Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 8, 27 August - 29 August 1915, Part 4

  • Documents and letters
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G.W.C. H. C Bester Although not actually connected yet very satisfactory propen appear to have been made during darkness with trunc connecting Margolins left with right of & saptured trench rest to his position AAA Ler than ct t gaods remains to be cut and is being worked at from both ends ADA treating as of supreme impo tlo ind am tig wch into fir truat popines
62 Fo. S SBTION OLDERS BY MLYGL-GERERAL H.V. OCK,C.S.,c.s.I., conn.. 28 August1 the trenches remainiag uneaptured in the contre and left of KALASIE 11) AGHALA will be assaulted tenight by the troops under the command of Br- General Rnssell, and under arrangements to be made by him. The l0th Lnstralian Light Horse Regiment is also placed at his dis-- th posal for this purpose. the 8th Light Harse Regiment will arrive to replace it in general reserve tenight. At the same hour tenight as the above (which will be communicated 12 by General Russell to the 4th Australian Brigade) Br-General Monash will make arrangements to link up the trenches his treops now hold on the KILAYLK AGRALA with the right of those held by the troops under Br- General Russell, and will be respensible for the consolidation and garrisoning of the intervening space so septured. The 29th Brigade, leas 2 battalions, will be held in general reserve. the following move will take place tomorrow at dusk - one company 19th Bn., 5th Lnstrelian Brigade to S.S.R. Gully to report to general Russell for orders. from tomorrow at daybreak the distribation of garrison of trenshes on KALAJLK AGRALA will be as follows :. Frem Austrelian Right on KALLYLL AGRALA for 300 yards, to be 191 Turnished by treops under the command of Br-General Monash. heminder of KALLIIK AGRALA by troops under the command of 101 Br-General Bussell. the G.0.S. No. 6 section also assumes comnand of Nc. 5 sub- 13 Section, vice Lt-Colonel Palin, reported sick. Reports from No. 5 subesection troops as before to old Nc. 3 Fiequet. Sl Captain, Brigads Mafor, No. 5 section.. Copies to 2. Br-eneral Russell. Monash... Colonegnes. 2. (1 for 19th Bn. Anstralian Infy.]. lafor Dodington E. A. Division.. Retained.. 000
M Co C A MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Message C. Ferm, (Original). Office Stamp. Sent, or sent out Words Recd Cole Pretix Hrom 3 Collenes Means 5. 1s On Distance Returned Received here at Office at Handed in at the 4th 2t6 70 $ AAA 1 fficer th Sen Please d Adams replact am Cooper Capl. unfit ndt 4 brokin wounded Coope heth FROM 4 ms Ada Col. PLACE 101 TIME o be bought to account by me ans of Stamos affixed to the face of the All Perterage, Redirection, or other charges collecied on delivery are Hung sbore, to the spaces headed Delvery and our are to be set forth in of such charges and of amount arm, and the particular Chages tor Delivery D Pa M
M Aan i980 S A 5 ar l 33 whe MEWNSH an 1all 0 46 t Bn
Army Form C. 2123. No. of Message MESSACES AND SICNALS. C. Ferm. (Orginal. Office Stamp. Sent, or sent out Recd. Cose Prettr from 2 Colletes Means 6 E5 Paid out Distance Returned Serrice MistintBr Received here at Office at Handed in at the D T0 lox Intercepted message to enl MCE a45 SeAdTSN tent Woe that received 1 move t irerd Din ane H N 04 road 44 X ton 2131 FROM PLACE ir charges collecied on delivery a All Porterage, Redirectien Iom are Wamoun AMEE Charres for Delivery MM N00 otE
m hat ts no wa i was 2 inealst
te Manch to t reports considerable acton my tont Enemy movement, observable in the nature of reliefs or reiforcements moving both east and west AAA We are dealing with this with our machine guns at every opportunity not
C. Form. (Original). Recd. Nom SeFICE MASEEES Handed in at the 70 Senttro MSS -ROM PLACE TIME An Perterage, Redirecties, or and the particn Charges for Delive Means Distance Cole A ToM CEM MESSACES AND SICNALS. No. of Message Office Stamp. Sent, or sent out Collected S Paid out Returned Office at Received here at 0ay Of Mont. AAA at tree the of Stames affered to the face of the 1o the spaces beaded Deltvery and
o SMr CH MFtesMA M ID tea 157 FROM PAOEATIME T TO Tom OostonS LATENSN MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.- vanx Charges to Pay. OAAM 2pt 88 8815 mn 1 one SATSMON CAGWOTANN AAA West o
Impression of Observors is that more men were going enst than west. Our observations does not justify any substantially concern as rempred being nenemy e 6

G.O.C No 6 Section
Although not actually connected yet
very satisfactory progress appears to have been
made during darkness with trench connecting
Margolins left with right of recent new captured
trench nearest to his position AAA Less than
fourty yards remains to be cut and trench is being
worked at from both ends AAA Am treating
this work as of supreme importance and am
converting trench into fire trench as it progresses.
28 8 15


