Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 8, 29 August - 30 August 1915, Part 1

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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Army Form C. 2123. MESSACES AND SICNAL C. ForM, COriginal No. of Message Rect Office Stamp. Sent, or sent out JWord cose from 3 Conected Kear Paid out Vistince Returned 29:8:13 Serite Misteors Office at Handed in at the received nere 4 938i 1916 H2 70 2a en 9 AAA 4 2716 Alease let me lave lis teat mendation recon men your Drig and tong recommend who have you taken part ns since 1 s wh Clishment resulted TASAK Hufa Vand Onth it lire at occupation d91 K1141k A84424 the FROM al to 43 18 PLACE All Porterage, Redirection, or other cha see colteced on dettery are to be bowsnt is secor torm, and the particulars of such ind of amounts paid our are to be set forth in in the Speces Nended, Dencry, and harge 2108 Cherses for Delivery Misissssp, MSO MN WAINILA
4 Army Form C. 2123. MESSACES AND SICNALS. No. of Message C. Form. (Original Office Stamp. Sent, or sent out Recd Words cose Preti from Collected Means Paid out Distance Returned Received here Hy X Office ot Handed in at the 4sh at T0 Iust Iut Bbe in reply to Number. FSenttiSMmbe MOn AAA Dm 99 theng srighds refieving 16 th isssy 4 officers A44 1 $450 sands 6 other Offriees other rain t 43 th Jssi ffreen Oher raars 547 ssex 24 Officer other wanks 687 other ran Force be slighty FROM PLACE lamps affixed to the lace of 11 Forth An. Mriting Mhire i in M WBEN clles, or othe s collecied on delivery Al Port headed Delvery and ovn i men c AW
Army Form C. 2123. MESSACES AND SICNAIS. No. of Message C. FOrM. AIRAN Office Stamp. Sent, or sent out Recd Pretir Code 3 Collected Means raid out Distance Returned Office at Received here at Handed in at the 70 SentersTimber Dy D 1 1CpW WO. HMSOT 424 old In orgder to return fw the trenches for a handss week until, matters have settled downg the 9 leave i & your wishes men with a Dection ffifers when the prope aly moves D J Ap4 This v ar seriously inconvenience houe battalion 2 ugale FROM PLACE ery are to be bought to account by me and Stamps affired to the lace of in MSSbSN above, to the spaces beaded Delbery and o our are et forth in y M 50
tom C. 212 No. of Messas MESSACES AND SICNALS. 80 Office Stamp. Senty or sent out M Colere 1218 out Distance Returned Senice Re Received here al Office at RieS BAS 10 225 M. er io MAt. Das O. MoNN Seatt o De C men these her 44 phese tn t times FROM PLACE TIME An Porterage, Redirection, or other charges collecied on delivery are to be bought to account by me ans of Stamps affixed to the face of the Iuneabore, in the spaces peaded Delirery and be set forth in our are t irges and of amount a, and the particulars of such c -Chercs Cr Deltrery M. M
te W LRCLAEEACMELEALMIS Ennar of ereats fren Eame2th Ansuet te Eax. Lethenenel 1212. LC.LesME The enemy three flares during the night. At 10. 15 p.n. a defensive nine in the right frent of AUINNS was fired. Coneiderable fire was drawn at 8 p.n. at which time the Australian Division in COUKTEEYS fired J mines. LLLSSSE 41l quiet. ESEM Fothing to repert. De.Essenes The werk of censelidating the captured trenches centinues. 5 Nachine Cuns have been brought up and placed in pesition and two trench Fertare are new in the second line. The Communication trench dug by the Auetralians on the. right, connecting up to their left, has been decponed. There was centinual benbing till duak - but a quiet hight. mn Tartillery fired a little in suppert of the conselidation of knell 60 pesition, but for the nost part, renained in observation during the day, which was quiet. The 2nd and 3rd Batteries fired on any wevement noticed on the flat country to the Berth. the 5th Sattery destreyed vith High Erplesive an explacenent or observation station on t Bark. MAlL AEEILLERLEEIER Kakrn During the day, fire was directed at parties seen on read running North Weot from CFAKAIAK KUYU in Square 106 V, and on targets in squares 92 0 8, 92 6 1 a 2, 105 In erder to indicate to H.U.S. PNDYEION a spet on WATTLASRIE KILL where the Turks had been very busy dissing during the day, 10 r.s. were fired. The gua emplacenent testreyed on the 28th had been repaired suring the night; It was again demelished. CARMLIEE (7 p. 28in - 7 p.s. 29in aus.) SLiears LinexLanks S 200 LissIn L1C4 188 Feadquarters, .2 rest. Jethansual12lz.
