Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 8, 27 August - 29 August 1915, Part 5

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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C. Form. (Original). RecdJ Prettx from Means Vistence Service instructions Handed in at the SeaS SiAANEN 201 Coll 3 J Jarh C. 2123 MESSACES AND SICNALS of mep Sent, or sem sot]Orfce Stamp. Conlected PSON Returned Office 183 Received here at 1840n on AAA who wer 6.A p we ent couat by me ans of Stamos affired to the lace ices headed Deliver
Ro LY For C. EM. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS No. of Menare None Charge Prefr X Roed. at Office of Origtn and Service Instructions This message is on a/c of: So Dag service Hom OMASSITMOT OMAYI Loas 10,1 Lent Colonel 29 th Dare Mator 14t ter Gder M SYASoNN MIAGBM AAA wi Tentyeight tending Bigede Ort Aave 8 Forthwith ICm Dare wil assum subject in you and No 2 14th Br Command of Post (No1 Subbectionof Nc 6 Dedice Section we Liaw Colonl Adams V.D. Sickfisted and awaiting exacuation to be note ty alove Officers Caurehe please] Nehor t it aerted hnn Clooa TOREADE METO FSNF. SRIDAOE AUSTRALIAN NPERIAL FORCE. SSNAOB 22 S From Aoted o stati Valle Monnan PC Time30 soted The above may be forwarded as now corrected. athudatide cae < "nereas <e nan o ot This line should be crased if not required, p 9 Jge 8000 S.B.Ltd. Wt. WisiBI- 50,000. 9/1l. Forms CaTO. 2
Army Form C. 221. &Ron No. of Message MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. Charge Norte Reed at This messuse is onee Caa SASINENSSANNN Sent pate Aron From ISignature of Franting ORoO, 17/BY Major oin a Durrent 13th on 70 wa S.C.E. Herring LirtHD TAN Dee S At AAA sgly Lye Pubject Pernd issue oC0 on the reporned having Ii a Durrant Major t forthwith will take ove Sick leave toda foom and No/3 Post of Bth Battalin Secki) foom MajoS (No 1 dibsectir NYC Defence Lou Copnel LE. Acting SC vice C.E. Herring Filney SD SickAster and surratt to majors Herring note. Thir plea pungat t 4644 Notel Weho N ME. ORIGADE, BRIEARE MAIOR M MTMN mtet 28A61915 1 FON Anstratio Valley JO I833 The above may be forwarded as now corrected. cas e a r or ae to ao This line should be crased if not required. 8000 S. B. Ltd. Wi. WisBi 50,000. 9/1l. Forms O2iI0.
Sectien. No. v No. vi Souther 2. 266A AONNL 68 LORCEATLACKINASARL BAIR CORYNe. 10 PorckennER Ne. 21 Ne. 2 Post. ANLAC. 28th August 1915. As a preliminary to a redistribution of the sections of the position held by the A. 4 N.L. Army Corps and attached treeps, the following are the linits of Nes. V and vi Sections :- Limita. Peres in occupation when redistributien ie conpleted From the SALLI BEIT DERE inclusive N.2. 4 A. Division. along line now held to and includ- 29th Brigade. ing Knoll just across the AGRYL Commander, Major. DERR South Perk at 92 7 9. General Sir A.J. Godley, K.C.K.C.C.R Inner Administrative Boundaffes : Southern -,GALLI BRIT DERE to Sea. Northern - Worthorn bank of AGHYL DERR Southern Branch and main guily bed down to the Sea. (For the present, and until the arrival of another Austral- lan Brigade, the Southern tactical and administrative boundary tow include all ground up to and excluding HARPY WALLRY, along front of Sap prolenging WALKERS RIDGE defences to the ses at the Beach Barrier) From the left of Ne. V section along 54th Division the line now held to SUSAK KUrU 29th (Indian) Brigade. inclusive. Commander, Major-Genl P.S. inglefield, C.B. Inner Administrative Beundaries Temporarily - will Southern - AGRYL DERR Southern probably be meved Branch and main guily bed down later. to the sea - all North of NoroherBank. Nerthern - the read from SUSAK RorU through AsMAK KUrU to the sea. The following are the arrangements for the relief of the 13th Division by the 54th Division, and the re-distrib- ution of treeps in Nes. 5 and 6 Sections, showing the dates on which they will take effect: N.L. Infantry Brigade, as a temperary measure, taken ever the whole of RHODODENDRON SPUR fertifications less CHESHIRE RIDGE. 1 Battalien, 40th Brigade, withdrawn from above ares to garrisen OLD No. 3 PosT and BIG TABLE TOP in relief of 1 Battalien, N.2. Infantry Brifade, the latter joining its Brisade.
