Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 9, 29 August - 1 September 1915, Part 5

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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C. FOr Senders N FROM PLACE TIME 11 Portera MESSAOE 204e aid out ent out Army Form C. 2123. of Message Office Stamp AAA amps affired to the lace of the eaded Delivery and paces IIaC
from Serice MSNNNS ded in at the SeASES FROM PLACE TIME All Porterage, Redirecties, or othr the particulars of such Charges for Deltrer Distance ANT Collected Paid out OHKCS Form No. of Message Office S Received here he not red to i AcoDemew Md 2123.
ginal) C.Fo Pretir Recd from Means Distance 5 Service instructions. Handed in at the FROM PLACE TIME All Porterage, Redirectien, or other charges the particulars of such charg Charses for Dettrery Code Army Form C. 2123. No. of Message MESSACES. AND SICNALS Office Stamp. Sent, or sent out Collected Pad ou ed here Stames Mned M ac0
4450 dotede (In consctsul twith he operatsion of Ms BRCADE from the night of Ang 1617 to the present date, I beg so bran under notice the hares of the oam oficers o oher andd ot devotion to aut and ack of phentoriau I couser cong gallanery e te n] Sach 6 Astioos, 260 Capt Bastwaek Stie Captain Ju diaited on me is read I woude the night advance of this DC into evemy territary, having at ins dipposed MAVOR of ooo and a small part Greek yuides Fris WaS posilion of acreine danger but tys performed my ast Paston th pen Coocheeg and display f mnch recoure in mieting of purceponof porsons pay clies which drose a gen the head of the Coloimo Game derdem fireDuring this awence the Cacnmnn met with such aontion 41 that be whole of the indtantd anally fameto a standssice and Cpt Eastwood rendered me invaluable assiptance recranising the advance a it, which putting fresh led to the gaming of a large of additione amount territaty Oht Fukese Mt. Fite Cops [Dearing he esetasion on the early morninng of ang 8 foen Three Battalion of 16000 fe ps made d paconnapsange in Jorce up AB0CA RRAnANSAR eaeen endnay force (anders mere received thit this force ps tohe wrtaawn din our defensine Cineo Recaled gustadse fork of Haigon and a dacteryf Sau Maghine frons o 0m man an reund w with one greated gadantry and success efficienty. Povering the evadation o we holin in check superior gnemy
19 p p intertere with our pettire. ment and sall with thawn the pearsndto guns wregond Lost exor in Far rcrd, 14o tmordrit attatd Brigade Starf) wns detenteed Tis officer my me to not as guite to the Ctun advancing n tang t2e t rann pap i mop tang te madd o prelman fe Conntaneof the Dirst persion of the trante the night thepre and a $t tmo teuct Cituont d. Mtd tdt the exact ront ordered in the tace fte enen and Iwren tutae adwance of the tal mon eas heed ap te acted with preat coatan Iresourse of the Commant Ratt C her of t aati reserts most gavorancy upon the aspistance rengured to him ty Case orke at the exifigneppppp P pration SCF. Wp 416 o the of tan fight thayo the aring pas See Commander in immediate Battation 4
tophye to he p Seht tor prteping the thea of Gante of the leating pdation the advanced puo came une fire immediated on the entering NOH URE depte & had to be supported and pecteehempiced hereeadvance caned he mnnetthe denpersed Companie (oons and to be pedsansed teB Commantier peperts the the a higesttes work of mar Kerrinin caprying out ade these tranpenent unler five and attrianted much of the pudees ofte top Tthe att to nt Small Dt DD. S idatete fr ofiders experts Ee CAPTGE.LEE &0. 92/ anvox 1) Tr epseers commanded leg lasing communds pawon arn of the leating Rastation o ang of upon the night advance fhem fell the andlen of ceari away lat quenny from te ridges which damptte tine advance in the Bustern ces of oM NR0 W4A performed her work Tey with shill covlaesd to Darny
