Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 9, 29 August - 1 September 1915, Part 3

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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tnt Co 12t 18 10 14 14 + 18 16 24 1 y46 1a Bn Sigs Bde Sta K Jagualthes Othe 48 54 7A 54 81 160 48 1808 S. N. 4 Potal 452 4 184 243 58 96 ckto HoSt 43 Of 4 + 1 1ta 59 28 77 Ohs 28 29 26 26 11 Te Sil 18 andpur 284 1C £ 68 16 N08 8
thrt n 1214 14 1o 16 3 10 9 i 34 Othis 242 4 24 67 Sotal 25 162 26 29 2 0 29 MGa oths 26 29 29 26. 11 X 15 Frand o 28 49 210 235
Unit 75 I 14 154 1 Btns AOe Se Of 10 9 8 35 845 46 89 Others 250 141 141 165 69 Total 260 150 149 173 732 returned 30 Opt 1 1 3 Sick 8 6 Oths 26 29 29 26 110 1w0 (a Frand Total 487 180 178 200 845
thand 7 24 0 4 o p 6 30 Safty 54 e1 afpctive as pfeet AY Doppb ser 25 223 59 16 44 182 52 $5 X 28 36 2 Seith 10 Off 31 2 Fenes from Ptper JopC $9 242 26 24 28 HC $5
LeRCRALEACKINE SARL BALR 25 Simnary of erents from 6 a.m. 20th Ausust to 6 a.m. Ilst Ausust 1912. DLOSS At 5 p.m. the Turk gun in Mule Gully opened fire on POPE'S, but no damage was done. SASD A gun opened fire on No. 2 Post about 5 p.m. A working party of Turks appeared after dark to repair damage done by bombardment of the 29th inst. near Trench A 1, but were dispersed by our Machine Gun opening fire from Turks’ Point. SoLo Prolonged shelling of mouth of CHAILAK DERE took place about 10 a.v. Yesterday afternoon and evening, the Beach in the neighbourhood of Nos. 2 and 3 Posts was effectively shelled, causing a certain amount of loss of life and animals. De. EEECLION A new communication trench between KALATIK AGHALA trenches and Indian Brigade right has been begun, which will shorten the line and give a better field of fire. Comnunications in rear of the Indian Brigade have been impreved, and a trench begun across the lower AGHYL DERE. There was considerable rifle fire and boab throwing during the night on KALAYIK AGHALA, but progress was made in clearing up and improving trenches. A large party was employed putting up overhead cover, and in burying. S 5th Battery engaged gun firing from ABDEL RARMAN BAIR on five occasions, and neutralized its fire each time. Direct hits were believed to be obtained on the emplacement. After 1 p.m. the gun did not fire again. EAMITALY ARTLLLERY Fire was opened at the enemy in Square 105 X 8 with apparent offest. Trenches in Square 93 9 8 were registered, and the gune located on the 29th inst. in Square 105 0 4. CASHALLIES (7 p.m. 29th - 7 p.m. 30th Aus.) SCoTD Othex Ranks WIIIII ND 30 MISSING SICK 179 aannnon CoDDDvDUuvuuuu Rsadquarters, No. 2 Post, Llst Ausuet 1912. 88 b8
5 RBRS. (nc prisoner belonging to the 65th reginent has been taken. Lritish subject who loft Constantinoplo 27 days ago states that the Toeling thore is anti-Tussian, but not so anti-Sritish. Oil and amninition was coning in Trool; from Roumania. A Fory largo number of wounded had arrived there. Lo confirns tho fact that the licjidich was cunk. A rosident in Constantinople writes on lay ist that when the allies landod in the Ponincular, Groat storiosor e bis Turkish victory ver sproad in Constant tnoplo. Tho Turkish Lossos were vory hoary and largo numbers were arriving in Constantinoplo. Thoro Woro only a yory Lew British prisoners and thoy were boing troated woll, it was thought. TWo Sritish submarines wore reported to havo got through the Bardanolles and this roport causod considerable constornation. Owins to a reportod plot against Iryrer Pasha a large number Of Arronians Woro arrosted. CUr Coroplane Gropped one 100lD. bomb among non and stores at the pior hoad at AKEASHI LLLIAI, and also 10 bonbs among the skipping at 228 1. 