22th Ansust Leth Ausust Llat August (2) y 4 recond Battalion, 40th Brigade, withdrawn from the RRODODENDRON SPUR area to Reserve Bivouac. After dusk, Readquarters Ird Light Horse Brigade meve from No. 4 Section, and establish themselves in their new Brisade area Headquarters at head of northern branch SALLI BRIT DERE under BIC TABLE TOP, square 80 1. 2.3. Two Battalions, 38th Brigade, now in reserve, nove to KalLAR ChAIR after dusk. Headquarters and 2 Battaliens, 162nd Infantry Brigade (54th Division) arrive at 1 a.n. at 92 7 1 -4, and during the day, take ever the line now held by 2 Battaliens, 38th Brigade. The latter, on being relieved, nove to Reberre Bivouse after duak. 1 Battalion, 40th Brigade, marches after dusk from Reserve Bivoune to LALA BABA. At 1 a.m. 2 Battalions, 162nd Infantry Brigade, and the lst Field Company Royal Engineers, arrive at 92 7 1 -4. During the day, one of the above Battalions takes ever the line now held by 1 Battalion, 39th Brigade, which extends to 9279. The remaining Battalion will be in Brigade Reserve. After dusk, Headquarters and 2 Battalions, 39th Brigade, move to Reserve Bivouac. The Readquarters and 2 Battaliens, 38th Brigade, march from Reserve Bivouae to LALA BABA after dusk. At 1 a.m. Headquarters and 2 Battalions, 161st Infantry Brigade, and the lst Meld Ambulance, (54th Division), arrive at 92s. 4. 5, and take ever during the day the line now held by 2 Battalions of the 4th Australian Infantry Brisade. After dusk, the latter move to the vicinity of the 39th Brisade Readquarters, remaining there for the night. Headquarters and 2 Battalions, 39th Brisade, march from Reserve Bivouae to LALA BABA.
oJC 2nd seet. 2rd Sent. 4th sent. 68 131 At 1 a.n. 2 Battaliens, 161st Infantry Brigade, Divisional Headquarters, and the 2nd Held Company Royal Engineers, arrive at 92 s. 4. 5. During the day, the 2 Battalions take ever the line held by the remaining 2 Battalions of the 4th Australian Infantry Brigade, the latter neving after duak to Brigade Reserve. The Headquarters and 2 Battalions, 4th Australian Infantry Brigade, take ever the line held by the remaining 2 Battal. lons of the 39th Brigade. on being relieved, these 2 latter Battalions move to Reserve Bivouse. At 1 a.n. Beadquarters and 2 Battalions, 163rd Infantry Brisads, 3rd Hield Anbulance, and Cyelist Company, arrive at 92 s. 1. The 2 Battalions during the day take ever the line new held by the Nev Zealand Wounted Rifles Brigade, 1.c. from the left of the present 4th Australlan Infantry Brigads to the right of the Indian prisade. 2 Battalions of the 39th Brigade move from Reserve Bivoune to LALA BABA. After dusk, the New Zealand Mounted Rifles Brigade move to ota, the vicinity of CRESRIRE RIDGE and not the night. 2 Battalions, 1637d Infantry Brigade, and S.A.A. Column, arrive at 1 a.m. at 92S. 1. and the 2 Battalions join their Brisade now helding the old line of the New Zealand Mounted Riflee Brigade. The New Zealand Mounted Rifles Brigade take ever CHESHIRE RIDGR from 2 Battalions of the 40th Brigade. After dusk, Readquarters and 2 Battaliens of the 40th Brisade move to Reserve Bivouac. Readquarters and 2 Battalions, 40th Brigade, march from Reserve Bivouse to LALA BAEA. 2nd Field Anbulance, 54th Division, arrives. The incoming units of the 54th Division will be not at the Asnax Fr Veil, square 91 P.5. at 9. 30 p.s. bya
14) 1 Staff Officer and guide, furnished by the Division to which the unit being relieved belongs. These Staff Officers and guides will direct the in- coning units to their rendesvous as detailed in the fore- going instrustions. Staff officers from Brigades and Units should be sent several days ahead to reconneitre the rentes by which their Units will nove to their new areas, and every eppertunity should be taken of sending Regimental Officers of the relieving Units to confer with the present occupants of the trenches to sain all the information obtainable. All treeps vill earry one day's rations on the person, waterbottle filled, and 200 rounds of annunition, during all mevements connected with the above Transfers. on the completion of the above reliefs, the line held by the New Zealand and Australian Division, with treeps attached, will be as fellows, subject to the temperary medifications as described in para. 1:- from the SALLI BEIT DERR at the sea (inclusive)- DESTROYER MILL - KHODODENDRON SPUR -APRL - CRESRIRE RIDGR. and across the main AGHYL DERE to the Spur 92 7 9; thence along the main gully bed of the AGEYL DERE to the sea. The above area, in future known as N.L. 4 A. DIVISION- Al AREA, vill be divided into 5 Brigade Areas (a). (3), (C). (D). and (F): (A) No. 1 POST - DESTROTER MILL - OLD No. 3 POST - CANELIS HON - SILI BATT DERS Piegut. (s) BIC TABLE TOP - CANTERBURY SLOPR of RRODODENDRON SPUR. (C) APRX - RRODODENDRON SPUR (less CANTERBIRY SLOPR)- CRAILAK DERR down to the sea. (D) CRESHIRE RIDGK as far North as 80 D. 5-6 (inclusive) and the senthern alepes of BAUCHOP HILL. (s) CRESBIRE RIDGK, 80 D.5-6 (exclusive), to srun 92 7.6-9 and the Northern slepes of BAUCHOP HILL up to and including the AGHYL DERT to the sea.