II 68 M eppt Mhrs Salsher was o satt fignater & on the prin tang mit th Jup hearer of an iortent te pesuge from E5 B32 Natt to the C.OSt In the way hewas badl Ee fell woundet a of his himssel together thought was de firse othe £1 pation 1to aly ivery of the m/20/199 preceeed in reaching and the fttantion attracting 8 Yrer towhon fe poely passet on mpange to he trin 3 In a Funtd16t 3 Paleapaed 15t 6414010N Cx Famtusen 6/4 on the mgt ang te 132 4/2t Pps mnt feen detached in a porthert duction on Han Fnard ntthe5 the head of the awened a n pa Command 81919 Advanceof Junaal of Ke Fue ceaded in pntti great tn and mery into the awance intas sale Sani of his goulgany preatly putitated the advance the many body & at great personal nst he
24 itae e reconann of pocitions along his pont which led to their hen precesioully asapulted for the morning o and f Chat Inoran again tett the advanced guand Idrivis this advance I wate taading fis company in an adantly upon ase enegs pughane sund was dany erouty tevaute TOHN HILL Setont Bd opiter tat Capt Command pryrssanded the moran &ater as again tatters upon he ought of serted on upre Ag 64 Sitths 2 thep consunction of fire 33 24 tad ged toited e epng sue w whie performing the work was dangerously wountedf M 140 PAR BARRETI) [on the mights of andg and again on ay o and t man showed great dash and teavery & by his Coample frently assisted in caming te pedsing movements of his Company an anddiing a reavy sttack on our find trenche ty the evening &uateop thench mard congested with pead wounded making monemont befong frem tn aaade t man Busent to orters made peneral t ano te esen of the to bi fear under hire 2
foun insotable latter establish the identity 1016PAA BTOSTER. t During the evadation oae wountet te mompps of fong of this man under direction, peneral times went ferward under fine and carried wounded the 6 officer I men feartopinesf Tately $814/10d. Houat Wo 1787 OTA C.V. BRoWW on ang 13k) trese men fle voluntarald to mae consensnce in front of the de fensing line held by the 64 Br down a serat concred stope whichwa cander their way eann the t 60 oae and alll agont Tho tow hat plated tha Came across or firrtt who was stny wounded Imide him sioner as ean to unable to walk my grasged him into our Linds then were out 12 hosrs t together & as a feat of shill in gawting thougs bush and of physical strengt and comage in carrying the wounded twit backs over frouis pwet b evemy maching you fil the action of these men appeatedt to eye wiingshe as anes cepponatly shibtionf courage cold blooded
62 as atd p,14 b is pample reced tto piestore 1 confidence of the wooks holding hat section of the trnce unftorattack Bpa HMniC 1 Soucer whaws rs first wounded Yorimateh fater illest whil a oed dressing was being apptied is most favorae reported his Bast Comidn. upon by ter for the gattenting wort long a him suring the mett of and ot enagetically assistance in pressing torward the dedvance in the face evenng piewas dated ol 12 oPRIATE Fam Wknown. ten the withhawde o the assaulting colun on and was ordered orders ever netoevenfuite the woundst o/t pegonat as many as possible of the wounded lying in ou fron t4/0pepfae whose etenat has sohr aot but who bea etanshed is pnown to have had five badet wounds, fment rwart & carried Sack LSF Lad hea Sant 74 in the pos o fe pearet polded o fapt Bot the ffr his psone pan watfuaded thee on and hospited shis hear it had po ar

