Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 10, 1 November - 12 November 1915, Part 9

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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C WAR OFFICE TELEGRAM. NOVEMBER 9th, 1915. On the Western front a severe local struggle continues in Champagne. On the Russian front the Germans continue in vain their attempts to force the Sveina and to cap- ture Riga. In the Wolhynia on the Styr, and in Galicia on the Stryp, the Rassians are maintaining an effective resistance to any further advance by the enemy. The political crisis in Greece has been so far resolved that M Skouloudis, a veteran statesman, has accepted the task of forming a Cabinet. The new Prime Minister has declared that the policy of his administration towards the Allies will be very benevolent. In Serbia, in the South, the Bulgarians have suffered a heavy defeat at Iavor to which French and British troops contributed thus throwing back the enemy in his threatened advance on Monastir. In the Valley of the Morava Austro-German reports speak of a continued advance and the capture of Kraljevo. and it is claimed that the Bulgarians have occupied Nish. In the form of a letter to Edward Grey. the American Ambassador in London has transmitted views of his Government on the subject of restrictions on American commerce during the present war. The following awards are published in a supplement to the London Gazette:- To be C.B.—Isherwood, Simpson, Baikie, Johnston. Australian Officers: Hobbs, Johnston. Courtney, Cannan, Rosenthal, Hillier, Smith. New Zealand Officer: Findlav. To be K.C.M.G.—Douglas. New Lealand Officer: Russell. To be C.M.G.—Winter, Perseval, Austin, Birtwistle. Lslie, Pilkington. Richardson, Carey, Knox, Mackelvie, Australian Officers: Beeston, Wanliss. Owen, Christian, Marsh Bennet, J. Bennett, G. Bessell, Browne, Brockman, King, Robertson, Rabett, Stevenson. New Lealand Officer: Beyg.
AOSON DSt ASTS MESSAGES AND SIGNALS Ro. of Mamn Charges to Pay Vr SNHMEME 10/11 Hanledin at a II tl t MMSSSACR D7A7 TENSUSNSSE 9433 AAA Deport for 12tons ended 00 10/1/15 E Saping fally 2485 P W10T /13th Br Thot Turkish Suiper in BLOckNyse at,600 saa near of o apex sent cuting t Osus sende and were fising during operato o 4f14 & subsection aaa two bombs turst 3 1813. direction HICRSEH WIO ln 18115- third bomt aaa 181 blue light shown aaa another boint was Krown PRON PLAOHA THS (8000) W.8808 - 1612. 50,000 Pads - 12/14. P. AAWAI MOROn DSa MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. a CAPEWEG Onice Stamp MOAN JAMSA A ( SSNNNNE MASIT Lo reply to Number AAA and maching genr fut was Fone at from thes on enseimitet and ob wlefue dea 2200 phol seportad all ad year FROM toD Di PLAOSS TIS 00 (000) W.8808 -161s. 50,000 Pads -19/1l. P.T.
TO POT CuS LMI SOMN SM MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. Ro. of Menr Charges to Pay. Vi 25 SM Hanledin at 60 JAANONNSN MONSON LASGWOASSE aa th DK III Nne OOOK Sector PLAORS TIME (8000) W.8858 - 1812 50,000 Pads 12/14. P.T. 4 Co. Lld—Forma O,2128. Sirt 1530
JO POT CS LSONCNN MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. Na. of Mesase. CAR WSA Ofice Stamp Let Henlodinat ty Bde tust CNAE 23 RENSWSNS a 112 Enem tine wire entant C CFaad to the nothing oist Sartculara noticed a b 54 Addressed sion repectted itt 4th Aust Bod FnOM Bhe PLAOHS TINS 1OHL 00) WO08- 1812 suo00 Pad -ToraNMN
Reedquarters, Hay Valley, Ansse, Callipoli peninsula, 10th. November, 1811 My Dear Griffiths, your memos of October ath and sth did not come into my hands till my return to ansac yesterday. 1 hasten to reply for the information of the ceneral;- Lient,-Gelonel J. P. VCGLIEY. L.L., already has the substantive rank of Hent,-Colona, in the C. x. r. and A. 1. r. - He has lengthy experience and is fully qualified as Battalion Commander. Ne is. nowever, indispensible in this Brigade, both as Brigade Major, and as Second-in-Conmand. Naier (temperary Lient,-Colonel) E. E. TILREY, 16th. Battalion is asready in connand of 13mn. Battalion. - He is absent sick in Egland, but is expected to rejoin snortly, & C. MANSSRIPGE. D.S.C., 16th. Battalion, has been Najor) invadided to austracia and is not any longer available. Naler J. S. LALARUS. this is a reinfercement officer of 14th. Battalion. Nothing is known of him, as he nes not yet joined the Battaljon at the Front. Mejer R. E. SHONDTR, 15th. Battalion, is at present in acting command or the 15th. Pattalion - during the absence - sick in England - of Lieut,-Colonel Cannan. He is carrying out his duties satisfactorily, and it is probable that I shall snortly reconmend the grant to him of temporary rank of Lieut,-Colonel, am afraid, that none of the above are therefore available for Battalion commands outside of this Brigade. Yours Faithfully, Major T. Griffitns, Military secretary Australian & New Zealand Arny Corps.
