Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 10, 1 November - 12 November 1915, Part 8

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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copy of General Natine order No. 635 dated 8/11/15. RAUK OF OPVLCERV. G.R.O. No. 615 of 2nd. November, 1915, is cancelled and the Following will be substituted :- In order to correct some misapprehensions which have occurred as to the precedencs of officers in units, it 18 notified as follows:- In accordance with Army Order 35 of 1915, all officers belonging, transferred, posted or attached, to a unit will take precedence therein and in their respective ranks according to the date of appointment cf or promotion to those ranks, and not according to the date on which they actually join the unit for duty. (B(3340).
us sepor an Rion T. M Neoro (Killed) AUSIRALIAN IMPERIAL Fo Roomnore and arrow The following promotions and appoint ments to the Australian Imperial Force have been soretted. Rroanto OrMOMRNT atnt 1or N sere and or 0 35 an a A iaed 26 0 enly. em & Hor Ne N 2 24 tce 5 8A A Haer sare 4.00 re Regime 3 Irll, T. H. Bird. N. D. n. 0 4102 am 1010 04 Eove o ho Dridon Lsevienents M L F i Co A N Crober or G H. Jea tow a a w 0 Mo. t P. 1 6.2 L HowellBrice 16 o Cla m 1 C MM JCP H.1 s Brand, on 10 L Cevicn Cl L Far. Co MALEN 2 N CD En ast, I A dones W. 1OlA Bttllo- To be Mato w torena Aton, L O. Hoimes and A Ry terreant H N. Hene AC 1 R. K. Hercon 0 D& mat T e 14 4 Covic 2 Ohtsonel Nly a wi S ci 10 to temperery 2 20 Te te hm " to e 125 per t Juneo to aw FroMr E Hunt, 1 2 Hentor t promomo as isa Conots-T. J.A Rood, C XI O P L Brell T. Frand B A Keld. ONell Kearey, F. R. North, C D Las I. N. &a N. Rowndeld n sodg Alian Arm Snl lesieal Cor Recrve Cor THe. R L Hend Mn. H. L Dect. J. AIken IriAts, H. W. F. K. R Shor. oatin to O. Ward, Rer. W. O. F.S. W Crasdon, RA. ChAT tala JCNC D.8 Do Dovo 2 POINTHENTS TEMFORARY ColonelaCalond T. J. Coton L.Ron. Coto Hacter, V. To be Heat Colonel—Hent Moad A D. W. FEMIN-MOTE. Ad rrononne To be Brreder Conerk -Colond J. W. Ncc E A HachrMaclarn 20 o H. N. N. Co to Cte Cor lushes V.D.; Colonel H. O.C
Dr For Thista MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. HA. A Manne Chaiges to Pay. Office Stamp. Sm J 8 1 Titte SSR Handed in At. in tn O Klll Reere A1 0 4 £e SAAFSNINE DASOINSN LSWMNNN AAA G14 Brackwarts Col. Please meet Ho at the takki I this Mo 1030 miny FROM N PLACE E TTHE 16800) W.3668 - 1612. 50, O0 lads - 12/14. F.T. & Co, Ltd.-Forms/C.2123.
PO PSC MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. Ro. A SESE Chaises to Pay. Offce Stamp. tyferyn 15 Sm 850 TeIS MISSE MAAADA SA MRovered 9 m 3 de Mayr t ATB. Weyvelley LOSSISOSR SEMERSMIMSS In reply to Number a 4th Korscopes L aving immediately 8 FRON gt terry PLAOE S TINE 1944 16900) W.8858 -1672. 50,000 Pads -12/14. P.T. & co. Ltd.-Forme /C.2123.
MC. PoW DSS A MSN MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. AA oto Par. " "9 LL Ientedin at 1 A SI aACO aAa teort 1 he 74-13 lit 0940 refordid 6 tats go near flaring ANDFAREN SACHIK Fsmver movement of me and harses serion ten ftace aaa approseiate pertti 106 aaa I) 1200 which riftemen arroftans teres our treary - we I lar ryhen hame wto staven alove aas t purapet 33 Wt tostie timand cafes Etead Flatal communication and aan I gent tutting wwer ne wet continute throughout the ight tan Patits anc distining PAORSTINE Fn 1505 (8000) W.8808 - 1812 50,000 Pads- 19/14. P.T. & Oa. Ltd—Forms O2123 MESS AC Hanledin at JAASSSNN MAISSNE fert all Causathitie Lt won uper date Fnon 22 PLAOBSTINS 05 18000) W.8858 - 1872 30,000 Pads- 12/14. P.T. & Co. Lld—Forme O,2122. A JSIN D SIGN Na of Meae Charges to Pay Once Sta 60 -a Recemt SUSGWNSN AAA pout it dn Foll il
aOr Form (Duplicate). TSONSN MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. Ro. of Memne CPWE EtM D AecedML Hanledinat RASSWENNE SAISONE CAOACNE aas Patie fuit to HACKNI WICK ight with Frgues TRSNKfINS 16 58 mon Sut seet PLAOHA TIHS 16 B -TCNAMNS T a 1812 WnoI MITEC
AO. PON OMSSNN TSONSRNN MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. Na of Masage ye reen ne out CALEE o p 66220 o pa cme homnon 113 Handedin at 100 a 1h Aust Bds DASAISON INrepl to Number aAA 914 1317 416 happened and then 34th Div addrested 16S 8th repeated Aust Brisade Mon no Brigade PAORSTIE 06 This line should be crased if not required. C W.8888 - 161 50,000 Pads - 18,14. P.T. & Co. Lid-Forme O.412s.
MIHEMEN Hanledina MASSRSSNE MO PON BuStS ST SOMNSN MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Mosage Carpe to los. Once Stamp Recerved IA aaa Mon PLAON
n O PON DSSOSS Li DOMO.MSS. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Message Caroos to Pas Office Stamp. 42 220 36 Dar 9/211 Kence SS Handed in at OR0 Received. SENAFESKME D AAA tapt up coming Mairs A onders with or would out monash Der Deave the toord where please him tam find Cept Flors LHI 1A PROH ELACE & TTHE N24 O1 18000) W. 8888 -1612 S, AO Pad- 1914. P.T. & co. Lal-Forme/O. 2123.
Received Nov. 9 notes he reples. Linde lolo Ehlowdyne Tobn Etu Captan Six-M.SS hn & Che Fir Sonp e o sppity fo Sax (Mat] ffynch (lape) & aboth last, Cyp Con frawce) Sem teaf (M M. Rai] Sat ptob Spackes aet Finkno minishun X intudedl Betr Simag A 1/ Sep 25 Rane te Sepb& oh To oc mipt (estwe) Halte Agh Juty 19 tt wet et leadr depose Arguur t2 e Hight Sopth Karl Gabont Appoint Poyds t 60. Na2ge Ser. nov Clain trny Best. a Mas off cympatting 42 Write D. Basralt 28 ustiowd Shanvel send Acomns to plant sc 22 Busnag Sens Commisstons Spe Sep p3 Hilloty a - est for Sy Myre cant Watle Sept Sept. Sp. 6/ Cascatey Sy 6 a Mat & Marn

