Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 10, 1 November - 12 November 1915, Part 1

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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105 Len Ron ARK O Por Onolono Na of Maro MESSAGES PND SIGNALS. Office Stamp CAAMEWS 115 SAMeMA aecome Handed in at WIOSNSTS D7O SendeF O MIMIRN AAA en MO4 PAOREI MI Filt M, NIWES SS.H HEENER
Dr Form AAr FoN CMA. 20. Of Mennse MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. CAARE caor Reed. at This message is on a/c of: Ohee AGgH SIEE MSSE Datc 4 502 Service. From By. EERAFEFT FTIMKMN ORCOTY 4 Aust Tuf Bde T0 SSRAN D AMo AAA G595 tathe over Brigude Your will line the a prtinn of by the 7 Aurr Juf Be now held harf way between the point from a APEXann DUARAngIs Post qua the RA47t relief l take place DERE gan this Tomonow night Tuesday) aare you will a of the s4 Divisin line talse over a rnler ann this will be pointed out to you Comonow has hea dindes to hi anc. the 7aust Bole bombe flaver & perispe wvce all ammanition also masin rifle silencen and magni Lyng org carefully taken over eceipts dan thisd are to be given aga Acho FONNEHOr Place Time 2150 X The above may be forwarded as now corrected. lr will Semre of Ancars of rean a Moned to cearn Nt A 2 Comor This line should be crased if not required
SAVOY PALACE HOTEL ALEXANDRIE 92 M. CBrig. John Monash Appartement Dl 8 M L HCLSRO M. L.E L.E. Appartement 200 19 2 20 200 200 21 200 92 556 Arrangement 23 3 Guest Dener 750 2 Cager Jckersteiner 410 550 Arrangement 24 Pelsener2 Preaune 240 Blanchissage 260 Arrangement 550 25 1G. Ale. 080 190 t SAVOY PAACE HOTE 3020 ALEXANDRIE 57 rean de wensral Monast 1060 appartement No O A L.ES. #190 Le Caigster: Net L. Eg. A 191 Ne 4 1 N M.
Facking List - Alexandor t Mudor. 2/14/15. $/14/13 Morn & Carried Suit case Leather Holall Books, reading- Boots, Khaper Bruches, Khaki, dull Badges, rank, in tin Address Tag. Cholera belt Boots, Fack, Brown Breeche thakee - cloth 200 Cap, Forage, plain Ciparettes Binder, Clannel Collar, Khakee Badges, arm, Caods, visiting, supply Handkaht, goeen Chaliva betts ap, Forage, gold plat Tacket Khakie, drill Correspondence books Cap, Fatione Puttier Diary p. Collars, Whakes Envelopes, supply Singlet wet Handkerchief, white Feldglanes Stick Handkeship, foren Hynets p. Sock Tacket, Khakee, Cloth Havresack Shirt, poplen Leather, Holdall Locker chen board wslip speatacles Meas Kit (, case Pyzamas, prs. Fus Andepant, wel, short Money - Lnglish 1/6/10 Singlets, warm, t bodes Watch, wont Matther Singlits, wel Popes nibbou Socks po Photos self -2 Helmet Shret, Garibald Perealeaner C Greatavat pr. Slippers Pape Fastenes - Supply Mackwitish Senrettes Tins - supply Leather Portfolio Shectachs Facket home letters Pencils towels Facket - No2 - see hat Ties shuts tarch -electue Packet No2 2 Forch -reflts Anderpant, mediue Tobacco - trus Andrepsants then Brush - tooth Bruch - shavng Andrepanty will Torlet-resurve. su lest Cascarn Watch - Cummons suth Cold Cram TOHLET RESERNE X Hle- Maniure in Cardboard bon Handkerchief Kolynos Hareline Cleam. Hazeline tream knife per Cascara Sist contents Nailborch Faces Knatter p. aces Pipe 1 doy. Ragor bladls new Pencil 3da Ragot blade old Rajer Clade 1 day Ihaving Lorp, Colgate Sensws Southlmche Toap dish Kindlia Crcan Ege soot calle Vindlis Crean Small 4 Toap, shaving Pootipaste - Kolynos.
