an officer, gremor to me in present rank, has been appointed to temporal. dy command the first Anstralian Divsion I desire to respectfully bring under the notice of the Arny Corps Commander that I am the seniour Anstralian officer of my present rank, present with the Army Coops While it has been my unvarying rule, throughout my 31 year's service, neither to place myself in compotition with any other ofice; to military advancement, nor to set my personal intersts before those of the service - get I feel it my duty to draw attention to this matter, on order to safe guard the inherent rights of semority; - and I would respectfully submit that by vistue of such semority, I am entitlal to consideration in any selection for appointments of this nature in Anstratian formations within the Army Coops (Sqd) Thnbronash Bng- Senvort
AOPON OMSS L A SN MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Mn cns, a ms ou 20 LA 14111 re 300 4t Bde SMAISSNE PNSGWENN aaa OfNON 1th Report for 24 hous ended 6500 44/14/16 OSmping tally hil aaa Your 6) date Edsualtes ac dea Osenvers watching HACRHEN 41e4) have nothing to report udegyound accomodation now in hand for all supporss and reserves aan work in forward saps and I heads continues as O sernt was cleased) from in front 14th Bn and PRON loe a M Mhe te Aand be Cnt HiltBitt 1O000) N. 0888- 1612. 60,000 Pads- 1911L P.T. 4 Co. Etd-Forma CO. 2124. AO. RONN S SOMNSNR MESSAGES AND SIGN Cn AMtoN Onice Stamg MaTEE ASAR CA ANN 4 TESSISSSNN SASOSONE ONSSWTEN asa ant important clearance was effected FGHT of 2B from Dapve debenched 148 Anes a patrolled EASTEONES anch returned AGHYL DERE tat NIGHT if OBO0Aad fure 8 posh nothing rep PROM Burrants & RAORSTINN 18000) W. 8868 -1612. 50,000 Pads 1211L. P.T. & Co. Lid-Forma O.2128.
it p Zul. Exctirn 14/11/18 20.9.O.C. 4t 14 Report 431 Broynen of Works kom cap to tranken has been further improded I aen other 5 Ot of wore has been firked in gront of yiy time I M.G. Lunnel has been contineat Berbuac Ferracing was been continued o raps have been commenced from heny Fruch for ward for the purpos of makning a frend fire French forward Pat roee sandy Koll reports Junes dinymg east and close to Docanly wick at of,15 pt. Walter when return from sandy knot was wounded ay a bay met wher e getting in to trench C soue (patpol reports) at p 20d 944 Twiss Jappwashing from Gully worth of candy knotl fired apart 119th Landan patiol 10t London report advci Benfard Ridgy at 02.00 frrom Londy Knoll. My satral aid not fire all night nor have the feen attasn from that part ien Bedford Kidge patrol to new Tannel in grant of Durrvnts could not leive any defient informsng abont it Pattral from towards Havny sidge reports nothing doing etintin May2 5/30 167 84
40 AO PON CS MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Message CaWSA 23 Ce CM 14/1/15 Handed in at 0717 4 Aust Bde DENSWANR DAA AAA BMI55 14 on Patrels estening Reeferd Ridge attacked turks at0215 this morning tut attack was Otherwise all Ariver off aad perioa very guist add Addressat 51Du Aote &4this 167s Pdte Repeited PROM Boe 162 PLAOEA THS 0655 18000) W.8808-1012
a A FORM. Army Form O. 2121 Hod MeaO MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. - Cau BC Wars This message is on a/e of: Reod. atM. Office of Criss and Service Instructions SOa D Dor 2 D0 mumum mmmmu 1B7/ Bronerero at Fraatine Otteer) MILISION A N2 T0 EA 3rd Gigeae nga Aust HH to reat to Namby Sude,Mntn Dr a May aa e 34 Bus 628 e Gussword lnight uee 5 scon occused e the 20 gade AUESEC thes 1s e 270 145 N2 ac. From Iuf Place I 7950 The atow ney t tren a M Anatt OC Major Son.] SteamoA. Aoleu a ren intornd to cerat t haes This line should be grand if an required INFANTRY BRIGLDE
L S SA M CrsS Jor K MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. JAWSAN Charges to Pay. 321 " -m. Recerved Handed in At 4 Tte T SSAISON JASSNSR aA S4 14 141 12 416 pao wort tat5 PoN Bort Busrant PLACR S TIHS 15 18000) W.8638 -1612 SO0 Pads - 12/1l. F.T. & Oa, Ltd—Forms O2128. AC PON DiSt M MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. Na of N0 Charges to Pay. CACA 335 5 " a 18 t Handed in at 1t 1t SONL a 77 S4. 1540 1568 ass ward t PRON H0 V. Cb wrakon PLACR STIHN 35 1800) W. 8638 -1612 Ov00 Pads- 19/1L. F.T. & Ca. Lid-Forma O.2122.

