Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 10, 12 November - 18 November 1915, Part 2

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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Ladu e Noyempet 1 1916 2 £6 J. Lup Seckon wich peseredeto the prtimation precara fop pupi) Edut evening dat cerfain to worngpartes wer e and fo ypepde application to canpof a cnding outt of fecan defaied d oin o depise that 1034 faral m fgtecly courphed with in that not any o ape off 62 sndont patto or worki paties with ont receiving writ athrbd to ene 4 dir ofa: po aad abet und rete Encl5
402 Subliction aghye ders eet 13/1/15 Hay Cally. 30 the dtache is astatutiens made by H Tucker last night re wverbad mesagos seat along the firing au Gran Darricany. 464 D Wante Cape 560 NAp 295 Ag 16 Po foag of9 No7 Lad Sectn Forwade fix Enguiry Demanhs please Goodens speciall Shatement gasswa being re to 16th Bn1 falor pessed Li Jug E. FLHE. BRIEAOE. AUSFRALIAN MIPERIAE FORSE 1310v.1915 208 IHE
Ar Form M FArn C Ei MESSAMS AND SIGNALS. NO AMeR Dro e C / Cr This message is on a/c e:] Reed. at Once of Orgin end Service Instruction Dervice A4 50 From- 70 TraATFT F MMMTIT CRAMTYRE 33 Cap aull SntGte JAANON WterGtTant AAA nessage from the A Merbal came to 14 Bathy passnoed the that the AAH Woithword was word along the back Sent to Terify 444 t vertal tline message came back that the parteward was Northland uches S Place Time The atoce may be sorvarted as nors corrected CMTT MEAMTTTEMM O TIN MIET WIAMNITINSIILL -MJ. MNS MONI m t a ren 2OA CAE Dr Form M LerCN. 116 MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. Af Sece C Thismessage is on a/c of. saa var of oon ad berme toton Dato inderiie JON TTTEME TT TMTIT MATTTIRY. Ta TAAMnE CtoN AAA as ertal messag from M me that came Drr an going was Patrol t listening the fiving Barricad the through the beteetly to I4 Baltalion Becks Btuff of Sent a vertal - 14th Battalin lines that to Sanol the from the listening 1600 been Cancelled pS AAA also ma a pary of ongeneers w were in froull of jurs 16h Battalion Time ines The above may be sorvarte go ne coreag.. armured ponar or renon in orned to berrsh to No nore. A C T M
andnauaa y 1. F Army Form C. 2121. No. of Message. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. Charge Nor Reed. at This message is on alc of: C Ar Sent Date Service From To SFITAMFOT-FTMENE OMAST II Br 20 C.O. 14th tneytoRinte AAA 19 2139 For your report please oon I have to draw your attention to the following: 1 Major Herrings vertal message that post H0 were notifying 16hB That patrol was ordered to patiol the 21 AGHVL DEAE and that no further patrol was ordered for OCCRS Bsud Lieut Or Capt Iuhoman for To repor please HHandon St Macy 14th From Dewants Post Pace 1100 Time The above may be forwarded as now corrected. Spastry Sienature of Addresser Or person Avihatied 16 1Co 286 I p18 NAMC Censor This line should be crased if not required.
AORON, ORSS L ASNN MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. b o MC Once stame Sent, or sent out L 131h Charges to colledt 18 MIWAMMN am SMSE 41h £t Bte RUSGWENSNE DSAONS X AAA PN 391 1i 2 hours endied 0500 JDsport far 137445O) Timpig Salty Hil aaa potal todat of ana (2) Casualkis Hil daa, I great dese of oomen Crowth Cunkew road, in field oo Edstern Slope of W hyls aaw if imppoveip to ffire meach & consqueation foryord saps &7 heads still in progressdaa constunction of underfornd support sheeters is well in yans onbg it of line aao further extension to fcamence Homario Ana, 6 wery yiaue under cover of rhg was o continued any 7Batibl Southern branch of A29WY DCRE from 12000 bell B400 PLAOEA THIT Metle Aind t A HCnBE 109 WOOR-IOIL. AAW PadE-IIL P.T. & Co. Lld-FormeS1 MO. SON, CASS SSNSN MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No.dMecr Ken CnAAMCN Ofice Stam maa Charges to collot LLNE SAASS TMNKSDASNE SASIR LAASW AAR an Deporteot Mo Morment ouserve Saw E distenig report Hithnox port heard an Bm r Burrank Past O PLAOR STIME CANENA 18000) W.0888 - 1672. 50,000 Pads- 1211L. P.T. & Co. Ltd-Farma O,212S
pot yeagheain p1Spg. 1Stc 13/14/18 to 569 4 p Report3 works progress. Wire intanlement have been started on in frent and of my man Firi trenc & seene about 50x completed ur position for 14 refles have been fired to fire in to the Dere leading to the Barncade Terrari has been continued also gap to frandlin has been continued immroments Tunnel for Wg M.A. Was been campleted lso imaunition Depate for came on Newlenry. & Becks a new M.G. emplaceraent has been constructed position you sapers improved Patrals Patrals to sandy Knoto Hackney week have been send out reparting mathing daring d 9t fendo same enemys stripirg havg been wcated with apearantly gaod recults accounting for one memy Imper wounded seen Krupn forway sst 14,45 S party of Yurks been oberved crossing th tandd thenes the Ahyyldin one by one about 20 strang as we pperum that it was at yurisun which hrave to return o ysplaceo M.G to let inresidinen at down for them an the position and dism at day areack Eaolunmago pfc Wiut My 95/15
