Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 8, 27 August - 29 August 1915, Part 6

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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and one who Vone my
C. Form. Recd. from bade FR PLA Al Porters Mal Means Siotn Army Form C. 2123. No. of Message Sent, or sentan Office Stamp. AAA see 40 Stamps affixed to the face of the to the spaces headed Delivery and
Peningula Gallipole 28 Aug 2 f From Adjulant 15th Bn. To sll 14 Inf Brig. Report from 5am. 28/8/15 to cam 2940/16 along the lind things prames dutetly throughout the day, but considuable movement on part of the Turks was seen from the direction of the W Ridger towards Hill 60 pnemy ampery were active along the ridge in front of our frenches but no damage was done and to repord noexmalt Thaty Cain Leulant. 22
Br RERCEIECHIRLSILL EAIL CCI Suary of erents from 6 a.m. 28th Annuet 1212 te 6ax. 22th Ausust 1912. De. Lscne POPRS was again shelled by the KULE VALLEY gun, but no damage was dene. Fe. Lsserer Nothing to report. De.Lesclle Nothing to report. S.boc Huch novenent by the enemy noticed on the right, apparently reliefs. Complete communication was satablished at 4. 45 a.m. between the Australians on the right, and the New Zealanders - this is now being made into a fire trench and is completely manned. A bombing party of 50 was kept at General Russell’s disposal for the night operations, but was not called upon. The 10th Light Horse Regiment get into the enemy's trench successfully, and are consolidating fren point D towards C round top of knoll 60 and back to point held this morning in the continuous line. Hire entanglement in frent of the left of the line has been completed. The 9th Corps were werking on KAVAKLER Road last night. or The artillery yesterday shelled the may enemy at EAIATIK AGHALA at a alow rate throughout the day. The assault last night on Knoll 60 was not preceded by any bombardment, but after the capture of the trenches, a slew and ateady fire was directed with a view to preventing the delivery of a countercattack. MCUNTALNARLLLLERY On 27th inst. from 5 p.m. - 7. 30 p.m. a alow rate of fire was kept up on roads 92 7 4 and 4 6.9, making them impassable, on the Communication trench leading to KALAYIK AGHALA in Square 92 . and 4, and en Wachine guns in 92 3 7 and 8. The back of Cliff in Square 92 U was also searched. The Section in Square 92 N engaged trenches on Bill 60 from 4.35 -7.30 p.m. - when the attack was unable to proceed, fire was centinued on the communication trenches. 26th inst. - Pire was opened at 1. 30 a.m. on reverse slopes of Hill 60, and at 5,45 the Turls were caught at the entrance to communication trench on Hill 60. The enemy were noticed making a new gun emplacement on Battleship Hill, from which apparently to chell RHODODENDRON SPUR - fire was epened, and the whole knecked out. om Ufficers. Cther Ranke. KILLED Mewnenn 21 376 MISON 203 SICK 178
29 815 1220 nut 638 Beppence B14. 1992 te officers and vary men on Ne5 Ropp (axe how lmen erearl at thn t endurance. 102 aspason if the pliff can be expedited if y way I consider it will thin to the eapety of the ondpot If Dapertie a Favenn yecpe a 4 attach aprank t on os Pot God 2 bothing would X 4 So rasis sufficient Sitalyg H.CD ongost Not for
Theugh & Distribution on 29/8/15 Total Battation 16 14 Tost 197 412 N-1 108 196 2 56 281 213 150 243 726 27.0 213 196 281 Potal Fruth Bde 760 Het personnel for defences. MCdit deduct a follows. 29 14 15 20 Nex Hattations 12 15 14 oat 13 352 N21 108 136 2 56 - 222 154 4 150 243 666 243 159 222 136 2 358 18115 tole an fost 439 304 337 213 393 1686 HQ detants Totd 30 60 3 30 45 60 solel a port trum 352 44 278 154 142 1 10
Army Form C. 2121. RoM No. of Mcssage MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. Words Charge FrOME Ad n 160 This message to on ale of: Ollce of Onynool tornes to toros. San Bervice From ISICATOTIFIMOHITT OMITTY To LreGtRN ReateGKine TYAHon AAA 14 11720 orderty Cen i te Dove Pt 4 415 FIOR PaCE Time The Aboce May be Corerded as now Corretted cour CnodAORM W AL HIAINE This line should be crase! if not required. 8200 S. B. LId. WI. WISISISI-SAO, 8/1L. Ferm OMIIC.
Wa g Report for 24 ns inded 00 29 no movement or maning of trops observed repoted tack from RCPOSF 10460 Sap to $14t 32 linked up 4 Placed requet in outpost orginally supplied by 141 Dr (Gully leturler 131 & 14 (lines). Improved & strengthened outport trenles. 6 nothing to report during night. Ne3pasI Australin Vallen Lieat atady teaod anding 2559 for srenna san 39:8-3 6 Freopes being impoed gd and extended on spi to right end of post. Seisng five pronade Obeing improved where required and communication menheg wadmese and geisined t Post fros 123 are being suched on sads as fast as possible. The hunnel from myI poxt to passing through very hard pround by meny in pont has been kept Smping under by a men firing fom absered positions te mandin gus s continuuingy tat Yesterday in direction of Knoll 60. Yery guet along our comediae pae 7 Csbal Sre. Major 0520 6042 tat
Janny Form C. 2123 ES AND SICNALS. No. of Message C. FOTM. COTISIRA Office Stamp. Sent, or sent out Recd C Nrom Esle 14 id out Distance Serice Mateons recenes na aO2N nce Handed in at the 9t 70 te A24 12 1887101 SendersMinb to rebert that everything have this posh was prent of in last night & no very quiet enemy trooks noted i ineveren Cusualties Rad Hat. A. Ald quietanuoual amount very or our foring 4 FROM PLACE $00000 TIME All Porterage, Redirection, or other charges colleced on delivery are to be bought to account by me ans of Stamps affired to soie, to the spaces headed our are to be set forth h Sor, and the particulars of such Charges and of smoun Charges for Delivery MMON ANSN