Journal Size  1 for Each Bn
1 " Brigadier
2" for Journal
[*Copy sent to
Gen. Godley
To Officers Commanding Battalions.
It is somewhat unfortunate that this Brigade has been called
upon to resume duty in the firing line at a juncture when both the season of the year
& the turn of events in other theatres of ∧the war render it imperative that a very large amount
of heavy work has to be carried out, most urgently, in the improvement of the Defences,
the Bivouacs & the Communications of this Section. - Enough is known of the
trend of events to make it certain that it is vitally imperative that all the works now
projected must be pushed on with the utmost possible speed. -
This situation will make very heavy demands upon the powers & energies of officers
& men; but they will cheerfully respond if they are made to understand that it is
in their own vital interests to do so. - I therefore look to Battalion Commanders
to use every means in their power to secure the very utmost output of work from
the whole of the personnel, until the desired improvements have been completed.
To this end there are two departures from methods previously in vogue which will 
have to be ∧at once introduced in order to expedite the progress of all works.  - It has been
customary to regard four a four hour relief as a full day's work.  It must from now
on be understood throughout this Brigade that a full day's work will be 8 hours
either continuously (with a break for one meal) or in two four-hour reliefs
with an eight hour interval. - Again, many men previously exempted
from pick & shovel work must be called upon to do their share of same, in
due alteration with their specialist work. - In many cases specialists
can be employed to do many internal battalion fatigues, so as to relieve release other
men, usually employed at same, for the heavier digging work. - Stretcher bearers
can do water & other fatigues, machine gunners can assist ∧in quartermaster's


stores, spare signallers can occasionally act as per take their turn as
sentries. - There must be no idlers; - all must keep keep directly or indirectly
to push ∧on the work in for the common good. -
Generally speaking, the companies personnel ^actually manning the trenches ∧or in immediate support will be employed
on work directly associated with the Defences; while those reserve in reserve
will be employed on the bivouacs, shelters & communications. - Even in the
actual firing line, men not actually on duty as sentries ∧or observers must take their
turn at the loc work of local trench improvement. -
Please allow all the officers of your command to see this memo. &
ensure that all officers & N.C.O's are impressed with the vital importance
of ∧putting forth a very special effort, (on a scale exceeding all that has been hitherto
∧been done) during the xxx ∧ensuing month or six weeks. -
Brig. Genl
Comng of 4th Aust. Inf. Bde.


Beauchop's Hill
Nov. 14/15
not. sent
My dear Chauvel.
I feel perfectly certain that you will not
misunderstand the purpose & motive of the letter
a copy of which I enclose for your information.
That it might result in the disturbance of present
arrangements so far as they affect yourself is the
very thing I least desire. -  And I also recognise
that it is a mere accident that our relative
positions, in the seniority list, have been 
reversed owing to our recent promotions. -
Yet, after consideration, I have taken the view
that I ought not to allow myself, as the present
senior, to be passed over, without at the very
least, drawing attention to the matter. -  One
has to consider that the war will go on for a long
time, & that other vacancies, temporary or permanent
may occur in the Australian Divisional Commands,
& I have my aspirations, & like
every other man, a desire to have my activities
employed in the widest possible sphere. -
So I trust you will see that there was no alternative
but for me to bring this matter under notice
With kindest regards
Yours  sincerely
John Monash.


Australian Imperial Force,
Fourth Infantry Brigade
Nov. 14/15
N.Z & A Division
In A.I.F. orders of 9/11/15 it is notified that an officer,
junior to me in present rank, has been appointed to temporarily
command the First Australian Division. -
I desire to respectfully bring under the notice of the Army
Corps Commander that I am the senior Australian Officer of my
present rank, present with the Army Corps.
While it has been my unvaring rule, throughout my 31
year's service, neither to place myself in competition with any other
officer; for military advancement; nor to set my personal interests
before those of the service - yet I feel it my duty to draw
attention to this matter, in order to safeguard the inherent
rights of seniority; - and I would respectfully submit that
by virtue of such seniority, I am entitled to consideration
in any selection for appointments of this nature in Australian
formations within the Army Corps.
(Sgd) John Monash


"C" Form (Original).
Army Form C. 2123.
No. of Message
Prefix BQ  Code  Words
Charges to collect £  s.  d.  
From RFS
Sent, or sent out
At    m.
Office Stamp.
Service Instructions.
Handed in at     Office    m.  Received 0520 m.
TO 4th Bde
*  Senders Number.     Day of Month.   In reply to Number     AAA
 QA404                             14th
Report for 24 hours ended
0500 14/11/15
1  Sniping tally nil aaa
Four to date aaa
2  Casualties nil aaa
3  Observers watching
HACKEY WICK have nothing
to report
4  Underground accommodation
now in hand for all
supports and reserves aaa.
5  Work in forward saps
and T Heads continues aaa
6  Scrub was cleared from
in front 14th Bn and
*This line should be erased if not required.
(6900)   W.9668-1672   50,000 Pads-12/14.   F. T. & Co., Ltd.-Forms/C.2123.