C. Form. (Original)               Army Form C. 2123. 
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.   No. of Message... 
Prefix      SM      Code      A I      Words      31 
Recd.                                Sent, or sent out 
from       NZ                     At ..............................M. 
By            ES                      .................................... 
                                            By   80 
Office Stamp.                   Returned ............ 
        BQ                               at ..............................M. 
Handed in at the NZ Office at 1345 M.  Received here at 1352 M. 
TO                  4th  A I Bde. 
Sender's          Day of          In reply            AAA 
Number           Month         to Number 
NZQ 893              31st                                     
Stated your Bde found and buried 
600 rounds enemy ammunition 
for 75 C M gun is this 
correct reply sharp anzac enquiring 
only 200 rds 
31 8/15 
FROM          N Z A  Divn. 
PLACE          No 2 Post 
TIME              1335 


C. Form. (Original)               Army Form C. 2123. 
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.   No. of Message... 
Prefix            Code            Words       
Recd.                                Sent, or sent out 
from       QE                     At ..............................M. 
By      G Warwick        .................................... 
                                            By   77 
Office Stamp.                   Returned ............ 
        BQ                               at ..............................M. 
Handed in at the       at       M.  Received here at 1625 M. 
TO                  4th  BDE 
Sender's          Day of          In reply            AAA 
Number           Month         to Number 
RA 9                    31st                       /              
Re para 6 bde order
248 periscopic glasses recovered xxx nil 


C. Form. (Original)               Army Form C. 2123. 
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.   No. of Message... 
Prefix      SM      Code      DGPM     Words      39 
Recd.                                Sent, or sent out 
from       NZ                    At ..............................M. 
By           [[Sgt Lowen?]]                      .................................... 
                                            By   81 
Office Stamp.                   Returned ............ 
                                          at ..............................M. 
Service Instructions.  NZ 
Handed in at the      at 43 1635 M.  Received here at 1645 M. 
TO                  4th Austn Inf Bde 
Sender's          Day of          In reply            AAA 
Number           Month         to Number 
G 873                 31
54th 53 rd Division reports that owing
to transport difficulties the two
battalions 161 st Inf Bde may be
late arriving at 92 S 4 
tonight aaa Please warn the  
guides going out to get meet
aaa Is acknowledge 

BM 1051
guides already left
BM 1052  got in 
touch with guide 
PLACE  1635
TIME [[Pte Reid?]]


[In connection with the operations
of this BRIGADE from the night of Aug
6/7 to the present date, I beg to
bring under notice the names of the 
following Officers & Other Ranks for 
devotion to duty and acts of
meritorious & conspicuous  
gallantry :- 
[Capt Eastwood, Staff Captain, was      
detailed by me to lead & guide
the night advance of this BDE
into enemy territory, having 
at his disposal MAJOR
OVERTON and a small party of
Greek Guides. This was a
position of extreme danger
but it the duty was performed by
Capt Eastwood with great
coolness and with a display of
much resource in meeting
a succession of serious difficulties
which arose when 
the head of the column came
under enemy fire.  During
this advance the column
met with such opposition
2                                                 41
that the whole of the advance
gradually came to a standstill,
and Capt. Eastwood rendered
me invaluable assistance in
reorganising the advance & 
putting a fresh life impulse into it, which
led to the gaining of a large
additional amount of 
[During the operations on the
early morning of Aug 8 when
Three Battalions of this Bde
who made a reconnaissance
were attacked by a xx superior
enemy force orders were
received that this force was
to be withdrawn behind our
defensive line. I detailed
Capt Rose with a Platoon
and a battery of four
machine guns to com- 
mand our rearguard, &
he carried out this work
with the greatest gallantry
and success, efficiently
covering the evactuation
of wounded & holding  
in check superior enemy


3                                                    40
numbers who were attempting
to interfere with our retirement,  
and finally withdrawing  
the rearguard to 
guns without loss.
CAPT. W.J.M. LOCKE, 13th BN. (temporarily attached
to Brigade Staff).
[This officer was detailed
xx by me to act as guide to the
column advancing up
ABDEL RAHMAN BAIR in the early
morning of Aug 8. He
made a preliminary 
reconnaissance of the first
position of the route the
night before, and at 3am
the next morning he successfully 
4                                            39
led the column on
the exact route ordered in the 
face of the enemy fire & when
further advance of the column  
was held up he
acted with great coolness
& resource, & the Commander 
of the leading Batt (15th)
reports most favourably upon
the assistance rendered to
him by Capt Locke at this
critical juncture.
[On the night of Aug 6/7 Major
Herring was placed by the 
Battalion Commander in immediate


control of the arrangements 
for protecting the head & flanks
of the leading (13th) Battalion.
The advanced guard came
under fire immediately on
entering the AGYHL DERE defile &
had to be supported and
reorganised re=inforced
before the advance could be
resumed. The dispersed
Companies & platoons had to
be reorganised.  The Batt
Commander reports in the
very highest terms of the 
work of Major Herring in
carrying out all these
arrangements under fire
and attributes much of the
success of the advance
of the Batt to its final 

position where ordered, to
this officer's efforts.          37
CAPT J.E. LEE              }
SEC. LT. J. ANNONI    } 
[These officers commanded
leading Companies & platoons
of the leading Battalion during
the night advance of Aug 6/7 & upon
them felt the burden of
clearing away the enemy
from the ridges which
dominated the line of
advance in the Eastern 
They performed their work 
with skill, coolness & 


