Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 10, 1 November - 12 November 1915, Part 7

First World War, 1914–18
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(Oopr). Copy No. 42. General Headquarters, 7th. November, 1915. LOROP 20 28. OADER Reference Man 1130,000. With reference to Force Orders No. 27 dated 2s th. october, are authorised for 1915, the following names of localities general use:- Nane of Locality. Nan Square. Twelve Tree Copse. 22.2.1. Church Parn. 23.V.2. guily Fanm. 32.L.4. Shrannel Point. 22.N.3. -3.7. Geocheghan's Bluff. 23.S.3.-T.1. Trolley Ravine. 23.J.4. Border Ravine. 33.J.7. Essex Ravine. 22.1-8. Bruce's Ravine. 32.N.3. Piccadilly Circus. 17.P.3. Leicester Square. 18.6.3. - H.4. 32.S.1. -2. P. Point. Y. Beach. 33.N.5. N.O.S. HIll. 13.7.8. Clapham Junction. 17.1.6. Grey Tree Fann. 17.1.3. - C.9. Backhouse Post. 17.8.3.-6. Brown House. 17.P.1. White House. 17.B.1. Snipers Wodd. 17.7.s. -U.4. Trafalgar Square. 17.L.4. Skew Bridge. 17.8.8. Mole Hill. 17.V.6. Y. Ravine. 22.N.S. -6. 22.N.2. -6. Churka Bluff. Pusilier Bluff. 23.J.2. Harris Ridge. 68.1.5/6 2/3 & 818. Holly Ridge. 68.1.3 83jul asjby. Pine Ridge. 68.M.2 n3/il. Chathams Post, 68.0.8 1l. 2/3. Legse Valley. 68.M.70 3. Shell Green. 68.6.2. 3 to 5. Tasmania Post. 68.6.6 N 4. Leanes Trench. 68.6.6 n 4. Lone Pine. 68.B.3 6 718 Plateau 400. 68.B.3 6 9 c 76 2 1. Johnstoners Jolly, 80.W.8 x 7. wire gully. 80.W.6 x 4. German officers French. 80.L.1 415. Mortar Ridge. 80.L.516 - n s. Courtneyis post, 80.S. South West Corner. Bridges Road 80.v. 3/6 w 114 & 4s.5. whites valley, 80.V.8s. Brown Dip. 68.7.112. Artillery Road. 68.6.5/6 - b2 Shrapnel Gully, 80.v.7-5 w2. Monash Gully. 80.W.2 F s. Rest Gully. 80.R.S. -rIw Plugges plateau. 80.6.8. Reserve Cully. 80.9.3/6 - r 4. Popers Hill. 80.S.4.-2. Nule Gully. 80.M.7 F 112. Walker's Ridge. 80.R.3 9 n 7. Turks point. 80.M.3. Russells Top. 80.R.S. - n 7. (Snipers Nest)
(91. =sentld Rane of Lecalit. Dan samrs. Snapers Nest. 80.1.8. 80.n.S. Fek. 80.1.417 -8. Omels Hump. 80.N.6 -s. Baby 700. Rapry Valley. 80.M.1 - 8. Battleanip Hill. O0.H.8. No. 1 Post. Rnododendron Spur 80.1.6. 1 2 E1. No. 3 Post. Co.B.T N.1. co.A.6 b 4 b 417. No. 3 Post. 80.B.8 s c 7. old Nc. 3 Pest. Table Top. 80.6.5. 80.P.1-t. Cunners Hill. Turks Hump. 80.K.5-7. Sand Pat. 80.2.506. Sandbag Ridge. 88.U.5. Payleris Hollow. 88.W.t. Bauchops Kill. 52.V.5/6 2 s. Walden Point. 82.606. Australia Valley. 83.8.6-3-n Gillespie Kill. 83.N.1-8; T. Kills. 105.7.- U. Chocolate Hills. 105.1.M. Nell Spit. 78.2. Jophsons Post. 135.F.s. (135.2.s) Bench Mark. 135.U.2-6. Sesmitar HIll. 105-1-8. Green Hill. 105.M.8. Hill 19. 117.R.8. the Pimple. Knoll just S. of 136.L. 7-s. North redoubt. 136.L.4-5. Green Knell. 135-P-2-5. Borderers Knell. 118.A.-4. Blockhouse. 118.N.1. Dublin Castle. 100 yaras v. of 11s.R.s. Sulajik Pam. 105.B.S. -C.1. Tintes Comner. Junetion main and communi- cation trenches, 105-8-9. Cat res House. 105.V.2. wnd to House. House just s. of line 105.V.6.v.t. Glester Post. Hut on road N.V. of 105.0.1 Karakel Gap. 135.1.4-7. Yeomans knoll. Knoll shout 105.R.8. tne Boot, Hill feature at 135.P. 142. Duckes Nest. Fork at 155-0.6. Lone Tree cully. 117.D.2-5. Borderaris Ravine. 117.1.1-4-7. Gibraltar. spur at 117-3-6.- K.6. Resex Revine. 117-0-2. Three Poplars. Group of trees forming a landsark at 11s.Ms. Righland Barrivade. 88.B.1. (Siened) R.O.B. TAYLOR B.6. for Major-General, C.C.S., Medtn. Erped. Feree. Issued to :- G.O.C.. Corps Expeditionnaire te Dardannelles. CO. AcD. 2.A.G.. G.O.C., 8th. Arny Corps. G.0. Co, 8th. Any Corps. at 1800.
SRLEsORDERs. IIRSELTTRANSTIVANIA No. 5. By Brig-General John Monash C.S. V.D. LITE BELTS. 111 life Belss must be put in their proper places. O.Cls Units will see that this is carried out. PYSEMBARKATION. 411 Units except the R.N.D. must be ready to disembark at an hours notice from Sam tomorrow morning 8/11115. DUTInS. Captain of the day. Captain Marding- Roberts. Orderly Officer. Lieut hughes-Evans. Medica. Officer. Lieut Burton. The R.M.D. vill supply a Gaurd of IBergt 2.Opls and 54 pen to relieve the 10th Division Gaurd at 8-SCam toanarrow 811ps. The R.N.D. vill also supply any fatigues that are required. SLYANGINESS. the O.C's Units are again reminded that that are responsibie for the casee State in which their Troops Becks are left. CHTRON SERVICE. Ac service will be held for Roman Satholies in the orderly Room at AcSOan tomorrow morning 8/11115. C.M Johnston. Captain a Adjrrant.