107R3 JISTOO ( 10) 10) (0) 151 t Treeps are alletted to the above Brigade Areas as under : 1st Australlan Light Herse Brisads with Read- analal: quarters at OLD NO., POST AREA Ial : 2rd Australlan Hight Herse Briands with Read- quarters about BIG TABLE TOP or in Northern branch of the SALLL BRIT DERE. de with Headquarters at the 42 AREA (Cl noad of the Chiitit Dins. Lles Brigade with Headquarters Sera CDl: in her Chiilnk DiRS. AREa LLl : Ath Aust in Infantry Erisads with Headquarters on LAUCROP HILL. Dates and details for the move of treops,other than these mentioned above, cannot be definitely settled, but it is notified for infernation that the fellowing noves vill take place immediately the tactical situation admits : The lst Light Horse Brigads, on being relieved by 2 Battal- ions of the 5th Australian Infantry Brigade, will nove into Brigade Area Ac, and will relieve the Battalions of the 13th Division now holding No. 1 POST and OLD No. 3 POST. 17th, 18th and 19th Battalions, 5th Australian Infantry Brisade, vill rejoin their Headquarters in Nos. 3 and 4 Sections. The 8th, 9th, and 10th Light Horse Regiments vill rejein their Brigade Headquarters in Ares Bc, relieving the Battalion of the 13th Division now holding BIG TABLE TOP, and the treops of the N.2. Infantry Brigade holding CANTERBURY SLOPE. The 29th Infantry Brigade, leas 2 Battalions, vill nove into a bivouac site on the western alopes of BAUCROP HILL ae a Divisional Reserve. The relies and novements of all Engineer inits vill be sarrped out under the ardors of the O. h. po of 10
(1) 161 63 Divisions concerned. Medical Units - The reliefs and movements of all medical units will be arranged in detail by the A. D's M.S. concerned, and Field Anbulances will be quartered with the Brisades to which they are affiliated. (sed) V.C. Braithwaite Lieut.Col. General Staff. Percaattacking SARL BAIR. Coples as under at 2 p.m. War Diary Lepy Ne. 2 4 3 Recordd 13th Division 54th Division Indian Brigade 1st Aust. Light Horse Brisade 3rd N.L. Mounted Rifles Brigade. 28 7th Brigade, Indian Wountain Artillery. 29th Infantry Brigade 38th 39th 40th N.2. Infantry Brigade 4th Aust. Infantry Brigade 5th C.R.A. C.R.E. 20 A.D.M.S. 21 Senior Supply Officer O.C. Div. Train 22 Anzac. 23 1st Australian Division A.D.C. (for 6.0.C.) 28 Admin. Saaff. s0DD 000
Na Reference toose Order No. 21 pape two move of August 31 an 161 at Brigude plaase be asked to state probable strength thes two battations moving intha here that day so that I a allot sintibe Fontege for them to take over.
65 1840/ 28/8/15
  Army Form C 2123.
C. Form. 1 (Original). MESSAGE AND SIGNALS No. of Message ...
Recd Prefix Sm Code 7 7 pm Words ......... Sent, or sent out Office Stamp
from LBK           At ........ . M.  
  Delivery. Means ............ Charges for
Collected ...... ........
  ......... .......... By .........
By ........   Distance   Paid out .... Returned
Service Instructions. at ......... . M.
Handed in at the L B K Office at 1830   M. Received here at 1840 M.
  ( General Monash
TO { General Monash
 * Sender's Number. Day of Month. In reply to Number. AAA
1825 28  
Division wires that officers who
call for artillery support are
to keep in view urgent
need for avoiding unnecessary
expenditure ammunition shortage of
which is likely to interfere with
future operations
FROM 6 Section
PLACE 1825
All Porterage, Redirection, or other charges collected on delivery are to be brought to account by means of Stamps affixed to the face of the form, and
the particulars of such charges and of amounts paid out are to be set forth in writing above, in the spaces headed "Delivery" and "Charges for Delivery".
   * This line should be erased if not required  
  "A" Form. Army Form C. 2121.
Prefix ... Code.. m. Words. Charge.      
Office of origin and
Service Instructions
    This message is on a/c of: Recd. at ...  m.
  Sent   Service Date  
  At ... m.   From 105
  By Signature of "Franking Officer" By  
  ( JM  Durrant 14th Bn
TO {  
  ( Major CM Dare 14th Bn
Sender's Number Day of Month In reply to Number AAA
 * B M 986 Twenty eighth  
Pending issue of Brigade order on
Subject Major C.M. Dare will ^forthwith assume
Command of 14th Bn at No 2 Post
(No 1 Subsection of No 6 Defence Section) vice
Lieut Colonel J Adams V.D.  aaaaaaaaaaaa
Sicklisted and awaiting evacuation.
To be noted by above Officers
Comment please, returned
J.P. McGlinn Lieut. Colonel,
28 AUG1915
From Noted
Place Australia Valley  
Time 1830 Noted
The above may be forwarded as now corrected. (Z)        
  Chas M.M. Dare
  Censor. Signature of the Addressor or person authorised to telegraph his name
   * This line should be erased if not required. 1935  
8350 S.B. Ltd. Wt. W4843/541. 50,000. 9/14. Forms C2121/10.


