Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 8, 29 August - 30 August 1915, Part 4

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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C. Fom, COrd from 8J Service instruction Handed in at the 70 se FROM PLACE TIME Al Port Ea Distance LES AND SIGNAI aid out OtIe Bansbor llecied on delivery are to be are to be s M t mn t A Army Form C. 2123. No. of Messa Office Stamp. ent, or sent out Returned Received here af t Ble 400 10 Number. 224 ompany l 1ce of very and
40 15/ n 4 movement I2 Nto 30/8/15 DERMSE 1458 MIRUTE.
Army Form C. 2123 MESSACES AND SICNAL. No. of Message E. Form. COrISINa Office Stamy Recd. Sent, or sent out c Words FomG CoMeares Mo Paid out Vistonc Returned Senice MisteBis OMe a530 Handed in at the Received nere a 15354 4 10 de FSSMNVE a04 H Novement ported die it V1 XXIX F80 13 n 1530 PLACE TIME All Porterage, Redirection, or other charges collected on delivery are to be bought to account by me ans of Stamps affired 50 , and the particulars of such charges and of amount om are to be set forth in writing above, in the spaces headed Delivery and Certo C t lS N MnSFWININ
15 that e provetians p4 on 18 ALGAUNY DARVISE 30101 $550 4r t et
tators 416 22 4tm Anstratton D. 310. Australia Valley,)Anzac, Hadgnarters, 30th. August 1915. N. E. and A. Division, Inanninieation of By p.M. 1018 of boday. I find byself confrented pi4h tre apurte reppenst- eility bf peet ins) the featifegents of MaJoreconerat Cox for 4 carrison or 350 p2403 (no of tuegtop ot vo gut ho foughy prfeot tye and 7it penr, (and it the cing tine of rinding ap adequate (carrison for the per) section allot- ted so he (La Foree Orser No. 21. & therefore punit for th intemation of the S.G.C. a pareful analysis (appendix 1) of the tetat personnat atmy asspoel Boday. I snould add that of this percommt at) 1east 50 have been exemnted by the Reginersal askars Mcait and are sstek in the fines)apt Officers fron all duty 0 115 at 182st another fo pare peen namett by than aut57 BriS.psenl 4t4. Audt. Inf. B1e. Std
the D2 dine Lnall nth t be Salleng 4 ary ter t60 wit they 13th y 14 at cast of 8 p2 hive lore th thoe
3 at 1 102 3 tor wl Borigende 14th the 12 &w t &er care ta bi supp 6 $2. 1 Port of pesent Sub sis 161t Butish Bgade Upa by trut taken will report to order as to Hiltation & the Machin the shitin with the ditichment will go into Gr 9e 16th N Neceive in the new Reserve, owonac Afra will allot practions 9. The Mighte Meshing oe hine for the Machin a rear postionin & pport. 5 onthations for the Mactin Loing of the 15th All trench stores (bom will be handed ove 2i trop chived inter J d Limen fuc h N
123 44 bu mp &t an collected, & returned 13 2 30/8/15 Copy N1 DcN 1lat tyson dit apoment sop an
C 5 Bae. Readcuarters, 4tn. Aust. Mf., (Pesding Bcc. 24s) Australis Valley, Ansac, seths Aucust, 1815. WANONN 60 20. The following are the arrengements for the sove of the troem of Nc, 1 subsection to a new resition in the Defensive Line. srecial instructions have been issued regarding &c, 5 Pest & the disrsal of 15th. and lath. Battaliens. The new section of the Defensive Line extends from the stree abed of the Aghyl pere near the D close to se.D.s (streambed exclusive) in a southerly direction to the knol 1l0 just East of se.D.S (knoll inclusive). The new Reserve Mvouac, and Brigade Reedquarters, will be in the velley which runs between 12.L.S and 6. Troons of the 1sist. British Brigede arrive in Austrglis Valley suring the coning night, and the following night. Unon being relieved - suring Gaylient on August Sist, by these troops - the 13th., 16th., and 17th. Battalion detsils Including Machine Cuns at present in Fos. 2 4 3 Poots vil l be The 15th. 4 44th. Battalions will proceed, after withdrawn. Cark, to Reserve Bivoune (see para 4 above) and the setsils of 17th. Battalion vill report to their C.c. at Ne. 1 Pest. on sert. ist. Major Durrant vill take over the new Defensive Ldne from troops of the 3rth. British Brigade, and vill non the reat with treops of the 15th. 4 14th. Pattalions - one half as Garrison - renaincer in Divouse in alose support. on sept. ist. No. 1 rest of present subsection will t taken over by troops of the 161st. Britian Brigace. Uron conpletion, C.0. 17th. Bettalion vill report for orters as to the future disrecal of this Battalion, and the Nachine cuns of 15th. and 18th. Battalions with their detainments will go into reserve in the new Reserve Bivouac. e
(81. 51 The Brigade Nachine oun officer vill allot positions in the new Defensive Line for the Mechine ouns of the 13tn. 1ath. Battalionsy and in a reer resition in ourport for the Machine Cuns of the 15th. Pattalion. All trench stores (bombs, flares, priseores and perissere 10. Fifles) will be handed ever to inconing troers, and taken over from troons relieved in new resitions but all loose MarK VI anmimition, Mcks, ahovels, loose sand-bags, wter recertacles, and other reginental requisites will be cars- Tully collected, under quard, and graduslly resoved to new locations all of theee surplus to Bettalion requiresents to be at once delivered to Brigade auan, for renoval under prig ade arrangements. Every effort is to be mase to hand ever trenches and Div- 11. onacs in an exenplary condition of cleenliness and te gee that all spare arms, equinsent and stores are collected and return- ed to prigode dump. Brigade Readquarters will neve to new resition at ises on 12. Aucust Sist. HewEbax 4.-Col. Brieade Nejot, Sin. Aust, Ir. sae. Issued at 1530. s0/s/ 1915. cory &o. 1 6.c. vc. 1 rest. com Do. r. E.c. offier " 0.0. stalf officers. 3 9.C. " 6.C0 10 War Mary. .0. Records. , 6 Cartain Beiers.

