Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 8, 27 August - 29 August 1915, Part 8

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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5E. M92 t is notifid te genoe inporation that Bigates at the whole prsonnal of the 4th w nt holding No. 1 Int section of No E nist the Defence will be inth da 2 & Sip to a new & much shorte An section of the defence The Mignlew Entetin hopes that thes change will afford opportuniting for est for the troops, in votation, after them stens tin 4 he works while work in p sie po ment of the p it relaxed Coman put at once inde way t nsine that o & all brvonass will omning trooks, & that t e it be fotetat 56
F For Army Form C. 22. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. Na of Message Nore Charge - Roed at Tand OAN MCANASNACANCN This message to on ale of: Bent out Dervice rot ISOAMINTOI- FTTHTS OMIAI. General Manast NSublection T0 General Russell, N2 suffection RentGrGRunte SSAHon WEAYBM AAA 1000 24 be alrangement Following will for mspnetion nex f new Authalien bettelious vamberg General Monesh will be respontible for instruction of 17 Bn responsible for General Russll will be instruction of D B General ll detail an will expefienced vomtkrow to prodeed to the Mth Battalion to natsnt flive with and carry on the instnction them bambirg. thes battation in of above to be begun today OT t Section Place Tm 1000 o0 The above may be forwarded as now corrected Gavt Captain com. <ore a rew t ay a ee to fore th t T tie should be crased not 1ap O0 S. B. LEd. Wi Wis50,000. 6/14 Forms Omsho. (TO
t ites thititation t 71 5 B 0f time pomtt do they or No pust frd s 5 + cattegat; that Dote seid in do 264 af t wd t ases ad aing Wathaf th sustati ntutio in bomle wfare hom dil sent and eperuneded 3 post D.W X same posp 3t cany pe thd at Ne live the posty will freport 927 thes I postiation writng dalh 1 tin 1 Bpen such fo 4 £22 et 18 N
ESSACES ANT sole Collected Weane Paid out Distance Serrice Mistictons Office at Handed in at the 70 nem or 24 s artille FROM PLACE TIME All Porterage, Redirectioa, or other charges collecied on delivery a toum particulars of such charges Charges for Dettvery This line an AL here at AAA Tices Misde 228 Fom C. 213
Ar Form. Army Form C. 2121. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. N0. of MeCARE Nort CKE Reed at This message is on a/e of T SCrnte An Mn Sent. Date Service From (Sigmature of Franting Offcer) T0 O.C. No./5 Post. FSASNNE Lney to Kent inasine AAA BM. 1009. C. p12. of 300/2.3 and 5 P0t0 212), 68 s0en 40 E234294310. 60.4080679 24 8 8026 1104t0 t2at Quobas of t 17th (Battelion under their prders are receiving onstenatig inst ruetio in bor wpra Co003 poft 122 ananonerto 1004p 2 0 24v a 40. 1 pest 4o carry or the same intruct for these, 4rd C.O. 4e. 1 rest will regort presress of suen instruction daily in writins. hor W BOOL mn te ty n g oa mn Tt. F10. 7450 2A2 A 42150 - Place Time The above may be forwarded as now corrected. SNREMILMNNONMNMINNDMANMNNNE Comr This line should be erased if not required.
anasano - Ar Form. Army Form C. 2121. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Message CaRE - Reed. at This message is on a/e of Thee of Orsn & Sernce Irmrions. Sent. Date Service. From SETTMITEFF TFTINS OMAT T0 0.C. No./5 Post. 40 692 b0 te one u pombe last of as y pse instrtion & chogeat of fet covery fear Corblly pre 10 TErgHamte spepte of yury instruction in obur t onrtan bd ou cannot oes gi estipte 58
A0 Cl 12 Battalis From X Asc. wd Tantry Brgade 75 557 Bont Throwers Lustao 19th 3n attecked to this post are receiving instruction n tomb strowing. No 1706 Pte Oaknoa0 has been ordered 47 to report to ac 101 2057 for instruction purposes at 1600 to-day fnatoment sand N.L. POST Bettalion 6.0 183 Australia Tellen 5 294/15 20
Custealia Gully 29/ Major Brgate B Boe 221000 I bes the Loun to report that the Bomb throwen officer of this Battalion has been killed, the aargeant is away wounded and none of the trained Bomb throwers now remain in the Bastalion. There is this no one available to carry but the instruction exferredto on tois Post. Chaschab Sar Major C.G.Co2 Pt.
Neane Distance Code Army Form AND SICNALS. No. of Message Sent, or sent out Office Stam Conected 120 O0 Returned Received here at WICO Tumber. AAA etwo vce IVeIy and
orm. (Of Senice Mistictons Handed in at the 23 FROM PLACE 11 Porters Eages w Octh Distance Army Form C. 2123. No. of Message ESSACES AND SICNAIS. Office Stamp. Sent, or sent out Collect Paid out Returned ived hege at Office at ceips ct