SAVOY PALACE HOTEL ALEXANDRIE M Brig. G. John Abonas Appartement D MLACLSR L.EM. ILE. 550 Arrangement 8/la Beaune 2 Chablis 240 2) Note pour Lt. Limonson 570 550 Arrangement 150 3 aft extra 880 1bager Arrangement 556 28 Atont BG. G. beer 2 Beaune 290 Arrangement 550 29 Grais 080 Arrangement 550 30 19. Gleer 1 Lemonly ½ Graves 2 Beaune 340 Blanchissage 120 Anrangement 550 31 1 Graves 2 Beaune 310 Arrangement 550 1Medoc 2 Beaune 310 6 6.370 550 Crrengement 12 Medoc 2 Beaune 340 HLemondg. fwl SAFOYPALAC Diekanof 8058 Regnde orig Seueral croli 26 appartement No 89 4 P 7 260 to calug 266 Not L. Eg. 192 X 3.11 9/ba
4 OOOLS Rerade Dooks. 2. Duties. Alarm. suaking. Troop Dock Sgts. Routine. 70 Farning. 6. Rations. Sick Parade. 10. 3rd. Nov. 1916. ERLESORDER Deel By Brise Gen. John Monash C.B. VeD. Brige Gen. J. Monash CoB. VaD. O. C. Troops. Adjutant. Captain CoH. Johnston. Quartermaster, Captain Farman. Sst. Tweedie. O.ReSe Sand.A 11th. Divisions, Starboard Side Mcdook. Port SideDc Dock. 10th, sand& A.V.C. Outh.N.L.Detailadd.N.V.R, Starboard Side'Acdock. Australians Detailadeeth Port SideAc deck. From Reveille to Reveille. Captain of the Day. Captain J.A. Findlay. Captain Hampson. Next for duty. Lient. Hughee-Evans. Orderly Officer. Lieut. Mc-Kensie. Next for duty. Officers of the Watch-Lts. Andereon, Lyndon, Orellien Next for duty. Lts. Brown, Peacock, Binns. Redical Officer. Lieut. Burton. Captain Kennedy. Next for duty. Sand. Division. unit for duty. Next for duty. 29th. Division. The unit for duty will furnish a guard of lsegt. 2 Opls. and 54 men, and such fatigue parties as are required. The guard wall mount at 6pemdaily. The alarm signal is six blasts of the at whistle. All ranks will parade with Lifecoelts on their decks as detailed. smaking is not allowed on troop docks or between Cookbe 0.0's units vill Turnish this office by 9 acm. with a list of their troop deck sergeants. Reveille. Ga.m. 6-30 acm. and 7-30 a.m. Breakfast. Inspection. Toao 50 Dinner. 12 pan. and 1 pom. 4030 pem. and 5030 pem. Tea. During inspection troope will parade on decks alloted. ken are particularly warned against placing commmications in bottles and throwing them overboard, especially information of corps and details of troops which might fall into the hands of the enemy and be of use to him. Rations vill be drawn at 6 acm. and 4 pem. daily. Sick parade vill be held on port side of Dr dock at 8 a.m. 6a C. W. Johnelon. Captain and Adit.
Army Form O. 2123. MO. For, DiSieS MESSAGES AHD SIGNALS. No of Mossage Office Stamp. Charges to Pay. " d. 25 Dm MR ghB Ffensaser Serrice Tstmction ORCO Handed in at Col McGlinn fient Aer TISSISNSNSS By of Month Aaa Sender's Number 2rd Wilton is inspecting least position shall our future inskat np Come Ross Harwood 16 Bartn FROM PLACEATIME M. HACantS TIMNON DASEa Ms Pomt