Copy of General Routine Order No. 635 dated 8/11/15.

G.R.O. No. 615 of 2nd. November, 1915, is cancelled and the following
will be substituted :-
In order to correct some misapprehensions which have occurred as
to the precedence of officers in units, it is notified as follows :-
In accordance with Army Order 35 of 1915, all officers belonging, transferred, posted or attached, to a unit will take precedence therein and in their respective ranks according to the date of appointment of or promotion to those ranks, and not according to the date on which they actually join the unit for duty. (B/3340).



argus Sep 6/15
(Large Photo)
The following promotions and appointments to the Australian Imperial Force have been gazetted:-
Lieutenant-Colonel J.K. Forsyth, from 4th Light Horse Regiment, to be Assistant Adjutant and Quartermaster-General).
Honorary Captain T. Griffiths, Deputy Assistant Adjutant-General, to be Deputy Assistant Adjutant and Quartermaster-General (temporarily).
Major C.H. Foot, Deputy Assistant Quartermaster-General, to be Lieutenant-Colonel.
Major E.S. Stokes to be Lieutenant-Colonel whilst holding the appointment of Acting Deputy Assistant Director Medical Services (temporarily).
4th Light Horse Regiment, -To be Major-Captain S.G.A. Hindhaugh. To be Captain -Lieutenant J. Parkin. To be Quartermaster and Honorary Lieutenant-Regimental Quartermaster-Sergeant J. Duffy. To be Second-Lieutenant-Warrant-officer N.L [[?]]
5th Light Horse Regiment.-To be Lieutenants- Second-Lieutenants T.B. Fargher, D.W. Rutherford, J.G.D. McNeill, H.K. Irving, W.M.J. Lyons, and A.G. Bolingbroke.
6th Light Horse Regiment.-To be Lieutenants-Second-Lieutenants A.R. Hordern, D.G. Cross, H.S. Ryrie, D. Drummond, N.M. Pearce, H. Robson, J.M. Chisholm.
7th Light Horse Regiment.-To be Lieutenants-Second-Lieutenants J.O. Stevenson, H.O.C. Madrell, T.H. Bird, N.D. Barton, and A.K. Lake.

