Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 8, 29 August - 30 August 1915, Part 3

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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Army Form C. 2123. No. of Message Office Stamp. Sent, or sent out 50 Collected Paid out Returned Seniite Msttcttons t4 received here of OLC OneO Handed in at the 70 tis AAA onon torps dated Following fht et 6 cha actent Senth prepi towards seemgh at 112 a and dersen synt Anafor also Derriph Str Kuyi Considerable amoun moveing affer ant infunte nd med rumn ap At Anafatty apea fedich FROM PLACE for TIME All Porterage, Redirection, very are to be bought M AIAIMN M, and the particulars of Such Char are to be se Charges for Delivery 10
Army Form C. 2123 AND SIGNALS No. of Message SSA 6 Fo Oice Slams. Sent, or sent out Recd. Cose from 3 Collected Paid out Distance Returned Office a Rect Handed in at the I NX 70 - SNumber. AAA 29 bombe have boted No io pt ection returnedd been a The in th AA urgenc bombs cannot as nad ualess ANEAC isued our be Our boxe are sumpplieh AAt pleted Comb reserve act inemplie ne £o i Donal itte FROM PLACE N0 TIME he face of the All Porterage, Redirectien, or other charges collecied on delivery are to be boy sacce Rended PDencyT And 1 our are to be set harges and of a i, an TREI a
Army Form C. 2123. SACES A WALS N0 No. of Message an21 O.F sent, or sent out Office Stamp. cot Words Pretis from Collected 1e228 aid out Distance MReturned Serite MistetBr. Office a Received here at Handed in at the T0 h Senders e A24 my B423 X8 tyering Dive ion g bout boyes that rded ther but a int oppd pply 4A box Cs wd return le mpty t X J19 FROM PLACE TIME All Porterage, Redirection, or other charges colleced on delivery are to t Hixed to the face of the . ar particulars of such charges and of amounts paid out are to be set forth Delive Charges for De 1 t. MN. E MAISVANNN
C. FOrM. (OrSIMAN F0m Mea Distance Handed in at the 70 5 Da Terence N lease towards Der po FROM PLACE TIME All Porterage, Redirecties, or other & term, and the particu such Char Charges for Delivery Army Form C. 2123. SSACES AND SIC WESed sent out Nfice Stamp Collected Paid out Returne Office at received her Month AAA 4 i ber l tk ish 1Al dce nys ae and CACCO 14 om are to be set Pabore, in the Speces Nesded -Detvery. and Te Fanc FS MA S MI SINANIN
to movement has been notocied in the Direction DERVISE ALIFUVV. Luonn 141 Bn 125 4 1258 he Jandin 152 about dozer Small perty Links abt 1700 2ds v & wel 60 cn monend sae aben i Sn.s Bo 1023
Ne movement has been notocied fer the Direction DERVISE ALIRUVV. from 14 Bn 1215 for 42 174 B latle En citiily Vey ou would I silld 6 wordd
o/8/11 St. Col. Cannan C.O.15t Nattation (N bot) I Prease make all arangement to carry into effect the following move; and proceed with them unters fnother orders reach you 2. At 0900 tomorrow you will temporarily tike over Command of No 5 post Call, time now hild by H Cot Copey Worth of the Kanapick Der) - Yond troop will be (less Mastin Guis the whole of your Battation, and such number of the fitter men of the 16th Huttationnow at the port as Anspitian of this lge will boing the total toops at your disposal to 350 includty all officer, 3. Lo Col. Pape will inthdrans the balane of the 16th Mathation not required as above, & will you the remainder of the Brigude in its move to a new position at dusk on 31s I. In addition to the 350 men under you command as above, thes will be allotted to this post duing tow or 350 or more troop of the 161st Brigade, making the total gallison of Pat N. 5. up to 700 for the time being S. When thene troop of 161t Hguse come ne, you will send busk Capt. Beic & all taps of 17th Wattag 5th (ohrt] Wgise, to repon thei Mattation at 11 port, o at any other poin that C C.17th pution mey deads C p dwn a C0 C 16th Byoe tike sub siction, you will pass unde his order, & the prsent intention in that you & your parrson of 350 shall remain under him for about a week- You trieps are to act as instructors of the Hutish twopy, time wily compuse 175 & the garnson at any Anstalian & 175 Hubish troops - alterating say every 48 homs. tomoorer to pull ow) T Above arlangement should mable you to par fall men of the 16th Huttation now placed under you orders, & allow them to reat hr 48 homs - properably in the present bronac sit of 15th Hittation 8. You will make everly effort to induce 60.C. 1614 Brgade to allow you to withdroan all Fouth Wigade thope at earliest possible moment, so that you may refurn the thignd in its new position Copies to Sat Cope C16t W Majr Marte C0 17t
rom 14 £2 Ite monement on Bpr DERVISEALIRUNU. 1808 30/115 MFON Army Form C. 2121 MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Message. 2N ErClIED CodeI./Word CharSe This Message is on a/c of: Rec. A 1321 MMg ook & SefC InstMSions servce. (Oate Beny 2 pit lm. FroN 70 £ bat3 T StnAENFIAMM OMCCTNOY 17 BA2 of aees wore o e on T. 16 TO MMOO AAA VAI heith H Turke perpr setental hundred faid HXII 494A + KIC SAS B From Place 2001 Time The above may be forwarded as now corrected. 9Sa Hatks CCNSOT Signature of Addresser or person authorized to telegraphin pisaame. This tine should be crased it not required. MOR
M F Form C. 2121 No. of Message MESSAGES AND SICNALS. Ec4co00i/Words] Chae Te Hane & OSSC. Recd. at Cllceporo & SeeS MAICSIORS. ne RoKe t Stenature of FraAnIn OMcer7/ 67 H Bgae SeAAESN Day of Month. in reply to Number. AAA onement No dinsiou in FKVIEH ALI KIYU A1 1400 FTOM Place Time 1412 The above may be forwarded as now corrected. art CenSOT. Senature AfAddrester Ofpersonaitheried WillEGraphin Mis hame. This fine should be erased if not required. f From 14 29/8/18 1408 movement on 1002t18C24N0 te 5r