                                                --------------                  28 August 1915
(1) The trenches remaining uncaptured in the centre and left of KAIAJIK
AGHALA will be assaulted tonight by the troops under the command of
Br-General Russell, and under arrangements to be made by him.
The 10th Australian Light Horse Regiment is also placed at his disposal
x(2)xx for this purpose.
The 8th Light Horse Regiment will arrive to replace it in general
reserve tonight.
(2) At the same hour tonight as the above (which will be communicated
by General Russell to the 4th Australian Brigade) Br-General Monash
will make arrangements to link up the trenches his troops now hold on
the KAIAJIK AGHALA with the right of those held by the troops under
Br-General Russell, and will be responsible for the consolidation and
garrisoning of the intervening space so captured.
The 29th Brigade, less 2 battalions, will be held in general
(3) The following move will take place tomorrow at dusk - one company
19th Bn., 5th Australian Brigade to S.W.B. BGully to report to General
Russell for orders. 
(4) From tomorrow at daybreak the distribution of garrison of trenches
on KAIAJIK AGHALA will be as follows :-
(a) From Australian Right on KAIAJIK AGHALA for 300 yards, to be
furnished by troops under the command of Br-General Monash.
(b) Remainder of KAIAJIK AGHALA by troops under the command of
Br-General Russell.
(5) The G.O.C. No.  6 Section also assumes command of No. 3 Sub-Section,  
vice Lt-Colonel Palin, reported sick.  Reports from No. 3
Sub-Section troops as before to old No. 3 Picquet.
GA Jeffrey
Brigade Major,  No.  6  Section. . . .
Copies to - 
Br-General Russell      . . . . 2.
       "              Monash.   . . . . 1.
Colonel  Agnew . . . . . . . . . . 1.
Major Dodington . . . . . . . . . 2.  (1 for 19th Bn. Australian Infy. ) .
N.  Z.  A.  Division . . . . . . . . . .1.
Retained . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  1.


Army Form C. 2123.
C. Form (Original).  MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.      No. of Message
Recd. from 
Prefix      Code    Words
Delivery  Means   Distance
Charges for Delivery   Collected    Paid out
Sent, or sent out
At     M
at     .M.
Office Stamp.
Service Instructions.
Handed in at the        Office at       M.    Received here at     M.
TO B M 4th Bde
*Sender’s Number.     Day of Month.     In reply to Number.        AAA
Please send two officers to
replace Col Adams and
Capt Cooper. I am
broken up and unfit
Cooper wounded

You must carry on until I can make see whether it
is possible to relieve you. -
FROM Col. Adams R.F.
TIME    1015
All Porterage, Redirection, or other charges collected on delivery are to be bought to accouat by me ans of Stamps affixed to the face of the
form, and the particulars of such charges and of amounts paid out are to be set forth in writing above, in the spaces headed "Delivery" and
"Charges for Delivery".
* This line should be erased if not required.


Lt Colonel Adams
Bm 980 Twenty eight KAIAJIK AGHALA POST R.F.
You must carry on until
I can see whether it is
possible to relieve you
Aust Valley
JP McGlinn Lt Col   BM 7 28/8


Army Form C. 2123.
C. Form. (Original).   MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.     No. of Message
Recd from
Prefix  Code  Words
Charges for Delivery
Paid Out
Sent, or sent out
At     M.
By   28/8/15
at       M.
Office Stamp. 
Service Instructions.
Handed in at the     Office at   M.   Received here at     M.
TO  Intercepted message to Genl Cox
*Sender’s Number.     Day of Month.     In reply to Number.        AAA
Word just received that tenth
Divn intends to move its
right to the line of
the KAVAKLER SUSAK road at
2130 tonight
All porterage, Redirection, or other charges collected on delivery are to be bought to accouat by me ans of Stamps affixed to the face of the
form, and the particulars of such charges and of amounts paid out are to be set forth in writing above, in the spaces headed "Delivery" and
"Charges for Delivery".
*This line should be erased if not required.


Message intercepted to No 6 Section
A message No BM 100 from MR Bde was
received this morning stating that our
artillery was firing five yards in
front of our own troops AAA  O C
4th Howitzer Battery states that he was
doing this intentionally as he could
see plainly guns were shooting
accurately and there was a great deal
of bombing from Turks about ten
yards away which in his opinion
his fire and that of 5 inch howitzers
put a stop to AAA  Our men were
making us reply AAA  He will not
attempt anything of this sort in future
unless requested to do so by
infantry and would like to know
whether in such cases they would clear their trenches or not


My front reports considerable
enemy movement across my front in observable in
the nature of reliefs or reinforcements
moving both east and west AAA
We are dealing with this with our
machine guns at every opportunity
Bm 983


Army Form C. 2123.
C. Form (Original).  MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.      No. of Message
Recd. from 
Prefix    Code    Words
Charges for Delivery
Paid out
Sent, or sent out
At      .M
By    62
at     M.
Office Stamp.
Service Instructions.
Handed in at the    Office at     M.     Received here at     M.
TO From Capt Rose
*Sender’s Number.      Day of Month.       In reply to Number.          AAA
The Trench to E of / Oak tree
about 50yds in / paddock is
completely enfld from End to End by
a MG from Popes positn this
trench shd give you hardly any trouble
as we are firing on it
Movement from Easterly ~ NE trench lot of
movement like relieving
All porterage, Redirection, or other charges collected on delivery are to be bought to accouat by me ans of Stamps affixed to the face of the
form, and the particulars of such charges and of amounts paid out are to be set forth in writing above, in the spaces headed "Delivery" and
"Charges for Delivery".
*This line should be erased if not required.


"C" Form (Duplicate).    Army for C. 2123.
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.      No. of Message
SM CA                 ZBK    ES
Charges to Pay.
£   s.   d.
Office Stamp.
Service Instructions.
Handed in at  ZBK  Office  1505 m. 28 Received 1506 m.
TO  Genl Monash
*Sender's Number      Day of Month   In reply to Number      A A A
      1500                                    28                    BM983
Do you observe more men
going East or coming West
FROM                 6 Section
PLACE & TIME   1500
W.2384-583.  30,000 Pads-8/14.  S. B. Ltd.-Forms/C.2123.


Impression of observers is that more
men were going east than west. AAA
Our observations does not justify any
assumption that  concern as to enemy xxx being substantially reinforced
but xxxxxly
Bm 984

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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