  "A" Form. Army Form C. 2121.
Prefix ... Code.. m. Words. Charge.      
Office of origin and
Service Instructions
    This message is on a/c of: Recd. at ...  m.
  Sent 44 Service Date  
  At ... m.   From 105
  By Signature of "Franking Officer" By  
  ( Major J.M.A. Durrant 13th Bn
TO { Major S.C.E. Herring " "
Sender's Number Day of Month In reply to Number AAA
 * Bm 987 Twenty eighth  
Pending issue of B.O. on the Subject 
Major J.M.A. Durrant having returned
from Sick leave today will ^forthwith take over
Command of 13th Battalion and No 3 Post
(No 1 Subsection no 6 Defence Section) from Major S
C.E. Herring Acting O.C. vice Lieut Colonel L.E.
Tilney V.D. Sicklisted.
Majors Herring & Durrant to please note & return
Noted SCE Herring Major
JMA Durrant  J.P. McGlinn Lieut. Colonel,
28 AUG1915
Place Australia Valley JMA     Durrant  Lieut Colonel
Noted Chas MM Dare Major
Time 1835  
The above may be forwarded as now corrected. (Z)        
  Censor. Signature of the Addressor or person authorised to telegraph his name
   * This line should be erased if not required.   
8350 S.B. Ltd. Wt. W4843/541. 50,000. 9/14. Forms C2121/10.




