Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 8, 27 August - 29 August 1915, Part 10

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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0 are of operation inpomation vajuest out the on the Gull be
O. Form. 1 Recd MOm Setrice Tis Handed in at the 70 TSeaSeTSN A FROM PLAC All Porterage, Redirection, or and the particulars of suc Charges for Deliver Amy Fom C.21. No. of Message- D SICNALS. ESA Office Stamp. Sent, or sent our ACalecS Paid out Returned M. Received here & Office at AAA pd of Stames affired to the lace of ih lecied on delivery are to by emew mne amounts paid our are to This Nae showid be c Pittbs Dirt
C. Form. (Original e Ready trop leare Vistence Service t Handed in at the 70 41 Ca ner FROM Pt 128 Day of 1 cor Army Form C. 2123. No. of Message ES AND SICNALS. Sent, or sen gfi ice Sumy. Paid out Returned pecenvced nece of 21 Ottee at at AAA MTeY TMme N know On gh position is 3H no 4 r No 2 A 4 ar txed to the face of ih JJM Led Delivery and
C.T0 Recl from Senice Mstct Handed in at the 70 by you were Over tange FROM PLACE All Porte orm, and the An Army Form C. 2123. MESSACES AND SICNALS No. of Message Office Stamp. Sent, or sent out Cole D Cllead Mear Paid out Distance Returned Received here at Office at ana Bat of Mont. Bending irgineers is 4 knfe rea a kus ber be pusted entangtments to tonight at dark apte ous lice end me ans of Stamps affixed to the face of th harges collecied on delivery are to above, in the spaces headed Deliery and are to be se tort i M 2202 to the mats o nau, & ast cne

As General Cox's sphere theatre of operations
extended far beyond my sources of information 
I have no data on which to form the vaguest 
guess AAA As to my immediate front I 
should judge that 3000 enemy casualties on the 
right bank of Kaiajik Aghala  is a  and vicinity would be 
a very conservative estimate
1740  29 8 15


Recd from  NZ 
Prefix SM    Code [BLP?] 
By C Gray 
Handed in at NZ Office at 1755 M.  Received here at 1802 M. 
TO 4th Aust Inf. Bde 
Senders Number G806  Day of Month 29   AAA 
Have you a good typist 
and clerk whom you can 
recommend for duty in the 
general staff office N.Z. report 
centre AAA Very urgently required 
to replace head/clerk wounded 
please do what you can 
to help 
FROM  NZ A Report Centre 


Recd from LBK 
Prefix SM 
Code FF 
By GS 
Handed in at LBK Office at 1820 M. Received here at 1921 M.
TO Genl Monash
Sender's Number 1825  Day of Month 29  AAA 
Please let me know if 
trench linking your left 
with Genl Russells right on 
KAIAIIK AGHALA position is 
now complete or if not 
state progress AAA OC NO 2 


Coy NZ Engineers is sending 
you a number of knife rest 
wire entanglements to be pushed 
over after dark tonight at 
dangerous places 
FROM Genl Cox   1825 

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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