Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 9, 29 August - 1 September 1915, Part 10

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
Accession number:

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2 o A. Fo C. DM. No. of Message MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. Words] Chare 133 - 337 This message is on at of: Cd Sent on $/4/15 service From CMTOTFTSRTMAMTIPI T0. 4th Anstiatian Brigade SAYAMon SAtOR Lerery toRnt AAA 1st B.M 335 Message received Dw says, that 350 men left by you in No 6 Section will be replaedd by same number of 54 Oir who will be attached to you and will be available for taking over line non held by Warcesters Will you please consult 1622d Drigade and injorm me over Morcester your will take when lines 39th Bote 1330 FOM Pace Time The Aboce Menbe Converded as now Crreted cour arae a nar or v i t t.. This line should be crased if not required 800 S.B. 1td. Wt. WISiSBI-50,000. 9/14. Forms CLIMIO.
20 11 LELELARMEMEALAI Divisional Leadquarters, te. 2 Feat, AKLAC. 1st September 1915. 4 Aust Tuf Bugude ex nmcmenre 21. saied 2812 mensi 1212. Mome Para LEaelienla. 1 - the felloving alteration io nade i Par - to and including knell just acrese the AGFIL DERE Sour Te a 92 7. 9 Read -to and excluding the AGRYL DARE River bed about the peint where the guily of the South Ferk cresses the dividing line between squaree 80 and 92. PaseL. lina 22 - the fellowing alteration is wade i Ler - APEL - CRESHIRS RIDER - and acrose the Bain AOHIL t s0 ant eoer gr t 9 010 Read -AFEL - CRESFIA RIEH to the AGRTL BRE Niver Ded about the peist where the Cully of the touth Perk cresses the dividing line between squaree 80 and 92; thence along the line of the AARTL DaRt river bed (exclusive) to the ses. maea winline from Dertonafece-1l Lar - 60 p. 5 - 6 (inclusive) Read -8o 2. 7 -6 (erelusive) Reee i Mird lne Lre belten elmee - the Telioring alteration :- Lar.- (I) CRSSEIRS RIDER, 8o D. 9e6 (erelusive) to spur 927. 609 and the Forthern alepes of TAMCROr MLL ao to and including the ACBYL BRRE to the sea Raad - (F) CRESEIRR RIDAR - 8o p. 5e6 (inclusive) to the AOAYL DERE River Bed about the point where the cuily of the routh Verk cresses the dividing line between squares 80 and 92, and the Ferthers aloges
121 of BAUCROP MILL up to and excluding the AAEHL DERE to the oce. 14 is notified for infernation that Readquarters, New Lealand and Australian Divisien, vill meve shertly to the cully immediately Fast of Ne. 7 Fest. This Cully vill be kept entirely clear of Treeps and animals. V.R. Pinvill.Kajor. (8s0) General Staff, LileAd MMelen cenes as under ie war Diary Ne. 2 Records 54th Divisien 10t auct, Hight Horse Brisade 3rd P.L. Wounted Rifles Brigade 7th Brisade, Indian Mountain Artillery 29th Infantry Brigade 28 P.2. Infantry Brigade 4th Aust, Infantry Brigade 5th 12 C.R.A. C.R.E. A.D.M. senter Supply officer O.C. Mv. Train. anxne lst Australian Mvision A.D.C. (fer 6.0.C., Admin, saaff O.C. Menais.
O Pom IOrnaN ARONSIN MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. Jreco Sent, or sent out Recoved Office Stamp. BOR Oodo y 21L WorDS 22 From. Charges to collect Service Instructions Handed in at. SMAESENNNN 27 A DOSS TMSSSN AAA 895 the mote my 4885 Batt to by Oack receipt Please w 170 FROM WEA Di PLAORATIMN 4 MAa AltEat, MMIMCAMMNTAM VANMAILI JFON SN TO. For COMSta ()MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No.AMonASS Sent, or sent out/ Office Stamp. RecaaN t aat Charges to collect Service Instructions. ca Handed in at 2 TCOSTWNSDSN S OSO SA AAA 1001 59 6 II 164 Mew ye Yous meas tmpoy 24 a 110 1A oust Find You 2e ron The3 Contn h 2 486 Bd anca 4th 30 Cust NYd FROM PLACEATIME Roud b Mlt II. WAseor SA Pads. IAIL A. W 4Co. FermOM
STSON SN Or Form Corisinat. No. of Messase. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. Sent, or sent out Otico Stamy. Received S on 7 Charges to collect er Service Instructions. By 100 OMceLJXM. Received. Handed in at. Bde i T0 RENTWNN DA JMESEENNN AAA gar instrcty Ill wit odit are+ w fight nya FROM PLAORATME TteEad to CAndHSAMIL Wossener wo Pads. II A. W & Co. FormSOM.

"A" Form.   
Army Form C. 2121.
No. of Message
Prefix   Code  m.
Office of Origin and Service Instructions.
Words. Charge
At   m.
This message is on a/c of:
(Signature of "Franking Officer.")

1337Recd. at    1337 m.
Date  1/9/15
TO 4th Australian Brigade
* Sender's Number
BM 335
Day of Month
In reply to Number

Message received Div says that 350
men left by you in No 6 Section will
be replaced by same number of 54th
Div who will be attached to you
and will be available for taking
over line now held by Worcesters
AAA Will you please consult
162nd Brigade and inform me 
when you will take over Worcester
39th Bde.