BM 992
61       992
It is notified for general information that
the whole personnel of the 4th & 5th Brigades at
will, deo
present holding No 1 Sub-section of No 6 section
of Def the Defence will be withdrawn during
Aug 31 & Sep 1 to a new & much shorter
section of the Defence. - The Brigadier entertains
hopes that this change will afford opportunities for
much rest for the troops, in rotation, after their
strenuous exertions of the past three weeks. -
While work in hand for upon  the progressive improvement
of the present line are is not to be relaxed,
Commanders of Posts will commence first at once
put into get under way measures to ensure that
the whole of the present section & all bivouacs will
be left clean & tidy for incoming troops, & that
all munitions, stores, tools &c will be gathered up
for removal to new location.


"A" Form.                                     Army Form C. 2121.

Prefix     Code      m. Words Charge This message is on a/c of:
(Signature of "Franking Officer.")
Recd. at        m
From  45
Office of Origin and Service Instructions.
At     m.
TO      General Monash, No 1 Subsection
           General Russell,  No 2 Subsection
* Sender's Number
Day of Month
In reply to Number
Following will be arrangement for
instruction of men of new Australian
battalions in bombing -
General Monash will be responsible for 
instruction of 17th Bn.
General Russsell will be responsible for 
instruction of 18th Bn.
General Russell will detail an 
experienced bomb-thrower to proceed to
the 19th Battalion to instruct live with 
them and carry on the instruction
of that battalion in bombing.
Above to be begun today.
From         6  Section
Time           1000
The above may be forwarded as now corrected.
[[G C Sepys?]]  Captain
Signature of Addressor or person authorised to telegraph in his name
Bde.  Major  6 Section
* This line should be erased if not required.
8350  S. B. Ltd.  Wt. W4843/541-50,000.  9/14.  Forms  C2121/10.

4 copies
For. B.O.  or earlier action if
time permits
C.O's  of  No 2, 3  & 5 posts will as soon as they
are able to do so, send in a certificate that quotes of
the 17th Battalion under their order are receiving
systematic instruction in bomb warfare. -
C.O. No 3 post will send an experienced bomb
thrower to live with at No 1 post to carry on the same
instruction there, & C.O. No 1 post will report
progress of such this instruction daily in writing.
Lt Col


Army Form C. 2123.

C. Form. (Original).        MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.         No. of Message


from      QD


By      FRS   

Prefix       Code    Words 

Sent, or sent out

At     M

By 45


at      M.

Office Stamp.



Charges for
Paid out
Service Instructions
Handed in at the    Office at     M.       Received here at 1103 M.
TO   4th BDE HQs
*Sender's Number.

Day of Month


In reply to Number. AAA
Enemy are using Trench 60
yards NORTH of Large OAK
as a communication Trench
Troops constantly passing in marching
order I am firing with
machine Gun at them can
artillery do anything

FROM          H  Murray  Lieut
PLACE         No  3  Post
TIME             1055
Let Major Martin

Informed at

11.10 CRO

All Porterage, Redirection, or other charges collected on delivery are to be bought to accouat by me ans of Stamps affixed to the face of the
form, and the particulars of  such charges and of amounts  paid out are to be set forth in writing above,  in the spaces headed "Delivery" and
"Charges for Delivery".
* This line should be erased if not required.


"A" Form.                                        Army Form C. 2121.

MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.       No. of Message

Prefix     Code      m. Words Charge

This message is on a/c of:

(Signature of "Franking Officer.")

Recd. at        m


From  59

Office of Origin and Service Instructions.


At     m.