Divisional Artillery.-To be Majors-Captain H.W. Lloyd, Captain G.I. Stevenson, Captain C.G.N. Miles (from appointment of adjutant, 2nd Field Artillery Brigade). To be Captains-Lieutenants A.P. Crisp and R.C. Crocker. To be Lieutenant-Second-Lieutenant A.J. Glendinning.

Divisional Engineers.-To be Captain-Lieutenant I.F.S. Mather. To be Second-Lieutenants-Warrant-officer W.W. James, Quartermaster-Sergeant H. Greenway, and Sergeant G.N. Croker.
2nd Infantry Brigade.-Captain C.H. Jess, from appointment of staff-captain, 4th Infantry Brigade, to be major and brigade major.
3rd Infantry Brigade.-Captain A.M. Ross from appointment of staff-captain, to be major and brigade major.
1st Battalion.-To be Majors-Captains W. Davidson and P.G.P. Hill. To be Captain-Lieutenant G.F. Wootten. To be Lieutenants-Second-Lieutenants B.J. Buchanan, P.L. Howell-Price, and G.A. Street.
2nd Battalion.-To be Majors-Captains C.R. Richardson and L.J. Morshead. To be Captains-Lieutenants I.F. Campbell, J.H.F. Pain, G.S. Cook, R. Harrison, H.L. Nash, and R.T. Brown. To be Lieutenant-Second Lieutenant R.T. Tarrant. To be Second Lieutenants-Company Sergeant-Major H.A. Youden, Sergeant G.L. Phillips, Corporal E.R. Egan, Sergeant R. Murray, and Corporal W.R. Craddick.
3rd Battalion.-Major C.H. Brand, from appointment of brigade major, 3rd Infantry Brigade, to command (temporarily), and is granted the local and temporary rank of Lieutenant-colonel whilst in command of the 3rd Battalion. To be Major-Captain D.M. McConaghy. To be Captains-Lieutenants D.T. Moore G.E. McDonald and W.R. Carter. To be Second Lieutenants-Sergeant V.E. Smythe, Company Sergeant-Majors P.W. Woods, Albert McDermid, and Thomas Edward McGowan, Sergeants S.A. Pinkstone, A.F. Burrett, and J.H. Matthews. To be Second Lieutenant and Quartermaster - Staff Sergeant-Major A. Stronach. 
5th Battalion.-To be Lieutenants-Second Lieutenants E.T. McVea and A.G. Adams. To be Second Lieutenants-Sergeants F.A. Leslie, L.H. Kelly, S. Ricketson and W.T. Meikle, Corporals H.A. Fleming, F.W. Harris, and H.S. Dickenson, Sergeant H.A. Gray, and Company Sergeant-Major L. Ghent.
6th Battalion.-To be Lieutenant-Second Lieutenant P.D. Kalmer. To be Second Lieutenants-Warrant-Officer C. Guilfoyle, Sergeants H.O. Ritter and A.G. Carne, Company Sergeant-Major W.P. Adams, Company Quartermaster-Sergeant F.D. Johnstone, Sergeant R.T. Fairclough, Corporal A.C.H. Jackson.
7th Battalion.-To be Lieutenants-Second Lieutenants W.L. Heron, A.R. Heighway, F.O. Rogers, and A. Liddelow. To be Second Lieutenants-Sergeant K.L. Walker, Regimental Quartermaster-Sergeant W.J. Symons, Company Quartermaster-Sergeant B.B. Nicholson, Sergeants H.E. Bastin, B.N. Edwards, and F.A. Oates, Company Quartermaster-Sergeant H.A. Kuring, Sergeant H.A. Barker.
8th Battalion.-Major (temporary Lieut.-Colonel) C.H. Brand, from temporary command of 3rd Battalion, to command (temporarily), and is granted local and temporary rank of lieut.-colonel whilst in command of the 8th Battalion. To be Captain-Lieutenant D.F. Hardy. To be Second Lieutenants - Company Quartermaster-Sergeant A.B. Glasson, Sergeants W.G.J. Catron and C.L. Fox, Corporal H. Bolton, Company Quartermaster-Sergeant G.E. Johnston, Sergeants W.A. Bayliss, L.P. Thomas, J.C.M. Traill, and L.P. Fay.
9th Battalion.-To be Captains-Lieutenants E.C. Plant, L.A. Jones, W.M. Young, and D. Chapman.
10th Battalion.-To be Major-Captain F.M. de F. Lorenzo. To be Captains-Lieutenants E.J. Sexton, L.G. Holmes, and C. Rumball. To be Second Lieutenants-Sergeant H.N. Henwood, Corporal R.K. Hurcombe.
12th Battalion.-To be Major-Captain J.L. Whitham. To be Captains-Lieutenants L.M. [[Mull?]] N.D. Fethers, L.E. Burt, and R.A. [[Raff?]] Lieutenant C.A. Littler (seconded) is granted the rank of captain whilst holding the appointment of adjutant, Anzac Cove area. To be Second Lieutenants-Regimental Sergeant-Major W. Kennedy, Sergeant-Major W.A. Connell.
Divisional Train.-To be Lieutenants-Second Lieutenants J.R. Rigby, R.A. Thomson, W.L. Hamilton, C.B. Grieve, and J.E. Savage.

