Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 8, 27 August - 29 August 1915, Part 7

The Brigade Major 48
Sap from Margolins to JV.2 Trench
was reported to be through by Major
Margolin at 4.10 am this morning
August 29th. .
The General wishes this information
to go into the early morning report.
R Eastward Capt
Appendix I
Analysis of "State" of 29/8/15 10
Brigade H.Q. 20
Signal Section 26
13th Battalion 285
14" " 192
15" " 210
16" " 235
Grand Total 968
Analysis of Battalion Strength
H.Q. M. Guns Ammunition Available Total
Carriers otherwise
13 50.x. 8 27 8 200 285
14 42 9 30 7 113 192
15 45 2 29 2 134 210
16 44 5 27 5 159 235
Total 181 22 113 606 + 922
.X.For details see appendix II. This is much below establishment.
+ This figure represents the total ^personnel available for actual
garrison duty.
Appendix II
Typical ^State of a Battalion H.Q., as at present strength: -
Officers & batmen 3 6
A.M.C. & Stretchers 49 20
Pioneers & Sanitary 9
Q.M.S. & store 2
R.S.M & Orderly Room 4
Armourer 1
Cook 1
Signallers 6
Postal 1
Total 50
Analysis of "state" of 29/8/15.
Brigade Headquarters 20.
Signal Section 26.
13th. Battalion 285.
14th. Battalion 192.
15th. Battalion 210.
16th. Battalion 235.
Grand Total. 968.
Analysis of Battalion strength.
Bn. H.Q. M. Guns. Ammuni- Available Total.
tion otherwise
13th. 50* 27 8 200 285.
14th. 42 30 7 113 192.
15th. 45 29 2 134 210.
16th. 44 27 5 159 235.
Totals 181, 113, 22, 606,+ 922.
* For details see Appendix 2. This is much below
+ This figure represents the total personnel available
for actual garrison duty.
Typical state of a Battalion H.Q. at present strength
Officers and Batmen 6. 6.
A.M.C. and stretchers 20.
Pioneers and sanitary 9.
Q.M.S. and store 2.
R.S.M and Orderly Room 4.
Armourer 1.
Cook 1.
Signallers 6.
Postal 1.
Total : 50.
No. 1787/M.
Head Quarters, No. 6 Section.
29th August 1915.
With reference to A.N.Z.A.C. memo. No.G.a.815, dated 27th
August 1915, regarding relief movements, I wish to point out that
it seems very highly inexpedient to put young and untrained untried
troops alone on to the KAIAJIK AGHALA defences for the next week or
so. The position is still in process of consolidation, there are two
or three points of actual contact with the enemy's trenches, and the
shelling is heavy. If this hill were lost, the KABAK KUYU well
defences and the outpost line KAIAJIK AGHALA - SUSAK would become
I therefore strongly recommend that 50% of the garrison
should be "old hands" for the next week or so, i.e. until defences
are finished and matters have settled own.
2. This will involve the following:-
(a) When the 4th Australian Brigade leaves this section it should
leave 350 men, i.e. 2 reliefs for the 50% of a garrison of
350 for right half of defences.
(b) When the N.Z. Mounted Rifles Brigade and the Australian Light
Horse Brigade move they should leave behind between them 350
men for 2 reliefs of 50% of garrison of left half of defences.
The above should be "effectives" for duty in trenches.
The proportion in left half might be -
250 Light Horse Brigade.
100 N.Z. M. Rifles Brigade.
350 --- Total
3. I consider General Russell should not move his Head Quarters
or give up command of his Sub-Section for another week from this
Sd/ H.V. Cox, Major-General,
Comdg. No. 6 Section.
Head Quarters,
N.Z.A. Division.
Copy to : -
Br-General Russell.
" Monash. For information.
Army Form C. 2123
C. Form. (Original). MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Message
Recd LBK
By C.Grany
Prefix Sm Code GH
Handed in at the LBK Office at 0740M. Received here at 0805M.
TO General Monash
*Sender's Number. 0740 Day of Month. 29th
The work of strengthening and
consolidating the new trenches on
KAIAJIK AGHALA must be pushed
on most energetically today aaa
Trenches must be very strongly
traversed and deep aaa Your
line will be 300 yards
measured from other side KAIAJIK
DERE aaa I am arranging
with R G for knife rest
wire entanglements to be got
ready as soon as possible
aaa Establish strong barricades at
Army Form C. 2123
C. Form. (Original). MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Message
TO 2
Any points of contact in
your part of line with
enemy's trenches and get enemy
beyond bombing distance if possible.]
aaa glad to hear your
new machine gun position rakes
enemys trench to right aaa
Keep it busy
Instns Repeated to
O C No 5 Post
IRing 1100
FROM General Cox
PLACE 0740
Army Form C. 2121
"A" Form.
Recd. at 0805. m.
Copy 81
TO General Monaash.
Sender's Number 0740 Date of Month 29th
The work of strengthening and consolidating the new
trenches on KAIAJIK AGHALA must be pushed on most
energetically today A.A.A. Trenches must be very
strongly traversed and deep A.A.A. Your line will be
300 yards measured from other side KAIAJIK DERE A.A.A.
I am arranging with R.E. for knife rest wire
entanglements to be got ready as soon as possible
A.A.A. Establish strong barricades at any points of
x contract in your part of line with enemys trenches
and get enemy beyond bombing distance if possible
x contact
No. 5 Post.Suspend copy The above is an ^extract of message from G.O.C. No. 6
Section on which please act so far as concerns
No. 5 Post.
From W.M. McGlinn Lt-Col
Place Brigade Major, 4th Inf. Brigade
Time 1100 - 29/8/15
C.O N post
[[*?*]] copy The above is an extract of message
from G.O.C. No. 6 Section
on which please act so far
as concerns No. 5 post
Lt Col
Brigade Major 4th Inf. Brigade.
1100 - 29/8/15
The above may be forwarded as now corrected. (Z)
Censor. Signature of Addressor or person authorised to telegraph in his name
*This line should be erased if not required.
8350 S.B. Ltd. Wt. W4843/541-50,000. 9/14 Forms C2121/10
HQ 4th Inf Bde
Reference your 0740 -
It is impossible to act on
message in the absence of
a sufficient supply of sand
If traverses are to be put up
it will be necessary to use
whatever rests are available -
Even rifles - as there is no
timber on the Post.
The order will is being acted
on to the utmost possible extent
consistent with above.
H Pope
Lt Col
OC No 5 Outpost
Army Form C. 2121
"A" Form.
Recd MR
Sen, or sent our By 14
Office Stamp 29/8
Received here at 0915 M.
TO Genl Monash
*Senders Number. MB 112 Day of Month. 29
The field troop NZE will
not be available at Margolins Post
Notify No 5 Post
TIME 0915
Received from 4th A I
Brigade the following :-
S.A.A. Enemy 3000 rds
Empty bomb cases 225
three of the above contain
TS Lumsden

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