Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 9, 29 August - 1 September 1915, Part 8

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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M 40 87 Pu 19 H2a 2 B44 3 pohio tot figlng of std bend o raw attentio cra Rosg. Bnasp o deii offeer for t inaterly way i whce he organise cr caii sos and excut polfice covered ay wilh cavng of Brigade acgan Bapo pres iero ws altugh havig fie ongles eori o prif apa caprife pa Benporafh wher shtthe ed o theas place o supp & about 800 Be reportedtof Brigade igualles pops when ellphone comprymation with Be a wa p 1 same basy along cne inte under beavy fire and repaired same of necessitating his stopping separae timed under ordmary and smping fire Captain Hening (who was wounded while leading his company, and was subrequently doot, dead ce reed dussing was oving appeeshe pess pia excellent wout yesterday iping srng te proces sarging one present position and organising fines of ple. we spared us caligue on tat work and was consiquently Ivery tied this monning. cartain machae guiners who acting under cpp. Bope coun posourd una we genee troops were being with drawry to bring for womneda 9 cap Rose comed probab ther naries MFIN
pent b4 O.O 16th Battalion X Sit to brpg to byong I beg motice the conspiruous bravery shown by Ste (16) A.B. Footce in CCy Burling the bngdgemant of the 19th o Sugust he carried many wounded ynder five sdfely to the ear Included among tthese bescued wfad St. Benpoathe This man afes plocated the Genernt toris get yound our freft grank 4 Spayto 74 of fre 070 15t t J Witness & Shackteroon angn 42 te aa e aa Furthes to my repoint of gscsy attages report by 20/pen Tafor rgarding the compressons (barry ofpenged by 40/168a 4B/Fate is forwarded. I am trying to ascurtan And name of the man wled chongley himself wounded falfed fr buging sin pp Botfengie. tob 6e 198 BLAON
Peport for arhours ended 2500 9-15 No movenent in 4 direction DERLisAAI KUYSu Tute 1430 Nt 1430, 1/6 Eovex Regiment took N3 P0st at 1930 B2 moved to new 37 Brgade Bivouae in AGHYC DERE., amved & biouased At 2030 HE 4f Hppram Ae Caoualitie AGHIL DERE the 10915 afat 0500 2 No 3 ton
LCONSRIS UOr Pom COMNa MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Meage Olce Stamp st o ma Ftrret Alt LLA M. ReceivedA. Handedin at. CAASWSSS A SA AAA one man won Secton fot Not He PROM RiteAME 500 Te the Cand C CanHAn B (8000) W.8858 - 1672. 50,000 Pads - 1214. P.T. & Co, Ltd—Forms O.2122.
Beadquarters The Modsrater Callipoli Peninsula Preshyterian Church 1st. September, 1917. Malbourne. Beverend Bir, it is with the despest regret that I have te confis the and nows of the death, en duty, of Chaplain the Bv. Andrew Ghilson, while engaged in mcouring the weunted turing an potion on Sunday morning August 22. The less of the Bv. A. Clilison mas been a severs bloy to every member of this Brigade, to when he had personally endeared hiself and by whom he was univerenily beloved and respected. Not merely in the perfomance of his religious orrtoa and selidarit but also in labouring to build up the merale spirit, of this Bricade, and in engendering a spirit of comradewrip and a hish senss of duty, Captain Gillison’s werk was characterised thronshout by an inspiring devotien which disregarded beth confort and danger. Ne man could have interpreted the true functions of an Amy Chaplain, on active service, more amply, or directed his great abllitles mere succees Tully and worthily than be; and I speak for every member of the Bris ade in expressing to you our sense of a deep personal obligation to Him. 1 feel assured that in the recerds of the Presyterian Church, his name will se torn to pesterity as of one who aid his Auty anply, worthily, and fearlesmy.
13) With profound condelences to the Church and serrowing friends, I remain, Yours Sineerely, -Bris.-deneral. Comnanding 4th, Australlan Inf, Brigade.
40 Re 2ou with Jop MAK 1932
FERCRATEACKIYL SARL BAIY Turnary of erents: from 6 2.R. 3284 Ausnot to 6 2.n. 184 Cest. 1923. LiLoO Enemy was heard mining in two places in front of OUINNS. There was a heavy burst of machine gun and rifle fire at 9 p.m., when flares were also thrown at GUINNS - rest of the night was quiet. De. LSECLION The Turks made a demonstration at 8,15 p.m. and threw flares near the NEK about 9 p.m. De.LSECLLON At 6. 20 p.m. the Turks opened long range Machine gun fire on BIG TABLR TOP, and fired a few shells at the APEX of RRODOBENDRON SPUR, and the Weatern slopes. A strong patrol was sent up the AGHYL DERE at 7. 45 p.m. and proceeded to the extreme end of the DERE. Nothing was sean of the enemy. A few rifles and entrenching tools have been recovered from the SAELI BRIT DERE and CHAILAK DERE. S The tunnel at 93 A 4 was engaged yesterday, and the work going on there was stopped. A gun firing from near 92 K 9 was engaged, and ceased fire after a few rounds had been fired. For the rest, the targets engaged were small bodies seen moving near the flat country to the North. KCITAILARKLLLERY The FARY and CURKHA POST were registered with a view to knecking out the Machine guns werrying RHODODENDRON SPUR. The use of the well at TIKA CRESMR in Square 105 K 2 is being denied to the Turks by day. CASUALLLES (for 24 hours ending 7 p.m. 31st August) Afficers Othex Ranks LILLED T 24 MISSING JICk. 187 owovDD vo00D Mr t St Vajer-General, Comnanding Porce attacking LL BALR. Headquarters. Do. 2 Post. Let Sentember 1912.