G.O.C No 6 Section
Could Division be requested to send to
this sub-section for 24 hours some one who 
can teach use of trench mortar AAA All None of my
former mortar detachments remain

BM 997


Army Form C. 2123.
C. Form. (Original).
No. of Message
Prefix  SM  Code  GG   Words   26
Means Distance
Charges for Delivery
Collected  Paid Out
Sent, or sent out
At              M.
at                M.
Office Stamp
29/8/15  Bq
Service Instructions. KE
Handed in at the  Office at  M.
Received here at 0 25 PM
TO Gen Monash
*Sender's Number NZO 120
Day of Month 28
In reply to Number
1500 bombs and fusees and
ignition sticks left here for
you at 2300

FROM    [[Newzora?]]  No.2 post    2400

All Porterage, Redirection, or other charges collected as delivery are to be bought to accouat by me ans of Stamps affixed to the face of the

form, and the particulars of such charges and of amounts paid out are to be set forth in writing above, in the spaces headed "Delivery" and

"Charges for Delivery".

*This line should be erased if not required



Gallipoli Peninsula
28 Aug 1915

From  Adjutant  15th Bn.
To H.Q 4th Inf  Brig.
 Report from 5am. 28/8/15  to 5am. 29/8/15

Along the line things passed quietly
throughout the day, but considerable 
movement on part of the Turks
was seen from the direction of
the W Ridges towards Hill 60
Enemy snipers were active along
the ridge in front of our trenches
but no damage was done, and 
no casualties to report. 

T P McSharry Captain
Adjutant 15 Bn




Summary of events from 6 a.m. 28th August 1915 to 6 a.m. 29th August 1915.
POPE'S was again shelled by the MULE VALLEY gun, but no
damage was done.
Nothing to report.
Nothing to report.
Much movement by the enemy noticed on the right, apparently
Complete communication was established at 
4. 45 a.m. between
the Australians on the right, and the New Zealanders - this is now 
being made into a fire trench and is completely manned.
A bombing party of 50 was kept at General Russell’s disposal for 
the night operations, but was not called upon.
The 10th Light Horse Regiment got into the enemy's trench
successfully, and are consolidating fron point D towards C round
top of knoll 60 and back to point held this morning in the
continuous line.
Wire entanglement in front of the left of the line has been
The 9th Corps were working on KAVAKLER Road last night.
The artillery yesterday shelled the xxx enemy at KAIAJIK AGHALA
at a slow rate throughout the day.
The assault last night on Knoll 60 was not preceded by any
bombardment, but after the capture of the trenches, a slow and 
steady fire was directed with a view to preventing the delivery
of a counter-attack.
On 27th inst. from 5 p.m. - 7. 30 p.m. a slow rate of fire
was kept up on roads 92 f 4 and d 6.9, making them impassable, on
the Communication trench leading to KAIAJIK AGHALA in Square 92 J
and d, and on Machine guns in 92 J 7 and 8. The back of Cliff
in Square 92 U was also searched.
The Section in Square 92 N engaged trenches on Hill 60 from
4.35 - 7.30 p.m. - when the attack was unable to proceed, fire
was continued on the communication trenches.
28th  inst. - Fire was opened at 1. 30 a.m. on reverse slopes of
Hill 60, and at 5.45 the Turls were caught at the entrance to
communication trench on Hill 60. The enemy were noticed making
a new gun emplacement on Battleship Hill, from which apparently 
to shell RHODODENDRON SPUR - fire was opened, and the whole
knocked out.
                           Officers.       Other Ranks.
KILLED                   4                        37
WOUNDED          21                      376
MISSING.                -                       203
SICK                         4                      178
.                         ------------------------------


