Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 10, 12 November - 18 November 1915, Part 8

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
Open for review
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tt 1o $ 4 Eaates 2 f te 4 591 4 46 1684 S C 6 1915 5 oter 4 5 9 18 10 Wopinge Lu - Eareas 88 t 9 He 41 55 e
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Hes tinet 10 4 12 15 49 Oraciatid Repines soral hes 4 468 366 306 303 485 486 1745 16 Woanoco 2 Of1 7 4 31 4 4 160 £ at 16 tereds 11 86 485 45 D3 1906 Ohe 18 124
Reinforcement o detaiter Nchedin 31913 Reinforcement Chakent 7th 8 9 tetal Refoined 66. O 109 13 560R 147 14 240/ 12302 145-1 83 o 130/2 281 15 24 0R 10p 46 16 649 2898 123420 136 132 104.129 38 644 201484 481 Other Ke Lofficer Ials. offcers names 1t Bon. Sl G. rent. W.G. Hartley Rent No Somevlle 16- awade

6 11 1915      88

Unit Offcs Others Total Offcs Others Total
13th 10 479 489    - 34  523
14th 7 355 362 1 40 403
15th 10 391 401 - 40 441
16th 14 464 478 - 47 525
  41 1689 1730 1 161 1892
  Sick Wounded Killed  
Evacuated 7 3 1 11
Rejoined 13 - - 13
        Increase 2




7.11 15   90

Unit Offcs Other Total Offcs Other Total
13th 10 488 498   33 531
14th 7 361 368 1 40 409
15th 9 391 400 - 40 440
16th 14 467 481   47 528
  40 1708 1748 1 160 1908
  Sick Wounded
Evacuated 3 -
Rejoined 19 -
Increase 16    


8.11.15   94


Unit Offcs Others Total Offcs Others Total
13th 10 487 497 - 33 530
14th 7 362 369 1 40 410
15th 9 399 408 - 40 448
16th 14 472 486 - 47 533
  40 1720 1760 1 160. 1921
  Sick Wounded Castro Picquet Rejoined
Evacuated 13 - - 13
Rejoined 8 - 18 26
  21   18  
        Increase 13.


9.11.15    100

Unit Offcs Others Total Offcs Other Total
13th 10 489 499 - 32 531
14th 5 368 373 1 40 414
15th 11 403 414 - 40 454
16th 15 477 492 - 47 539
  41 1737 1778 1. 159 1938
  Sick Wounded Killed from Lemnos  
Evacuated 13 2 1. - =16
Rejoined 5 .   28 =33
          Increase 17.




10.11.15    105

Unit  Offcs Others Total Offcs Others Total
13th 13 485 498 - 33 531
14th 7 374 381 1 40 422
15th 13 402 415 - 40 455
16th 16 476 492 - 47 539
  49 1737 1786 1. 160 1947
  Sick OnDuty  
Evacuated 14   =14
Rejoined 4   =23

P.T.O{ 6 Officers IO. OR. 

{3 -.- 

9 Off IO OR 9



Officers Report
13th Bn
Major Herring on Duty
Lieut Ford   Sick
xxxx Capt Locke  on Duty
14th Bn
Major. C.M. Dare  on Duty
Lieut OCW Luhrmann New Officer
15th Battalion
Capt TP McSharry Sick
✔ C.M. Johnstone Duty
16th Bn
Major E L Margolin Duty
HQ Staff Returned to Duty
Bdg General. J. Monash CB VD



11.11.15   113

Unit Offcs Others Total Offcs Others Total
13th 13 481 494 . 34 528
14th 7 367 374 1 39 414
15th 13 402 415 - 40 455
16th 16 476 492 - 47 539
  49 1726 1775 1 160 1936
  Wd. Sick Detached  
Evacuated 1. 15 2 =18
Rejoined - 5 7 2 =9
Decrease       9


12.11.15     117

Offcs  Others

Unit Offcs Others Total Offcs Others Total
13th 12 479 491   35 526
14th x. 10 361 371 1 39 411
15th 12 399 411   40 451
16th 15 474 489   47 536
  49 1713 1762 1 161 1924
  Sick Wounded detached Total
Evacuation 10 2   12
Rejoined - -    
      decrease 12

x. includes 3 attached officers,

from 13th 15th & 16th Bn. 



13-11.15  124


Unit Offcs Others Total Offcs Others Total
13th 12 476 488 . 35 523
14th 10 356 366 1 38 405
15th 12 393 405 . 40 445
16th 15 471 486 . 47 533
  49 1696 1745 1 160 1906
  Wounded Sick Total
Evacuated 21 16 18
Rejoined - - -
      Decrease 18

Reinforcement & detailed Marched in  13/11/15





7th|  8th|  9th| 10th

Total Rcd.
13 56.O/R 10 O/R  . - . 66. O/R
14 24. O/R . 123 O/R . . 147-"-
15 24. O/R 25 O/R 13 O/R 83 O/R . 145 -"-
16 28. O/R - - 1 off 46 O/R 1off49 123 & 2 off.
  132 35 136 1 off. 129 1 off 49= 2off & 481 O/R
    Totals 2 Officers 481 Othr Rks.  

Officers names
Lieut W.G. Hartley  16th Bn S.A. Quarter
2  Lieut R.S. Somerville  16th -"-   -"-
W A Tweedie





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