Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 10, 1 November - 12 November 1915, Part 2

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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th Retbles 11/15 Rgale Maor 2f. Bde Sir The adjutant of the 10th Londons twon we are relieving informed me this moning he has orders to remove all material except ammunition Comls & flares. We have no picks a shovels, telephones or wire,water tins, ion loopholes or sandbogo. they arealod removing barled tne I would suggest that if possibly it could be arranged that we take Iver all matericl from them matters would be very much simplified Oloo as the only foite avoilable or plasind the troops not actually in the trenches is very small, + not altogether (ix a saniter, condition, I would like to send ta fatigue party oor early tomorrow morning to get things, into something hpe order 1 Edrandetilto 9Of 16 NAI
m HO 4& Ans Sox B HAY VALLEY 150 3:41:15 Ec 162 B I understand from Captain Wilkan of my hde who is aing one the Section Nesbarys Becks - Foadlin - Warwick Castle that tomorow 4th would dind you better than this tin to relieved I therefore propose maving up my Relievg Br tonorrow porenson to near your Sor H.D and the borning reliefs forward to trenchs in Small parties leaving the Actual scenp of Fronklins till dards. I should be glad to know if you Conenr to leave Would you kindly array in thoney tutrevely too any Barbed wirean will replace or as ono arrives. Igli to ll We wt soe t ( 4 47 44 for teking the prangements yo propo AAHFLDERE over th live WrRW(CFGroT[+) till suit exallenty I hay has a talk to Cap. Wilton and an asarging to leave any thing he wants. I widl let got pan a fist later, so that (it con the repair when you receive your supplies t pen Anp 144 for 1
ArS FOM CMIS. 1P. Pon Olli MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No of Message Office Stamp. Charges to Pay. 2 a d. Im TaB 4 - ORC AASTRecn 24 Handedin at Le HNLALLE In reply to Number DANONK SeneONANNN ana ammunitio esers do I over but d senn boct it houd shall amsws d all provided u our 20 obloned first authorit t t wch FROM PLACEATIME CASSE). M.R. Co.LAd. WAWISSSISTL. 50,000 Pads-11S. Forma O.2123.
Army Form C. 2123. Or Form (Original). MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No of Message Office Stamp. Sent, or sent out Receives Mat o 43 ETOMme Charges to collect Service Instructions. 83 recond ORCO Bale Bde a £ T0 aaa Sm your the establistmen VAILE Brigade Headgrs mmunication prosorded you gut THKISS crenchf GLLYo the AGHSI which eer is shortest suitable within 48 Ackge FROM PLACEATIME MS. Fome CAsdse MRCaLEd WA WAssSIISTL 50,000 Pads
Wa Auary 1915 French official Commnnighe to In Belgrum the Frnchartellery has directed on the German positions in the recion of Lombaertzyd a prolonged bombardment which beat effectively the German batteries which were shelling the French trenches. Violent artillery fighting has also taken place in Artors in the sector of the wood of Gevenchy and to the south of the "Somme near Benvraignes & Cessier, In Champagne fighting has continued all day with the greatest activity in the vicinity of ha Ferme Chausson between hill 199 and Maisons de Champagne. The French at first completely routed the Germans from the last portions of the advanced trenches which they still held since yesterday. Towards the end of the day a new attack of an extremely fierce character permitted the Germans to gain a somewhat insicure footing at some points of the front. Another attack against the French sictor of La Courtine has been completely repulsed. In the Vosges violent artillery duels continue followed by vigorous trunch fighting. - Cove
Th this pased a aeminhat dite l night, but His magisty is considerably better and compalatively free from pain,