Carricade F1M O 167 o 13 SCRON (MA E & Ma. For Scale1 Inch to 25 Pards 109/1/5 Avcerndion bat parted bote: sarel Tlomb prodt Castle Ia Shelter Pobervation Degocts in under parapel & smping te to of S small Recess Btt Te aantes Mt tranlindrlepone to bet bitt You p7 Pt 4 to het City to Rest Cutty fo a 6 at ent of tone n eten e e one t As a Smiping to Ca Menburye
27 Arnzac Head Quarters 4th Anst. Inf Brygade Nov. 11/15 G.O.C. 2nd Anst. Inf. Bde Mudoos West Lieut. Evic Simonson, (Well. Mos. Rifles) who is at present in the Fraining Depot at Helopoly Egypt, training with the 9th Remforcements of the 8th Battalon A.U.P., is desirous of being transferred to the 14th Hattalion A.U.F. of this Boygude; & if this can be concuerred in, I am desirous that this office should join this Brigade at once. Will you be good enough to say whether you are prepared to concern in this Transfer, so that I may apply for approval through Army Corps. Dhnmnowash Bryj. Fent. Comidg. 4th Anst. Dng. Bde
AOROW, CASSN AASNN MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. Las seaoo Office Stamp CtAMON M MOWW C ATEMNNN Handed in at. te RANSWNN D A An 815 aa for I4 hours Fapors ODo. Hist wter thunten 12 750 terhist M& which was uyanto tr A944t DSDS down tlater down. HAH DSS s as point dhout tys 307 gast from the X N63 firyd at it ta without giso pesuin an Hotchtess totfirs therouth the S 2 At. 1600 ann £7 retet 14 13at was ust thy tim taken wet ten 13th & Vby 14th Nt Ciews ad PRON PRAOS S THIS Me the Aun t Cn Hist Bitt 10000) W.008S-1812. 80, O00 Pads- 1811l. P.T. 4 Ca. Lid-Forma O.218s. AO PON ORSSN A SOSSNN (J MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. Na of Mesnge. Cnt, A MMION D A Wors 16 Charres to Cned LTSLNMMN MMSSSS SAAAIK SAAKSEAN SUSSENSN AAA H0 Se Fivirs sorut Jist, parts feet pout in frout Hight of lt of tn aa 414 papals o Hhsteni foe report t Movereu alo 405 eceyin cet of 4424 sump 4 307 debeed Wight appear Den Aft PRON AGwerauti Dect PLAOE & THHE SCR This line should be crased if not required. 18000) W.8868 - 1612. 50,000 Pads- 1211L. P.T. & Co. Ltd-Forme O.2123.
D Handedin a a For tegre ActnW POn PLAOHA THHS 18000) W.8008 -1812. WSS 1 D1e 2 N.P.I.A. C. A POMMSI BASSAN IND SIGNALS. Oarpe to Roy. 14a A Lny FS SAR of nano Ofice Stamp 54 ending 24 hou Report O 3011/1415 foom N0/8 60 bsection at 11/20 Yesterday moning FRANRLINS thts shelled PPSTheavilypetting 25 shellsnto the prosition from W. WILI no serious damage was done to the depense a there were no casnalties. Work wys proceeded with in the Communication trench to IRANELINS) during the night. a post of 3 men Coccupid SANDY KNOUE throughout the hours of darkness bit noeneing movement was detected about s0 feet of the well pap was completed in the byvonce thee was a certain amount of work completed 40 mea were on fatigue at the DE AGHYI Mnfor ation Eart
Extract from Lord Kitchener’s statement in the House of Lords, on Wednesday, September 15th, 1915. THE OPERATIONS IN GALLIPOLL. "in the course of these operations the gallantry and resourceful- ness of the Australian and New Lealand troops have frequently formed a subject for culogy in Sir Jan Hamilton’s reports. General Birdwood and his Staff have greatly distinguished themselves, both in planning and conducting the operations of the Australian and New Lealand Army Corps, whose activities have been marked by constant success. Their determination to overcome apparently insuperable difficulties has been no less admirable than their courage in hand-to hand fighting with the enemy. Extract from Mr. Asquith's statement in the House of Commons, on Wednesday, September 15th, 1915. THE MILITARY SITUATION. ?No words of admiration can be too strong, I am sure the House will agree, for the gallantry and resource displayed by the whole of our Armies, and, if 1 may give one conspicuous illustration, by the Aus- tralian and New Lealand troops throughout those hazardous and arduous operations.

