Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 8, 29 August - 30 August 1915, Part 5

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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C. Form Reed. From 4 MasteFWaK 70 SentrsKimber Dleas ye you FROM PLACE TIME All Porterage, Redirection particulars of Charses for Dettvery Means Disace Army Form C. 2123. MESSACES AND SICNALS No. of Message Office Stamp. Sent, or sent out Words2 cal Collected Paid out B08 Retned received here at OMEA 445 ancel h e hear aMveM spaces headed the face of the Delivery and
Army Form C. 2123. CES AND SICNALS. No. of Message O. Far L. COriginal Office Stamp. sent, or sent out recy Meas t C n0p Collected t8 3paid out Returned senice Honrns Received here Office at 110 at Handed in at the XX 70 Ide Number. 2a TSealef M Rm 228 at Lm 228 reply an e requet he the 30h I an Asted nmbr of Athoroughl duge Lan mn which mus ffecty and 7 Genl Goxs at Maser plice cleks takes disposdl The balance AA ays the new hold I will to Mowe thank relief sect egn. de esdary se em those Mr Hignal Dection the and enumerated in ppenc win lat ught dati i FROM PLACE TIME Stamps affixed to the lace All Porters MicMtary NS TAMOUMS 10.00 spaces headed Delivery and be ectiorin
O. FerM. COrSinaN Recd from Handed in at the 70 CME FROM PLACE TIME All Porterage, Redirection, or oth Milliti N M Cherges for Dane Code Irmy Form C. 2123. ESSACES AND SIGNALS B. of Message Sent, or sent Office Stamp Ciened Paid out Returned Received here at AAA trer 640 as coerrenee Tlvery are to be bousht to account by me ans of Siamer our are to be set forth in wriing above in the M M a
66 2 Dr00d 1710 pp 1 Date. 30B115. 20 ] 4r4. Euot ra)lan InEarEEy PrLORSE. C. 82 3021 B.N.22B. M4 In reply to your P.M. (22/B. dated 39th. August tnd C. Q. C. regrets ne) carnot reduce nimber of thoroush- 17 fit and effective men (which must be feft at Maj.- General Coxs: Aispogal when your reliers take place Epr a fer, Adys) adi] The palance wi11) nave/ 2d hold tpe per cectiop withoyt fellef and II (necessary men of Brigads Hadqyarters (AAA (Slenal] Section and those enimerated in (appendix2 and the Light duty men must take a turn in the treaches. From. N. 2.R. C. 22060 2 PoM My RONOMN No of Mossago MESSAGES AND SIGNALS Charge Pro cod Mas a This message is on ale of OMCSO OASMAnd SrTiA Instruction p4 Seron COPY ISSMITO. FMINS OMOTYIPT out to. Major Durrant, Majpr Dare, Ticht Colenel Gan RentetGKinte AAA B.M. 1035. ITRirLLetR. Tha (Brigadier regrets that, acting underr orders. itwil) he necessupy to furthef reduce the personnel arallaple ta man tpe noy DeLenaire Line. 25 pr the Pittabt men of 13th. Pattaliop and 25 stmilaf nen of 14tp. Battalian) with due rgard propartion of N. C. O.s., must he sent to frepart to Tlept. -Colonal Ernnan when pa. 2 and 3 pasts are rgated tonarron. Thape man will pe used in connection with N0.5 Past and vill be returned f thpir Units by Plent. Calone) Cannan at the earliest) possible eppertunity. Tearrile the nox defences pust be orgapized by Major purrant With) raduced nimper for the fx tine peins, land without a Pull relief. Thos Ghurge Ct - Bricada Majay 4th, Aust, Inf. Ida. Time 2045. The above may be forwarded as now correct Ca do
2 Army Form C. 2121. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Message. /Mor Ce This message is on a/c of Reed. at Atce S SnH Srice Mt Date sorvie C on o Mrnn Out to: Major Durrant. Major Dare, 1806.-601 2ce 2 reo 10 of Month F S NMNN AAA (I27E] T Bstndief Fetss Lt, Agtine undex peterA, I a111 po (nacapsury to further yadues the 7freornel. amilalls teman tp nex infersive Line. 25 of tm Pittaf men of 1Jth. Fattalipn and 29 Smilarmon of 122½ Pattelier Tith ane 20partian OF. C) O.s., must 20 sent t of resort to 1224. -902. Moman Yon No. 2 and 3 pedte are mented tomorror. Tharf hon 222 7a pard in ofnneation 22 20. past and will be returned to the ir inits 20 Foronar (Momn ot 420 1or220 22222 20 Partwnity. Moam120 50 2oDen0 po O 12d b a for Mrrint &1t4 rossod mmer for E(tmo raie. and rit yout a Tuil rallaf. - Dtr Ghan 15 Place P12a20 p102 4tn Augt. 2. 319. The above may be forwarded as now corrected. CTRS- TeFIAME M AATETFTFTETMSIMNSTIET WEAEFTET IW MSMML This line should be crased if not required. Major Dullan Dare Major Alod Caney the he Iregpet that facting ande order, it with be recessy to he to furthe reduse the persannel fawantab t to man the new difensive line. 25 of the fitteat men of B Battalin & 25 sumilad men of 14 - Huttatyn, with due proportion of N.C.O must be sent to report to Ltlol Cannan when No 22 3ports are vncated tomorrow. Thein used on Connection with No 5 port & will be these men will be returned to then cints by HCol Caman at the earliest possible opportunity Meamhile the new defences must be again red by Maje Dullant with seduced num the time being, &