. J ORN Army Form O. 2123. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No of Mossage RecoteL SeNE, OSStO /ORCO SAS Profz CodeWords. From 13 £ s. d. 4 BE Charges to colloct Service Instructions. Man SS Office. Handedin a OC t D J LRESGTSNANS aaa Da 3361 Seveth 24 hms ending Report for 6500 8/1145 OSmper indicated by 162 Bde could not be feen from our position and BWork continues in forward saps. et in Rechons 2.4 &c and the new fire kench and between Section Section 30 of CAASHIRE TIDGE position d scrub cuthing and work on were entanglig FROM PLACEATIME) The theMint beEand HAtCEANE CAsse). M.R. Co.Lid. WE.WSSSSIIST 50,000 Pads-Vis. Forms O. 2123. CD. Pon B Army Form C. 2123. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Mossage Office Stamp. Sent, or sent out Received No From Charges to collect Service Instructions. Racon Handed in at. 2 Bendero Namber PaTOTHontE MEOSGWSDODS aaa continued aming night aa O Our suipers hold the accendancy but cannot report definite results at the long range they are firing at saa sarping vally for 2 hous nie aad ( at 1530 Turkish riflemen ou opened fire on one & aeroplanes aaa kin men replied & one or two who showed themselves near the FARY ada White flag Oleserved hardly discsinble about FROM PLACEATIME TeteManboEan AAsIEAAt AA8Se) M.R. Co. Lid. WI. WSSSSIIST 50,000 Pads -V1S. Forms O. 2123.
822 For Conenal Army Form O. 2123. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Message Received Pott, OFSMTON I OROS SIANE. Charres to colect Perice Tsnetons Handedin a RECON Office Bendera MimbO BaT O Month TIESGWSNENSE asa 70 yards D NE. OFARY and aboutw yaads in of Turkish first Aive from Invesigate aa penches further Wmorrow OWahols, and tstening posts report no movement aaa quiet daa QNo casnalties FROM D Marks Capt ad PLACEATIME 3th Bn 0500 becrend tha KeA C818SE M.R.Co,. Lid. WE.WSSSSISR. 50,000 Pad- DiS. Ferms/C.2123.
v TO PON OMSNN WT FOTN SINN MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Mesa Receive Sent, or sent on M7 roral orn to wrest R AeK Handedin at 1 Bte AIASE 20 WT AAA All quiet Patrol Sent from out FRANLLNS P057 night last 1800 repoits two Turkish Snipers NORTH side SANDY KWOLLA factire mnnel WARNCR CASI completed aaa Sap to FRANKLINS Food Brogress aga Barricade positions i sroved fo 2 Fnon Bn 66 PLAORSTIN 0530 This line should be crased if not reqaired. 0) WO888 -16IE S0,O00 Pad- 191l. F.T. & Co. Lld-Forma O212s
xteenB 8/11/15 Brpe 2 4 Inf Bde A1F Su In reference to message B.M 149/1 of the 7th which mentions a white flag 7oyds N.E of FARM I would like to infam you that yesterday 97t afternoon M. Devonshire1 who is in charge of the Hotehpirs gun told me, that flag was a handherchief placed there by a member of patrol of the London Reg- to mark the spot they had been to Eund Ditton Capt 6th Bn HIF 1300 Bry 503 2 Ouarres to collet SAHANE SE eSSMEE D 24453 Forpote poobable Turks post Gun positic B404 Thes Mon PLACE S TINE C W.AO-1OR. DO Pade 1911 the her rn reported 1650 1.E. 6 00 i White te the 2 AAA Fteg explanation supposed Crnenry
AO PON MSN LSONSM MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Mossage. CAPSSAN ont or vaton Prear. a Tomon 2 Carr to wd N Ene RME 111 Handed in at 75 1h Bde TSAATSSSAN RUGWENSSN 222 AAA BN406 Sign digging visible on W end of H HAOKNEH WIGK and on SANYK NOLLaag Very quiet haa addressed 54th Div X Repeated 161 Anst tes B FoO 162nd Bde PLAOR A THE 3659 This Hne shoul Ra W.OS-1O1E. AON Pad- 1914. P.T.4 Co
nO PoT CnS TFONSNN MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. Ho. of Kenare CAPESDE Was S 164/2 R2 Hanledinat MAISONE SINANE AAA Br to arms Standing TO PLAORATHE 1800) W.8808 -18i2 50,000 Tads- 12/14. P.T. 4 Ca, Ltd.—Form
AOSONS, OMSNN TTS SONSNN MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of K S ACMION Worts From BA pt Car to wn 1Ll Cne tte 8/41-15 Handedin at ners AG 4 A 4th Bde OSSSENNS DA RUSSWENSNE 838 AAA sit Turks Bathey near Anafarts plasing his 144 can observed movement of horses and eeers being incted AAA Description Sints Anfarta Sthight 3 inabout0 ydo SE in amond shaped gres field a $15 M 13 it B Durrants Post. PLAORATIS 0940 This line should be crased if not required Cno) WO88s-1OIL S0,O0 Pads - 19/14. P.T. 4 Co. Ltd-FormOS12