ARLILS. E.L.T. TRAUSTLPANIA. SAISOOS No. 2. By Brig-General John Monash C.B. V.D. Ships Sergt Major. C.Sergt Major Hare 1. APPOINTMENTS. During Daylight hours Life Belts vill be 2. LIFT BELTS. worn by all N.C.O's and Men. On boat alarm, which is Six Blasts of the 3. ALARM. Ships Whistle all Boat Crews will fall in with their Backs to the Boats, and remainder will fall in on their Baaks Parade Decks facing Seawards. For the inspection Parade N.C.O's and Men 4. DRESS. will fall in with Rifles. For the alarm the GAURD wilj enly, carry only are Rifles. Captain Kennedy Medical Officer Captain off the Bay. Captain Hampson. 6. DUTIES. Captain Grendell Next for duty. Lieut Mc Kenzie Orderly Officer. Lieut Holland Nextfor Duty. Officers of the Watch-Captain Ford & Lieuts Peacock & Cumming. Lieuts Lowe, Strange, Next for Duty. & Beetham. 29th Division. Unit for Duty. 4and Division. Next for Duty. The orderly Division will supply Ships Gaurd of 1.Sergt.R.Opls and 54 Men. Submarine Gaurd of 1.Sergt 1-Opl and 36 Men. Both Gaurds to Mount at Cpm. The condition of cleanliness of Troop Decks, CRRANLLNESS. Mess Rooms, Corridors etc, has hibherto been most unsatisfactory. The O.C. Troops trusts that all Ranks will render the Utmost assistance to correst these defects. CW. Johnston. Captain and Adjutant.
PoSn MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No.w Mossage Sent, or sent out OHOS SM Received Ma C C on QA 4/11/15 Papts w astec Der Service Instructions. 1B0 OR OBOp ROCONO OS2ON Handedin at OA 4t Bde ReneoNano SIOSGWSDSNNN SASSSP asa 94305 Repert for 0500 24 his ended 1 14415 A4 Durzants post taken oer Dections from Bnas 1100 aad Valloted 182 No 137 On 346 un No 14 Bn. Wd Sections 24 to 30 Irelusive Saken over from 27 Bn at 1530 and alloted No 1s in and N0 Hotchbiss 8fo fired sht into position behind farm at MG about 1600 gaa No14 Rose Will stelled at about FROM PLACEATINE Acaut NdHMM AASS M.R.Co.LAd. WE WISSSISTL 50,000 Pads 1/1s. Forms/ C.2123. M M SOSMN MESSACES AND SIGNALS. No. Of MessasE Sents Or Contont / OHee Stamg. Received Prefx Code Words From Charges to collect Seree Hstctons RRCCONO Handedin at Denders Humber TIOSGISDSNNN SATANONTN 224 1245 aad N015 No movement of Troops observed aad No6) Patrols reported no movement during my XN £13 Durrants Post FROM PLACEATMME 050C Tha te dond be MadiAtEAt Alse MRCA.LId. WE WSSSSIIST 50,000 Pads- 1/1s. Forma C. 2123.
AO. Paw, Dili Army Forr C. DisS. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Message. Charges to Pay. Office Stamp. I4 +2 8 0 d 162 Bde Keir Service Instructions. O655 Reco 105 4 Ans Bote SnlSONSNN Day of Month LIOSTISSSMS asa 40 B28 En werking during reported ten aad night on Hackney to report Otherwise nothing Wa I Div Addressed s dy Repeater 161 Bete aust FROM 162 Bde PLACEATIME 0650 (24832) M.R.Co. LAd. WA WISSSIISTL 50,000 Pads-D1S. Forma/ O.2123.
0. 636. FTT LEALND AND ATSTRALLAN DIVISTON. Divisional Leadquarters, 4th Nevember, 1915. The Brigadier-General, R.A. -N. 2. 4 A. DIVISION. (Copies to all Brigadiers 4 O's. C. Units, N.2. 4 A. Division for inforration). EORANDE. The G.O.C. wishes you to instruct all Officers Comanding Artillery Brigades and Batteries to make a point of visiting the Brigadiers and Corrnanding Officers of the Mounted and Infantry Erigudee of the Division, with a view to discussing, on the ground, the question of targets and rethods of ensuring the best possible co-speration between the Artillery and the treeps in the first Line. The necessity for the clesest cccoperation between the two arme is obvicus, and the G.O.C. desires that in future this way be facilitated by a closer personal touch being kept between the Cownanders of Artillery Units and the Brigades which they support. Artillery Brigade and Battery Cowanders should let Brigadiers and Cownanding Officers know the targets on which their particular batteries fire, in order that these Officers may understand what reasure of support they may expect frow their fire. We Braithwaite Lieut-Colonel, General Staff, N.L RALELDLYLSLON. See note on file attached Mr 14/11/15