A FORM. Army Form O. 2121 No. of Message MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. Ca ad This message is on a/c of: Oce o Onin ad sim pr D Service. 46::- 20 ummmmum Binatoro At Freafire Ober) 38pd Brigade LH T0 Aust Brigade Ath to nt to t SSt AAA 13th Bll 623 in Password use The for this the section occusied 14 sngade is VIRGINIA tonight INE From N2 P0E RMO ThO DD The Attw Mny b Cnren as M anaitt 127 <mammmmmnn mum Com.] Dome d Asbrm a co atd ton la o hisi should be cad ia MFANTRY SRIGADE
MAn FO Army Form C. 2121. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of MaNeARO s Colea au On of Orgte and Sarto Instruction This message is on a/e of: a 181 Dato sonce 104 A 4th Bd arnenoe reden ate 169 Disposition No. 1 Spd-sgetion — 7ight 15th-14th November. HInforwattgn, (at Canterbury Batttalion MAMon Lrest to R ady fit) pering patroll towards farm / 2000 A A A sag soorw S WRGIN 10)110th Battalloa (lalt) op ding out t0 patrgls vine- (no) Be ssrork oatod. tH.6.0. 5/pon Leave Barricade 1890 patrol up to 250 yards bast to tarepttoato vortx tunngl in Dere, (Return at 2630. (1I) 5 men leavt west side Books Bluff 1830 proedee terards furthe ViiI bbject taterbodo Turkysh patrol. Patrol to raturn to Booke BIuE at 2100. (4t4 Wro-ttears in Front of 16th Laps Prem /1830 to 2404. (2I INTENTTON. [a) No firo Pizins fo Tront of Durrants Post. tosemt enttias witt bo contianed to Front & 12th Pattalion agd extrema right of 13th(Btia. 13th Btla. patrol 1 N.C.O. and 3 pen Wiit Robouch from 14th BIIz, Iines at 0160 and Feturk by right of 13t4 14ne at 0300. PANON 131 In confomity with N.J. IaL. Bac. (the password for this post will be VIRGINLA. COPY I Bde. Hgrs. to 14t2/4610. Cast rbury) Btln. (Durre to Rost Tth D13 Bti. and Capt. Gibbs. C. Pils. Time dats Sask The Ctice My H JMrn AA RAdsutani, 15th 852. ]Crod haman or roar iornd to bert to N1 This line should be crased Hf not required CA -HAL. A CO. LIL, LEnS - WIIMIRNE IRRN, MS. FNMS CMMINA a) Spop Wo26 B ACHYL (DERA 896 79 1311:15 47B54 HD. BM. DpApr 499 BDE 162 BTATEE INIPTO 00 tne Hatrol will BARRIEEDE At 11800) consisting af 1060Bmen proces ue along BCHYL DEAS about 250 EA8I for purpose of convestigating poll) and cmner M DERE on pront of 14t Battalion fins and well aturn as 3000 patral do 3men to tceane WEST Sidi of RRCKS BLUER At 1820 proceding along DCAE boside HACANEY MIOMteward CHUARA 14126 with the obgect at interceptind a TUAKISH PATHOL which is Buspecter of coming downs towards BECKS BLUF after mightfally. patioe proposes returning to BEGASBLUER At about 2100 Partes of t men as were siness will be and in fron of 16Blines fyom Cellaton nC0 16 Bro ill 2400.
Handedin CCAONANN PRON PLACE S TIHE wor Por Conplads CMPOMS MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. Na of Mosage CAMEWE Once Stamp 125 C B S 17021 AAA 137311 advine notef rant co t Cote 12
Nov. 13th 1915 Late last night I received a signal message in the following terms: - Meet Army Corps Commander foot Mule Gully eleven to- morrow morning service dress belts leave your A.R.C. and escort at least quarter mile from meeting place. I guessed that subh a mysterious message could mean only one thing, and my guess proved right. At the rendezvous, after a four mile tramp, I found the other Brigadiers assembled, also the Dividional Commander and General Birdwood. We all gazed out to sea, and at precisely 12oclock a tiny picket boat was seen threading its way unobtruatvely at between the throng of lighters, barges, punts, destroyers and submarines lying in Anzac Cove. Birdwood went along, alone, tot the end of the little jetty, and received a very tall officer,m in plain service Khakeewho had with him a very small retinue comprising one A.D.C., one British and one French General, and a single orderly. It was the great Field Marshall, Earl K. of K. himself. He came towards our little group, and it happened I was the first Australian to whom he spoke. He said: -. I have brought you a personal message from the King. He wishes me to tell you how much he admires the splendid things you have done here.& I may not dwell on what followed; but there was a long discussion, and then he went into Monash Valley, and climbed Walker’s Ridge, and had a good look for himself. What he thought about it all he did not say; but after a couple of hours on shore, he slipped away, into the mists of the Aegean Sea, as secrethyf, asquietly and as unobtrusively, as he had come.

