Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 10, 12 November - 18 November 1915, Part 1

First World War, 1914–18
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Ar Form Army Form C. nm. 10. of Mense MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. CCE ceat PICLE Reed. at This message is on a/c of: OMe AONENA SEMIE M Sent Date Service From CAMMTO. PIMINOALII T0 C.OC. 4th Brigade A D A M SenttGHie. AAA 12t 84390 1t of 12/13th Nov No 1 Sub-section neak mn Information & 164h Br pratrolling in direction of HACKNEY WIck O Canterbury Br patrolling in direction of FARM. I waking Parties in front of 16th Dr 4 n – o 14t Br to patiol southers tranch Intents of AGHVL DERE from 2000 to 2400 Were-fixing and scrt-cutting will be redured in front of both 13th and 14th Brs o sut-paraLD Bde Order N311 para 1 has been complied with FTON II.I Sub. Seation (Dunants Post) Place 1745 Time The above may be servarted as now corrected 2 Sarks Capt. SAMMEHAUHEMTOr renDSetonc 1 10co. 266 6. 0. MC CoMOE This line should be crased if not required
MAT. FONM. Amy Forn O. 212L. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Wewse Charo This message to on a/e of: aad O of Org and Serrice Instructions uum so Date Dervice n an Brow 207 w m eon oe mm (Signature of Franking Omcer7 B tor T0 OC 1 Firg time o AREYWMM TMAKON AAA 12-1115 Tlean and inform all w pas on 444 and rant Paseword Knight -NORTALANO of 16 Bn paholl (A) Patrol BeckS HGHYE BARE behad abon fom evening 1830 BLNER sach AAA 2030 to Ba wire fixing party of Cmen will bel working on 16 B prt of ine from 1880 to 42400 Fonught ( Ditail INCG and two men to proceed along ACAXL DERE in fint of BECKS BAUEE and act 190 slisteners from 1900 424.00 souit cuthing and were fixing in port of our live will be resumed 13 Cakerbury Bny sending out patiol from 2000-0100. 13th Bo & 16th Bry have been notified. 2 te ce a te sreed as a gr (2) cansedient Conr Signature of Addressor or person anthorised to telegraph I Gignama This line should be crased if not required. Mac 14t 600 Me&cus, i-&nyts wr ns. romonae
Hre, Beanchops Fil Copy. letter My dear Stward Nov 12/15 with writing to Hs takes a longtime, with oue limited leisure, to get arount, all one friends, even our most intimate ones, & so it has come about that it is a longer time than I care to remember since I have been able to drop you a that line to let you know, I am well & still going strong. In this respect I have put up something of a record, as there is no other commander (Divisional continuously or Brigade - who has hrng on sence the first landing, without caruatty or even for a days I am very pand of the Fourth Brigade, which has responded paners operation most gallantly to every call, & whose offern have met with continuous suc- honors & cess. - As an index of this, our record of rewards toe exceeds that of any other Anstralian or New Iealand Brigade, - & comprises, to date one V.C., five C.D, one C.M.G, D.D.S.Q, 4 Military Cross, & upwads in this Division of 20 D.C.M. - One of my Colleapes - Knosel - (who commands the N.2. Mountel Rifler) has received the honor of Knighthood (K.C.M.G) altho understand it is a little difficult to know the basn of the discomination in his favor, seeing that he is junios to many of us, his cunt to only half in numbers of an Infantry Briggide, & did not take part in the first landing, & has done nothing specially conspicrous in comparison with several of the Anstralian Brygader. While one docont begrudge a colleague his good fortune, it suggeste one cannot help a revival of the feeling, which several prevous incidents have tended to confirm, that it is more advantagions to be a New Lealander, or remembye to be Cayad Custial tan than an Australion. - You doubtless n how long the frant thes proper rank to Australian Brigadiers was withheld - much to the disad here troops under them o; & it was understood that the chief obstacles vantage of them con
episted in Anstratin. The fortune of wat has make a clear pwrep of home seniar officcor - with poor Bridges & Mr Taurin in their graves, McCay Invalided next to Lagge & Mc Lagan sent to England booken in health; so I find myselfm the officer of the A.1. F Galipoli I am senot Cnstrti Hign Cam ande on the whol Aay Casps, which involvere jul deal of addet responsibility._ afraid we shall be stuok here for the winter, as there is no definite assurance of the men, guns & amonunition needed to put this job through quickly. I fur the inclined to fear the wet & stormg wints weather, as a worse enemy than the triok - as it will affect health, & communcations & supply, - However We shall have to see it through to the end. I suppose the dear old Club is pretty well dead. I often wonde how Fedly Other is. & patticularly to Col. Hall Sive my kindest regards to all member of the unt who may enquire Trusting that all is well with you & with sincer regards Yours Wet Sr
