Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 9, 29 August - 1 September 1915, Part 2

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
Accession number:

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246 8/14 tnd XI 1e 16 25 15 6 Effectin Topl 140 4 83 465 II 21 86 4 13 6. 23 4 t 54e t d 444 Ofh 20 10 Soke $1 4 6 21 < N p0
816 that B 10 14 T 15 4 8 V0 4 565 34 3 200 25 4 Sotil 31 363 281 4 54 4 Wt 2 ths 31 29 19 36 X 2/2 £264 platl 56 23 46 A 11
4 Gin 42 14 13 t6o 147 8 1 11 th 76 32 19 43 Effective datal 32 10 37 135 Stren oh 6 44 the 24 260 50 Op 8 28 pane 4 2 2 14 L4 2
244 26 15 14 4 1 2 44 Ots 34 to 3 4 effective Sotal £2½ 29½ 394 theny 8 th 9 Gen O4 29 6 T0 24 7 pans Totae 40 22 14 2
14 75 Aa 15 13 B 2 4 Effecture Lopt Oths 316 330 89 276 " 2 26 58 190 24 exch Ent Siact 9 A15 snne Off Oths 29 5 2 Detachment 01 B Carre & Capt A28 Trput fofac 388 30 24t 7 77 f te elsewhen Setter past
Am 14 15 O 13 H 4 84 30 26 212 76 76 10 Sotal 321 268 214 302 1110 29 29 25 20 112 Pot 30 29 244 232 1228 4
859 2 t $02 20 D8 3/5 12
thi 14 13 4 I Oppers 60 224 74 83 Sotal 2 12 23 88 124 1 26 the 217 2 24 2 4 11 78 gotal 59 2 60 54
o Cola Of tih 12 15 19 313 300 141 11 242 253 314 15 210 245 266 16 H6 10 1018 Oths Fathln 8 4 nctude Ho. Ms 1190 Ablow & Casualtp 6 150 98 Enaination Sck (44 repeated frust approve Lisures were t of 244 O making tokal more accuate handtrought Ibe ano Goblea 29/8/1 Cp Oftr Tol 25 283 29 246 34 2 1173 112 149 3.6 Petal 122 111 11 101 Gob. Nob. nWaker 250 ater engl fegure which are notifu
Appr ibmitked 16 lie 24 aunded 47 46 25 2 1 239.82 Dir 15 11 28:8:15 ussing 14 13 3/ a

Effective Strength

Unit Off Oths  Total Off Oths Total
13 18 465 483 - 27 510
14 13 433 446 1 29 476.
15 7. 209 216 - 30. 246.
16 11. 426. 437 1 30. 468
  49 1533 1582 2  116 1700
22/8/15       M Guns 22



   Unit      Offs     Oths      Total     Offs    Oths  
13th Bn 15 333 348 1 27 375
14th Bn 10 353 363 1 29 393
15      " 7. 200. 207 - 30 237
16      " 11 425 436 1 30 467
  43 1311 1354 2. 116 1472

Effective Strength

23/8/15         M Guns Grand Total
Unit     Off.    Oths    Total    Off    Oths     
13 13 379 392 - 29 421
14 11 321 332 1 29. 362
15 7 191 198 - 30 228
16 11 420 431 1 30. 462
  42, 1311 1353 2 118 1473

Effective Strength

24/8/15       M Guns



  Off    Oths    Total    Off    Oths   
13 14 307 321 -1 29 351
14 11 281 292 11 29 322
15 7 180 187 - 30 217
16 12 387 399 2 1 30 430
  44 1155 1199 3. 118 1320

Effective Strength

25/8/15       M Guns



  Off    Oths    Total    Off    Oths   
13 14 316 330 1 27 358
14th 13. 276 289 1. 29 319
15th 13 8 209 217 - 30 247
16th 12 389 401 1 30 432
  47 1190 1237 3. 116. 1356
excl. xxxx of Detachment elsewhere
but incl. of Amm. Carriers & Capt Locke's party
26/8/15       M Guns 26
Unit Off Oths  Total Off Oths Total
13 13 308 321 29 1 29 351
14 11 257 268 1 29 298
15 7 212 219 - 25 244
16 9 293 302 1 29 332
  40 1070 1110 3 112 1225

115         35
81          250
___           50
34          250

____      _____


50       100

Unit Off Others Total Off Oths Total
13 13 309 322 1 27 350
14 14 11 276 287 1 29 317
15 7 224 231 - 29. 260
16 9. 374 383 1 29. 413
  40 1183 1223 3. 114 1340
28/8/1           27/8/15
        M G



Unit Off Oths Total Off Oths
13 Bn 13 300 313 1 28 342
14th " 11 242 253 1 29 283
15th " 7 210 217 - 29 246
16th " 9 266 275 1 26 302
  40 1018. 1058 3. 112 1173
        Bde Sig - HQ    49
Battln Off Oths. Total      
includes HQ-MG 43 1130 1173   115  
Approx. Casualtys x   6   150   156   120  
  ——— ——— ———   ———  
  37  980  1017   235  
Evacuation Sick (44)
X. First approx figures repeated GOC No6. n NZA Div
were 6 off 244 making total 250. later enquir
have brought more accurate figures which are
now shown and GOC 6 Sect. LH[[?]] notified
      27-8.15 - 28-8 15
  Killed Wounded Missing
13 3. 47 14
14 7 40 13
15 1 22 -
16 3. 2.  
  14 111 27
Approx Submitted Div 28/8/15 111
  - 156 -   14
    Total 152
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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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