File work
no Bleed 
C.M. Form A 39 (b)
Army Form C 2123
C Form. (Original.)  MESSAGES AND SIGNALS No. of Message
Prefix   10 5 A Code   Words
Charges for Delivery.
Paid out
Sent, or sent out
At     13  M.
at  M.
Office Stamp     30/8/15   BG
Service Instructions. 
Handed in at the   NZ   Office at  10 5   M.    Received here at  10 20    M.
TO 4th Aust I B 
*  Senders Number.     Day of Month.   In reply to Number     AAA
G819                                  30
Following from 9th Corps dated 
0750 begins quiet night
Situation unchanged
Tenth Div report much activity
observed at Hill 112 towards
Buyuk Anafarta and in direction
Dervish Ali Kuyu also considerable
amount of traffic and movement
of mounted men on road
running SW from Buyuk Anafarta
Ends: Repeated all Sections & Brigadiers
PLACE    NZ Report Centre
TIME                   10.00


Army Form C 2123
C Form. (Original.)  MESSAGES AND SIGNALS No. of Message
Prefix  SM Code  10 40a Words
Charges for Delivery.
Paid out
Sent, or sent out
At      M.
Returned  77
at  M.
Office Stamp     
Service Instructions. 
Handed in at the N.Z     Office at     M.    Received here at   10 30a   M.
TO 4th Aust Inf Bde
*  Senders Number.     Day of Month.   In reply to Number     AAA
NZQ 870                          30
No empty bomb boxes have 
yet been returned from Section
Six  AAA  The matter is of 
Great urgency as bombs cannot 
be issued from ANZAC unless 
boxes are supplied AAA  Our
bomb reserve practically depleted
owing to failure to return empties
Lt McDonald   
J P McG Lt Col 
BM 1021 
FROM     NZ & A Div 
PLACE    No 2 post 10.35 
TIME       30/8/15 


Army Form C 2123
C Form. (Original.)  MESSAGES AND SIGNALS No. of Message
Prefix   Code  11 11a Words
Charges for Delivery.
Paid out
Sent, or sent out
At      M.
By    76
at  M.
Office Stamp     
Service Instructions. 
Handed in at the JBK  Office at     M.    Received here at   11 15a   M.
TO 4th Aust Inf Bde
*  Senders Number.     Day of Month.   In reply to Number     AAA
IDA 7530                         
Ref my IDA 25 of 25th AAA
Division are again wiring
that no empty bomb boxes
have been returned AAA
The matter is most urgent as
the supply of bombs is stopped
by want of boxes AAA Please 
take immediate steps to return
all empty bomb boxes
Bm 1019
FROM     6 Section
PLACE    1100


Army Form C 2123
C Form. (Original.)  MESSAGES AND SIGNALS No. of Message
Prefix   Code  11 18a Words
Charges for Delivery.
Paid out
Sent, or sent out
At      M.
at  M.
Office Stamp     14
Service Instructions. 
Handed in at the JBK  Office at     M.    Received here at   11 20a   M.
TO General Monash
*  Senders Number.     Day of Month.   In reply to Number     AAA
1110                                    30
Reference NZA RC Number G819
Please keep a very Careful look out
towards Dervish Ali Kuyu direction
and report all movements
Nos. 2 & 3
posts Bm 1020
FROM     6 Section
PLACE    1110