LCONSNN Wo Pon COMa Na of Message. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. Office Stamp Cent, or coat ou 20 to a fams 174 5 owre to coted LK cco2.O. SAH Ade Aust th SANGWNSNE A rSNN aan 121h IMHAY Very quet byd are y night hard pushing of very Hackney to approac with Addressed 54 daa Wich 4 Aust 16 repeated 4 Sucbet Br e t n S.C 413 Mr FROM H2nd Ade TAOEAMIS 66 MetaNand t AinHin Britt 18000). N.8868 - 1672 50,000 Pads- 12IlL. P.T. & Co. Ltd-FormaOFIsd
TE. PON Army For C. MII. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Message. Words Charge - cate Reed. at This message is on a/c of: Ohice AChent Sirice Miion Con Datef Service. From Cme A Fraatng Oheg By PARKER Parket A. T0 TUCKER t Tufleer BDE ADST Sender's Number. Daj of Month. in reply to Number. AAA NIYS Patral three will leave west men Side BEckE 1830 at proceding up D.CRE by side AACKNEY NICK returning 2400 the aaa patrol aaa supplied by BECkS Patrol one Wco three men leave will 1830 to EARRICADE ninestigate DURRANTE tunnet front aaa refurning Password about 2100 as supplied by raa me Please take ace necessary action 16th werefiring party operating front lines 1830 from till 2400 aar can acknowledge please aan to PTIAI 7t Place Time 10 The above may be forwarded as now corrected. 127 p1 Consor SOMICNRUReTONENO MMorEdORICNEN This line should be crased if not required
VIII Dunants Port 13:12.1915 Krote. Capt. Puhmann To C.0. 14th Bathr I have to report that on the night of the 12th/13th I was out trench duty during the hours between 2000 and 2400, and respectfully draw your attention to number and natel of verbal urengager I received. birsaget were receive by me from Battel on both our flanks, delivered by a private and in two eases the iissenger did not know pour whou het had been sent. Another point was the uncertainty in the minits of the wine as to how many parties of our own mow wilh in pout of the a e Tranker, this was trught about by thes inersinge from other Battn not only repeating their immages to the OC. Trunck but in one case inprming a number of ien in our Trunch during his scarch for me, what the udtur of his businers was and in consequence left a doubt in the minds of some of our observers. It was seperted by several observers that they had heard digging, they souns of which appeared to come from the Dere, this was however not cnprined by our histening Patriol which retunied at 2410 and whose return and report (which was not) was furmished to ure at 2425 Hataahon Capt
2 Sarent Pont 30 13-11- Dm . Hun Rnter To C.O. A Battalins. I have to report that I was in trench duty during the hour of 1000 - 2000 mn 4/11/15. A verbal message was passed along from the 16th Battalion to myself, as follows. 1. N.CO. 3 men going out as a patrol to investigate Aunnel, also party of men leaving Barricade. were fixing in front of 16 lines as no Officers name was sent with the above I sent my N.C.O back to the 16t lones to enquire from whom the monages originated, and received word bark that they came from Lient Turker. Ther time Ire above mentioned messages was 1745 but no pass word accompanied them I was then advised officially of the order from 14 Battle Office as 1815 On reading orders, I immediately detailed 1c0 & 2 men to proceed along Aghyl Dere in front of Berk BLuff. leaving Barricade at 1900 and to resurn 2400 Furthermore, I forwarded a verbal message to hient. Turker of the 16th Battle to this effecty in case he had not been advised officially in time. My next vertal merages from the 16 Battla, were as follows; (1) Party of Turks advancing doon gully am derecting fire of two martie
gur on them 4 (2) Patral from 16 Battle not sent out will advise caster At the point various messages all different, were coming in from my right & left flank I immediately, under the urumstances look ns noture of the alteration made by these vertal missages? and instantly asued instruction to my foring lone that if anybody advaned near their port they were to challerge and if not answered by the pass- aord Northland to fire During my tour of duty I did not send any vertal misages pexcept re listening patrol) to. the 16 Battle, as I was fally aware starmng Pattation Aasth stated bat the 13 & 16 Bastalion had been 33 duly morified. Ther Rwll
Pde dad Novempet 13th 1915 6 6 ML. Lup. Sephop preserefde to the ptiation precea fom pup lant evening that certain to worn paes wer t be se t and fouryopeyea application to cappof the gndong out of becan defailo nd o o depise that 3034 fafal ffe atrickly courphed wih in that not apy of yape to he made by gtordinafte officers to admdond fattofs or working fafties with on reg reciping yon ah o sugh acpor The anpg or preppopapoifia the 44 directed (in luh Saragras ofaes pgorte e oap paps pbl, ad pa auetime pead fe er to al coneppe Dear grake the Lordabin afcy abevhutelly flest (to all. note and under command return tme tan naae. comaning & chyeting Ariade 1344/1 Encl5 +