Eidt. -Osionel Carnan, C.9. 17a Battalion, 10.4 Post.) Pleas make all arrangenents to errry into efreot the rollerint novesy and proceet with then unless further orders rench you of At 0900 tonorror you will temporarily take ever Cormand of No. 5 Post fall the 1ine nor helt by Lt.-Col. Poys, North of the KALATIK NETE.). Your troops will be The whols of your Battallon (less ohine Cuns) and sunh number of the fittest men or the 16th. Battalion now at the Post, as will bring the total Rustrallan treops of this Brigads at your Aisposal to 30 insinding all Office? 3. Llent,-Colonel Pope will withdraw tme balanes of the 16th, Battalion not required ts above, and Will john the remalnder of the Brisade is its move to a new pesition at suck on 315t. 4Is addition to the 750 man under your borand as abov, there vill be allotted to this pest during tonorror 359 or mors troops of ths 161st. Prigate, nating the tetal Garrison of Post Nc. 5 up to 700 for the time being. 5. Then these treops of 161st. Brignds come in, you WIIl sond back Captaln Beler and all troeys of 17th. Bat- taller, 5th. (Aust.) Brisade, to rejoin their Dattalion at Fo. 1 post, or at any other point that O. C. 17tn. Battalion may decide. 6 As soon as 6.0.c. 161st. Brignss tikee ever this o 19 12). sent intantion is that you and your Garrison bt 350 Bail reast undar him for about a yeek. Your troops are to act he iaeruober or the Britiertreopes and the earrieen at any the one the will corprise 1f Australlans and 177 British troops & alternating try every 43 hours. 700 arrangement should emble you tonorrer to pull out all men of the 16th. Eattallor pow placed under your orders, and kllew them to rest fer Af hours proterably in the present throuse oits of 17th. pat- tallon. You will make every effert to Indues c. 0. c. 161st. Brisade to allow you to Withdraw all Fourth Brigade troops at Carliest pessible inchent,! se that you may rejoin the Brigade in its nev position. Australla Wiler WEnghun .0 Brigude Majer, 4tL. Autt, Irf. Pde. 2RA7. Eoquas to ta Lon not ha bayo martis
Leadquarters, 4th. Aust. Inf. Bde. Australia Valley, Gallipert Penin. 30th. August, 1915. O. C. Divisional Train, N.L.A. Division Report Centre. In connection with the move of this Brisade from its present location to the new position, as discussed on the occasion of your visit yes terday, the Brigadier directs me to say that he will be Flad If you will Kindly arrange to place at his disosal as soon as possible after dusk this evening six carts with a complement of mule drivers for the purpose of transporting the equlyment etc., It ts theroughly under- stood that this transport, is not to be used duringte daylight, and arrangements will be made for it to be returned to your lines before daylight. The transport asked for will, a rtated be required tonight and also nightly until the nove has been completed. The prigndier will be slad if you will advise by telephons the hour tenigtt at which the transport may be expected so that loading parties, cuides, etc., may be arranged for. G KoS. t PrLSEA6 pASOT H. AuS. IE. Bas.
Army Form C. 2123. MESSACES AND SICNALS. No. of Message C. Form. (Original) Office Stamp. Sent, or sent out Words Re 4 cole Pret from llected Means 87 301 Paid out Bisnce Returned Service instructions. receives nee at6O8 Office at Handed in at the 41 T0 AAA 023 9 W Derish in movement direstion ats Syen at 600 Por FRON PLACE 1600 TIME Al Porterage, Redirecties, or her charges collecied on delivery are to be bought orm, and the parti mars of such charges and of amounts paid out are to be set fort Charses for This tne should be crased i not recutred the lace of the Cew me
C Recd SCN M L SenSEGTg as Which tice Serioush FROM PLACE TIME All Porterage, Redirectien, of torm, and the particulars of such Charges and Charses for Delivery Army Form C. 2123. ES AND SICNALS No. of Message Office Stamp. Sent, or sent out Returned £i ceived here at A repty 1O Number. AAA On all X at fices for being issu iysteed tentif &ve dipion to soul l ereft Ling second 2o W SeFior W 316 ThiSI re . 428
MESSACES AND SIGNA O. com in CORC Pretix from 3 Conected Wea Paid out Distance Senice Milctons Office at Handed in at the 70 027 espl Senat o FROM PLACE TIME All Porterage, Redirectle Or OKE- Chres colced on detter and the particulars of such charges and of amounts paid out are Charges for Delivery his line should be es Army Form C. 2123. N0. of Messate Sent, or sent out Office Stamp. Returned ived here a