Bn 22B [[Heol ??]] 
N.Z.&A Dns                                                    
In amplification of my B.M.1018 of today 
I find myself confronted with the double 
responsibility of meeting the requirements of Major 
General Cox for a garrison of not les 350 which he 
stipulates must be "thoroughly effective & fit men" 
and at the same time of finding an adequate 
garrison for the new section allotted to me in 
Force order No. 21. — 
I therefore submit for the information of the 
G.O.C. a careful analysis (appendix 1) of 
the total personnel at my disposal today. 
I should add that of this personnel at least 
50 have been exempted by the Regt. Med. officers 
"from all duty" & are sick in the lines, & at least another 
50 have been marked by them "for light duty". 
OW 1200  30/8/15 
Brig. Genl. 
Cowray 4th  (Aust) Inf. Bde


No movement has been noticed 
in the direction DERVISE ALIKUYU 
from 14th Bn 1215 
Bm 1023 
Lt Gardiner 13th 
Small party Turks about dozen abt 1700 
yds N of Hill 60 
Only movement so far observed is 
Bm 1023


No movement has been noticed
in the Direction DERVISE ALIKUYU
from 14th Bn 1215.
Bm 1023

17th Bn
Very little  en  activity
1 Ofer wounded   3 men killed
                                 6   "      wounded
                                 1 to hospital


Out 12.50               30/8/15
Lt. Col. Cannan
C.O. 15th Battalion.
(No. 4 Post)
1. Please make all arrangements to carry into effect
the following moves; and proceed with them unless
further orders reach you:-
2. At 0900 tomorrow you will temporarily take over
Command of No5 post (all the line now held by Lt Col
Pope, North of the Kaiajick Dere). - Your troops will be
the whole of your Battalion (less Machine Guns) and such number of the fittest
men of the 16th Battalion as will now at the post as 
will bring the total Australian troops of this Brigade at your disposal to 350 including
all officers.
3. Lt Col. Pope will withdraw the balance of the 16th Battalion
not required as above, & will join the remainder of the
Brigade in its move to a new position at dusk on 31st.
4. In addition to the 350 men under your command as 
above, there will be allotted to this post during tomorrow
350 or more troops of the 161st Brigade, making the 
total garrison of Post No 5 up to 700 for the time being.
5. When these troops of 161st Brigade come in, you
will send back Capt Beier & all troops of 17th Battalion
5th (Aust.) Brigade, to rejoin their battalion at No 1

post, or at any other point that O.C. 17th Battalion
may decide. -                                                         
6. As soon as G.O.C 161st Brigade takes over this
Sub-section, you will pass under his orders, & the
present intention is that you & your garrison of 350
shall remain under him for about a week - Your 
troops are to act as 'instructors' of the British troops;  -
& the garrison at any one time will comprise 175
Australians & 175 British troops - alternating say 
every 48 hours.
7. Above arrangement should enable you to post tomorrow to pull out  all men
of the 16th Battalion now placed under your orders, & allow
them to rest for 48 hours - preferably in the present
bivouac site of 15th Battalion.
8. You will make every effort to induce G.O.C. 161st
Brigade to allow you to withdraw all Fourth Brigade
troops at earliest possible moment, so that you
may rejoin the Brigade in its new position.
Copies to Lt Col Pope C.O. 16th Bn
                   Major Martin C.O. 17th "


From 14th Bn
No movement on DERVISE ALIKUYU
30/8/15.   1303.
Bm 1020

"A" Form.   Army Form C. 2121.
Prefix SB Code   Words
Office of Origin and Service Instructions.
Words. Charge
At  1325 m.
By Orderly
This message is on a/c of:
(Signature of "Franking Officer.")
Recd. at  1321   m.
Date 30-8
From QA
TO   4th BDE      17
*  Senders Number.     Day of Month.   In reply to Number     AAA 
QA125                              Thirtieth  
Turks digging seventeen hundred yards
From 13th BN 
Time  1300
The above may be forwarded as now corrected.           
(Z)  Sd D Marks Lt
Signature of Addressor or person authorized to telegraph in his name.


"A" Form.   Army Form C. 2121.
Prefix    Code   Words
Office of Origin and Service Instructions.
Words. Charge
At   m.
This message is on a/c of:
(Signature of "Franking Officer.")
Recd. at    m.
Date   30-8
From  18
TO   4th Bgde    
*  Senders Number.     Day of Month.   In reply to Number     AAA 
No movement in direction 
of DERVISH ALI KUYU at 1400 
From 13th Bn
Time  1400
The above may be forwarded as now corrected.         
(Z)  DA Carkesy  
Signature of Addressor or person authorized to telegraph in his name. 
From 14th Bn   30/8/15  -  1408  -
No movement on DERVISE. ALI KUYU

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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