Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 8, 29 August - 30 August 1915, Part 2

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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[ 65.56 ending premons 24 fr Repoys to 30 improriedd and indended Fenches being and kept in food repair to 20 I poo completed. 5ap 40 Sappin No1 post now run awn stope spin facing eney and will 2 mave to run into tunnal at present fears made at 2 ye and. Tre by exering out our monedrate hout has been particularly guiet. tuyment dave been buny firng memys loop hols. at The asservation post looking Generally Sewward Anafarta Sager and adjaient country has been completed. lss Largets for maching jun tthe day. prominent dining Charca Lare pr taso 2520 tw2 post.
MESSACES AND SIGNAI C. FOTM IOINI Words Recd Cole Reth NOMA Colected o Ck Paid out Service instructions Office at Handed in at the 7C R ened pened &mp ilfng ha t FROM PLACE ITIE All Porterage, Redirection, or other charges collecied on of such charges and of amounts m, and -CheeCsI Army Form C. 2123. No. of Messa Stamp. sent out received her 050 ter H yunet tely 1 Stamps affired to the face of 11 M Tttt it M
Pers Gallipot 1915 30 Any 15 Adfutent From 46 18 Engade ag/8/ from an to 5a 30/0/ Report Knongthing along om pont passed quietly during this perio Srpers report putting in a good deal of shooting during the earlids thowss dayegh on 29 inst T.P.S. Sharry Cap Adjutent 15 Br
16th no5 Port 29/30/8/15 ble 23aed Wac 24 253 Aue night Sop to ny coerally degrened put wt Shphne Droler 10 WA a dy osde Enemy in post at left was pud ap cerane se piscd plosening his trences wogartmanl apect renzealander nart o pap to rZ Fvely contin day slly aut wrch xrassed bye 75no dacls and by emping I you men will be required tonight to pronsc work Fin trind are being grane unpioned the wle position yeesay enpeaded wany ngen by evenng 75404 gin which got six nolled a ienty two wxounded Twenty are sials were sen away from lost yestersay- including an officer. 418 NCol ocopport
Crm Biina Recd PiCL from Meane Distance Serice Mistctons. Handed in at the FROM PL1 MiaCC Or O such MESSACES AN Conected 3 paid out ced ore to Army Form C 2123. SICNALS No. of Message Office Stamp. Sent, or sent out Returned stames affired to spaces headed Delivery and bought to aor 116
2 X M at can foe ist now there
Aery Form C. 2121. con No of Message MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. Norde Charge S Codo Reed at This message is on a/e of: TENN SMANNASMEIINIE sow pas Serve From OA PIINORN Na T0 Heport Certe WtA SintGTHASE Day of MonE aad N.M. 1018 Thirtieth 7811 wishes Greatt regret that J.O.C regarding leaving 350 mnen in (Chis sub sextin cannst be carried out with the men available in Fourth Brigade consistent with properly manning new Section aad I have today a Grand Total] of las than 700 available Exclusive of machine Guns and Battaliar Stayfs Add O) these required to man at least 450 will be new bexances exclusive of Reserved ada can 17th Bo To help meet this difficulty be rext will me until whole move is to b complete and number afleet here reduced 1o 250 op Jile 7 Po NIONASH c Anstrali Valt To Te 0740 The above may be forwarded as now corrected WgLs olom S4 Ca.Arntored AAhenor o mar anhoned to tlerrst to Ne wae This line should be erased Hf not required. C0 S.B. Ltd. WE. WISSH- 50,000. 9/14. Forms CnnO
ArForm. Army Form C. Mm. MESSNGES MND SIGNALS No. of Message. Mor CRAS - Onee of Orls and Serrice Instructions This message is on a/o of: Reod StM. cmnmn or - Dervice tw0 20 immum B (Signature of Franking Officer.) D T0 SeuerG Mtt bey atMont WlAHBM AAA Thoms Dear Capt West Euee Regt hes asied to Joe 16132 Bile which cnves 10 relief 41 bust Bde to night. len you diet him Mes Lowhing Dear Colonel. This office is a day in adjance of his Brigade which is coming to relieve yi ride Ton Ordh 21 Will you please accomodst him - Sots Rec Time Miorthons 2ho adowe may a torpoptad gs now arreotcn. 3) um CAMET- TTEETMATEEFOTTEN MMMTTE WMEFRITHSNNE This line should be arased I not required. Mt aga A. .
Army Form C. 2123. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Message C. Form. Sent, or sent out Office Stamp. Word Recdy M SM noy H2 2 Conected B0 Ce Paid out Returned 30/8/13 Sate tton Received here a 9 of 2 Office at Handed in at the 10 4th Mns £2 Sendeio Per 84t of Montr reply to Number. AAA t 88t6 Please handing tba arradge on bombo over trenshd all flares and and Herinpopes Spert ifies epi ans ar a over Fare. hand Mantifacture in or trench with fn poops Ahe case yellivo Bult terewt n get seeths adaresn add Lattns ABes andlan 3a th Bde pde FROM Intre kepsr WL PLACE KIIHE Rl O CAOY Oe 10O AWMCON ans of Stamps altired to the ace of it ye neaded Me Md and of amounts paid out are to be set forth to weih above. MCSSS Mi WSS This line should be crased I not required
aed Mr Donch Dnole. Fetun Joug Lono coon SAAO MRSOR, An, HE, O AUSTRALAN MIPEIAL VY. 30 AU61315