Army Form C. 2123.    C. Form. (Original).  MESSAGES AND SIGNALS No. of Message 
Recd. from  NZ  By C Gray  
Prefix  JM Code BH     Words 46                               
Sent, or sent out
At ………………..M.
By 57
at ………………M. 
Delivery       Means... Distance...                                          
Charges for delivery  Collected...Paid out                     By 57 
Service Instructions
Handed in at the NZ Office at ......M.    Received 1540 M. 
TO    4th  Aust  Inf  Bde 
Sender's Number G828 Day of Month 30  In reply to Number BM1024 AAA 
The ammunition should accompany 
should your brigade Hdqrs aaa Please 
make arrangements to remove it 
by requisitioning for mule transport 
from O.C. Mule Transport Mule 
Gully before 1700 on the 
day transport is required 
FROM       NZ R C 
TIME           14.36


From 14th Btn - 30/8/15 - 14.58 
No movement on DERVISE  ALIKUYU 


23            Army Form C. 2123.          
C. Form. (Original).  MESSAGES AND SIGNALS     No of Message 
Recd. from   Q A    By DR   
Prefix SM      Code C9    words 
Delivery  Means.    Distance 
Charges for delivery Collected  Paid out 
Sent, or sent out  At    m  By... Returned at ...m 
Office stamp  30/8/15 BQ 
Service Instructions  
Handed in at the        QA Office at 1530 M.   Received here at 1535 M. 
TO                                   4th  Bde 
*Sender's number.  Day of Month 30 In reply to Number      AAA          
No Movement reported in 
direction of   DERVISE, 
FROM            13th Bn    1530 


14th Bn reports that there 
in no movement on  (26) 
30/8/15     1552 


B.M.M.22.  22B.                                                  Headquarters,  77     70                                                                                                     4TH. Australian Inf. Bde. 
                                                                                Australia Valley, Anzac, 
                                                                                  30th. August, 1915. 
N. Z. and A.  Division, 
In amplification of my B.M.1018, of today. 
I find myself confronted with the double responsi- 
bility of meeting the requirements of Major-General Cox 
for a garrison of 350 which he stipulates must be xxxx 
"thoroughly effective and fit men",  and at the same time 
of finding an adequate garrison for the new Section allot- 
ted to me in Force Order No. 21. 
I therefore submit for the information of the G.O.C. 
a careful analysis (appendix 1) of the total personnel 
at my disposal today. 
I should add that of this personnel, at least 50 
have been exempted by the Regimental Officers Medi^c al 
Officers "from all duty" and are sick in the lines, and 
at least another 50 have been marked by them "for light 
                                                                  -------------   Brig. -Genl 
                                                              Commanding 4th. Aust. Inf. Bde. 