Copy No. 16
No. 2 Post. ANZAC.
28th August 1915.

 1. As a preliminary to a redistribution of the sections
of the position held by the A. & N.Z. Army Corps and
attached troops, the following are the limits of Nos. V
and VI Sections :-

Section. Limits. Force in occupation
when redistribution
is completed
No. V :    
  From the SAZLI BEIT DERE inclusive
along line now held to and including
Knoll just across the AGHYL
DERE South Fork at 92 Y 9.
N.Z. & A. Division.
29th Brigade.
Commander, Major-
General Sir A.J.
Godley, K.C.M.G.C.B.
Inner Administrative Boundaries :-
Southern - SAZLI BEIT DERE to Sea.
Northern - Southern Northern bank of AGHYL
DERE Southern branch and main
gully bed down to the Sea.
  (For the present, and until the arrival of another Australian
Brigade, the Southern tactical and administrative
boundary tom include all ground up to and excluding HAPPY
VALLEY, along front of Sap prolonging WALKERS RIDGE
defences to the sea at the Beach Barrier)
No. VI From the left of No. V section along
the line now held to SUSAK KUYU  x
54th Division
29th (Indian) Brigade.
Commander, Major-Genl
F.S. Inglefield, C.B.
  Inner Administrative Boundaries : -
Southern - AGHYL DERE Southern
Branch and main gully bed down
to the sea - all North of
Southern Northern Bank.
x Temporarily - will
probably be moved
  Northern - the road from SUSAK KUYU
through ASMAK KUYU to the sea.

 2. The following are the arrangements for the relief of
the 13th Division by the 54th Division, and the re-distribution
 of troops in Nos. 5 and 6 Sections, showing the
dates on which they will take effect :-
28th August N.Z. Infantry Brigade, as a temporary measure, takes
over the whole of RHODODENDRON SPUR fortifications less
1 Battalion, 40th Brigade, withdrawn from above area 
to garrison OLD NO. 3 POST and BIG TABLE TOP in relief of
1 Battalion, N.Z. Infantry Brigade, the latter joining its


A second Battalion, 40th Brigade, withdrawn from the
RHODODENDRON SPUR area to Reserve Bivouac.
After dusk, Headquarters 3rd Light Horse Brigade move from 

No. 4 Section, and establish themselves in their new
Brigade area Headquarters at head of northern branch
SAZLI BEIT DERE under BIG TABLE TOP, square 80 I. 2.3.
Two Battalions, 38th Brigade, now in reserve, move
to KAZLAR CHAIR after dusk.