TO      O. C. No. 5 Post.
*Sender's Number
B.M. 1000.
Day of Month
In reply to Number
C. O's. of Nos. 2, 3, and 5 Posts will, as soon
as they are able to do so,  send in a certificate that
quotas of the 17th. Battalion under their orders are
receiving systematic instruction in bomb warfare.
C. O. No. 3 Post will send an experienced bomb
thrower to live at No. 1 Post to carry on the same
instruction there, and C.O. No. 1 Post will report
progress of such instruction daily in writing.
JP McGlinn Lt.-Col.
Brigade Major 4th. Aust. Inf. Bde.
1150.  29th. August, 1915.

The above may be forwarded as now corrected.
Signature of Addressor or person authorized to telegraph in his name.
* This line should be erased if not required.


 "A" Form.                                                 Army Form C. 2121.
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.                No. of Message

Prefix     Code      m. Words Charge

This message is on a/c of:

(Signature of "Franking Officer")

Recd. at        m


From  59

Office of Origin and Service Instructions.


At     m.

TO      O.C. No. 5 Post.

HQ. 4th Inf. Bde.
The only thing possible on this
Post just at present is very practical
instruction in the art of taking 
cover from artillery fire - To
speak of giving "systematic
instruction in bomb warfare"
under the conditions at
present really is
absurd & I cannot
at present give
any such
sign certificate
H Pope
OC No 5 post
29 8 15


From C.O. 13th Battalion
To G.O.C. 4thInfantry Brigade
BM. 1000
_Bomb - Throwers _
1). Quota of 17th Bn attached to this post
are receiving instruction in bomb-throwing.
2). No. 1706 Pte. G. ARMOND has been ordered
to report to O.C. No 1 POST for instruction
purposes at 1600 to-day.
No 3 POST      JMA Durrant Major
Australia Valley                C.O. 13th Battalion
29/8/15                                              A.I.F.

For Bn
"re Detachment"
Withdraw today


Australia Gully
Brigade Major
4th Inf Bde.
Re your B.M. 1000 I beg
to report that the Bomb throwing
officer of this Battalion has been killed,
the Sergeant is away wounded, and
none of the trained Bomb throwers
now remain in the Battalion. There
is thus no one available to carry out
the instruction referred to on this
Chas. M.M. Dare
O.C. No 2 Post.


Army Form

C. Form. (Original).       MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.         No. of Message





Prefix   SM  Code    Words 72

Sent, or sent out

At         M



at           M.

Office Stam


Charges for
Paid out
Service Instructions
Handed in at the    Office at     M.       Received here at 1.50p M.
TO   4th Aust. Inf. Bde

*Sender's Number

G 797

Day of Month


In reply to Number



Reference force order no 21 front
page AAA Inner administrative 
boundaries northern limit of
no. 5 Section Should read Southern
bank of AHYGL DERE etc AAA
Similarly Southern boundary

of no 6 Section should read
all north of Southern bank
Acknowledge Bm 1003 Addressed NZ  MR
NZ Inf Bde 4th Aust Inf Bde
& Anzac

PLACE      N Z A  Q C 1240

All Porterage, Redirection, or other charges collected on delivery are to be bought to accouat by me ans of Stamps affixed to the face of the
form, and the particulars of  such charges and of amounts  paid out are to be set forth in writing above,  in the spaces headed "Delivery" and
"Charges for Delivery".
* This line should be erased if not required.


Army Form C. 2123.

C. Form. (Original).                 MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.                   No. of Message





Prefix   SM  Code    Words 70

Sent, or sent out

At       M

By 82


at        M.

Office Stamp.
29/8/15 Bq



Means Distance

Charges for Delivery Collected     Paid out
Service Instructions
Handed in at the    Office at     M.       Received here at 1.17p M.
TO   Gen Monash
4th Aust Inf

*Sender's Number

G 796

Day of Month


In reply to Number


Please send immediately on receipt
of this wire to this Div Hq
at no 2 post a NCO or
man who can explain how
to work the trench mortar AAA
General Monash has a trench
mortar but no one to work
it and requires some one to go
over to explain it AAA Matter
urgent AAA Please reply
Bm 1002

FROM    NZ Report Centre
PLACE   1235
All Porterage, Redirection, or other charges collected on delivery are to be bought to accouat by me ans of Stamps affixed to the face of the
form, and the particulars of  such charges and of amounts  paid out are to be set forth in writing above,  in the spaces headed "Delivery" and
"Charges for Delivery".
* This line should be erased if not required.

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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