2nd Light Horse Brigade Train.-To be Lieutenants-Second Lieutenants R.G. Bosanquet and G.D. Smith.
[[Div?]] Ammunition Park.-Lieutenant U.E. Parry[[?]]den is granted the temporary rank of captain whilst he is the senior officer of his company present with the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps.
Army Medical Corps.-Private Eugene Cook, 1st Australian General Hospital, to be second lieutenant (temporarily), without pay, from June 9, 1915, to July 17 1915.
Australian Post-office Corps.-To be Lieutenant-Staff-Sergeant C.S. Cunningham.
To be Lieutenants.-A.E. Hunt, A.S. Nobbs, A.C. Anderson.
To be Lieutenants (provisionally).-R. O'Brien, H.G. Shaw.
To be 2nd Lieutenants.-F.J.S. Hoad, C.J. Carroll, P.L. Elwell, T. Francis, B.A. Keid, H. O'Neill Kearney, F.R. North, C.D. Lucas, J.N. Land.

To be Captains.-R.N. Rosenfield, Australian Army Medical Corps; J. Sprent, Australian Army Medical Corps; F. Howson, Medical Corps Reserve, C.S. Browne, W.E. O'Hara, R.L. Henderson, F. [[?]]ouse, R.C. Winn, H.L. Deck, E.W. Arn[[?]]H.R.J. Harris, J. Aiken, G.C. Willcocks, H.S. Allen, J.V. Griffith, H.W.F. Mitchell, J.H. McGee, K.S. Cross, K.R. Shaw, R.M. McMaster.
Chaplains.-Anglican Denomination-To be Chaplains, 4th Class: Rev. F.G. Ward, Rev. W.G.A. Green. Roman Catholic Denomination-To be Chaplains, 4th Class: Rev. T.J. King, Rev. W.N. Close. Presbyterian Denomination-To be Chaplain, 4th Class: Rev. G. Cranston, B.A. Methodist Denomination-To be Chaplain, 4th Class: Rev. D.S. [[?]]rumwell. Baptist Denomination-To be Cha[[?]] 4th Class: Rev. D.S. McNicol.
Instructional Staff.-To be Lieutenant-Staff-Sergeant-Major T.F. Sheridan.
To be Colonels.-Colonel T.J. Courtney, V.D., O.C.; Hon. Colonel J.W. Hacker, V.D.
To be Lieut.-Colonel.-Lieut.-Colonel C.D.W. Rankin.
To be Major.-Major T. Anderson.
To be Brigadier-Generals.-Colonel J.W. Mccay, V.D.; Colonel E.G.
Sinclair-MacLagan, D.S.O., Colonel H.N. MacLaurin, Colonel J. Monash, V.D.; Colonel G. de L. Ryrie; Colonel F.G. Hughes, V.D.; Colonel H.G. Chauvel, C.M.G.