NOVEMBER 9th, 1915.
On the Western front a severe local struggle continues in Champagne.
On the Russian front the Germans continue in vain their attempts to force the Sveina and to cap-
ture Riga. In the Wolhynia on the Styr, and in Galicia on the Strypa, the Russians are maintaining an
effective resistance to any further advance by the enemy.

The political crisis in Greece has been so far resolved that M Skouloudis, a veteran statesman, has
accepted the task of forming a Cabinet. The new Prime Minister has declared that the policy of his
administration towards the Allies will be very benevolent.

In Serbia, in the South, the Bulgarians have suffered a heavy defeat at Izvor to which French and
British troops contributed thus throwing back the enemy in his threatened advance on Monastir. In the
Valley of the Morava Austro-German reports speak of a continued advance and the capture of Kraljevo,
and it is claimed that the Bulgarians have occupied Nish.

In the form of a letter to Edward Grey, the American Ambassador in London has transmitted
views of his Government on the subject of restrictions on American commerce during the present war.

The following awards are published in a supplement to the London Gazette:-
To be C.B.—Isherwood, Simpson, Baikie, Johnston. Australian Officers: Hobbs, Johnston.
Courtney, Cannan, Rosenthal, Hillier, Smith. New Zealand Officer: Findlav. To be K.C.M.G.—Douglas.
New Lealand Officer: Russell. To be C.M.G.—Winter, Perseval, Austin, Birtwistle. Leslie, Pilkington.
Richardson, Carey, Knox, Mackelvie, Australian Officers: Beeston, Wanliss. Owen, Christian, Marsh,
Bennet, J. Bennett, G. Bessell, Browne, Brockman. King, Robertson, Rabett, Stevenson. New Zealand
Officer: Begg.



Office Stamp.
Received 0505 m.
TO 4th Bde (1)
Senders Number 
Day of Month
In reply to Number

Report for 24 hours ended
0500 10/11/15
(1) Sniping tally aaa
2465 Pte W. WILMOT 13th Bn
shot [[Linkish?]] sniper in 
BLOCKHOUSE at 1600 aaa
(2) Suspended ∧ near top of apex scub cutting
and were fiting [[during
operations of [[//0]] 2 Sub section
(3) 1813. - two bombs burst
in direction HACKNEY WICK
1815 - third bomb aaa
1817 - blue light shown aaa
another bomb was thrown

Office Stamp (57)
TO (2)
and machine gun fire
was opened aaa
from then on intermittent
bombing and rifle fire aaa
2200 Patrol reported all
clear aaa
FROM Durrant Bd



Office Stamp.
Received 0340 m.
TO 4th Bde 
Day of Month
All OK here
Standing to Arms
FROM CO [[//0?]] 2 Sub Section



Office Stamp.
Received 0707 m.
TO 4th Aust Bde 
Senders Number 
Day of Month
In reply to Number
Enemy very busy on
wire entanglments in
front of SANDBAG RIDGE aaa
Otherwise nothing particular aaa
noticed aaa
Addressed 54th Division
repeated 161st and
4th Aust Bde
FROM 162nd Bde



Hay Valley, Anzac
Gallipoli Peninsula,
10th. November, 1915
My Dear Griffiths,
Your memos of October 8th and 9th did not come
into my hands till my return to Anzac yesterday. I hasten to
reply for the information of the General:-
Lieut.-colonel J.P. MCGLINN, V.D., already has the substantive
rank of Lieut.-Colonel in the C.M.F. and A.I.F. - He has
lengthy experience and is fully qualified as Battalion commander.
He is, however, indispensible in this Brigade, both as Brigade
Major, and as Second-in-Command.
Major (temporary Lieut.-colonel) L.E.TILNEY, 16th. Battalion
is already in command of 13th. Battalion. - He is absent sick
in England, but is expected to rejoin shortly.
Major W.O. MANSBRIDGE, D.S.O., 16th Battalion, has been
invalided to Australia and is not any longer available.
Major J.S. LAZARUS. This is a reinforcement officer of 14th.
Battalion. Nothing is known of him, as he has not yet joined
the Battalion at the Front.
Major R.E. SNOWDEN, 15th. Battalion, is at present in acting
command of the 15th. Battalion - during the absence - sick in
England - of Lieut.-Colonel Cannan. He is carrying out his
duties satisfactorily, and it is probable that I shall shortly
recommend the grant to him of temporary rank of Lieut.-Colonel.
I am afraid that none of the above are therefore
available for Battalion commands outside of this Brigade.
Yours Faithfully,
Major T. Griffiths,
Military Secretary,
Australian & New Zealand Army Corps.