300 on K achala of which the 4. Ans. Bde is to lave half of 2 reliefs. the lew troops find the other half. 600– tolal for 2 reliefs in trenches. 300 i come from 4t Aus. B3d
aan Ar Form. Army Form C. 2121. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Message. Nort Charge FELK Code. Reed. at. I. This message is on a/c of: Office of Origin & Service Instructions. Sent. Date Service. At From To By By ISiehativre of Franking Offecer T0 - - AAA w 6 E 09 mummon p p 59 mmmmi 6 i 6 609 9 an From Place Time The above may be forwarded as now corrected. (2) iuman Signature of Addressor or person authorized to telegraph in his name. CCISOT This line should be crased if not required.
X saed 1640 Copy of a message No.B.M.988, dated 29/8/15 from Br-General Monash to Major-General Cox, Comdg. No.6 Section. Much movement of enemy noticed along my front yesterday but this movement appeared to be rather of nature of carrying out reliefs full advantage however was taken of every target aaa 4 machine gun was mounted in a new position near right of my line and appeared to effectively enfilade along stretch of enemys foremost trench in vicinity of large tree aaa Complete communication between my sub-section and the right flank of Yeneral Lussell’'s section was established by 0325 this morning and the cennecting Ire trench with parapets and trench to being converted Into a f recesses and is now manned as 2 continuous acLensive line extend- n From BlAIX DERT to the Lex Lealanaers aaa 4 bombing party of 50 which by arrangement with general Russell was held in readi- ness all night to cooperate with any action determined on by Colonel Meldrum was not called upon aaa Tro patrols who reconnoit. red the ground in the triangle between my new trench and the enemys trench reported that the knamps intervening ground became heaviny swept as soon as their movement was noticed aaa Approxi- mate casualties 24 hours ended 0600 today 43 including 31 evacu- ated dick to hospital. (tme 06 30 20 copy of a message No, 1825, dated 29/8/15, from Major-General Cox to Br-General Monash. Please let me know if trench linking your left with General Russells right on KALAJIK AGHALA position is now complete, or if not state progress aaa O.C. No.2 Co. N.L. Engineers is sending youx a number of knife rest wire entanglements to be pushed out over after dark tonight at dangerous piaces. (time 1825) ------ Copy of a message No.B.M1015, dated 29th/8/15, From Br-General Monash to Majdr-General H.V.Cox, Comdg. No. 6 Section. --------- Trench referred to was completed as a communicating trench (before dawn today but was not deep enough in certain places ana Deepening o. trench and its conversion into a fire trench has been pushed on all day and will continue all this night sad Entanglements received and are being placed in position tonight. (Jume 1940) B. General Monash on my return this morning I looked over original reports a messages re the linking up of your left withs Genl. Russells right I give them above I am bound to say do not consider thex portions marked give an accurate description of this work even now Viz 24 hours after the first was written and I am much disappointed to have found it as I did when I was there this morning. please go & look at the place yourself before dark & I am sure me will see what I mean of course it must be sushed on with Every available man now night & day Hvlorn 30t Jug 15. 30
Form C. 2123. lessage MESSACES AND SICNALS. No.6 C. Form. (Originat Office Stamp sent out Cole Pretix from Neaed Mean Paid out Distance S Sertite MSSMO ceived here. Office at Handed in at the FOURSH BDE 70 A4 RAS n night Very quiet ner past acrurty on kill Cospaltie for post me eter ca an open lattn. 1044 (4 othe Lt anderson M 44 iled m ansrred fne p uspele FROM PLACE TIME 1 5 Charees for lace Iirciy and

