Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 9, 29 August - 1 September 1915, Part 6

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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AEMOR 659 Fance Capual C.R MeR F1/5& Srigate Maafl Nechoil $8/2/ 2nsk C t Kavning let Sonic Coica Atic r Inferoe fline (having beateby Hre Mapapdel 14/ Senral 1 pJuer 1164 Tamperance 19 this Commuiation was mosd (etal) (and Lofice rnspune Prnfertt (exert) out (ande) Lervy fre to 15/ psforttecixcit. hewas Seer p Kinpenan 1Glyne Pape Scer aJ 14 Lore Sapin Sepefull (tmps)t((Yarivs] peapes Exting andet Deary] x pixe, The perripes pexeded p Snce Geprak quurfil gremspap pSpct Inpp ngeni aen mast 2plyal. AMENON IE BA
KENI Wr2tOk 144 on 12t Battation G.O.W. 14 a 24 Brigade I beg to bring under your notice for I special recognivion, Mar S.O.G Herring ffor exceptional skill and coolness during the operations of the 6th17th Auguat in Mainiaining Me. eolesion of the Battalson throughout the diffectet right march AN2AC to the Authost line in AUSI NAAIA VALLAE) The success, of the Battation in reaching and taking at its allotted positionon unknown ground was largely due to officers work. Fituty penf Col OC. 13th Battanoo WIAEIN
6O 13 Batt 23 4 I bes to report th 1124Pte R.R. xnappan 2 pths Signaller wher brufging llsk a husspag wat awoyngled 2421 F man was hat about s0 yards from me He an over skyene and fell exhansted Massing the message to me and requesting same to bbe pent. on atlonce the told me the pfag thatf His first thought fway the myssage Wayto att W ltten Macpherson 14. Batt
(27 From C.C. 19 th Battation. To G.O.C.4t af Briade. Peg to brias uader Joun noticy for aspecial Precomtt the following Officers and men of 113th Battalioh Capt. J.C. Lee and fente J tanone. On the night $ 6417th Susust fot gallantly Clading theyr eapoons and clelring, oo heights of the Ashoge aeres Lorge to enable the column to pass mrougn. The eremys strengen was uo known Capt. B. B. Hopkind. On the right of 16th7th Ingusr for the cooldess land Shilp displnyed by him on reaphing the Vayos position. in geaings is men in than taking pup and consolidating te foring line, in the presence of He Genemy. H41124 T P.R. Chapman Signal Decton. For devotion to dut C delivering an imfortant pressage ag per pstatenent attached by orents saylor and Mackderson of 164 sayation. atGtacy Leet Col H 64 12th Battalion, D.S.F.
Renwt C01 13 1814 Brigadur 4th Lngate I wish to bring to your notice acts of gallantry performed by my battalion and others dates of such being shown against each You Hannar 6/615B Captain J.M. Rose. This officer showed great courage. and coolness when commanding reaiquad action composed of Brigade Machine Guns & So members of of 14, 15th16t Bns & protected retirement of 4th Bde bringing back with him all wounded also ruples + munitions and also supervised collection of wounded in immediate front of 1t Rearguard position and in fdual phase of returnent remained with the last squad of infantry and covered final retirement Date 8th August 1918 ] 81 Sgt. A. Llangboune MRS Witnesses 876p. W. E. Smith 32 Captain of Jm Glocke Brigade Statf This officers services were placed at my disposal for the night march and attack up the northern slopes of the Abdel Kahman Bair. He proved most valuable to me in guiding the column and selecting successive lines of advance and throughout, the operation displayed great calmness and was most helpful in the conduct of the action 6th August 1915 H Cannan t b. Witnesses Thn Tharrs Capt Aag. C.

Lance Corporal C. R. MURFITT
Brigade Signal Section
On the morning of 8th inst
Telephonic Communications between the
Bde Headqrs & 16th Battalion attacking column became interrupted the
line having been repeatedly cut damaged by by fire 
Shrapnel in several places. The 
maintenance of this communication
was most vital and Lance Corporal
Murfitt went out under heavy fire
to d restore the circuit. He was
seen by Lieutenant Colonel Pope
proceeding along the line, stopping
several times, at the various trenches, 
t and working under heavy shrapnel 
tt & sniping fire. The Services received
by Lance Corporal Murfitt in restoring communications under
circumstances of such conspicuous
gallantry were most valuable.



From C.O., 13th Battalion
To G.O.C., 4th Inf. Brigade.

I beg to bring under your
notice for special recognition,
Major S.C.E. Herring for
exceptional skill and coolness
during the operations of the 6th/7th
August in maintaining the
cohesion of the Battalion throughout
the difficult night march from
ANZAC to the outpost line in
The success of the Battalion
in reaching and taking up
its allotted position on
unknown ground was largely
due to this officers work.
LE Tilney Lieut-Col
C.O., 13th Battalion
F.V. Thompson Lt


C.O. 13th Battn
I beg to report that
1124 Pte R.R. Chapman 13th Btn  Hd.
Qtrs Signaller while bringing
back a message was
wounded xxx. This man was
hit about 20 yards from me xxx
He ran over skyline and
fell exhausted xxx Passing
the message to me and
requesting same to be sent
on at once he told me he
was hit xxx His first thought
was the message xxx.
HTaylor / Lt
"C" Coy
16th Batt.
J. Macpherson/Lt
16th Battn


From C.O., 13th Battalion
To G.O.C., 4th Inf. Brigade.

I beg to bring under your
notice for special recognition the
following Officers and men of
13th Battalion.
Capt. J.E . Lee and 2/Lieut J. Annoni.
On the night of 6th/7th August for 
gallantly leading their Platoons 
and clearing the heights of the
Aghyl Dere Gorge to enable
the column to pass through.
The enemy's strength was unknown.

Capt. C. B. Hopkins. On the night
of 6th/7th August for the coolness
and skill displayed by him
on reaching the Outpost position
in getting his men in hand, and in 
taking up and consolidating
the firing line, in the presence of
the enemy.
No 1124 Pte R.R. Chapman - Signal

Section. For devotion to duty in
delivering an important message
as per statement attached by
Lieuts. Taylor and Macpherson of
16th Battalion. 
LE Tilney Lieut-Col
C.O., 13th Battalion, A.I.F.
Sydney CE Herring Major


From C.O. 15th Bn
To Brigadier 4th Brigade

I wish to bring to your
notice acts of gallantry performed
by my battalion and others dates
of such being shown against each
J H Cannan Lt Col
C/C 15 Bn

Captain J.M. Rose.
This officer showed great courage.
and coolness when commanding rearguard
action composed of Brigade Machine Guns
& 50 members of of 14th, 15th & 16th Bns &
protected retirement of 4th Bde bringing
back with him all wounded also rifles
& munitions f and also supervised
collection of wounded in immediate front
of 1st Rearguard position and in
final phases of retirement remained
with the last squad of infantry and
covered final retirement
Date 8th August 1915 
Witnesses  { 81 Sgt. A. L. Langborne MGS
                     { 87 Cpl W. E. Smith

Captain W J M Locke
Brigade Staff
This officer's services were placed
at my disposal for the night march
and attack up the northern slopes
of the Abdel Rahman Bair.
He proved most valuable to me
in guiding the column and selecting
successive lines of advance and
throughout the operation displayed
great calmness and was most helpful
in the conduct of the action
8th August 1915
Witnesses  { J.H. Cannan Lt. Col
TPMcSharry Capt
Adjt 15th Bn. 

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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