"C" Form (Original.)
Army Form C.2123.
No. of Message
Prefix   Code   Words
Charges to collect   £   s.   d.
By 4AB 
Sent, or sent out
At    m.
Office Stamp.
Service Instructions.
Handed in at    Office    m.  Received     m.
TO 2
*  Senders Number.     Day of Month.   In reply to Number     AAA
an important clearance
was effected on RIGHT of
13th Bn aaa.
7  Patrol debouched from
14th lines at 0100
patrolled EASTERN Branch
AGHYL DERE and returned
by RIGHT of 13th at 0300 aaa
All quiet aaa
8  Listening posts nothing
to report aaa
FROM Durrants Post
* This line should be erased if not required.
(6900)  W.9668-1672.   50,000 Pads-12/14.   F. T. & Co., Ltd.-Forms/C.2123.


NZ Sub-Section
To G.O.C. 4th. Inf. Report
Progress of Works
1)  Com. sap to Franklins has been
further improved.
2)  On other 50+ of Wire has been
fixed in front of firing line
3)  M.G. tunnel has been continued
4)  Bivouac Terracing has been
5)  8 saps have been commenced
from firing trench forward
for the purpos of making
a new fire trench forward
Sandy Koll reports Turks
digging East and close to 
Hackney Wick.
at 01:15 Pt. Walter when returning
from Sandy Knol was
wounded ∧in leg by a bayonet when 
return getting into trench


Same patrol reports at 0200
Turks approaching from
Gully north of Sandy Knoll
fired upon 10th London patrol
10th London reports attack on
Bedford Ridge at 02.00
from Sandy Knoll.  My
patrol did not fire all night
nor have they seen attack
from that part in Bedford
Patrol to new tunnel in
front of Durrants cound not
give any definit information
about it
Patrol from towards
Hackney Ridge reports
nothing doing.
EL Margolin
Div  BM1584


"C" Form (Duplicate).
Army Form C.2123.
No. of Message ....
Service Instructions.
Charges to Pay.
£   s.   d.
4 aus
Office Stamp.
Handed in at     Office    m.  Received 0717 m.
TO 4 Aust Bde
*  Senders Number.     Day of Month.   In reply to Number     AAA
 BM455                            14th
Listening Patrols on Bedford
Ridge attacked turks at 0215
this morning but attack was
driven off aaa  Otherwise all
period very quiet aaa
Addressed 54th Div
Repeated 161st Bde & 4th Aust Bde
FROM 162nd Bde
(6900)   W.9658-1672.   50,000 Pads-12/14.  F. T. & Co., Ltd.-Forms/C.2123.


Army Form C. 2121
No. of Message
Prefix   Code   m.
Office of Origin and Service Instructions.
Words    Charge
At     m.
This message is on a/c of :
.. Service.
(Signature of "Franking Officer")
Recd. at    m.
By   89
3rd LH Brigade
4th Aust Brigade
*  Senders Number.     Day of Month.   In reply to Number     AAA
  Bm628                            ? 14 13th
The password for use tonight
in the section occupied by 
this Brigade is QUEBEC
[* No 1)  Subsections
From NZ Inf Bde.
Time 0950
The above may be forwarded as now corrected.
(Z)  R. O Clessey 
Signature of Addressor or person authorised to telegraph in his name.
* This line should be erased if not required.


"C" Form (Duplicate).
Army Form C.2123.
No. of Message
6 3/77
Service Instructions.
Charges to Pay.
£   s.   d.
Office Stamp.
Handed in at 13th Office   m.  Received 3/20m.
TO  4th Bde
*  Senders Number.     Day of Month.   In reply to Number     AAA
   Qa410                              14th                    BM1590
Pass word Noted
FROM Durrants Front
(6900)  W.9668-1672.   50,000 Pads-12/14.  F. T. & Co., Ltd.- Forms/C.2123.


"C" Form (Duplicate).
Army Form C.2123.
No. of Message
Service Instructions.
Charges to Pay.
£  s.  d.
Office Stamp.
Handed in at    Office  m.  Received 1385 m.
TO 4th Bde
*Sender's Number    Day of Month   In reply to Number   AAA
Qa 62                             14                           BM1590
Pass word Noted
FROM No 2 Sub Section
(6900)  W.9668-1672.  50,000 Pads - 12/14.  F. T. & Co., Ltd.-Forms/C.2123.















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