8th Aug. 1915
HQ. 4th Infy. Bde
In connection with the 
fighting of yesterday and this
morning may I draw attention
Captain Rose, Brigade machine gun
officer, for the masterly way
in which he organised the
machine guns and escort which
covered the withdrawal of the
A man, name and Battalion at present 
unknown, who although having
five bullet wounds in one arm
carried Lieut. Benporath when 
shot in the leg to the nearest
place of safety- about 500
yards distant. L’- Benporath
reported this to me.
The Brigade signaller who when
telephone communication with
Bde HQ was interrupted


came back along the line
under heavy fire and repaired
same - necessitating his stopping
several times under ordinary
and sniping fire.
Captain Herring (who was wounded
while leading his company, and
was subsequently shot dead
while the field dressing was
being applied. He also did
excellent work yesterday
morning during the process
of seizing our present position
and organising lines of trenches.
He spared no fatigue on that
work and was consequently
very tired this morning.
 [*H. Pope Lt. Col

commdg 16th Bn A.I.F*]

Certain Machine Gunners who
acting under Capt. Rose
went forward under fire
while troops were being
withdrawn to bring in wounded
Capt. Rose could probably give
their names.




O.C. 16th Battalion
I beg to bring to your
notice the conspicuous bravery
shown by Pte (16) A.B. FOSTER in
"C" Coy. During the engagement
of the 9th August he carried
many wounded under fire
safely to the rear. Included
among these rescued was
Lt. Benporath. This man
also located the enemy trying
to get round our left flank.
[[?H]] Taylor / Lt.

O/C. "C" Coy

16th Batt.



J. Macpherson Lt.



9th August 1915
H.Q. 4th Inf. Bde.
Further to my report of
yesterday the attached report
by 2nd Lieut. Taylor regarding
the conspicuous bravery displayed
by No. 16 P.G.A. B. Foster is forwarded.
I am trying to ascertain the
name of the man who though
himself wounded helped in
bringing in Lieut. Benporath.
Commdg 16th Bn AIF




Report for 24 hours ended
0500 - 1-9-15

1/ No movement in direction of

2/ At 1430, 1/6th Essex Regiment
took over No3 POST.