29 8 15
 HQ. 4th Inf. Bde
Reference B. M. 992 The officers 
and men on No. 5 Post are now very 
nearly at the limit of human 
For this reason if the relief can
be expedited in any way I consider
it will tend to the safety of the 
Outpost Line. If a determined
attack were made by the enemy
on this Post I am afraid the troops
holding it would not have
sufficient vitality to resist it.
H Pope
Lt Col
Comdg No 5 Outpost


Strength & Distribution
on 29/8/15.
Total Battalions :-  

Post   13   14    15    16       17 Total on Post
N - 1 ____ ____ ____ x 27     412        439
      - 2 ____  196 ____ ____    108        304
      - 3  281  ____ _____ _____      56         337
      - 4    _____ ____   213 ____     ____           213
      - 5 _____ _____ ____    243      150         393
  281   196     213   270     726        1686

Total Fourth Bde 960
[* 499*]
Net personnel for 'defences' :-
Deduct as follows :-

  M.G. Det. H.Q.details Total
13 29 30 59
14 30 30 60
15 29 30 59
16 27 30 57
17 20 40 60

Net Battalions : - 

Post 13 14 15  16 17 Total on Post Guns
No 1 352 352 4
- 2 136 108 244 2
- 3 222 56 278 2
- 4 154 154 2
- 5 243 150 393 2
  222 136 154 243 666 1421 10
      358     397      


"A"  Form.                               Army Form C. 2121.
Prefix  Code  m.
Office of Origin and Service Instructions. 
Words  Charge 
At   m.
This message is on a/c of : 
(Signature of "Franking Officer.")
Recd. at    m. 

*Sender's Number
 Day of Month
 In reply to Number AAA             
R 9AM est by orderly 1720.
L Tweedie  Cpl

a Bde Clerk
 The above may be forwarded as now corrected. 



Signature of Addressor or person authorised to telegraph in his name

*This line should be erased if not required.

8350 S. B. Ltd Wt. W4843/511-50,000. 9/14 Forms C2121/10.


Report for 24 hrs ended      
0500 – 29–8–15
1.  No movement or massing of troops
2/   1 off & 60 Ranks  reported back from RF POST

at 2100
3/.   Sap to 14th Bn “linked up”
4/.  Placed piquet in outpost originally
supplied by 14th Bn (Gully between
13th & 14th lines).   Improved &
strengthened outpost trenches.
5/.  Nothing to report during night
Australian Valley
D G Marks
Lieut a/adjt


Report ending 0530 for previous 24 hrs

Trenches  being improved generally and
extended to spur to right end 
of post.   Existing fire trenches
being improved where required and
communication trenches widened
and deepened.
Saps  to Post Nos 1  &  3 are being pushed on
as fast as possible.  The tunnel from
No 1 post is passing through very hard 
Sniping  by enemy in front has been kept
under by our men firing from
obscured positions.
General.   Our machine guns fired continuously 
yesterday in direction of Knoll 60.
Very quiet along our immediate 
Chas. M.M. Dare.
C.O. No 2 Post


Army Form C. 2123.                              
C. Form. (Original).              
No. of Message
from.     QE                               
By        [[DJ?]]   
Prefix       [[?SM]]      Code F       Words
Means Distance
Charges for Delivery  
Paid out 
Sent, or sent out
At   .M
at      M.
Office Stamp.
Handed in at the  QE   Office at 0600 M.   Received here at 0602 M. 
TO                         4th  Bde 
 *Sender's Number RA 3       Day of Month. 29th
In reply to Number. AAA
I have to report that everything
in front of this post was
very quiet last night & no
movement of enemy troops noted 
AAA. No casualties AAA
Also very quiet AAA Usual amount
of firing on our left.
Place              17th  Bn   0600

All Porterage, Redirection, or other charges collected as delivery are to be bought to accouat by me ans of Stamps affixed to the face of the

form, and the particulars of such charges and of amounts paid out are to be set forth in writing above, in the spaces headed "Delivery" and

"Charges for Delivery".

*This line should be erased if not required


L Horse have
got into the enemy
trench successfully
but too early to say if success permanent or if complete  
Aug 29/15 

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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