"A" Form.   Army Form C. 2121.
Prefix   Code   m.
Office of Origin and Service Instructions.
Words. Charge
At   m.
This message is on a/c of:
(Signature of "Franking Office.")
Recd. at     m.
Date   67
TO  G.OC. 4th Brigade
 *  Senders Number.     Day of Month.   In reply to Number     AAA
QA 390                                12th
No1 Sub-section Night of 12/13th. Nov.
/I/  Information ~ (a) 16th BN patrolling in direction of

(b) Canterbury BN patrolling in direction
of FARM.
(c) Working Parties in front of 16th BN.
/II/ Intention – (a) 14th BN to patrol southern tranch
of AGHYL DERE from 2000 to 2400.
(b)Wire-fixing and scrub-cutting
will be resumed in front of both 13th and
14th BNS.
/III/  Bde Order No311 para 1, sub-para 1 (b)
has been complied with
From    No 1. Sub-Section (Dunants Post)
Time   1745
[* Lieut Colonel



13 NOV 1915

 DMarks   Capt.
The above may be forwarded as now corrected  (Z)
*This line should be erased if not required.


"A" Form.   Army Form C. 2121.
Prefix   Code   m.
Office of Origin and Service Instructions.
Words. Charge
At   m.
 This message is on a/c of:
(Signature of "Franking Office.")
Recd. at     m.
Date    39
TO   OC 12th Bn firing line
*  Senders Number.     Day of Month.   In reply to Number     AAA

Please note and inform all

ranks and pass on AAA

Password tonight -NORTHLAND

(A) Patrol of 3 men from 16th Bn patrolling

along AGHYL DERE behind BECK'S

BLUFF each evening from 1830

to 2030 AAA

(B) A wire fixing party of 6 men

will be working in front of 16th Bn

lines from 1830 to 2400 tonight
(C) Detail 1 NCO and two men to

proceed along AGHYL DERE in front
of BECKS BLUFF and act as
listeners from 1900 - 2400
(d) Scrub cutting and wire fixing in

front of our lines will be resumed

(e) Canterbury Bn sending out patrol from

2000 - 0100.