Army Form C. 2123.
Army F. Form. (Original).  MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.   No. of Message________
from   Nn

By   GS    
Prefix     SM   Code GB   Words ________
Sent, or sent out
At ______________.M

By ________________
Returned _________

at ________________.M
Office Stamp.
Means  ___________ 

Distance  _________
Charges for Delivery
Paid out
Service Instructions.
Handed in at the  NZ      Office at  1910 M.     Received here at 1938 M.
TO   Genl Monash

* Sender's Number
Day of Month
In reply to Number.

Please let me have a list of
recommendations of officers ncos
and men of your Brigade
who you recommend who have
taken part in the operations
since 10th August which
resulted in establishment of
outpost line at SUSAK KUYU and
the occupation of KAIAJIK AGHALA
Sent on
30 8 15

FROM  Genl Godley   18 45




Army Form C. 2123.

C. Form. (Original).       MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.     No. of Message________

from ___________

By ______________
Prefix ___________ Code  G45p   Words  158
Sent, or sent out
At ______________.M

By ________________
Returned _________

at ________________.M
Office Stamp.



Means  ___________ 

Distance  _________
Charges for Delivery
Paid out

Service Instructions.

Handed in at the            Office at             M.        Received here at 10 aM.
TO   Gen Monash

4th Aust Inf Bde

* Sender's Number
G 811
Day of Month
In reply to Number.
 Bm 996

Strength 161st Brigade relieving
you AAA 4th Essex 11 officers
480 other ranks   AAA   5th Essex
190 officers   431 other ranks   [[AA?]]
6th Essex   12 officers   597 other ranks
7th Essex   24 officers   687 other ranks
Total 66 officers   2195 other ranks
Force order 21 will be slightly
amended tomorrow AAA




Army Form C. 2123.

C. Form. (Original).      MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.     No. of Message________

from ___________

By ______________
Prefix ___________ Code ___________     Words ___________ 
Sent, or sent out
At ______________.M

By ________________
Returned _________

at ________________.M
Office Stamp.


Means  ___________ 

Distance  _________
Charges for Delivery
Paid out

Service Instructions.

Handed in at the            Office at             M.        Received here at        M.

* Sender's Number

Day of Month
In reply to Number.



In order to retain a few old
hands in the trenches for a
week or so or until matters
have settled down the GOC
wishes you to leave in your
section 350 men with a
proportion of officers when the
rest of your Brigade moves
out to new area AAA This
should not seriously inconvenience
you as 2 of your battalions
will be in Brigade reserve




Army Form C. 2123.

C. Form. (Original).      MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.    No. of Message________

from ___________

By ______________
Prefix ___________ Code ___________     Words ___________ 
Sent, or sent out
At ______________.M

By ________________
Returned _________

at ________________.M
Office Stamp.


Means  ___________ 

Distance  _________
Charges for Delivery
Paid out

Service Instructions.

Handed in at the            Office at             M.        Received here at        M.
TO          3


* Sender's Number

Day of Month

In reply to Number.



And these 350 men can
be taken out of these
2 battalions AAA These
350 men must be effectives
for duty in trenches


TIME          2145 


Trench ref to
was complete as
a Comm trench
before dawn today
but was not deep
enough in cert. places xxxxxxxxx
aaa deepg of the trench
and its conversion into a fire
trench has been pushed
on all day and will
cont. all this night.
AAA Entang  recd and are
being placed tonight


Summary of events from 6 a.m. 29th August to 6 a.m. 30th August 1915.


The enemy threw flares during the night.
At 10. 15 p.m. a defensive mine in the right front of
QUINN'S was fired.
Considerable fire was drawn at 8 p.m. at which time the
Australian Division in COURTNEY'S fired 3 mines.

All quiet.

Nothing to report.

The work of consolidating the captured trenches continues
5 Machine Guns have been brought up and placed in position
and two trench Mortars are now in the second line.
The Communication trench dug by the Australians on the
right, connecting up to their left, has been deepened.
There was continual bombing till dusk - but a quiet night.

Artillery fired a little in support of the consolidation
of Knoll 60 position, but for the most part, remained in
observation during the day, which was quiet.
The 2nd and 3rd Batteries fired on any movement noticed
on the flat country to the North.
The 5th Battery destroyed with High Explosive an emplacement
or observation station on ABDEL RAHMAN BAIR.
xxxxx During the day, fire was directed at parties seen on
road running North West from CHAKAJAK KUYU in Square 106 V, and
on targets in Squares 92 U 8, 92 C 1 & 2, 105 W. 5.
In order to indicate to H.M.S, ENDYMION a spot on BATTLESHIP
HILL where the Turks had been very busy digging during the day,
10 P.S. were fired.
The gun emplacement destroyed on the 28th had been repaired
during the night; it was again demolished.

CASUALTIES (7 p.m.  28th - 7 p.m.  29th Aug.)

