Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 8, 29 August - 30 August 1915, Part 6

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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COROMS Rood. 6 2m. ote. 3BN. Te :Ath, Australlan Infantry Brigade, - S. 836. 30th. II Please draw the attention of all ranks to the fact that the fuses for grenades are- now-being tasued which burn for 4 seconds instead of 3 sscends and the attent- ion of all ranks should be drawn to the necessity of carefully reading the notice in each box ofafuses giving the number of seconds the fuzes will barn AAA Twe men. 10th. L. H. Regiment were serieusly injured this morning by premature explesion of our bonbs it is not known whether this has any dennection with the change if length of fuse or not AAA Addressed Nes. 3. 4, and 6,- sections, N. E. I.R. Brisads, N. Z. Inf. Brigads, 4th. and StH. Australlan Infantry Brisades, 1st; and 3rd. L. K Bris- ades. From N.2. R. C. EE f Staps Offes to nile L M C &fhoe Mtt in M Co AUSTRALKN IMPERIAL FORCE 30 A061915I MoL b Em. EE D. 3B1. an Ja ae II HB Pl0fs dr th estention of s14 pa& to 1p laet that tmind oarho 2oe isbs ton bum for t woonds instead bf 5 Ederas and 7 e ten of all wae thoud va ararn vo o o omeu pridim porsoe i oa bet o tug ri th nwer of ps t ta a 104 E. R edentwere mrieualy in Juryt this norins by periut astocte of our powe it fo not know Whittar this has any Commetian witn the chanes in lenen of furs or nos Ask rfadraaad Nes, 24, and 6, teetimg N. E..EE Brignts, N. E. Ent. FrLnd, 4tn, and 7th. Ausle Eay P 1 d 274 adda. FEO: N. To 24 6. 22 out to OC1&.S. G. b. Cort Amex Supplieat Borsy e e on Bee amor Stap o Conorot Morr, in W. SS AUSTRALAN IMPERIAL FORCE. 30 AUG1915 BO. G
4 cto morement in direction Dewish att Keyn Br 1679 1400
C. Fom 1O Recd. PrEK Mean Uistc Serice Mistctons Office Handed in at the Da7 Of SORR MSE novement apsern al FROM PIACE TIME All Perterage, Redtrection,o r charges collected on delivery are to be bo and the particulars of such char oninto Cherges tor Dettrer to the should be ena Irm C. 2123. e Sta
Army Form C. 2123. 10.ofW s INALS ND Fiienal C. Form Office Stamp sent, or sent out Read 10 ected Paid out Pistance Returned Senice Mistion Ccares Mta/ 2 Office a Handed in at the 70 AAA - Bea& tie ort ght all peach our mus every a ght lefe mas for FROM PLACE TIME lamps affired to the face of the ccouat by me an lecied on deliver RIN AI Pederase, Redirection, aces headed Delivery and Eoborc. mounts. paid out are to be set forth in to Articulars of Such Charges and O Charges for Delivery This line should be crased if act requires
MESSACES AND SION C. Form. (Original). Crt. eoe Recd. Pietix 4 from Collected Meano Paid out Distance Returned Serite Mistctons Office at Handed in at the 70 BM SentetSME vement obstived tleS wth Sewwish FROM PLACE TIME Ser Charee Collecied va Cettery ae t C Mttron or All Pertera amounts paid on r ars of such charg ses tor De i t wont t and Received
A T TTttt M AADS SSI B Form. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. Received Poot S C OOS O. CrSIS And SrAS atoa/ Word/ 4. 1467 1 m2C 6 T0 WroryHH MA SMCNIREN aseved toward povement Ali Kuy 402 i D.C Me2 past IFTY The thy Rind to Cand tCA Mnd From Pace Time btora CU No of Message Office Stamp. 30 AAA Dervish
C.FOI Reed from SMTIS ISNSN Handed in at the 70 Sendeis Kins Hope 2213 FROM PLACE TIME AnI Corerese, RediecHes, or O particulars of such Cinges i Deter Meane ESSAGES AND SIGNALS or sent out Collected Paid out Returned Received t In Tept 1O Number. wil aris om C. 213 of Message Office Stamp. AAA 1aed Benery. and
Arms No. of Messs A.FOIM ent ou Office St Recd HON LaAl Sette MictorS Received here al X Handed in at the 70 FSeMKESMSMSE In rept tO Number Month AAA D27 a Turkish Followin. from order Durrin begins the recente arrives renafer ast itten on id Care i me are The AA4 on w King D w they turely explad DS Care ndes end ban wh watare Slis burst FROM PLACE TIME ASO All Perterage, Redirectien, or other charges collected on delivery are to be bought to account by me ans of red t he spaces peaded -Delery and and the particulars of such charges and of amounts paid out are to be set forth in wrting above, Ces wVe tte Ml C AnM SAMNNN
Army Form E. 2123. MESSACES AND SIGNALS. No. of Message C. FOrM (OSINAI Office Stamp. Sent, or sent out Recd Pretir from Collected Meae 51a1d out Distance Returned Senice Matnctons Received here at Office at Handed in at the 70 A84 - Morning the re mus bouls ake hard our vsit in have A sreps FROM PLACE TIME her charges colleced on delivery are to 1 All Porterage, Redirection, or 4 out are to be set forth Particulare of Euch Chares End Ota Charges for Delivery adia dine should
10 C.M. Form A. 88. Ar Form Army Form C. 2121. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Message.— Fle mn e nen e CE Rood. at 7 2Opm. Thismessage is on a/c of: On dOn Ltern tstone c Set Datog f -Service 68pJ mt Do B JCAF O a ty Pricedo StGM oson MEGtM AAA Dolloring 22 20 begine the hand rad har teter on the orbordo tiee nr toonlod 6r Att t ALI4 sronades orfo apuroppron ccudon 5ono morningfmt po pensiod 454 and no oooouro1N s out AsmacedaI1 Tactlont and Brione ro H.S.R.6. 1809. Ocp of Si DLDay anic Hordham Sqt. Tuliss Kindolwit BOms & Lolige R Bowdytsh - Of Ht. Switie o tonote o detach Cpy G Place man Time MAME The atove mey be sorvnted as now carrected t 31 167915 immumm ummium mm Cenier SMteAHaNoFrmMMrWUMNNM OEABA-CMS This line should be crased I not required.