"C" Form (Duplicate).                 Army Form C. 2123.
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.     No. of Message              

S SM SB  28
Charges to Pay.
£      s.      d.

Office Stamp.

Service Instructions.
Handed in at      NZ     Office    7 10 p m.   Received 19 20 m.
TO    Lieut Colonel McGlynn
         4 A.I. Bde
Sender's Number
G 590
Day of Month
In reply to Number
Please meet xx G O C
tomorrow at xx H Q
at 0900 and accompany
him round trenches aaa
NZ A Div
1910 )
W.2384-583. 30,000 Pads-8/14.  S. B. Ltd.-Forms/C.2123.

"A" Form                                                                Army Form C. 2121.
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.                                           No. of Message                

Prefix     Code     m. Words Charge This message is on a/c of:


(Signature of "Franking Officer")
Recd. at     m.
Date 4
Office of Origin & Service Instructions. Sent.
At        m.
TO    4 Aust Inf Bde
* Sender's Number.
G 595
Day of Month.
In reply to Number.
Your Brigade will take over
a portion of the line
now held by the 7 Aust Inf Bde
from a point half way between the
DERE aaa This relief will take place from
tomorrow night (Tuesday) aaa  You will also
take over a portion of the 54 Division line
aaa   This will be pointed out to you tomorrow
aaa.  The 7 Aust Bde has been directed to hand
over all ammunition bombs flares & periscopes
also maxim rifle silencers and magnifying sights
aaa  These are to be carefully taken over & receipts
given aaa Ackdge
From   NZA Div
Time    2150
The above may be forwarded as now corrected.

(Z)  WRPinwill Major
Signature of Addressor or person authorized to telegraph in his name.
* This line should be erased if not required

M Brig. Gl. John. Monash
Appartement No 89                                           Inv. Univ. Alex.5166

  L. E. M. L. E. M.
xx 19 Appartement                     ₤   200    
  20 "      "       "   200    
  21 "      "       "   200    
  22 "      "       "   200    
  23 Arrangement   550    
                       3 Guest Diner   750    
    2 Lager 1 Niersteiner   410    
  24 Arrangement   550    
                 1 Pilsener ½ Beaune   240    
                  Blanchissage   260    
  25 Arrangement   550    
                    1 G. Ale   080    
                                                    ₤   4190    

Recu de M General Monash
appartement No 89 L. Eg.
Le Caissier:      Net L. Eg.
[[Orlu?]]   Le 1.11, 1915


Packing List - Alexandria to Mudros. 2/11/15.

Leather Holall Worn & Carried Suit Case
Address Tag.
Breeches Khakee - cloth
Binder, flannel.                     1
Badges, arm,                        2
Cholera belts                        2
Cap, Fatigue                         1
Collars, Khakee                   4
Handkerchiefs, white       13
Handkerchiefs, green       18
Jacket, Khakee, cloth         1
Leather, Holdall,                  1
Pillowslip                               1
Pyjamas, prs.                        2
Singlets, warm,                    1
Singlets, web.                       2
Socks       prs                         3
Shirt, Garibaldi                     1
Slippers    pr.                         1
Serviettes                              2
Spectacles                            3
Towels.                                   2
Ties                                          3
Torch - electric.
Underpants, medium        1
Underpants, thin                 2
Underpants web                 -
Watch - Luminous              1
Boots, Khakee
Breeches, Khaki, drill
Cholera belt                         1
Cap, Forage, plain
Collar, Khakee                     1
Handkchf, green                1
Jacket Khakee, drill           1
Putties      pr.                       1
Singlet  web                        1
Stick                                      1
Socks  pr.                              1
Shirt, poplin                         1
Spectacles                           1
Ties                                        1
Underpants, web, short.  1
Watch, wrist                        1
Leather Portfolio
Packet No 2
Brush - tooth
Brush - shaving
[[Sath?]]. Cold Cream
File - Manicure
Hazeline Cream.
Knife pen
List contents
Laces Khakee
Razor blades         1 doz.
Soap dish
Soap cake
Soap, shaving
Toothpaste - Kolynos.

Books, reading - 7
Badges, rank, in tin
Boots, Jack, Brown
Cigarettes          200
Cards, visiting, supply
Cap, Forage, gold peak
Correspondence books     6
Envelopes, supply
Field glasses
Flynets                3
Locke's chess board
Mess Kit (ex. dressg. case)
Money - English 1/6/10
Matches - 5 boxes
Pope's ribbon
Photos self - 2
Pipe cleaners    6
Paper Fasteners - supply
Pins - supply
Packet home letters
Pencils     2
Packet - No 2 - see list
Torch - refills    2.
Tobacco - tins   2
Toilet - reserve - see list

in Cardboard box
Kolynos                        4
Hazeline Cream         2
Cascara                         1
Nailbrush                     1
Laces        pr.                2
Razor blades new       1 doz.
Razor blades old         3 doz.
Shaving Soap, Colgate    1
Toothbrushes                    2
Vinolia Cream lge             1
Vinolia Cream small        4