The above may be forwarded as now corrected.
Signature of Addressor or person authorized to telegraph in his name.
* This line should be erased if not required.
8350 S.B. Ltd. Wt. W4843/541-50,000. 9/14. Forms C2121/10.


No. [[?]]. 887
Divisional Headquarters
No. 2 Post, ANZAC,
1st September 1915.
TO : 4th Aust Inf Brigade
Received 3.35 pm.

1.  RE FORCE ORDER No 21, dated 28th August 1915.

Para 1 Section No. V - the following alteration is made :-
For - to and including Knoll just across the AGHYL DERE
SOUTH FORK at 92 Y. 9
Read - to and excluding the AGHYL DERE River bed about
the point where the gully of the South Fork crosses
the dividing line between Squares 80 and 92.

Page 4, Line 20 - the following alteration is made :-
For - APEX - CHESHIRE RIDGE - and across the main AGHYL
DERE to the spur 92 Y.9 etc.
about the point where the gully of the South Fork
crosses the dividing line between Squares 80 and
92; thence along the line of the AGHYL DERE river 
bed (exclusive) to the sea.

Page 4, fifth line from bottom of page - (p) :
For - 80 D. 5 - 6 (inclusive)
Read - 80 D. 5 - 6 (exclusive)

Page 4, third line from bottom of page - the following
alteration :-
For - (E) CHESHIRE RIDGE, 80 D. 5-6 (exclusive) to Spur
92 Y. 6-9 and the Northern slopes of BAUCHOP HILL
up to and including the AGHYL DERE to the sea.
Read - (E) CHESHIRE RIDGE - 80 D. 5-6 (exclusive) to the
AGHYL DERE River Bed about the point where the
Gully of the South Fork crosses the dividing  line
between Squares 80 and 92, and the Northern slopes


of BAUCHOP HILL up to and excluding the AGHYL DERE
to the sea.

2. It is notified for information that Headquarters, New
Zealand and Australian Division, will move shortly to
the Gully immediately East of No. 3 Post. This Gully
will be kept entirely clear of Troops and animals.

(Sgd) W.R. Pinwill,Major.
General Staff,
N.Z. & A. Division

Copies as under to
No.1     War Diary
2 & 3     Records
4          54th Division
5         1st Aust. Light Horse Brigade
6         3rd  "         "           "          "
7          N.Z. Mounted Rifles Brigade
8          7th Brigade, Indian Mountain Artillery
9           29th Infantry Brigade
10         N.Z.  Infantry Brigade
11          4th Aust.  Infantry Brigade
12          5th    "          "                "
13          C.R.A.
14          C.R.E.
15           A.D.M.S.
16           Senior Supply Officer
17           O.C. Div. Train
18           ANZAC
19            1st Australian Division
20           A.D.C.   (for G.O.C.)
22)           Admin Staff
23            O.C. Signals



Army Form C. 2123.
"C" Form. (Original).
No. of     sage
Prefix      Code   3115   Words  22
Sent, or sent out
At ... m.
Office Stamp
Service Instructions.
Handed in at        Office at    M.   Received   4[[?]] M.
TO     4th Aust Inf Bde  


*Sender's Number
G 895   
Day of Month.
In reply to Number

A A A 

My G885 re move 17th Batt AAA
Please ack receipt by wire

Bm 1075

FROM      N Z A Div
PLACE & TIME   1545
* This line should be erased if not required.
W 9668/1672.  50,000 Pads.  12/14  A.W & Co.  Forms/C.2123.


 Army Form C. 2123.
"C" Form. (Original).
No. of  Message
Prefix  SM     Code   [[?]]   Words  71
From NZ
By  CGray
Sent, or sent out
At ... m.
Office Stamp
Service Instructions.
Handed in at   NZ    Office   1705M.   Received  1715 m.
TO     4th Aust Inf Bde  


*Sender's Number
G 896   
Day of Month.
In reply to Number
A A A 
300 men 161st Bde
will join you tonight as
a temporary measure in
exchange for the 300 you
left behind AAA Please get
in touch with 161st Bde
and arrange for guide to
conduct these men to your
Bde area AAA Ackdge per addressee
4th Aust Inf Bde repeated
for information to [[?]]
161st Inf Bde

Bm 1078
PLACE & TIME       1700
* This line should be erased if not required.
W 9668/1672.  50,000 Pads.  12/14  A.W & Co.  Forms/C.2123.


Army Form C. 2123.
"C" Form. (Original).
No. of  Message
Prefix     SM  Code  [[?]]     Words  31
From NZ
By CGray
Sent, or sent out
At ... m.
Office Stamp.

Service Instructions.
Handed in at     NZ    Office  1705 m.   Received  1710 m.
TO     4th Aust Inf Bde


*Sender's Number
Day of Month.
In reply to Number
A A A 
In continuation G896 AAA
All possible help and instructio
is to be given in
trench warfare & local condition
of fighting

FROM      MZA Giv
PLACE & TIME     1705

* This line should be erased if not required.
W 9668/1672.  50,000 Pads.  12/14  A.W & Co.  Forms/C.2123.

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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