29th August Headquarters and 2 Battalions, 162nd Infantry Brigade
(54th Division) arrive at 1 a.m. at 92 Y 1 - 4, and
during the day, take over the line now held by 2 Battalions, 
38th Brigade. The latter, on being relieved, move to Reserve Bivouac after dusk.
1 Battalion, 40th Brigade, marches after dusk from Reserve Bivouac to LALA BABA.

30th August At 1 a.m. 2 Battalions, 162nd Infantry Brigade, and
the 1st Field Company Royal Engineers, arrive at 92 Y 1 - 4.
During the day, one of the above Battalions takes over the
line now held by 1 Battalion, 39th Brigade, which extends
to 92 Y 9. The remaining Battalion will be in Brigade
After dusk, Headquarters and 2 Battalions, 39th
Brigade, move to Reserve Bivouac.
The Headquarters and 2 Battalions, 38th Brigade, march
from Reserve Bivouac to LALA BABA after dusk.

31st August At 1 a.m. Headquarters and 2 Battalions, 161st Infantry
Brigade, and the 1st Field Ambulance, (54th Division),
arrive at 92 S. 4. 5, and take over during the day the line
now held by 2 Battalions of the 4th Australian Infantry
After dusk, the latter move to the vicinity of the
39th Brigade Headquarters, remaining there for the night.
Headquarters and 2 Battalions, 39th Brigade, march
from Reserve Bivouac to LALA BABA.


1st Sept. At 1 a.m. 2 Battalions, 161st Infantry Brigade, Divisional
Headquarters, and the 2nd Field Company Royal Engineers,
arrive at 92 S. 4. 5. During the day, the 2 Battalions
take over the line held by the remaining 2 Battalions of the
4th Australian Infantry Brigade, the latter moving after
dusk to Brigade Reserve. 
The Headquarters and 2 Battalions, 4th Australian Infantry
Brigade, take over the line held by the remaining 2 Battalions
of the 39th Brigade. On being relieved, these 2
latter Battalions move to Reserve Bivouac.

2nd Sept. At 1 a.m. Headquarters and 2 Battalions, 163rd Infantry
Brigade, 3rd Field Ambulance, and Cyclist Company, arrive
at 92 S. 1. The 2 Battalions during the day take over the
line now held by the New Zealand Mounted Rifles Brigade, i.e.
from the left of the present 4th Australian Infantry Brigade
to the right of the Indian Brigade.
2 Battalions of the 39th Brigade move from Reserve Bivouac
After dusk, the New Zealand Mounted Rifles Brigade move to
the vicinity of CHESHIRE RIDGE and xxx stay the night.

3rd Sept. 2 Battalions, 163rd Infantry Brigade, and S.A.A. Column,
arrive at 1 a.m. at 92 S. 1. and the 2 Battalions join
their Brigade now holding the old line of the New Zealand
Mounted Rifle Brigade.
The New Zealand Mounted Rifles Brigade take over CHESHIRE
RIDGE from 2 Battalions of the 40th Brigade.
After dusk, Headquarters and 2 Battalions of the 40th
Brigade move to Reserve Bivouac.

4th Sept. Headquarters and 2 Battalions, 40th Brigade, march from
Reserve Bivouac to LALA BABA.
2nd Field Ambulance, 54th Division, arrives.
The incoming units of the 54th Division will be met at
the ASMAK KUYU Well, square 91 P. 5. at 9. 30 p.m. by a


Staff Officer and guide, furnished by the Division to
which the unit being relieved belongs.
These Staff Officers and guides will direct the in-
coming units to their rendezvous as detailed in the fore-
going instructions.
Staff officers from Brigades and Units should be sent 
several days ahead to reconnoitre the routes by which their
Units will move to their new areas, and every opportunity 
should be taken of sending Regimental Officers of the 
relieving Units to confer with the present occupants of
the trenches to gain all the information obtainable.
All troops will carry one day's rations on the person,
waterbottle filled, and 200 rounds of ammunition, during
all movements connected with the above Transfers.
On the completion of the above reliefs, the line held
by the New Zealand and Australian Division, with troops
attached, will be as fellows, subject to the temporary
modifications as described in para. 1:-
From the SAZLI BEIT DERE at the sea (inclusive) -
and across the main AGHYL DERE to the Spur 92 Y 9 ; thence
along the main gully bed of the AGHYL DERE to the sea.