                   Officers   Other Ranks
KILLED            3              29
WOUNDED    -             200
MISSING          -                 2
SICK                 4             188

No. 2 Post,
30th August 1915.




Hand drawn diagram. See original document.

300x on K Aghala of which the 4. Aus
Bde is to leave half of 2 reliefs. The
new troops find the other half.

600. = total for 2 reliefs in trenches -
300 ∴ come from 4th Aus. Bde.


         "A" Form.                                       Army Form C. 2121.
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS                 No. of Message _________

Prefix _________  Code _____ m. 
Office of Origin & Service Instructions.




Words | Charge
At _________  m.
To ____________
By ____________

This message is a/c of:

(Signature of "Franking Officer")

Recd. at ___________________  m.
Date __________________________ 
From _________________________
By ____________________________ 


*  Sender's Number

Day of Month

In reply to Number.



Handwritten at 90°
   85  |  285 |  200
   79  |  192  |  113
   76  |  210  |  134
   76  |  235  |  159

  316  |  922    606

From _________________
Place _________________
Time _________________

The above may be forwarded as now correct.



Signature of Addressor or person authorized to telegraph in his name.


[*Recd 1640*]

Copy of a message No.B.M.988, dated 29/8/15,  from Br-General
Monash to Major-General Cox, Comdg. No.6 Section.


Much movement of enemy noticed along my front yesterday but this
movement appeared to be rather of nature of carrying out reliefs
full advantage however was taken of every target aaa A machine
gun was mounted in a new position near right of my line and
appeared to effectively enfilade along stretch of enemys foremost
trench in vicinity of large tree aaa Complete communication
     between my sub-section and the right flank of General Russell's
     |  section was established by 0345 this morning and the connecting

[*X|*]trench is being converted into a fire trench with parapets and
      recesses and is now manned as a continuous defensive line extending 

     |  from KAIAJIK DERE to the New Zealanders aaa  A bombing party
of 50 which by arrangement with General Russell was held in readiness
all night to cooperate with any action determined on by
Colonel Meldrum was not called upon aaa Two patrols who reconnoitred
the ground in the triangle between my new trench and the
enemys trench reported that the enemys intervening ground became
heavily swept as soon as their movement was noticed aaa  Approximate
casualties 24 hours ended 0600 today 43 including 31 evacuated
sick to hospital.     [*(Time 0630)*]


Copy of a message N0. 1825, dated 29/8/15, from Major-General
Cox to Br-General Monash.


Please let me know if trench linking your left with General
Russells right on KAIAJIK AGHALA position is now complete, or if
not state progress aaa   O.C. No.2 Co. N.Z. engineers is sending
your a number of knife rest wire entanglements to be pushed out
over after dark tonight at dangerous places.  [*(Time 1825)*]


Copy of message No.B.M.1015, dated 29th/8/15, from Br-General
Monash to Major-General H.V.Cox, Comdg. No. 6 section.


Trench referred to was completed as a communicating trench
[*X |*] before dawn today but was not deep enough in certain places aaa
Deepening of trench and its conversion into a fire trench has
been pushed on all day and will continue all this night aaa
Entanglements received and are being placed in position tonight. [*(Time 1940)*]


Br General Monash
On my return this morning I looked over original 
reports & messages re the linking up of your left with
Genl Russells right. I give them above- I am bound
to say I do not consider the xxx portions marked give
an accurate description of this work even now. Viz
24 hours after the first was written- and I am much
disappointed to have found it as I did when I 
was there this morning. Please go & look at the
place yourself before dark & I am sure you will see
what I mean. Of course it must be pushed on with
every available man now - night & day
HV Cox 

30th Aug 15.30


Army Form C. 2123.

C. Form. (Original).      MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.    No. of Message________

from   [[?]]

By ______________ 
Prefix ________ Code ________  Words ________
Sent, or sent out
At _______________.M

By  1
Returned _________

at ________________.M
Office Stamp.
Means  ___________ 

Distance  _________
Charges for Delivery
Paid out

Service Instructions.

Handed in at the        Office at  0737  M.     Received here at           M.

* Sender's Number
Day of Month
In reply to Number.

Very quiet night passed no
activity on part of enemy
Casualties for post 1 man killed
2 wounded. aaa Casualties for
whole Battn. 1 officer wounded
Lt Anderson. 8 other ranks wounded
3 others killed aaa -  Machine Gun
17th Bn transferred last night to
Russells Top

FROM  CO. No 1 Post

TIME    0434

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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