3/ at 1930 Bn moved to new
Brigade Bivouac in AGHYL
DERE, arrived & bivouaced
at 2030.

4/ Approximate Casualities - NIL.

AGHYL DERE           [[?DCMark?]]
1-9-15                            Lt
0500                         a/adjt
Pto Recd File

No 3 Post



"C" Form (Original).                    Army Form C. 2123.
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.      No. of Message.....

Prefix EM  Code... [[?]]  Words.. 25



From ZBK

By [[?]]

Sent, or sent out


At.   .m.

Office Stamp


£     s.     d.

Charges to collect

Service Instructions


Handed in at.... Z.P.A.   Office   0530m.   Received 0552m.


TO    4th Inf Bde

*Sender's Number

 RH 1  

Day of Month


In reply to Number 



Quiet night no activity
enemy aaa Casualties one
man wounded three men
sent hospital

No 1 Post No 6 Section


FROM     C.O. 17th Battn

PLACE & TIME    0500

*This line should be erased if not required.

(6900) W.9668 - 1672. 50,000 Pads-12/14. F.T. & Co, Ltd—Forms/C.2123.


Gallipoli Peninsula,

1st. September, 1915.

The Moderator,
Presbyterian Church,

Reverend Sir,
It is with the deepest regret that I have to confirm
the sad news of the death, on duty, of Chaplain the Rev. Andrew
Gillison, while engaged in succouring the wounded during an action
on Sunday morning August 22. The loss of the Rev. A. Gillison has
been a severe blow to every member of this Brigade, to whom he had
personally endeared himself and by whom he was universally beloved
and respected. Not merely in the performance of his religious offices
but also in labouring to build up the morale spirit and solidarity of this Brigade,
and in engendering a spirit of comradeship and a high sense of duty,
Captain Gillison’s work was characterized throughout by an inspiring
devotion which disregarded both comfort and danger. No man could
have interpreted the true functions of an Army Chaplain, on active
service, more amply, or directed his great abilities more successfully
and worthily than he; and I speak for every member of the Brigade 
in expressing to you our sense of a deep personal obligation to
I feel assured that in the records of the Presbyterian
Church, his name will go down to posterity as of one who did his duty
amply, worthily, and fearlessly.


With profound condolences to the Church and sorrowing friends,
I remain,
Yours Sincerely,
Commanding 4th. Australian Inf. Brigade.



Re row with Cox


Summary of events from 6 a.m. 31st August to 6 a.m. 1st Sept. 1915.

Enemy was heard mining in two places in front of QUINN'S.
There was a heavy burst of machine gun and rifle fire at
9 p.m., when flares were also thrown at QUINN'S - rest of the
night was quiet.

The Turks made a demonstration at 8.15 p.m. and threw
flares near the NEK about 9 p.m.

At 6. 20 p.m. the Turks opened long range Machine gun fire
on BIG TABLE TOP, and fired a few shells at the APEX of
RHODODENDRON SPUR, and the Western slopes. A strong patrol
was sent up the AGHYL DERE at 7. 45 p.m. and proceeded to the
extreme end of the DERE. Nothing was seen of the enemy.
A few rifles and entrenching tools have been recovered from the

The tunnel at 93 R 4 was engaged yesterday, and the work
going on there was stopped.
A gun firing from near 92 K 9 was engaged, and ceased
fire after a few rounds had been fired.
For the rest, the targets engaged were small bodies seen
moving near the flat country to the North.
The FARM and GURKHA POST were registered with a view to
knocking out the Machine guns worrying RHODODENDRON SPUR.
The use of the well at TIKA CHESME in Square 105 X 2 is
being denied to the Turks by day.
CASUALTIES (for 24 hours ending 7 p.m.
31st August)
                             Officers        Other Ranks
KILLED                    -                       2
WOUNDED            -                    24
MISSING                  -                         1 
SICK.                       11                    183



Staff Officers



Commanding Force attacking SARI BAIR.
No. 2 Post.
1st September 1915. 

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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