Sm [[I & Ran?]] 21
Handed in at  [[NZ?]]
Received  0931
To     O.C.  4th Inf Bde
Sender's Number
G 1.4
Day of Month
Please meet Col Braithwaite at the Hotchkiss gun at 1030 this morning.

From     [[n z a Div?]]
Place & Time



Sm G Larpan 15


Handed in at    AC
To    Brigade Major
4th AJB Hay Valley
Day of Month 8th
Periscopes leaving immediately.
Sgt Perry report.
50 Received 8/11/15
From   Sergt Perry
Place & Time  1959


Office Stamp.

Received   [[0520*]]
To    4th Bde
Sender's Number
Q A [[3409*]]
Day of Month
Report for 24 hrs ended 0500
9-11-15   (1)  at 0940  reported
Tactics placing given near ANAFARTA
SACHIR area observed movement of 
men and horses and screams
being placed area approximate
position 106 I 5 area (2)  1200 Turkish
[[repl*]]  fired area over areoplane
near farm area were replied 
to some who showed above
the parapet area (3) Work
continues in forward [[safe*]]
T heads and lateral communications
area (4) scrub cutting area where
work continued throughout the
night and (5)  Patrols and listening.

Place & Time                Bm 1505

Office Stamp.
[[first*]] report all quiet (6)
casualties Lt Davidson 14th Bn
wounded (7) snipers tally [[ *]] to
From                       DURRANTS Post
Place & Time          0500            


Office Stamp
To   4TH Bde
All quiet Patrol sent out last night to HACKNEY WICK area
Progressing with  [[safe?]]  area  to FRANKLINS
Div & 16 2nd
From         No. 2 [[Sub?]] Section
Place & Time  16th Bn     0520


LM [[*]]
Received From 16 [[?]] By [[RAG?]]
Office Stamp.  9/11/15
[[YAB.  to?]]
Received 0732 a
To  4th Aust Bde
Day of Month   9th
Nothing happened aaa addressed 54th Div repeated 161st & 4th Aust Brigade.
From      162nd Brigade
Place & Time    0652.


Office Stamp    51
Received   0600
To  4th Battalion
16th Battalion is standing to arms
From   U.C    16th Bn
Place & Time   0520


No. of Message   1
N.Z. [[A Divn?]]
Office Stamp

Handed in at      NZ

Received 1015
Day of Month
Capt Mairs is coming up with some orders AAA  If Gen Monash is out would he please leave word where Capt Mairs can find him

Place & Time   NZ & A DIV                                                    1012


Received Nov. 9.

Notes for replies.

Eau de Cologne


Tob..- 8 tins Captstan √

[[Soap  Mils  Sox - Mick & [[ Ch   Tin?]]  Soap - 4 safety pins

Soap (Mat) - Fly    (tape) -leather laces (4)   Cat[[? (Tanto)?]]

[[book?]]pads (3) 5 packs envelopes - Gum leaf (Mrs M. Rainer) Penknife (W) 

Cunninghame   Oct 4, & [[Jacks   ?]]         [[             ?]]

Burnape    Sep 14 & Sep. 23                     Bert    Sep. 7  √

[[                34?]] 

[[ - odley        M        20?]]                           Vic   Sep 6 √

Griffiths  [[     ?]] Oct 8, Oct 9                    Walter - argus July 19.   

Hugh Wells         Oct 15

[[Ch      pter?]]     Oct 12                             Read & dispose arguses

Karl. R.                    Oct 14                            Night Socks.

[[F. Gab   ?]]           Sep. 7                    Appoint Bgde N.G.O. [[     298.    ?]]                                                                                                 [[ - Rose.?]]

Chaplain [[         ?]]    "  12            Bert. & Mat M. & sympathy

Eastwood                   "   18            Write D: Barrett

Chauvel                Oct 22               Send acorns to plant .

Burnape                Sep. 23              Send Cunningham specimen

Wiltshire                Aug 25

Walter       Sep. 19 - for Sep 19 - Anzac card

Walter       Sep. 14    

[[*]] Sep.     Argus cutting Sep 6 - Mat √

Mat M.       Sep. 6 √




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