Brigade Headquarters

November 13th 1915
To CC    68
No2 Sub.section
with reference to the intimation
received from you last evening that certain
patrols and working parties were to be sent
out and your subsequent  application to
cancel the sending out of certain details
and substitution of others, I desire that
B.O. 311 Para 1 in future ^be strictly complied
with, in that, not any arrangements are
to be made by subordinate officers to 
send out patrols or working parties without
first receiving your approval or
[* GOC
4th Bde
Hay Valley
All necessary steps have
been taken for instruction-
JP McGlinn Co. 16 BN*]

[*End 5*]


No 2 Subsection
Aghyl Dere

BM 4th Bde    31
Hay Valley
The attacked in a statement made
by Lt Tucker last night, re
verbal messages seal along
the firing line from Barricade
Nov 13 1915
4th Infantry Brigade
P R Paul Capt
Adj 16th Bn
 111     1000
O.C. No1 sub sectn
Forwarded for enquiry Remarks
Please specially look into 
statement repass word being
passed along to 16th Bn

J P McGlinn Lieut. Colonel


"A" Form.   Army Form C. 2121.
Prefix   Code   m.
Office of Origin and Service Instructions.
Words. Charge
At  2025  m.
This message is on a/c of:
(Signature of "Franking Office.")
Recd. at     m.
Date   30
TO  Capt. Paull. 
*  Senders Number.     Day of Month.   In reply to Number     AAA
A verbal message from the

14th Battn  gave came to 
me that the password
was Northwood AAA I
sent back word along the 
14th lines to verify AAA A verbal
message come back that the 
password was Northland
From   V Tucker Lt.

"A" Form.   Army Form C. 2121.
Prefix   Code   m.
Office of Origin and Service Instructions.
Words. Charge
At    m.
This message is on a/c of:
(Signature of "Franking Office.")
Recd. at     m.
Date   29
TO   1a
*  Senders Number.     Day of Month.   In reply to Number     AAA
A verbal message from M
Orr came to me that a
a listening patrol was going
through the Barricade from the  
14th Battalion to the vicinity
of Becks Bluff.
I sent a verbal message 
to 14th Battalion lines that
the listening patrol from the
16th had been cancelled. AAA
Alos that a party of engineers 
were in front of the 16th Battalion

V Tucker Lt.