8v. It is also thought that a 20 16 bont hit a Turkish battlo- Ship. To massing of troops on ArLAC Front observed (35th)
Report for 24 hours ended 0500- 31-85 Improved [outhost treact 4f +communication trench thereto. 27 Turts digging 1700 yd NoRTH of KHIATICK A644648 at 1315 2 From 1400 on no movement was observed i Quiet along our fort N83 P0S7 Sheart 050C afatt 2
rm. (Origin ne n med By Dista Serrie Mistctions ded in at the FROM PLACE TIME An Porterase, Redec, AcC C orm, and the partic CauWI Coll e 82id Nit 0605 cied on delivery are to be onat by me ans of our are to be set forth in writing above, a line should be crased H not required Army For 2123 No. of Message out Stamp 1. and SAC
ee the pan uent 13 318 (66 Trencdest dretaing tepetin goud dadtin Tpping Howand NoPost and tunnel from ho Post are being pushed flong as fast as possible. s an epenaey pesitis she pes guaat Generady ax dgoo a trapid bomsardment of an right by H.C. Shelk lasting fill 092s occuried, bbut m damace resulted. Severae HE shells wen again fired not about 1830 and m damaf resulded]] Acking on (instructions issened] a sharp observation was sept on Dernish - Ali-Ruyn Ant no spovements of speny were discovereoc. Hounly report to this effect were (so Buyade Heade Quarders Thershe S 052 G. 9. Jw2 Pes. CCM D 4 2096 BDistance Handed in at the Seatero Binber Total Casu rday. FROM PLACE TIME M SMMMMSNMC M p2id out 2441 d here a 224 since 0600
Hean Galliar I 191 31 png and From Adjutant, 1 Bn To sr dry Bug. Report from 5 am 30/9/11 t 8 am 21/6/10 our Along the line things passed quielty stronglont the night- 9 P. H. Shany Capt Adgattn 15p acupoli Aug 300t hamalhis Foom . Aug 3oth to benn Aug 21 St Officers theles fii wounded Missing othertanks Mil Keas wounped 1857/Ste a Laresen persing WEl pick to Kspial 1/496pl Hughes HG 930 6 Ll Bardoch & 175 ffiee H Te wackent & 2145 1326 Opl engram Brown P.W 419 Burke H. 416 Caun 1473 Peachto 1378 He Mmugh W4 2202 1344 Kendaef H 1465 YounR 1407 Vill 16 vowles G 2206 Kittle 1554 Tubrmann W 746 WellsT Rylande 1871 1198 of Sery arry Sekneierto 189 1smithO 647 Barnes. 1484 Terayt 942 7 Poker 14 sent 49 testan to
M Guns
Unit Offcs Others Total Off Oths Gnd Total
13th Bn. 10 242. 252 1 28 281
14 " 10 156. 166 1 29 196
15 " 7 177 184 - 29 213
16 " 9 234 243 1 26 270
  —— —— —— —— —— ————
  36. 817 853 3 112 960
        Bde HQrs 19
Total Bn incl HQ & MG   960   " Sigs 29
Bde Staff & Sigs   48   —— —— ———
    ——       1008
    1008   ===== ==== ======
  K W Sick to Hosp Total
Casualties 3 13. 43. 59.
M Guns
Unit Offcs Oth's Total Off Oths Grand Tot.
13th Bn 10 248 258 1 26. 285
14 " 9 153 162 1 29. 192.
15 " 7 174 181 - 29 210
16 " 8 200 208 1 26. 235
  —— —— —— —— —— ————
  34 775 809 3 110 922
      113   ——  
  —— —— —— —— —— ———
      922   3  
    250     ——  
    113     113  
    ——     190  
    263     ——  
    922     137  