M Brig. Gl. John. Monash
Appartement No 89                                            Inv. Univ. Alex.5166

8/bu 26 Arrangement                           ₤   550    
                ½ Beaune ½ Chablis   270    
  27 Note pour Lt. Simonson   570    
  27 Arrangement   550    
                        3 aft extra   150    
                         1 Lager   080    
  28 Arrangement   550    
                         1 Stout  1 G.G. beer }        
                          ½ Beaune               }   290    
  29 Arrangement   550    
                          ½ Graves   080    
  30 Arrangement   550    
                 1 G.G. beer 1 Lemon Sq }        
                  ½ Graves  ½ Beaune   }   340    
                               Blanchissage   120    
  31 Arrangement   550    
                      1 Graves ½ Beaune   310    
9/bu 1 Arrangement   550    
                       1 Medoc ½ Beaune   310    
                                                          ₤   6370    
  2 Arrangement   550    
                ½ Medoc ½ Beaune      }        
    1 Lemon Sq. 1 wf                          }   340    

Recu de M Brigr General Monash
appartement No 89  L. Eg.
Le Caissier:     Net L. Eg.          7,260
[[BRauevous?]]    Le   3.11.1915



S H I P'S  O R D E R S                        3rd. Nov. 1915

No. 1

By Brig. Gen. John Monash  C.B. V.D.



O.C. Troops.         Brig. Gen. J. Monash C.B. V.D.
Adjutant.              Captain C.M. Johnston.
Quartermaster.  Captain Farman.
O.R.S.                     Sgt. Tweedie.
Parade Decks.


52nd.& 11th. Divisions.  Starboard Side"B"deck.
10th,42nd.& A.V.C.         Port Side"B" Deck.
54th.N.Z.Details&R.N.V.R,Starboard Side"A"deck.
Australians Details&29th.Port Side"A" deck.


From Reveille to Reveille.
Captain of the Day.      Captain J.A. Findlay.
Next for duty.                 Captain Hampson.
Orderly Officer.              Lieut. Hughes-Evans.
Next for duty.                 Lieut. Mc.Kenzie.
Officers of the Watch.  Lts.Anderson,Lyndon,Crellier.
Next for duty.                 Lts. Brown,Peacock,Binns.
Medical Officer.             Lieut. Burton.
Next for duty.                 Captain Kennedy.
Unit for duty.                  52nd. Division.
Next for duty.                 29th. Division.
The unit for duty will furnish a guard of 1segt.
2 Cpls. and 54 men, and such fatigue parties as
are required.  The guard will mount at 6p.m.daily. 


The alarm signal is six blasts of the ship's 
whistle.  All ranks will parade with life-belts
on their decks as detailed.
Smoking is not allowed on troop decks or between
Troop Deck Sgts.
  O.C's Units will furnish this office by 9 a.m.
with a list of their troop deck sergeants.


Reveille.                 6a.m.
Breakfast.              6-30 a.m. and 7-30 a.m.
Inspection.            10 a.m.  10.30 A M 6 Inf
Dinner.                   12 p.m. and 1 p.m.
Tea.                          4-30 p.m. and 5-30 p.m.
During inspection troops will parade on decks


Men are particularly warned against placing
communications in bottles and throwing them
overboard, especially information of corps and
details of troops which might fall into the
hands of the enemy and be of use to him.
Rations. 9. Rations will be drawn at 6 a.m. and 4 p.m. daily.
Sick Parade.
Sick parade will be held on port side of "B"
deck at 8 a.m. daily.
    C.M. Johnston.
Captain and Adjt.


"C" Form (Duplicate).                     Army Form C. 2123.
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.             No. of Message           

Charges to Pay.
£     s.     d.
Office Stamp.
Service Instructions.
Handed in at         FLB            Office         m.   Received            m.
TO  Lieut Col McGlinn
4th Inf Bde
Sender's Number
Day of Month
In reply to Number
Capt Wilton is inspecting
our future position shall
I come up instead
Ross Harwood 16 Battn
16 12001
(24932).  M.R.Co.,Ltd.  Wt. W9668/1672.  50,000 Pads-1/15.  Forms C.2123.
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