(f) 13th Bn & 16th Bn have been notified.
Time 1800                                                                                                                                      
S Hansen Lieut
A/adj 14Bn                            


Anzac, Beauchop's Hill

Nov 12/15

My dear Steward,                     (Copy)                                                
It takes a longtime, with our limited leisure, to get around ∧ with ∧ letter writing to all
one friends, even our most intimate ones, & so it has come about that it is
a longer time than I care to remember since I have been able to drop you a
line to let you know ^that I am well & still going strong. In this respect I have
put up something of a record, as there is no other commander - (Divisional
or Brigade) - who has hung on ^continuously since the first landing, without casualty or
prisoners ^ even for a days - I am very proud of the Fourth Brigade, which has responded
most gallantly to every call, & whose offensive operations have met with continuous success. 
- As an index of this, our record of ^ honors & rewards far exceeds that of
any other Australian or New Zealand Brigade, - & comprises, to date
one V.C., five C.B, one C.M.G, 2 D.S.O, 4 Military Cross, & upwards
of 20 D.C.M. - One of my Colleagues ^ in this Division - Russel - (who commands the
N.Z. Mounted Rifles) - has received the honor of Knighthood (K.C.M.G) altho'
it is a little difficult to know understand the basis of the discrimination in his favor,
seeing that he is junior to many of us, has a unit is only half in numbers of an
Infantry Brigade, &  did not take part in the first landing, & has done nothing
specially conspicuous in comparison with several of the Australian Brigades.
While one doesn't begrudge a colleague his good fortune, it suggests one
cannot help a revival of the feeling, which several previous incidents have
tended to confirm, that it is more advantageous to be a New Zealander, or
Australian Canadian than ^to be and Australian. - You doubtless know remember how long the grant
of ^their proper rank to Australian Brigadiers was withheld - much to the disadvantage 
of their Commanders troops under them; it was understood, ^here that the chief obstacles 


existed in Australia. - The fortune of war has made a clean sweep of
senior officers - with poor Bridges & Mc Laurin in their graves, McCay invalided home
& McLagan sent to England broken in health; so I find myself (next to Legge)xxx the
senior Australian Brigade Commander officer of the A.I.F in ^Gallipoli  the whole Army Corps, which ^I am 
involve a good deal of added responsibility. -
afraid we shall be stuck here for the winter, as there is no definite assurance
of the men, guns & ammunition needed to put this job through quickly. I
a inclined to fear the wet & stormy winter weather, as a ^far worse enemy than
the Turk - as it will affect health, & communications & supply, - However
we shall have to see it through to the end. -

I suppose the dear old Club is pretty well dead. I often wonder how Teddy Otter is.

Give my kindest regards to all members of the club who may enquire ^& particularly to Col. Hall. -Trusting
that all is well with you & with sincere regards
Yours ever


"C" Form. (Original.)  Army Form C.2123
Prefix SM   Code F Ham 37    Words
From  078ONZ
By  GS
Sent, or sent out
At   m.
Office Stamp.
₤  s.  d.
Charges to collect
Service Instructions. 
Handed in at the    zpb  Office at     m.    Received here at  0750 m.
To  4th Aust Bde

Sender's Number          Day of MontIn reply to Number                AAA

Bn 459                              13th    
Very quiet by day &

night aaa enemy are

pushing on very hard

with approach to Hackney

Wick aaa  addressed 54

Divn repeated 161 & 4 Aust.


No 1   2  Sub Batn

BM 1565

[* S.C. instructed by
Brigade to following

13 *]

FROM    162 nd Bde



C.M. Form A.39.
"A" Form.   Army Form C. 2121.
Prefix   Code   m.
Office of Origin and Service Instructions.
Words. Charge
At   m.
This message is on a/c of:
(Signature of "Franking Office.")
Recd. at     m.
Date   66
TO   PARKER N.P.         H.C Parker

         TUCKER BDE       C.Tucker Lt

*  Senders Number.     Day of Month.   In reply to Number     AAA
Patrol three men will leave west