Report for previous 24 hrs ending 0530
Trenches being improved and extended
and kept in good repair
Sapping to No 3 post completed. Sap to
No 1 post now runs down slope
of spur facing enemy and will
have to run into tunnel at
present been made at No 1 post end.
Sniping by enemy on our immediate
front has been particularly quiet.
Our men have been busy firing
at enemy's loop holes.
Generally The observation post looking
towards Anafarta Sajin and
adjacent country has been
Targets for machine guns less
prominent during the day.
Chas.M.M. Dare
C.O. No 2 Post.


Army Form C 2123
C Form. (Original.)  MESSAGES AND SIGNALS No. of Message
from  QA
Prefix   Code   Words
Charges for Delivery.
Paid out
Sent, or sent out
At      M.    4
Returned  at  M.
Office Stamp     
Service Instructions. 
Handed in at the      Office at     M.    Received here at      m.
TO  4th Bde
*  Senders Number.     Day of Month.   In reply to Number     AAA                                                                                                                        30th         Report for 24 hrs ending 0500, 30.8.15
No 1    Deepened & widened sap to 14th Bn
No 2    Deepened & improved outpost trenches
No 3     Linked up by sapping out to outpost
No 4    Quiet along our front
No 5     Machine Gun worked in conjunction  
              with Mountain Battery at 1400
FROM            No 3  POST            Australia Valley
TIME                  0500


Gallipoli Pens            
Aug 30th 1915     
From Adjutant 15th Bn         3
To   4th Brigade HQ
Report from 5am 29/8/15 to 5am 30/8/15
Everything along our
front passed quietly during this
Snipers report putting
in a good deal of shooting
during the earlier hours of
daylight on 29th inst.
T. P. McSharry Capt
 Adjutant 15th Bn


16th   No 5 Post     29/30/8/15
6 killed 23 wnded Evac 24 = 53
Quiet night Sap to NZ considerably 
Whole vy active with Shrapnel 

30 8 15
HQ of Inf Bde            5  
Enemy in front of our
left has put up chevant de pises protecting
his trenches. This would more particularly
affect New Zealanders.
Work on Sap to N.Z. trench continues
day & night but much harassed by enemy
75 M.M. shells and by sniping.  More men
will be required tonight to prosecute this
work. -  Fire trenches have are
being gradually improved.
The whole position yesterday was
enfiladed from right by enemy 75 MM
gun which got six killed & twenty two

Twenty six sick were sent away
from Post yesterday - including one officer.
H Pope
Lt. Col
O.C. No 5 Outpost.        