C. Form. (Original).            Army Form C. 2123.
No. of Message Prefix     SM        Code     E        Words     42    
Recd.    from  NZ      By.                   ES                          .
Returned  58 
Service Instructions. 
Handed in at the   NZ    Office at    M.   Received here at  1705  M.
TO       Genl Monash  
             4th  A.I.Bde 
Number          Month       to Number 
G834                30                 --                 AAA 
Please cancel my G828 regarding
your reserve SAA   AAA This
reserve should be handed over
to the relieving Bde unless
you hear again to the
contrary  AAA  Please ackge
Lieut  McDonald
To note & return
JPMcG Lt Col
Bm 30 /8/15
Noted HMcD
FROM     NZ. R.C
TIME        16.30


(*Palmer  2 Copies
Copies book paper 
Army Form C.2123.       C.  Form (Original).            
No of Message... 
Prefix      SM      Code      E     Recd from NZ By ES  
Office Stamp 30 
Handed in at the N Z    Office at 1700 M.    Received 1710 M. 
TO       4th  A I Bde 
Sender's Number S835        
Day of  Month 30       In reply to Number. BM22B   AAA 

In reply to your Bm 22B 
dated 30th Aug. The GOC regrets he 
cannot reduce number of thoroughly 
fit and effective men which must 
be left at Major Genl Coxs 
disposal when your reliefs takes place 
for a few days AAA The balance 
will have to hold the new  
section without relief and if 
necessary men of Bde Hdqrs 
AAA Signal Section and those 
enumerated in appendix 2 and the  
light duty men must take a turn