(22)      Headquarters 
All first [[?]]  4th Australian Inf. Brigade 
Australia Valley 
( [[?]]     B.O. 249)  30th August 1915  To,                                     
1.The following are the arrangements for the move  
of the troops of No 1 Sub-section to a new position
in the Defensive Line.
2. Special instructions have been issued regarding 
 No 5 post & the disposal of 15th & 16th Battalions. 
3. The new section of the Defensive line extends from 
the   xxx streambed of the Aghyl Dere near the D close 
to 80.D.2. (streambed exclusive) in a southerly 
direction to the Knoll 110 just east of 80.D.5. 
(Knoll inclusive) 
4. The new Reserve Bivouac, and Brigade Head Quarters 
will be in the valley which runs between 92.x.5 & 6 
5. Troops of the 161st British Brigade arrive in Australian 
Valley during the coming night, & the following night 
6. Upon being relieved - during daylight on Aug 31st by 
these troops – the 13th, 14th & 17th Battalion details including Machine guns at 
present in No 2 & 3 posts will be withdrawn. The 13th 
& 14th Battalion will proceed after dusk to Reserve 
Bivouac (see para 4 above) & the details of 17th Bn


will report to their C.O. at No 1 post.          21 
7. On Sep.1. Major Durrant will take over the new 
defensive line from troops of the 39th British Brigade 
& will man the post with troops of the 13th & 14th 
Battalions – one-half as garrison - remainder in 
bivouac in close support. 
8. On Sep.1.  No 1 Post of present sub-section will be 
taken over by troops of the 161st British Brigade. Upon 
completion, C.O. 17th Bn will report for orders as to 
the future disposal of this Battalion; & the Machine 
Guns of  15th and 16th Bns with their detachments will go into 
reserve in the new Reserve Bivouac. 
9. The Brigade Machine Gun officer will allot positions on 
the new defensive line for the Machine Guns of the 
13th & 14th Battalions; & in a rear position in support, 
for the Machine Guns of the 15th Bn.– 
10. All trench stores (bombs, flares periscopes & periscope rifles) 
will be handed over to incoming troops, & taken over  
troops relieved in new position; but all have Mark VI ammunition 
picks, shovels, of loose sandbags, water receptacles, & other 
regimental requisites will be carefully collected, under 
guard, & gradually removed to new location; all of those 
surplus to Battalion requirements to be at once delivered to  
Brigade dump, for removal under Brigade arrangements .


⇡12. Brigade Headquarters will move to new position 
⇡at 1900 on Aug 31. —                         20
⇡11. Every effort is to be made to hand over trenches & 
bivouac in an exemplary condition of cleanliness 
& to see that all spare arms, equipment & stores are 
collected & returned to Brigade dump. 
13  When the move has been completed the 
corps are right in the Bn 
Lt Col
Issue at 1530  30/8/15 
Copy No 1            OC No 1 Post 
         2                              2 
         3                              3 
         4                             4 
         5                             5 
         6                    Capt Bains 
         7                     [[?]] Officer 
         9)                    Staff Officer 
        10                     War Diary 
        12)                     Records 


 82                                           S.O.  Copy 7  
(Pending B.O. 349)  
 Headquarters, 4th. Aust. Inf. Bde                              
 Australia Valley, Anzac, 
 30th. August,  1915. 
1.The following are the arrangements for the move of the troops 
of No, 1 Subsection to a new position in the Defensive Line. 
2. Special instructions have been issued regarding No, 5 Post & 
the disposal of the 15th. and 16th. Battalions. 
3. The new section of the Defensive Line extends from the stream 
-bed of the Aghyl Dere near the D close to 80.D.5. (streambed 
exclusive) in a southerly direction to the Knoll 110 just East 
of 80.D.5. (Knoll inclusive). 
4. The new Reserve Bivouac, and Brigade Headquarters, will be 
in the valley which runs between 92.X.5 and 6. 
5. Troops of the 161st. British Brigade arrive in Australia 
Valley during the coming night, and the following night. 
6. Upon being relieved - during daylight on August 31st, by 
these troops - the 13th., 14th., and 17th. Battalion details 
including Machine Guns at present in Nos. 2 & 3 posts will be 
withdrawn.  The 13th. & 14th. Battalions will proceed, after 
dusk, to Reserve Bivouac (see para 4 above) and the details of 
17th. Battalion will report to their C.O. at No. 1 Post. 
7. On Sept. 1st. Major Durrant will take over the new Defensive 
Line from troops of the 39th. British Brigade, and will man 
the Post with troops of the 13th. & 14th. Battalions - one half 
as garrison - remainder in bivouac in close support. 
8. On Sept. 1st. No. 1 Post of present subsection will be taken 
over by troops of the 161st British Brigade. Upon completion, 
C.O. 17th. Battalion will report for orders as to the future 
disposal of this Battalion; and the Machine Guns of the 15th, and 
16th Battalions with their detachments will go into reserve in 
the new Reserve Bivouac. 