JM    60                                                                                                                                    


Army Form C 2123
C Form. (Original.)  MESSAGES AND SIGNALS No. of Message
Prefix   Code   Words
Charges for Delivery.
Paid out
Sent, or sent out
At      M.
Returned  at  M.
Office Stamp     6
Service Instructions. 
Handed in at the      Office at     M.    Received here at      m.
*  Senders Number.     Day of Month.   In reply to Number     AAA       
Our submarine sunk four
large transports in the straits
near Nazara on 25th ends
(Intercepted news
 - opr


Replying G.811    I greatly regret
that G.O.C's wishes regarding leaving
hun 350 men in this sub section cannot
be carried out with the men available in Fourth Brigade  to
unless I am permitted consistent with properly  manning new section.
XX I have today only a grand total
of 700 of less than 650 00 available - exclusive
of Machine guns & Battalion Staffs.  Of these
at least 450 will be required to man 
new defences exclusive of Reserves help  AAA.   To meet this difficulty
can 17th Battalion be left with me  until                
whole move is complete and until all Fourth  
Brigade are withdrawn from this Sub-Section
and number to be left have returned to 250
30 8 15


"A" Form.   Army Form C. 2121.
Prefix   Code   Words
Office of Origin and Service Instructions.
Words. Charge
At   m.
This message is on a/c of:
(Signature of "Franking Officer.")
Recd. at     m.
Date     74
TO   NZA Report Centre
*  Senders Number.     Day of Month.   In reply to Number     AAA
N.M.1018                          Thirtieth            G811        
Greatly regret that G.O.C's wishes
regarding leaving 350 men in this
Subsection cannot be carried out with
the men available in Fourth Brigade
consistent with properly manning new Section
aaa I have today a Grand Total of less
than 700 available Exclusive of Machine
Guns and Battalion Staffs aaa Of these
at least 450 will be required to man
new defences exclusive of Reserves aaa
To help meet this Difficulty can 17th Bn
be left with me until whole move is
complete and number to be left here reduced
to 250
(*File Copy*)
From            MONASH
Place             Australia Valley
Time              0740
The above may be forwarded as now corrected.
(Z)  J P McG Lt Col Bn  30/8/15

Signature of Addressor or person authorised to telegraph in his name 


"A" Form.   Army Form C. 2121.
Prefix   Code   Words
Office of Origin and Service Instructions.
Words. Charge
At   m.
This message is on a/c of:
(Signature of "Franking Officer.")
Recd. at     m.
From    8
*  Senders Number.     Day of Month.   In reply to Number     AAA
Dear Thoms
Capt West Essex Regt
has arrived to join 161st
Bde which arrives to relief
4th Aust Bde to-night.
Can you direct him
WDS Brownrigg
Dear Colonel
This officer is a day in advance
of his Brigade which is coming to relieve
you, vide Force Order 21. Will you
please accomodate him
From                                  Yours     
Time           30/8/15             NunnThoms
The above may be forwarded as now corrected.
Signature of Addressor or person authorised to telegraph in his name. 


2 copies

Army Form C 2123
C Form. (Original.)  MESSAGES AND SIGNALS No. of Message
from   NZ
By    E Stephen
Prefix   SM  Code   G L Words
Charges for Delivery.
Paid out
Sent, or sent out
At      M.
By    56
Returned  at  M.
Office Stamp      

Service Instructions. 
Handed in at the   NZ    Office at  07 55  M.    Received here at   0822   M.
TO  4th  Aust  Bde
*  Senders Number.     Day of Month.   In reply to Number     AAA
G816                                 30th 
Please arrange that on handing
over trenches all bombs &
flares and periscopes and
periscopic rifles of anzac
manufacture are handed over
with the trenches or in
the case of troops in
reserve in bulk is relieving
Battns aaa addressed all sectns
and NZ and A Bdes Indian
Bde 29th Bde
FROM             NZ  Report Centre
TIME                                0755
JM       GWC


Lieut McDonald
To note return
J P McGlinn

 30 AUG 1915 

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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