"A" Form.   Army Form C. 2121.
Prefix   Code   m.
Office of Origin and Service Instructions.
Words. Charge
At    m.
This message is on a/c of:
(Signature of "Franking Office.")
Recd. at     m.
Date   32
C.O. 14th. BN.
*  Senders Number.     Day of Month.   In reply to Number     AAA
  QA 397                           13th
For your report please aaa I have to"
draw your attention to the following:-
1/ Major Herring's verbal; message that
post HQ were notifying 16th. BN.

2/ That patrol was ordered to patrol the
AGHYL DERE and that no further patrol
was ordered for BECK'S BLUFF

To Lieut Orr & Capt Luhermann for
report please
S Harrison Lt
a/adj '14' Bn
From   Durrants Post
Time   1200




"C" Form. (Original.)  Army Form C.2123
Prefix  SM  Code    G  Words
From  13th
By   DFG
Sent, or sent out
At   m.
Office Stamp.
₤  s.  d.
Charges to collect
Service Instructions. 
Handed in at the   13th    Office at     m.    Received here at  5am.
TO   GOC 4th Bde
*  Senders Number.     Day of Month.   In reply to Number     AAA
 QA 391                             13th
Report for 24 hours ending 0500
13/11/15  (1) Sniping tally Nil aaa
Total todays 4 aaa (2) Causalities
Nil aaa 3 great deal of movement
through Sunken road in field
on Eastern slope of W hills aaa
4 improvements to fire trenches & 
construction forward Saps & T
heads still in progress aaa 5 
construction of underground support
shelters is well in hand on right
of line aaa Further extension to
commence tomorrow aaa 6 wire fixing under cover of night
was continued aaa 7 patrols
Southern branch of Arghyl DERE
from 200 til 2400

"C" Form. (Original.)  Army Form C.2123
Prefix  SM  Code    G  Words
From  13th
Sent, or sent out
At   m.
Office Stamp.
4aB/916  917
₤  s.  d.
Charges to collect
Service Instructions. 
Handed in at the        Office at     m.    Received here at   am.
*  Senders Number.     Day of Month.   In reply to Number     AAA
aaa Reported NO movement
observed aaa 8. Listening
posts report Nothing heard


N2 Sub.Sec.    13/11/15
To. G.O.C. 4th Inf. Report   83
Works Progress Wire entanglements
have been started on in front
of my main firing trench and
about 50X completed. ^on the right flank Fresh
Position for 14 rifles have been 
fixed to fire in to the Dere leading
to the Barricade. Terracing has
been continued also sap to Franklins
has been continued improvements
Tunnel for N9 M.G. has been
completed also ammunition
Depot for same. On Newbury's
& Becks a new M.G. emplacement
has been constructed. Position
for 5 snippers improved. 
Patrols. Patrols to Sandy Knoll& Hackney wick have been
sent out reporting nothing


4aB 916
General  Some enemy's snipers
have been located with
apearantly good results 
accounting for one enemy
sniper wounded seen Kruping
At 17.45 A party of Turks
been observed crossing the 
towrads trench the Ahyyl Dere
one by one about 20 strong
as we presume that it was a 
garrison which have to return 
key same way I placed a M.G.
to be in readiness at dawn for
them on the position and dismantled 
at day break

E Margolin major
O/C No 2 Sub Sec
0.5.15    Bm 1562



 "A" Form.   Army Form C. 2121.
Prefix   Code   m.
Office of Origin and Service Instructions.
Words. Charge
At   m.
This message is on a/c of:
(Signature of "Franking Office.")
Recd. at     m.
From   77
TO   3 9 Hd   L H Brigade
         4th    Aust Brigade
*  Senders Number.     Day of Month.   In reply to Number     AAA

   Bm 623                        13th.                         ____

The password for use in
the sections occupied by this
Brigade tonight is VIRGINIA
From   N Z INF BDE
Time   1600
R O Cleesney Major
Brigade Major 



"A" Form.   Army Form C. 2121.
Prefix   Code   m.
Office of Origin and Service Instructions.
Copy No1
TO G.O.C. 4th Bde.
Words. Charge
At   m.
This message is on a/c of:

(Signature of "Franking Office.")
Recd. at     m.
Date     78
TO  Disposition no. 1 Sub-section - Night
13th - 14th November.
(1) information.  (a) Canterbury Battalion
(right) sending patrol towards farm 2000
(b) 16th Battalion (left) sending out two
patrols Viz:- (no password stated.)
(i) 1 N.C.O. 3 men leave barricade 1800 patrol
up to 250 yards east to investigate newly dug
tunnel in Dere. Return at 2030.
(ii) 3 men leave west side Becks Bluff 1830
proceed towards Gurka Hill object intercede
Turkish patrol. Patrol to return to Becks 
Bluff at 2100.
(iii) Wire-fixers in front on 16th lines
from 1830 to 2400
(2) INTENTION. (a) No wire fixing in
front of Durrants Post.
(b) Scrub cutting will be continued in front of|
14th ₤attalion and extreme right of 13th Btln.
(c) 13th Btln. patrol 1 N.C.O. and 3 men
will debouch from 14th Btln line at 0300.
(3) PASSWORD.  In conformity with N.Z. Inf.
Bde. the password for this post will be
Copy  1   Bde. Hqrs.                               4. 14th Ntln.
            2  Canterbury Btln.                           (Durrants Post
            3  16th Btln. ( no. 2 Sub-sec).    5. 13th Btln. and

                                                                         Capt. Gibbs.
                                                                      6. File
DS Marks    Capt.

A/Adjunant, 13th Btln.
[*Copy *]
No.2 Subsection
13-11-1 15      19

Co DURRANTS,  POST     [*wrongly addressed*]
162nd BDE
(1)Patrol will ^LEAVE BARRICADE AT 1800
consisting of I NCO - 3 men
proceeding along ACHYL DERE
ABOUT 250x EAST for purpose
of investigation newly dug tunnel
in DERE in front of 14th Battalion
lines and will return at 0030
[* No 1 Subsectn  re 
2040 *]
(2) Patrol of 3 men to xx leave
WEST side of BECKS BLUFF at 1830
procuring along DERE beside

HILL with the object of
intercepting a TURKISH PATROL
which is suspected of coming
down towards BECKS BLUFF
after nightfall.
Patrol proposes returning to
BECKS BLUFF at about 2100
(3) Party of 6 men as wire fixers
will be out in front of 16th Bn lines
from o1830 until 2400
E Margolin Major  CO 16th BATTN



"C" Form (Duplicate). Army Form C. 2123   
Charges to Pay. 
₤   s.   d.
Office Stamp.

Service instructions.
Handed in at            Office    m.   Received    m.
TO   Fourth Bde
*  Senders Number.     Day of Month.   In reply to Number     AAA

 QA 400                           13th                       BM 1576
Yes advice received AAA
Am notifying all concerned
FROM       Durrants Post
PLACE & TIME   1715



Nov. 13th 1915
Late last night I received a signal message in the following
terms :- "Meet Army Corps Commander foot Mule Gully eleven tomorrow
morning service dress belts leave your A.D.C and escort
at least a quarter of a mile from meeting place". I guessed that such
a mysterious message could mean only one thing, and my guess
proved right. At the rendezvous, after a four mile tramp, I found
the other Brigadiers assembled, also the Dividional Commander and
General Birdwood. We all gazed out to sea, and at precisely 12oclock
a tiny picket boat was seen threading its was unobtrusively xx
between the throng of lighters, barges, punts, destroyers and
submarines lying in Anzac Cove. Birdwood went along, alone to t 
the end of the little jetty, and received a very tall officer, n
in plain service khakeewho had with him a ver small retinue
comprising of one A.D.C., one British and once French General, and a 
single orderly. It was the great Field Marshall, Earl K. of K.
himself. He came towards our little group, as it happened I 
was the first Australian to whom he spoke. He said :- " I have
brought you a personal message from the King. He wishes me to 
tell you how much he admires the splendid things you have done
here". I may not dwell on what followed, but there was a long
discussion, and then he went into Monash Valley, and climbed
Walker's Bridge, and had a good look for himself. What he thought
about it all he did not say; but after a couple of hours on shore,
he slipped away , into the mists of the Aegean Sea, as secretly y,

as quietly and as unobtrusively , as he had come.

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