COPY OF FIELD MESSAGE. 27  Recd. 6 32pm. 
Date. 30/8/15.
To: 4th. Australian Infantry Brigade.
G. 836.   30th,    ------     AAA
Please draw the attention of all ranks to the fact
that the fuzes for grenades are now being issued which
burn for 4 seconds instead of 5 seconds and the attent-
ion of all ranks should be drawn to the necessity of
carefully reading the notice in each box of fuzes giving
the number of seconds the fuzes will burn AAA  Two men
10th. L. H. Regiment were seriously injured this morning
by premature explosion of our bombs it is not known
whether this has any connection with the change in length
of fuze or not AAA  Addressed Nos. 3, 4, and 6, Sections,
N. Z. M.R. Brigade, N. Z. Inf. Brigade, 4th. and 5th.
Australian Infantry Brigades, 1st. and 3rd. L. H. Brig-
From: N. Z. R. C.
Time:  1655
Staff Officers to note
JP McGlinn Lieut. Colonel,
30 AUG1915
John Monash

COPY OF FIELD MESSAGE.    36  Recd.  6 32pm.
Date. 30/8/15.

To: 4th. Australian Infantry Brigade.
G. 836.  30th.    ------   AAA

Please draw the attention of all ranks to the fact
that the fuzes for grenades are now being issued which
burn for 4 seconds instead of 5 seconds and the attent-
ion of all ranks should be drawn to the necessity of
carefully reading the notice in each box of fuzes giving
the number of seconds the fuzes will burn AAA  Two men
10th. L.H. Regiment were seriously injured this morning
by premature explosion of our bombs it is not known
whether this has any connection with the change in length
of fuze or not AAA  Addressed Nos. 3. 4. and 6, Sections,
N. Z. M. R. Brigade, N. Z. Inf. Brigade, 4th. and 5th.
Australian Infantry Brigades, 1st. and 3rd. L. H. Brig-
From:  N. Z. R. C.
Time:  1655. 
Out to
O'sC 1,2,3,4,5 Posts
AMC, Supplies,  Bde Sigs
Bde Qms Staff Ofcrs.    
JPMcGlinn Lieut. Colonel,
30 AUG 1915 
JM Brigadier
Copy B.O. after


BM  46 
No movement in direction of  
Dervish Ali Kuyn 
14th Bn 
1700  BM1029


Army Form c. 2123   C.  
Form (Original)   
No of message..... 
Recd. From QA By CRH 
Delivery   Means...Distance 
Charges for delivery...Collected...Paid out 
Sent, or set out  At...M  By...Returned at ...M 
Office stamp 30/8 
Service instructions 
Handed in at the ... Office at       M. ... received here at 1716 M 
To BM 
*Senders Number...Day of Month...In reply to number...AAA 
No movement observed in direction of Dervish Ali Kuyn 
From...Place  13th...Time   1716


Army Form C. 2123. 
C Form (Original) 
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.                                                   
No. of Message ……… 
Recd. From NZ By ES 
Prefix...Code EF...Words...34 
Delivery   Means...Distance 
Charges for delivery...Collected...Paid out 
Sent, or sent out  At...M  By...Returned at ...M 
Office stamp 
Service instructions 
Handed in at the ...NZ Office at   M. ...  
received here at 1735 M 
To 4th AJ Bde 
*Senders Number TR35...Day of Month  30...In reply to Number...AAA
Transport 4 Carts will be sent [*at what time? BM 1031*] 
for your use all night  
AAA These must reach our  
lines before daylight every 
Capt Locke to note return pls 
W.J.M.G           JPMcG Lt Col    Bm         8 3075 
From  NZ&A Donl Train No 3 Post 1731