The above area, in future known as N.Z. & A. DIVISIONAL
AREA, will be divided into 5 Brigade Areas (A), (B), (C),
(D), and (E) :



CHAILAK DERE down to the sea.

(D) CRESHIRE RIDGE as far North as 80 D. 5-6 (inclusive)
and the southern slopes of BAUCHOP HILL.

E) CRESHIRE RIDGE, 80 D.5-6 (exclusive), to SPUR 92 Y.6-9

and the Northern slopes of BAUCHOP HILL up to and
including the AGHYL DERE to the sea.


Troops are allotted to the above Brigade Areas as
under :

AREA (A) : 1st Australian Light Horse Brigade with Head-
Quarters at OLD NO. 3 POST.

AREA (B) : 2nd Australian Hight Horse Brigade with Head-
quarters about BIG TABLE TOP or in Northern
branch of the SAZLI BIET DERE

AREA (C) : N.Z. Infantry Brigade with Headquarters at the

AREA (D) : N.Z. Mounted Rifles Brigade with Headquarters

AREA (E) : 4th Australian Infantry Brigade with Headquarters

Dates and details for the move of troops, other than
these mentioned above, cannot be definitely settled, but it
is notified for information that the following moves will
take place immediately the tactical situation admits :

↑(2) (b) xxx The 1st Light Horse Brigade, on being relieved by 2 Battal-
ions  of the 5th Australian Infantry Brigade, will move into Brigade Area "A", and will relieve the Battalions
of the 13th Division now holding NO. 1 POST and OLD NO. 3

(a) 1 xxx 17th, 18th and 19th Battalions, 5th Australian Infantry
Brigade, will rejoin their Headquarters in Nos. 3 and 4 Sections.

(c) The 8th, 9th, and 10th Light Horse Regiments will rejoin
their Brigade Headquarters in Area "B", relieving the
Battalion of the 13th Division now holding BIG TABLE TOP,
and the troops of the N.Z. Infantry Brigade holding

(d) The 29th Infantry Brigade, less 2 Battalions, will move
into a bivouac site on the western slopes of BAUCHOP HILL
as a Divisional Reserve.

(e) The reliefs and movements of all Engineer Units will be
carried out under the orders of the C.R.E's of the


Divisions concerned.
(f) Medical Units - The reliefs and movements of all medical
units will be arranged in detail by the A. D's M.S.
concerned, and Field Ambulances will be quartered with the
Brigades to which they are affiliated.

(Sgd) W.G. Braithwaite Lieut.Col.
General Staff.

Force attacking SARI BAIR.

Copies as under at 9 p.m.

Copy No. 1     War Diary
2 & 3                 Recorded
4                       13th Division
5                        54th Division
6                       Indian Brigade
 7                      1st Aust. Light Horse Brigade
8                       3rd  "  "  "  "
9                      N.Z. Mounted Rifles Brigade.
10                    7th Brigade, Indian Mountain Artillery.
11                     29th Infantry Brigade
12                    38th  "  "
13                    39th  "  "
√14                    40th  "  "
√15                    N.Z. Infantry Brigade
16                    4th Aust. Infantry Brigade
17                    5th  "  "  "
18                    C.R.A.
19                    C.R.E.
20                  A.D.M.S.
21                   Senior Supply Officer
22                  O.C. Div. Train
23                  Anzac.
24                 1st Australian Division
25                   A.D.C. (for G.O.C.)
26                    Admin. Staff.


Div. H.Q.
Reference Force Order No 21 page two
move of August 31 can 161st Brigade
please be asked to state probable strength of
their two battalions moving in that here that
day so that I can may allot suitable frontage for
them to take over. that day

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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