Copy No. 42.

General Headquarters,

7th. November, 1915.


F O R C E  O R D E R  N O.  28.

Reference Map



With reference to Force Orders No. 27 dated 29th. October,

1915, the following names of localities are authorized for

general use :-

Name of Locality. Map Square.
Twelve Tree Copse. 22.Z.1.
Church Farm. 22.Y.2.
Gully Farm. 22.X.4.
Shrapnel Point. 22.N.3. - J.7.
Geogheghan's Bluff. 22.S.3. - T.1.
Trolley Ravine. 22.J.4.
Border Ravine. 22.J.7.
Essex Ravine. 22.I.9.
Bruce's Ravine. 22.N.3.
Piccadilly Circus. 17.P.3.
Leicester Square. 18.G.3. - H.4.
P. Point. 22.S.1. - 2.
Y. Beach. 22.N.5.
N.C.S. Hill. 13.J.9.
Clapham Junction. 17.I.6.
Grey Tree Farm. 17.I.3. - C.9.
Backhouse Post. 17.S.3. - 6.
Brown House. 17.P.1.
White House. 17.P.1.
Sniper's Wood. 17.T.9. - U.4.
Trafalgar Square. 17.L.4.
Skew Bridge. 17.S.8.
Mole Hill. 17.V.6.
Y. Ravine. 22.N.5. - 6.
Ghurka Bluff. 22.N.2. - 6.
Fusilier Bluff. 22.J.2.
Harris Ridge. 68.I.5/6  2/3 g 8/9.
Holly Ridge. 68.I.3  g3/hl  a9/b7.
Pine Ridge. 68.M.2  h3/1l.
Chatham's Post. 68.G.8  /L.  2/3.
Legge Valley. 68.M.7  0  3.
Shell Green 68.G.2, 3 to 5.
Tasmania Post. 68.G,6  h  4.
Leenes Trench. 68.G.6  h   4.
Lone Pine. 68.B.3  6  7/8
Plateau 400. 68.B.3  6  9 c 7 6 2 1.
Johnstone's Jolly. 80.W.9  x  7.
Wire Gully. 80.W.6 x 4
German Officer's Trench. 80.X.1 4/5.
Mortar Ridge. 80.X.5/6  - n 9.
Courtney's Post. 80.S. South West Corner.
Bridges Road 80.V. 3/6 w 1/4 2 1/5  5.
White's Valley. 80.V.8  9.
Brown Dip. 68.?.1/2.
Artillery Road. 68.G.5/6- b 2
Shrapnel Gully. 80.V.7. - 5 w 2.
Monash Gully. 80.W.2  r 9.
Rest Gully. 80.R.8. - r/w
Plugges Plateau. 80.Q.9.
Reserve Gully. 80.Q.3/6 - r 4.
Pope's Hill. 80.S.4. - 2.
Mule Gully. 80.M.7  r  1/2.
Walker's Ridge. 80.R.2 - n 7.
Turks Point. 80.M.3.
Russell's Top. 80.R.3. - n 7.