Army Form C2123 
C Form (Original)  
No. of Message...... 
Recd from QA  By CRH 
Prefix SM...Code...   Words... 
Charges for Delivery...Collected...Paid out 
Sent, or sent out at...M By...Returned at ...M. 
Office Stamp 30/8 
Service Instructions 
Handed in at the ... Office at...M....Received here at 1800M. 
To BM 
*Senders Number...Day of Month...30th    In reply to number...  AAA 
No movement observed in direction  
of Dervish Ali Kuyu 
From 5th Bn...Place...Time 1800


(1390) Wt. W 9044-1194. 12/14. 40,00 Pads. S. B.Ltd 
"B"  Form. ...Army form C. 2122 
No. of Message 
Prefix   SM...Code...m.         
Office of Origin and Service Instructions. ... Words...  
Received...At 1807m...From QC ...By CRH     
Sent...At... m. ...To ... By       
Office Stamp 30/8.  
TO    BM 
*Senders Number...Day of Month 30th...In reply to Number... AAA 
No movement observed toward Dervish  
Ali Kuyu 
BM 1032 
From ...O.C.  No 2 post 
Time 1807


Army Form C2123 
C Form (Original)  
No. of Message...... 
Recd from...  By... 
Prefix...Code 6 .50p      Words 16 
Charges for Delivery...Collected...Paid out 
Sent, or sent out at...M By...Returned at ...M. 
Office Stamp...  
Service Instructions... 
Handed in at the NZ... Office at...M....Received here at 745PM. 
To 4th Bde  
*Senders Number...TR36...Day of Month...30...In reply to Number...  AAA 
Hope Carts will arrive about  
From NZ 7 A Div Train...Place...No 3 Post...Time 1820


[*12 copies on face sig form out to Bns & Units 0930*] 
Army Form C2123 
C Form (Original)  
No. of Message  31 8/15 
Recd from...  By... 
Prefix SM...Code 6.30p...Words... 
Charges for Delivery...Collected...Paid out 
Sent, or sent out at...M By...Returned at ...M. 
Office Stamp...  
Service Instructions... 
Handed in at the NZ... Office at...M....Received here at 720PM. 
To 4th Aust Inf Bde 
*Senders Number...G 848...Day of Month...30...In reply to Number...  AAA 
Following is extract from a Turkish  
Division order begins the hand  
Grenade cases which arrived recently  
have the word care written on  
cases with the outside AAA  The 
fuze of these grenades is thinner  
and they are likely to 
explode prematurely AAA  
Great care must be exercised in  
handling such grenades. Ends  
thin may explain premature 
burst which occurred on 


Army form 2123 
C Form (Original)   
No. of Message... 
Recd from...  By... 
Charges for Delivery...Collected...Paid out... 
Sent, or sent out at...M By...Returned at ...M. 
Office Stamp...  
Service Instructions... 
Handed in at the... Office at...M....Received here at...M. 
To (2) 
*Senders Number......Day of Month...In reply to Number...AAA 
Sixty Metre Hill this morning  
So all Turkish bombs must be  
handled with care and not  
used at all unless ours  
have run out AAA
Addressed All Sections & Brigades 
From NZ...Place RC...Time...1825


CM Form A 39 
"A" Form. 
Army Form C. 2121 
No. of Message...  
Prefix... Code... m. 
Office of Origin and Service Instructions...Copy 
Sent...  At...m...To... By... 
This message is on a/c of: ............Service.   
Signature of Franking Officer 
Recd. at 7.20 pm... Date 30/8/15. ...From...By... 
To 4th Australian Infantry Brigade 
*Senders number G.848 ...Day of month 30th... In reply to number -----...AAA 
Following is extract from a Turkish Divisional Order 
begins the hand grenade cases which arrived recently 
have the word care written on the outside AAA  The  
fuze of these grenades is thinner and they are likely  
to explode prematurely AAA  Great care must be exer- 
cised in handling such grenades ends  This may explain  
premature burst/which occurred on sixty metre Hill this  
morning so all Turkish bombs must be handled with care  
and not used at all unless ours have run out AAA 
Addressed all Sections and Brigades. 
(From) N.Z.R.C. 1825. 
Bde Sig     CAS Day 
AMC           D Fordham Sgt 
Supplies    J Arnold[[?]] 
BQMS & Police       RJ Bowditch 
                                    JA Tweedie 
From...  To note & detach copy...Place...Time 
31 AUG1915 
(Z) 31 Aug 1915

Last edited by:
Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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