Unit Offs Others Total Off
13th Bn. 10 250 260. 1 26. 287
14th  " 9 141. 150 1 29 180
15th  " 8. 141 149. - 29 178
16th  " 8 165 173 1 26 200
———————— —— —— —— —— —— ————
  35. 697 732. 3 110 845
———————— —— —— —— —— —— ———
Bttns 845          
HQs & Sigs 46   Returned 7 Sick. 1 wd = 8
2   Effective Strength   31 8 15
    As Supplied to Div M Guns Grand
Unit Offs Others Total Offs Others Total
13th 10 223 233 1 29. 263
14th 9 159 168 1 26 195
15th 8 144 152 - 27 179
16th 8 162 170 1 28 199
—— —— —— —— —— —— ——
  35 688 723. 3. 110 836
—— —— —— —— —— —— ——
Battns 836        
Bde HQ & Sigs 46        


Summary of events from 6 a.m. 30th August to 6 a.m. 31st August 1915.

At 5 p.m. the Turk gun in Mule Gully opened fire on POPE'S, but
no damage was done.

A gun opened fire on No. 2 Post about 5 p.m.
A working party of Turks appeared after dark to repair damage
done by bombardment of the 29th inst. near Trench A 1, but were
dispersed by our Machine Gun opening fire from Turks’ Point.

Prolonged shelling of mouth of CHAILAK DERE took place about
10 a.m.
Yesterday afternoon and evening, the Beach in the neighbourhood
of Nos. 2 and 3 Posts was effectively shelled, causing a certain
amount of loss of life and animals.

A new communication trench between KAIAJIK AGHALA trenches and
Indian Brigade right has been begun, which will shorten the line
and give a better field of fire. Communications in rear of the
Indian Brigade have been improved, and a trench begun across the
There was considerable rifle fire and bomb throwing during the
night on KAIAJIK AGHALA, but progress was made in clearing up and
improving trenches.
A large party was employed putting up overhead cover, and in

5th Battery engaged gun firing from ABDEL RAHMAN BAIR on five
occasions, and neutralized its fire each time. Direct hits were
believed to be obtained on the emplacement. After 1 p.m. the gun
did not fire again.
Fire was opened at the enemy in Square 105 X 8 with apparent
effect. Trenches in Square 93 Q 8 were registered, and the guns
located on the 29th inst. in Square 105 0 4.

CASUALTIES (7 p.m. 29th - 7 p.m. 30th Aug.)

  Officers Other Ranks
SICK 4 179

No. 2 Post,
31st August 1915.

J.M.  JRE  JMcG W.J. M.L



The prisoner belonging to the 45th regiment has been taken.
A British subject who left Constantinople 27 days ago states
that the feeling there is anti-Russian, but not so anti-British.
Oil and ammunition was coming in freely from Roumania.
A very large number of wounded had arrived there.
He confirms the fact that the Hejidieh was sunk.
A resident in Constantinople writes on May 1st that when
the allies landed in the Peninsular, great storiesof a big
Turkish victory were spread in Constantinople.
The Turkish losses were very heavy and large numbers were
arriving in Constantinople.
There were only a yery few British prisoners and they were
being treated well, it was thought.
Two British submarines were reported to have got through
the Dardanelles and this report caused considerable consternation.
Owing to a reported plot against Enver Pasha a large number
of Armenians were arrested.
Our aeroplane dropped one 100lb. bomb among men and stores
at the pier head at AKEASHI LIMAN, and also 10 bombs among the
shipping at 228 N. 8v.
It is also thought that a 20 lb bomb hit a Turkish battleship.
No massing of troops on ANZAC front observed (39th)



Report for 24 hours
ended 0500 – 31-8-15

1/ Improved "outpost" trench
& communication trench

2/ Turks digging 1700 yds
AGHALAD at 1315.