(Snipers Nest).




Force Order No. 38 - cont'd.

Name of Locality. Map Square.
Sniper's Nest. 80.I.8.
Nok. 80.n.8.
Camels Hump. 80.I.4/7 - 8.
Baby 700. 80.N.6 - 9.
Happy Valley. 80.M.1 - 9.
Battleship Hill. 80.O.2,3,6,5.
No.  1 Post. 80.H.8.
Rhododendron Spur. 80.I.6.  j 2 k 1.
No. 2 Post. 80.B.7  H.1.
No. 3 Post. 80.A.6  b 4 b  4/7.
Old No. 3 Post. 80.B.8 9 0 7.
Table Top. 80.C.9.
Gunners Hill. 80.P.1-4.
Turks Hump. 80.K. 4-7.
Sand Pit. 80.P. 5-6.
Sandbag Ridge. 92.U.5.
Taylor's Hollow. 92.W.4.
Bauchops Hill. 92.W.5/6  x 8.
Walden Point. 92.Q.6.
Australia Valley. 92.S.4-2-n  9.
Gillespie Hill. 92.N.1-8;
W.Hills. 105.T.- U.
Chocolate Hills. 105.I.M.
Hell Spit. 79.Z.
Jophsons Post. 135.T.9.  (135.T.9)
Bench Mark. 135.U.2-5.
Scimitar Hill. 105.I.9.
Green Hill. 105.M.8.
Hill 10. 117.R.9.
The Pimple. Knoll just S. of 136.L.7-8.
North redoubt. 136.L.4-5.
Green Knoll. 135.P.2-5.
Borderers Knoll. 118.A.-4.
Blockhouse. 118.M.1.
Dublin Castle. 100 yards W of 118.M.4.
Sulajik Farm. 105.B.3. -C.1.
Tint's Corner.

Junction main and communi-

cation trenches, 105.Q.9.

Cat r's House. 105.V.2.
White House.

House just N. of line


Gloster Post. Hut on road N.W. of 105.C.1
Karakol Gap. 135.X.4-7.
Yeoman's Knoll. Knoll about 105.R.2.
'The Boot'. Hill feature at 135.P. 1&2.
Duck's Nest. Work at 135.0.6.
Lone Tree Gully. 117.D.2-5.
Borderer's Ravine. 117.F.1-4-7.
Gibraltar. Spur at 117.J.6. -K.4.
Essex Ravine 117.0.2.
Three Poplars.

Group of trees forming a

landmark at 118.N.2.

Highland Barricade. 92.B.1.

(Signed) R.O'B. TAYLOR B.G.

for Major-General C.G.S.,

Medtn. Exped. Force.


Issued to :-

G.O.C., Corps Expeditionnaire de Dardannelles.

G.O.C., A.N.Z.A.C..

G.O.C., 8th Army Corps.

G.O.C., 9th Army Corps.

at 1800.



S H I P'S  O R D E R S .  7/11/15. H.M.T. TRANSYLVANIA.


No. 5.

By Brig-General John Monash C.B.   V.D.


LIFE BELTS.   1.   All life Belts must be put in their

                              proper places. O.C's Units will see

                              that this is carried out.


DISEMBARKATION. 2.  All Units except the R.N.D. must be

                                           ready to disembark at an hours notice

                                           from 8am tomorrow morning 8/11/15.


DUTIES.  3.  Captain of the day. Captain Harding-Roberts.

                       Orderly Officer.  Lieut Hughes-Evans.

                      Medical Officer. Lieut Burton.

                      The R.N.D. will supply a Gaurd of 1Sergt

                      2.Cpls and 54 men to relieve the 10th

                       Division Gaurd at 8-30am tomorrow


                       The R.N.D. will also supply any fatigues

                        that are required.