NO 1124 PTE RR CHAPMAN.            36
[This soldier was a Batt
Signaller & on the morning
of Aug 8th was made the
bearer of an important 
message from the C.O. of
13th Batt to the C.O. of 16th Batt.
On the way he was badly 
wounded & fell exhausted.  
He pulled
himself together & his
first thought was devotion  
to duty & the delivery  
of the message &
he succeeded in reaching
and attracting the attention
of an Officer to whom he
safely passed on the 
message to be trans-  
mitted further. He then
collapsed.                        35
- 15th BATTALION.- 
[On the night of Aug 6/7
the 13th & 14th Bns had been
detached in a northerly
direction on flank guard
duty. The 15th Bn became
the head of the advance &
Capt Moran was placed
in Command of the
advanced guard. He succeeded  
in putting great dash
and energy into the advance,
and his skilful handling
of his company greatly
facilitated the advance
of the main body. At
great personal risk he


made several personal    34
reconaissances of positions along
his front which led to their
being successfully assaulted.
On the morning of Aug 8th
Capt Moran again led the
advanced guard & during 
this advance & while leading
his company in an assault
upon the enemy's machine
guns was dangerously
[This officer was second
in command to Capt
Moran & ably supported the 
latter's action as above
described on the night of
Aug 6/7. He supervised
the siting sighting siting & 
construction of fire 

10                                          33
trenches while under enemy
fire and while performing this
work was dangerously
[On the nights of Aug 6 & 7 
and again on Aug 7 and 8
this man showed great dash
and bravery & by his example
greatly assisted in maintaining
the offensive
movements of his company.
On Aug 10 during a heavy 
attack on our  fire trenches
by the enemy & while our 
trenches were congested with
dead & wounded (making
movement along them  
impossible), this man pursuant
to orders made several trips
across the open to the
rear under fire to bring


13                            30
found impossible to 
establish the latter's
[During the evacuation
of the wounded on the
morning of Aug 8 this man
under direction several
times went forward under
fire and carried wounded
officers & men to the
rear to places of safety.
NO 1787 PTE G.V. BROWN  } 
[On Aug 13th these men
volunteered to make a 
reconnaissance in front of the 
defensive line held by the
16th Bn down a scrub covered
slope which was under
enemy fire. On their way 
back and at about 60 

yds down the slope they    29
came across a Turk who
was slightly wounded & made 
him prisoner. As he was
xx unable to walk they
dragged him into our lines. 
They were out 1 1/2 hours 
altogether. As a feat of skill
in crawling through bush
and of physical strength
and courage in carrying
the wounded Turk back
over ground swept by
enemy machine gun
fire the action of these
men appealed to eye 
witnesses as an 
exceptionally exhibition of
cold-blooded courage.


11                                  32
up ammunition, & by his
example helped to restore the
confidence of the troops
holding that section of the
trenches under attack.
- 16th BATTALION. -
This Officer (who was  
unfortunately first wounded &
later killed while a field
dressing was being applied)
is most favourably reported
upon by his Batt Commander 
for the gallantry work
done by him during the 
night of Aug 6/7. His
assistance in energetically
pressing forward the
advance in the face of
enemy fire was  

12                                         31
A PRIVATE, name unknown.
[When the withdrawal of the
assaulting column on Aug 8
was ordered, orders were
given to evacuate the
wounded & to recover
as many as possible of the
wounded lying in our 
front. A private whose
identity has so far not
been established but who is known
to have had five bullet
wounds, went forward
& carried back LT BENPORATH 
who had been shot
in the leg to the nearest
place of safety.  Both the
officer and his rescuer have
been evacuated in 
hospital ships, and
it has so far been 

Last edited by:
Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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