2/ From 1400 on, no movement
was observed

4/ Quiet along our front
No3 P0ST
D B Mark




  Army Form C 2123.
C. Form. 1 (Original). MESSAGE AND SIGNALS. No. of Message ...
Recd Prefix SM Code ....... Words ......... Sent, or sent out Office Stamp
from QA           At ........ . M. 31/8/15
  Delivery. Means ............ Charges for
Collected ...... ........
  ......... .......... By 74
By LK   Distance   Paid out .... Returned
Service Instructions. at ......... . M.
Handed in at the QA Office at 0605 M. Received here at 0610 M.
TO { 4th Bde
 * Sender's Number. Day of Month. In reply to Number. AAA
QA 131 31st BM1039
Casualties Nil
FROM 13th Bn
PLACE 0605
All Porterage, Redirection, or other charges collected on delivery are to be brought to accouat by me ans of Stamps affixed to the face of the form, and
the particulars of such charges and of amounts paid out are to be set forth in writing above, in the spaces headed "Delivery" and "Charges for Delivery".
   * This line should be erased if not required  



Report for 24 hrs ending 0530 31-8-15

Trenches are being kept in good order
Sapping towards No 1 Post and tunnel
from No 1 Post are being pushed
along as fast as possible.

Snipers are effectually keeping enemy's
snipers quiet.

Generally at 0900 a rapid bombardment
of our extreme right by H.E. shells
lasting till 0920 occurred, but
no damage resulted.
Several H.E. shells were again fired
at about 1830 but no damage
Acting on instructions issued a
sharp observation was kept on
Dervish - Ali-Kuyu but no movements
of enemy were discovered. Hourly
reports to this effect were to Brigade
Head Quarters
Chas M.M. Dare
C.O. No 2 Post

  Army Form C 2123.
C. Form. 1 (Original). MESSAGE AND SIGNALS. No. of Message ...
Recd Prefix SM Code ....... Words ......... Sent, or sent out Office Stamp
from GC           At ........ . M. 31/8/15
  Delivery. Means ............ Charges for
Collected ...... ........
  ......... .......... By 72
By LK   Distance   Paid out .... Returned
Service Instructions. at ......... . M.
Handed in at the QC 0605 Office at  M. Received here at 0609 M.
TO { Bde Maj.
 * Sender's Number. Day of Month. In reply to Number. AAA
- 31st BM1039
Total Casualties 13 since 0600
FROM 14th Bn
PLACE 0605
All Porterage, Redirection, or other charges collected on delivery are to be brought to accouat by me ans of Stamps affixed to the face of the form, and
the particulars of such charges and of amounts paid out are to be set forth in writing above, in the spaces headed "Delivery" and "Charges for Delivery".
   * This line should be erased if not required  



Gallipo   Penin
31 Aug 1915
From Adjutant 15th Bn
To HQ 4th Inf Brig.

Report from 5 am 30/8/15 to 5 am 31/8/15

Along the ^our line things passed
quietly throughout the night.

T.P McSharry Capt
Adjutant 15th Bn.


Aug 31st
From ^6am Aug 30th to 6am Aug 31st


Killed )
Wounded } Nil
Missing )
other Ranks
Killed Nil
Wounded 1858 Pte A Carlsen
Missing Nil

  sick to Hospital  
930 Cpl Murdoch J 749 Cpl Hughes HG
2145 Pte Hackett J 1755 Pte Hill H
419 " Brown T W 1336 Cpl Ingram J
1473 " Cain J. 416 " Burke H.J
2202 " Smith WF 1378 Pte Peach J
1465 " Brown R. 1344 " Kendall H
2206 " Vowles G 1407 " Vile H
746 " Fuhrmann N 1554 " Little G
1198 " Hyland P. 1871 " Mills T
189 " Schneider J.B. 7 Serg Farry J
647 " Smith E D.      
1409 " Barnes J      
942 " Perry G      
1795 " Stoker J      
13191 " Dent G G      

TPMcSharry Captain

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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