scale: 1 inch to 25 Yards
[*Received from Div. H.Q. on 10/11/15*]


Head Quarters 4th Aus. Inf.
Nov. 11/15.
G.O.C. 2nd Aust. Inf. Bde
Mudros West. 
Lieut Eric Simonson, (Melb. Univ. Rifles)
who is at present in the Training Depot at Heliopolis
Egypt, training with the 9th Reinforcements of the 8th
Battalion A.I.F., is desirous of being transferred to the 
14th Battalion A.I.F. of this Brigade; & if this can be 
concurred in, I am desirous that this officer should 
join this Brigade at once. - 
Will you be good enough to say whether you are 
prepared to concur in this transfer, so that I may
apply for approval through Army Corps.
John Monash
Brig. Lieut.
Comdy. 4th Aust. Inf. Bde.


Office Stamp.

TO 11 Bde
Senders Number 
qw 2/6
Day of Month
In reply to Number

Report for 24 hours
Ended 0500 11th [[a?]] (1)
at 0950 [[Nu?]] 1 & 2 M G 
[[ugag?]]  [[Sur?]] MG which was
from down AGHYL DERE.
& Slater down. CHAILAC DERE
from CO part about 20 yds
East of 5078 aaa
CO & MG from [[?hiwa]] APEX
also first at it but without
result aaa [[Hotehtiss?]] [[Notf?]]
aaa (2) at 1600 [[Hr?]] MG personell-
of 27th Batn was [[rel?]] & 2
GM [[?]] [[?]] [[?]] [[Man?]] / by
13th & 1 by 14th Btn Crews aaa

Office Stamp.
(61) 11/1/15
Handed in at [[3th?]] [[?W]] Office
 Received 5 [[am?]] m.
 No (3) Scrub cut/wz & wire
Fixing parties Sent out in front
of right & left of his aaa
No (4) [[Pa?]] & listening post
"report no movement" aaa 7/05
the enemy in accuiety of FARM
appear very jumpy during night

Bm 1540
FROM  Durrante Post



Office Stamp.
(59) 11/11/1915
Handed in at [[?]] [[?]] Office

TO 11th Brigade
Senders Number GE Hq
Day of Month 11th
All quiet, Nap to
[[Fraudelius?]]  [[having?]] [[hin?]]
DW Brn
[[Too leque?]]
[[Dit War?]]
[[S? Kill?]]
FROM OFC - 16 th Bhi
TIME 0850

Report for 24 hours ending
05.30 11/11/15 on No 2
yesterday morning at 1130
the turks shelled FRANKLINS
POST heavily putting 25
shells into the position from W.HILIS
no serious damage was done
to the defence, & there were no
Work was proceeded with in
the communication Trench to 
FRANKLINS during the night
A post of 3 men occupied
SANDY KNOLL throughout the
hours of darkness but no enemy
movement was detected.
About 20 feet of the well [[sap?]]
was completed & in the bivouac
there was a certain amount of work
40 men were on fatigue at the 
E Maryalin Major
Ofe 16th Btt


Extract from Lord Kitchener's statement in the House of Lords,
on Wednesday, September 15th, 1915.
"In the course of these operations the gallantry and resourceful-
ness of the Australian and New Zealand troops have frequently formed 
a subject for eulogy in Sir Ian Hamilton's reports. General Birdwood
and his Staff have greatly distinguished themselves, both in planning and 
conducting the operations of the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps, whose activities have been marked by constant success.  Their
determination to overcome apparently insuperable difficulties has been no less admirable than their courage in hand-to-hand fighting with the enemy."
Extract from Mr. Asquith's statement in the House of Commons, 
on Wednesday, September 15th, 1915.
"No words of admiration can be too strong, I am sure the House
will agree, for the gallantry and resource displayed by the whole of our 
Armies, and, if I may give one conspicuous illustration, by the Aus-
ralian and New Zealand troops throughout those hazardous and arduous operations."

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Stephanie EdgeStephanie Edge
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