C. Form (Original).           Army Form C. 2123.
Service Instructions
TO       5 
in the trenches

Copy to Brigadier
 FROM              N Z R C
 TIME                 1640


Copy of field
Recd. 1710.
Date. 30/8/15.
To Fourth Australian Infantry Brigade 
G 835 
BM.  22/B 
In reply to your B.M. 22/B. dated 30th. August the
G. O. C. regrets he cannot reduce number of thoroughly
fit and effective men which must be left at Maj-General
Coxs' disposal when your reliefs take place
for a few days  AAA  The balance will have to hold
the new section without relief and if necessary men
of Brigade Headquarters  AAA  Signal Section and
those enumerated in Appendix 2 and the light duty
men must take a turn in the trenches. 
From : N. Z. R. C. 
Time :16.40


"A"  Form.                               Army Form C. 2121.
From    84
TO         Out to : Major Durrant, 
                              Major Dare, 
                              Lieut.-Colonel Cannan  
 Sender    B.M. 1035.       Thirtieth.             AAA 

The Brigadier regrets that, acting under orders,
it will be necessary to further reduce the personnel
available to man the new Defensive Line.
25 of the fittest men of 13th. Battalion and 25
similar men of 14th. Battalion, with due regard
proportion of N.C.O's., must be sent to report
to Lieut -Colonel Cannan when No. 2 and 3 Posts
are vacated tomorrow.
These men will be used in connection with No.5
Post and will be returned ^to their Units by
Lieut -Colonel Cannan at the earliest possible opportunity.
Meanwhile the new defences must be organized by
Major Durrant with reduced number for the in time
being, and without a full relief.

From            JP McGlinn Lt.-Col.
Place           Brigade Major 4th. Aust. Inf. Bde.
Time 2045    
30th. August, 1915.


"A" Form       Army Form C. 2121.
From   54
TO Out to : Major Durrant,
                      Major Dare, ✓
                       Lieut.-Colonel Cannan ✓
Sender's Number
 B.M. 1035
Day of Month

The Brigadier regrets that, acting under orders, it
will be necessary to further reduce the personnel
available to man the new defensive line
25 of the fittest men of the 13th. Battalion and 25
similar men of 14th. Battalion, with due proportion
of N.C O's., must be sent to report to
Lieut Colonel Cannan when No. 2 and 3 Posts are vacated tomorrow.
These men will be used in connection with No.5
Post and will be returned to their Units by 
Lieut - Colonel Cannan at the earliest possible opportunity.
Meanwhile the new defences must be organised by
Major Durrant with reduced number for the time
being, and without a full relief.

From  JP McGlinn Lt.-Col.
Place  Brigade Major 4th. Aust. Inf. Bde.
Time 2045    30th. August, 1915.  

Bm 1035  Palmer
Major Durrant           Copy for
Major Dare                 BM pls
Lt. Col. Cannan            
The Brigadier regrets that acting under orders, it will
be necessary for him to further reduce the
personnel available to man the new defensive
25 of the fittest men of 13th Battalion &
25 similar men of 14th Battalion, with due
proportion of N.C.O's must be sent to report
to Lt Col. Cannan when Nos 2 & 3 posts are
vacated tomorrow.  
These men will be ^used in connection with No 5 post & will be returned to their units
by Lt Col. Cannan at the earliest possible
opportunity. -
Meanwhile the new defences must be organized 
by Major Durrant with reduced numbers for
the time being, & without a full relief.