9. The Brigade Machine Gun Officer will allot positions in 
the new Defensive Line for the Machine Guns of the 13th. & 
14th. Battalions; and in a rear position in support for the 
Machine Guns of the 15th. Battalion. 
10. All trench stores (bombs, flares, periscope and periscope 
rifles) will be handed over to incoming troops, and taken 
over from troops relieved in new position; but all loose 
Mark VX ammunition, picks, shovels, loose sand-bags, water 
receptacles, and other regimental requisites will be carefully 
collected, under guard, and gradually removed to new 
location; all of these surplus to Battalion requirements to 
be at once delivered to Brigade dump, for removal under Brigade 
11. Every effort is to be made to hand over trenches and bivouacs 
in an exemplary condition of cleanliness and to see that 
all spare arms, equipment and stores are collected and returned 
to Brigade dump. 
12. Brigade Headquarters will move to new position at 1900 on 
August 31st. 
J Ruskin  Lt.-Col 
Brigade Major, 4th. Aust. Inf. Bde. 
Issued at 1530, 30/8/1915. 
Copy No, 1  O.C. No. 1 Post.                               
     '       '   , 2 O.C.   '    2    '    .                                
     '       '    3  O.C.   '    3    '   .                                            
     '       '    4  O.C.   '   4    '    .                                                 
     '       '    5  O.C.    '   5   '     .                                            
      '      '    6  Captain Beiers.    
      '      '     7 MG Officer           
     '        '    8  Staff Officers 
     '        '    9       " 
     '        '    10  War Diary 
     '       '     11    Records 
     '       '     12       " 


Copy 9 
(Pending B.O. 249)            Headquarters, 4th. Aust. Inf. Bde,. 
                                                Australia Valley, Anzac  30th. August 1915 
MEMORANDUM                              (82)  

1.    The following are the arrangements for the move of the troops  
 of No. 1 Subsection to a new position in the Defensive Line.
 2.   Special instructions have been issued regarding No. 5 Post &
 the disposal of 15th and 16th Battalions. 
3.     The new section of the Defensive Line extends from the stream  
-bed of the  Agyl Dere near the D close to 80D2 (streambed 
exclusive) in a southerly direction to the knoll 110 just East of 80.D.5 (Knoll Inclusive) 
4. The new Reserve Bivouac, and Brigade Headquarters, will be  
   in the valley, which runs between 22.X.5 and 6. 
5.      Troops of the 161st. British Brigade arrive in Australia  
     Valley during the night, and the following night. 
6.     Upon being relieved - during daylight on August 31st, by 
those troops - the 13th., 14th., and 17th., Battalion details including Machine Guns at present in Nos. 2 & 3 Posts will be  
withdrawn. The 13th. & 14th Battalions will proceed, after 
 dusk, to Reserve Bivouac (see para 4 above) and the details of  
 17th. Battalion will report to their C.O. at No. 1 Post. 
7. On Sept. 1st Major Durrant will take over the new Defensive 
Line from troops of the [[54th]] British Brigade, and will man 
the post with troops of the 13th. & 14th. Battalions - one half  
as Garrison - remainder in bivouac in close support. 
8. On Sept. 1st. No. 1 Post of present subsection will be taken  
over by troops of the 131st British Brigade. Upon completion, 
 C.O.  17th Battalion will report for orders as to the future 
disposal of this Battalion; and the Machine Guns of the 15th. and 
16th. Battalions with their detachments will go into reserve in  
the new Reserve Bivouac.


(2)                             (81) 
9. The Brigade Machine Gun Officer will allot positions in the new Defensive Line for the Machine Guns of the 13th. & 
14th Battalions; and in a rear position in support for the 
Machine Guns of the 15th Battalion. 
10. All trench stores (bombs, flares, periscopes and periscope 
rifles) will be handed over to incoming troops, and taken 
over from troops relieved in new position; but all loose 
Mark IV ammunition, picks, shovels, loose sand-bags, water 
receptacles, and other regimental requisites would be care- 
fully collected, under guard, and gradually removed to new 
location; all of these surplus to Battalion requirements to 
be at once delivered to the brigade dump, for removal under brig- 
ade arrangements. 
11. Every effort is to be made to hand over trenches and biv- 
ouacs in an exemplary condition of cleanliness and to see that 
all spare arms, equipment and stores are collected and return- 
ed to Brigade dump 
13. Brigade Headquarters will move to new position at 1900 on 
August 31st. 
                            JP McGlinn  Lt-Col 
                             Brigade Major, 4th Aust, Inf, Bde. 
Issued at 1530. 30/8/1915 
Copy No 1  O.G.  No  1 Post.                   Copy  No. 7, MG Officer. 
   '         '    2  O. G.  '     2       '.                     '         '    8 Staff Officers 
   '         '    3  O.G.   '     3       '.                      '         '   9     '           ' 
   '         '    4  O.G.   '     4      '.                       '         '   10 War Diary 
   '         '     5  O.G    '     5      '.                        '         '  11 Records 
   '         '     6  O.G.   '      6 Captain Beiers  '        ' 12          '  

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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