Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 10, 12 November - 18 November 1915, Part 5
Unit Offs Others Total Offs Others Total
13th Bn 7 273 280 - 23. 303
14th " 5 254 259 - 20. 279.
15th " 9. 177 186. - 26. 212
16th " 6. 307 313 - 36. 349.
27 1011 1038 - 105. 1143
Wounded. Sick. Gallipoli Reinft
Rejoined 1 9 5 - =15
Evacuated - 21 - 21
20 1900 3/10/15
Evacuated Rejoined
Duty Wounded Sick Reinf Gallip Sick Wd.
6. 1 293 51. 156 344. 107
and 1 other (discharge.) 658 502
294 294
net gain 208
Unit Offs Others Total Offs Others. Total
13th Bn 7. 272. 279 - 23 302.
14th " 5. 249. 254. - 20 274.
15th " 10. 172 182 - 26 208
16th " 6 303. 309 - 36. 345
28 996 1024 - 105 1129
Wounded Sick
Rejoined 6 - 6
Evacuated 20. - 20.
Unit Offcs Others Total Offs Others Total
13th Bn 7 276 283 - 23 306.
14th Bn 6. 245 251. - 20 271
15th Bn 11. 168 179 - 26 205
16th " 6 299 305 - 36. 341
30 988 1018 - 105 1123.
Wounded Sick
Rejoined 2 17 = 19
Evacuated - 25 25
Unit Off Others Total Offr Others Total
13th Bn 7 276. 283 - 23 306.
14th " 6. 242 248 - 20 268
15th " 11 172. 183. - 26 209.
16th " 7 302. 309 - 36. 345
31 992. 1023 - 105 1128
Wounded Sick
Rejoined 1. 16
Evacuated 13.
Unit Offrs Others. Total Offrs Others Total
13th Bn 7. 277. 284 - 23 307.
14th " 6. 236. 242 - 20 262
15th " 11 171 184. - 26. 208
16th " 7. 306 313. - 36. 349
31. 990 1021 - 105 1126
Wounded Sick Duty
Rejoined - 12.
Evacuated - 14
Unit. Offcs Others Total Offcs Others Total
13th 7 268 275 - 23 298
14th 5 230 235 - 20 255
15th 12 175 187 - 26 213
16th 6 313 319 - 36 355
30 986. 1016 - 105 1121
Sick Wounded Front
Rejoined 14 - 16
Evacuated 25 -
49 16
Unit Offcs Others Total Officers Others Total
13th 6 276 282 - 23 305
14th 5 228 233 - 20 253
15th 11 179 190 - 26 216
16th 5 317 322 1 36 359
27 100 1027 1. 105 1133
Sick Wounded From Front
Rejoined 13. 9.
Evacuated 9
21 9
Unit Offcs Others Total Offcs Others Total
13th 6 275 281 - 23 304
14th 5 229 234 - 20 254
15th 11 179 190 - 26 216
16th 5 315 320 1. 36 357
27 998. 1025 1. 105. 1131
Sick Wounded
Rejoined 3
Evacuated 5
Unit Offcs Others Total Offcs Others Total.
13th 6 275 281 23 304
14th 5 230 235 20 255
15th 11 172 183 26 209
16th 5 326 331 1. 36. 368
27 1003 1030 1 105 1136
Sick Wounded
Rejoined 10. 7 = 17
Evacuated 12 12
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