Lieut.-Colonel Cannan,
C. O. 15th. Battalion,
(No. 4 Post.)
1. Please make all arrangements to carry into effect
the following moves; and proceed with them unless further
orders reach you:
2. At 0900 tomorrow you will temporarily take over
command of the No. 5 Post (all the line now held by Lt.-Col.
Pope, North of the KAIAJIK DERE.). Your troops will be
The whole of your Battalion (less Machine  Guns) and such
number of the  fittest men of the 16th. Battalion now at
the Post, as will bring the total Australian troops of
this Brigade at your disposal to 350 including all officers
3. Lieut.-Colonel Pope will withdraw the balance of
the 16th. Battalion not required as above, and will join
the remainder of the Brigade in its move to a new position
at dusk on 31st.
4. In addition to the 350 men under your command as
above, there will be allotted to this Post during tomorrow
350 or more troops of the 161st. Brigade, making the total
garrison of Post No. 5 to 700 for the time being.
5. When these troops of 161st. Brigade come in, you
will send back Captain Beier and all troops of 17th. Battalion,
5th. (Aust.) Brigade, to rejoin their Battalion
at No. 1 Post, or at any other point that O. C. 17th.
Battalion may decide.
6. As soon as G.O.C. 161st. Brigade takes over this
Sub-section, you will pass under his orders, and the present 

intention is that you and your garrison of 350
shall remain under him for about a week. Your troops
are to act as "instructors" of the British troops; and
the garrison at any time one time will comprise 175
Australians and 175 British troops - alternating say
every 48 hours.
7. Above arrangement should enable you tomorrow to
pull out all men of the 16th. Battalion now placed
under your orders, and allow them to rest for 48 hours
- preferably in the present bivouac site of 15th. Battalion.
8. You will make every effort to induce G. O. C.
161st. Brigade to allow you to withdraw all Fourth
Brigade troops at earliest possible moment, so that you
may rejoin the Brigade in its new position.
JP Mc GLINN  Lt.-Col
Brigade Major, 4th. Aust. Inf. Bde.
Australia Valley
Copies to Lt. Col Pope no 5 Post
                  Major Martin   "   "    "


Headquarters, 4th.Aust. Inf. Bde.
Australia Valley, Gallipoli Penin.
30th. August, 1915.

O. C. Divisional Train,
N.Z.A. Division Report Centre. 

In connection with the
move of this Brigade from its present location to the new
position, as discussed on the occasion of your visit yesterday,
the Brigadier directs me to say that he will be
glad if you will kindly arrange to place at his disposal
as soon as possible after dusk this evening six carts
with a complement of mule drivers for the purpose of
transporting the equipment etc..
It is thoroughly understood
that this transport is not to be used during xxx
daylight, and arrangements will be made for it to be
returned to your lines before daylight.
The transport asked for
will, as stated., be required tonight and also nightly
until the move has been completed. The Brigadier will
be glad if you will advise by telephone the hour tonight
at which the transport may be expected so that loading
parties, guides, etc., may be arranged for.

Brigade Major, 4th. Aust. Inf. Bde.


Army Form C. 2123.
No. of Message
Recd. from GA By RH                    Prefix   SM   
Service Instructions.
Received 1608 M.
TO  B M   
*Sender's Number GA126     Day of Month. 30th 
In reply to Number     AAA 

No movement in direction of Dervish
Ali Kuyu at 1600
FROM   13th 
TIME  1600


[*10 Copies*]
C. Form. (Original). 
Army Form C. 2123.
Prefix  SM    Code  E Ap
Office Stamp    37
Handed in at the   NZ     Office at    M.   Received here at 3 p M.
TO       4th Aust Inf Bde 
Senders No G836   Day of Month.  30 In reply to Number.    AAA 

Please draw the attention of all
ranks to the fact that the fuzes
for Grenades are now being issued
which burn for 4 seconds instead of
5 seconds and the attention of
all ranks should be drawn to 
the necessity of carefully reading the
notice in each box of fuzes giving
the number of seconds the fuzes will  
burn AAA Two men 10th L H regt were
seriously injured this morning by premature


Army Form C. 2123.        C. Form. (Original).
Office Stamp 
TO  2 
explosion of our bombs
It is not known whether this has
any connection with the change in
length of fuze or not AAA

Addressed No 3, 4, & 6 Sections
N Z  M R Bde
NZ Inf Bde
4th & 5th Aust Inf Bde
1st & 3rd L H Bde

FROM   N. Z. R. C
TIME 1655

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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