16th Battalion   
Brigade Major
4th Inf. Bde
The adjutant of the 10th Gordons whom  
we are relieving informed me this
morning he has orders to remove all  
material except ammunition , bombs & flares.
We have no picks and shovels, telephones  
or wire, water tins, iron loopholes,  
or sandbags. They are also removing  
barbed wire.
I would suggest that if possibly it  
could be arranged that we take over 
all material from them matters  
would be very much simplified.
Also  as the only site available  
for placing the troops not actually in
the trenches is very small, &  not  
altogether in a sanitary condition, I
would like to send a fatigue party  
across early tomorrow morning to
get things into something like  order.
E Arundel Wilton Capt 
a/ O.C. 16th Inf A.I.F.



HQ 4th Aus Inf  Bde    
3  x1  15
GOC 162nd BDE
I understand from Captain Wilton of my  
Bde who is taking over the Section Newburys
Becks - Franklins - Warwick Castle that tomrrow
4th would suit your you better than this
evening to relieve.
I therefore propose moving up my
Relieving Bn tomorrow forenoon to near your
Bde H.Q and then bringing reliefs forward to
trenches in Small parties leaving the actual
xxxxx  ^occupying of Franklins till dark. I should be
glad to know if you concur?
Could you kindly arrange to leave
any barbed wire ^and some entrenching tools and I will replace
as soon as ours arrives.
J McGlinn Lt Col
a/OC 4th Inv Bde

4 A.I. Bde
The arrangements you propose for taking
will suit excellently.
I have had a talk to Capt Wilton and am
arranging to leave everything he wants. I will let
you have a list later so that it can be repaid
when you receive your supplies.
A  Headqetrs  Genl
3 11/15  Anj  162 Btn
Report to Div
Bm 1363



"C" Form (Duplicate). Army Form C. 2123   
SM 7 AJB  


Charges to Pay. 
₤   s.   d.
Office Stamp.

Service instructions.
Handed in at      ZG      Office   1805  m.   Received   1818 m.
TO   4th Inf Bde
*  Senders Number.     Day of Month.   In reply to Number     AAA
ZG 2321                            3rd                         Bm 1312
No brigade reserve ammunition
has been handed over but
should you be short of
ammn. we xx shall be
glad to let you draw
on ours provided Divnl
authority is first obtained
BM 1430
FROM    7th A I Bde
PLACE & TIME   1731


"C" Form. (Original.)  Army Form C.2123
Prefix  SM    Code    HJpm  Words  45
From  NZ
By  GP
Sent, or sent out
At   m.
Office Stamp.
₤  s.  d.
Charges to collect
Service Instructions. 
Handed in at the   NZ  Office at     m.    Received here at 2050  m.
TO 4 A I Bde
*  Senders Number.     Day of Month.   In reply to Number     AAA
   G 622                             3rd                             Bm 1354
The establishment of you
brigade Headqrs in HAY VALLEY
provided you cut a communication
trench from it to HOTCHKISS
whichever is shortest & most
suitable within 48 hours aaa
 BM 1370
3   X1  15
PLACE & TIME  2035



S.S. Transylvannia
French official Communique 4th Nov.  1915.
In Belgium the French artillery has
directed on the German positions in the
region of Lombaertzyd a prolonged
bombardment which beat effectively
the German batteries which were
shelling the French trenches. Violent
artillery fighting has also taken place
in Artois in the sector of the wood of
Givenchy and to the south of the
Somme near Beuvraignes & Cessier,
In Champagne fighting has
continued all day with the greatest
activity in the vicinity of La Ferme
Chausson between hill 199 and
Maisons de Champagne. The French
at first completely routed the Germans
from the last portions of the advanced
trenches which they still held since
yesterday. Towards the end of the day a
new attack of an extremely fierce
character permitted the Germans to
gain a somewhat insecure footing
at some points of the front. Another
attack against the French sector of
La Courtine has been completely repulsed.
In the Vosges violent artillery duels
continue followed by vigorous trunch



The King passed a somewhat disturbed
night, but His Majesty is considerably
better and comparatively free from pain, 