Side BECKS at 1830 proceeding

up DERE by side HACKNEY

WICK returning 2100 aaa this

patrol supplied by BECKS aaa

Patrol one nco three men

will leave BARRICADE 1830 TO

investigate tunnel front of DURRANTS

returning about 2100 aaa Password

as supplied by  one aaa

Please take necessary action aaa

Wirefixing party operating front 16th

lines from 1830 till 2400

aaa please acknowledge aaa

13 NOV 1915*]

From IMLAY                                              

Time 1705                         

Capt [[Harwantonot??]]
R [[Manvower??]]
RW Orr  2/Lt


VII  Xunants Post     58

From: - Capt. Fuhmann
To: - C.0. 14th Battn
I have to report that
on the night of the 12th/13th I was on
trench duty during the hours between
2000 and 2400, and respectfully
draw your attention to number and
nature of verbal messages I received.
Messages were received
by me from Battns on both our
flanks, delivered by a private and
in two cases the messenger did
not know from where he had been
Another point was the
uncertainty in the minds of the men's
as to how many parties of our
own men were in front of the

Trenches, this was brought about
by these messengers from other Battns
not only repeating their messages to
the OC. Trench but in one case
influencing a number of men in
our Trench during his search for
me, what the nature of his business
was and in consequence left a
doubt in the minds of some of
our observers.
It was reported by
several observers that they had
heard digging, they sound of which
appeared to come from the Dere,
this was however not confirmed
by our Listening Patrol which returned
at 2410 and whose return and
report (which was nil) was
furnished to me at 2425
JW Fuhmann


VI    2 Durrants Post      36

From :- 2/Lieut RW Orr
To:-  C.O.  14th Battalion
I have to report that
I was on trench duty during the
hours of 1600 - 2000 on 12/11/15.
A verbal message was passed
along from the 16th Battalion to
myself, as follows:-
1. N.CO. 3 men going out as a patrol
to investigate tunnel,
party of men leaving Barricade.
wire fixing in front of 16th lines
as no Officers name was sent with the
above, I sent my N.C.O back to the
16th lines to enquire from whom the
messages originated, and received
word back that they came from


Lieut Tucker. This time I received the
above mentioned messages was 1745
but no pass word accompanied them.
I was then advised officially of
the order from 14th Battln Office at
On reading orders, I immediately
detailed 1. N.C.O & 2 men to proceed
along Aghyl Dere in front of Becks
Bluff. leaving Barricade at 1900 and
to return 2400. Furthermore, I forwarded
a verbal message to Lieut. Turker of
the 16th Battle to this effect, in case
he had not been advised officially
in time.
My next verbal messages from the
16th Battln, were as follows:-
(1) Party of Turks advancing down gully
am directing fire of two machine


guns on them                                                                    
(2) Patrol from 16th Battln not sent out
will advise latter.
At the point various messages
all different, were coming in from
my right & left flank.
I immediately, under the circumstances
took no notice of the alteration made
by these verbal messages, and instantly
issued instruction to my firing line
that if anybody advanced near
their post, they were to challenge
and if not answered by the password 
"Northland" to fire.
During my tour of duty I did
not send any verbal messages
(except re listening patrol) to. the
16th Battln, as I was fully aware

that my Battalion Order stated that
the 13th & 16th Battalion had been
duly notified.                   33                                     
RW Orr 2/Lieut


4AB / 898 

Brigade Headquarters
November 13th 1915

To C.C                         68

No 2 Sub.Section

With reference to the intimation

received from you last evening that certain

patrols and working parties were to be sent

out and your subsequent application to

cancel the sending out of certain details

and substitution of others, I desire that

B.O. 311 Para 1 in future ^ be strictly complied

with, in that, not any arrangements are 

to be made by subordinate officers to

send out patrols or working parties without
first receiving your approval of

such action.

The intention to send out patrols 

or parties should be notified as

directed in Sub Paragraph 1B of the 

order above referred to as early as

possible, so that ample time may be

given to warn all concerned.

Please make the foregoing

absolutely clear to all officers

under your command, note and

return to me.

John Monash Brigadier General

Commanding 4th Aust Inf. Brigade

Encl 5                             13-11-15 

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