CLEANLINESS. 4. The O.C's Units are again reminded that

                                   that are responsible for the satte

                                   state in which their Troops Backs are



CHURCH SERVICE.  5. A. service will be held for Roman

                                         Catholics in the orderly Room at

                                         6-30am tomorrow morning 8/11/15.

C M Johnston

Captain & Adjutant.



"C" Form (Original).  Army Form C. 2123.



From 13th Bn

By R P S

Office Stamp. (149)  BQ  8/11

Received. 0520m.


TO  O.C. 4th Bde (1)

*Sender's Number QA 336

Day of Month  Seventh 8th

In reply to Number  ------------



Report for 24 hours ending

0500 8/11/15


(1) Sniper indicated by 162n Bde

could not be seen from

our position AAA

(2) Work continues in forward

Saps. Experinching in

sections 2, 4 & 6 and

the new fire trench

between Section 1 and

Section 30 of CHESHIRE

RIDGE position AAA

(3) Scrub cutting and

work on wire entanglements




continued during night AAA

(4) Our snipers hold the

ascendancy but cannot

report definite results at

the long range they are

firing at AAA

(5) Sniping tally for 24 hours

nil AAA

(6) at 1530 Turkish riflemen

opened fire on one of our

aeroplanes AAA Our

men replied to one or two

who showed themselves

near the FARM AAA

(7) Observed onewhite flag

(hardly discernible) about 



"C" Form (Original).  Army Form C. 2123.





70 yards to N.E. of FARM

and about 40 30 yards in

front of Turkish first line

trenches AAA Investigate

further tomorrow

(8) Patrols and listening posts

report "no movement" AAA

all quiet AAA

(9) No casualties


Bn 149√


FROM   D Marks Capt Adjt

PLACE & TIME  13th Bn 0500



"C" Form (Original).  Army Form C. 2123.




From 16th Bn


Office Stamp BQ 8/11

Received 0600m.


TO  4th Bde

Day of Month 8th


All quiet Patrol sent


last night 1800 reports

two Turkish snipers NORTH

side SANDY KNOLL AAA Machine


completed AAA

Sap to FRANKLINS good

progress AAA

Barricade positions



Bn 1492.


FROM  16th Bn

PLACE & TIME  0530 



Sixteenth Bn

8/11/15  (28)



4th Inf Bde AIF



In reference to message

BM 1491 of the 7th which

mentions a white flag 70 yds

N.E. of FARM, I would like

to inform you that yesterday

afternoon Mr Devonshire 27th Bn

who is in charge of the Hotchkiss

gun, told me that flag was

a handkerchief placed there by

a member of cc patrol of

the London Regt to mark

the spot they had been to

E Arundell Bilton Capt

O.C.  16th Bn A.I.F.


Bm 1503


"C" Form (Original).  Army Form C.2123.



From QA

By W Corker

Office Stamp (26) 8/11/15

Office  1651


TO    OC 4th Bde


*Sender's Number   QA 342

Day of Month 8th


Bm 1503

Williams reports re White Flag

is probably the correct explanation

AAA Turks have erected line

of posts running from supposed

gun position reported this morning

AAA These were not visible

this morning. 

{Div. 162nd No. 2 SS Bm 1502}


FROM  Durrants Post

PLACE & TIME  1650




"C" Form (Original).  Army Form C. 2123.


Prefix  SM  

Code  GRAM


From ZPB


Office Stamp (43)  BQ  8/11

Received 0715m.


TO  4th Bde

*Sender's Number   BM406

Day of Month  8th

In reply to Number  -----



Signs of digging visible

on N.W. end of



Very quiet AAA

addressed 54th Div

Repeated 161st & 4th Aust



FROM  162nd Bde

PLACE & TIME  0659



"C" Form (Duplicate).


16th Div


Office Stamp (45) BQ  8/11

Received  0603m.


TO   4th Bde

Day of Month 8th


16th Bn standing to arms


FROM  16th Bn

PLACE & TIME   0530 



"C" Form (Original).  Army Form C.2123.




From QA


Office Stamp (46) BQ  8-11-15.

Received 0940m.


TO   4th Bde

*Sender's Number   C38

Day of Month 8th


Turks p facing Battery near Anafarts

Saghir AAA Can observe movement of

horses and screens being erected

AAA. Description points Anafarts

Sag right 3 windmills about 800

yds S E xx in diamond

shaped grey field

Div 162nd

Bm- 1494  202SS

8 11 15


FROM  13th Bn Durrants Post

PLACE & TIME  0940



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