No. 2.
By Brig-General John Monash C.B. V.D.
1. Ships Sergt Major. C. Sergt Major Hare
LIFE BELTS.           
2.  During Daylight hours Life Belts will be
worn by all N.C.O's and Men.
3.  On boat alarm, which is Six Blasts of the
Ships Whistle all Boat Crews will fall in
with their Backs to the Boats, and
remainder will fall in on their Baaks
Parade Decks facing Seawards.
4.   For the inspection Parade N.C.O's and Men
will fall in with Rifles.
For the alarm the GAURD will only only will, carry
5.    Medical Officer     Captain Kennedy
Captain off the Day.    Captain Hampson.
Next for duty.                Captain Grendell
Orderly Officer.             Lieut Mc Kenzie
Nextfor Duty.                 Lieut Holland
Officers of the Watch. Captain Ford & Lieuts
Peacock & Cumming.
Next for Duty.      Lieuts Lowe, Strange,
& Beetham.
Unit for Duty.                  29th Division.
Next for Duty.                 42nd Division.
The orderly Division will supply Ships
Gaurd of 1.Sergt. 2. Cpls and 54 Men.
Submarine Gaurd of 1.Sergt 1. Cpl and 30
Men. Both Gaurds to Mount at 6pm.
6. The condition of cleanliness of Troop Decks,
Mess Rooms, Corridors etc, has hitherto
been most unsatisfactory. The O.C. Troops
trusts that all Ranks will render the
Utmost assistance to correct these defects.
CW. Johnston.
Captain and Adjutant.



"C" Form. (Original.)  Army Form C.2123
Prefix  SMJ Code      EAM  Words
From  QA
By  Kerr
Sent, or sent out
At   m.
Office Stamp.
₤  s.  d.
Charges to collect
Service Instructions. 
Handed in at the    QA  Office at  0500   m.    Received here at  0520 m.

TO 4th Bde
*  Senders Number.     Day of Month.   In reply to Number     AAA
QA 308                             4th                           ____
Report for 24 hrs ended 0500
No(1) Durrants post taken over
from 28th Bn at 1100 aaa Sections
allocated 1 & 2 to 13th Bn 3 to 6 incl
to 14th Bn
Sections 24 to 30 inclusive taken
over from 27th Bn at 1530 and allocated
to 13th Bn aaa
Hotchkiss QF. fired shot into
M G Position behind farm at 
about 1600 aaa
Rose Hill shelled at about

"C" Form. (Original.)  Army Form C.2123
Prefix    Code         Words
Sent, or sent out
At   m.
Office Stamp.
₤  s.  d.
Charges to collect
Service Instructions. 
Handed in at the       Office at     m.    Received here at    m.

TO    (2)
*  Senders Number.     Day of Month.   In reply to Number     AAA
1244 aaa
No movement of troops 
observed  aaa
Patrols reported no movement
during night

4-11- I15
FROM     Durrants Post
PLACE & TIME  0500



"C" Form (Duplicate). Army Form C. 2123   
SM   FL  
162 Bde
Charges to Pay. 
₤   s.   d.
Office Stamp.
Service instructions.
Handed in at     ZPB      Office 0655   m.   Received    0705 m.
TO   4 Aus Bde
*  Senders Number.     Day of Month.   In reply to Number     AAA

  BM 381                           4th                             ______
Enemy reported working during
night on Hackney Wick aaa
Otherwise nothing to report
Addressed 54th Div
Repeated 161st, 4th & 7th
Aust Bde
FROM     162 Bde
PLACE & TIME  0650



G. 634. 
Divisional Headquarters,
4th November, 1915.
The Brigadier-General,
R.A. -N. Z. & A. DIVISION.
(Copies to all Brigadiers & O's. C. Units, N.Z. & A.
Division for information).
The G.O.C. wishes you to instruct all Officers Commanding
Artillery Brigades and Batteries to make a point of visiting
the Brigadiers and Commanding Officers of the Mounted and
Infantry Brigades of the Division, with a view to discussing,
on the ground, the question of targets and methods of ensuring
the best possible co-operation between the Artillery and the
troops in the first line.
The necessity for the closest co-operation between the
two arms is obvious, and the G.O.C. desires that in future
this way be facilitated by a closer personal touch being
kept between the Commanders of Artillery Units and the
Brigades which they support.
Artillery Brigade and Battery Commanders should let
Brigadiers and Commanding Officers know the targets on which
their particular batteries fire, in order that these Officers
may understand what measure of support they may expect from
their fire.
WG Braithwaite
General Staff,
[*See note on file attached

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