Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 8, 27 August - 29 August 1915, Part 3

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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ArForm. Army [ In C. 2121 No. of Message— MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. PrCIH Code I M./ Words/ Charge The thenece Don sect. Recd. at OMceAGttS SENKEHon Service Stenature of Frankin Oficer7 By BM 4t Bhe Sender's Number. Day of Month. Liery to Dismbe AAA TWENTY-SETENN OA 116 Saliers party 150 collected in 152 Guly 1472 & handed to Beyers iifty for adams would repoted AA Cor not ye has noting to likd a telephane A He report Wke PTON 2005 Place Time The above may be forwarded as now serrected. CenSOT Senature AAAATERSETOTPETSERAMICFhed IO IeGraphI Mis Mame. This Fine should be crased if not required - Army Form C. 2121 Ar Form. No. of Message. MESSACES AND SIONAIS. SICI Cod/ Words] CSS T TA SCASCO. RC OMceNSIE S SSMKERANMN Service 144 JOrnconprn Onca £o X 4th Brigade in reply to Number. AAA Seader's Number. Day of Month. 27th OA 114 On the right of sap to 14 B. we here poter through to a little gully sa to KATIAK DERE down nenneng We ask piqueting this to-night o42 145 sp notigicl 132 80 FroM Place 2116 4 t Time The above may be forwarded as now serrected. T AiAMana Mr t M MAASIMHMAR Censor. This fine should be crased if not required.
OTow COrerat Ly Fon D.RI MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No of Mossage. Sent, or sent out Kyt A From 46 far Charges to collect Service Instructions Handed in at cad JAASESEATN Das A a T aAA gratulationson Custtellan have got aft underst Queat difficult ax fig much wer Tourty a th them will luren night FROM eneral G00 PLACESTIME d Wm ORt McS.AM-TonUM
61 TeRCKAELACKINA SARLBAIR Sumnary of erents fren 6 a.m. 22th august to 6ain. 22th Anenst 1212. De. Lexce POPYS was shelled from direction of KULE GULLY, but no damage was dene. Enemy tried to erect bomb screen in frent of OUINNIS, but was unsuccessful ewing to our bombs. Deco Nothing to repert. La. LercreN A hostile acreplane dropped a bomb in the AGFYL DERE at 6. 50 p.n. yesterday. D.So The 4th Australian Infantry Brigade on the right were unable to make pregress oving otc Machine Gun fire. The New Zealand Mounted Kifles occupy trenches prelenging their former trenches to 40 yards beyend Bc (reference Sketch), up communication trench to top of Kill, also a second communi- cation trench, between above and eld trench. The Cennaught Rangers teok C -D, but lest 1t at 8.30 p.m. on being Dembed. o 4 p.M. - 5 p.m. Bombardment of trenches on KALASIK AGRALA and KNOLL 60 took place. The batteries alletted to this were all howitzer batteries, namely 4th N.Q. Battery, and Bc, ccc, Dc Batteries of 69th Brisade R.V.A. The bombardment was veri successful except on the flanks of the pesition, whare mere opposition than was expected was encountered when the assault was made at 5 p.m. During the above hours, the field batteries and the heavy suns, ashore and afleat, exept the road appreaches to the position to be taken and endeavoured to neutralise the hestile artillery. on the assault being made, the Howitsers switched 5 P.M. to their right, and fired higher up the KALAYIK DERd ridge, while the other guns continued to deal with mevement more removed from the objective, and with the enemy's guns. During the night, an internittent fire from Nevitzers was kept up on the trenches adjoining these captured. srm Onobtainable at present - will be forwarded later. Beadquarters, Ne. 2 Pest. 1Btn Qusuat 1912. w and
forousende 8500--21-8-5 N3 POST 2-8-16 We were will situated for control & observation of fire & at 1700 were able to direct a nost effective covering five on turked tides with rifles & NCS 2/ Sap to 14t Br nearing conpletion Holed through to & rigneted onall gully between us & 1t Br 3/1960 supplied an additional 1cer & soner of aby 17th 62 Resere nothing to report on our front duing night Hathen Prent 6500 ady 5
er Forn pr Form C. 2I2I. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS N A Mene s clato CAE Reed. at This message is on a/c of: TheeA TinHSentes Mition Sent. Odter cervice From L4 JONAFTNORAETTBL 70 The 1th Bryade Meateaton FSenCNen Wist toCne Das O Mon1 AAA Dienty perght Man 6 am 127th mat uptil A Por.) same date things on our front wer quiep. When bonbardmept openes fat 4 pmr. (this foring line was manned with spareman nd whip enemy distupbed fre was directed on them, lnk from time attack was launched a continuous fire was kept aff with pples & m suns on enemy tranches 4/t mart from the tatation under kent coomps composed pard to right foree iresire and Fily under Lient conidan wn mate C on account of little could he seen of pporation this past. the resone terty of pomen unte From Pace Time The ae may be sorvanted as now corrected CoM SAMEAIMAANO AAN MANSDICNNNHNLE This line should be crased if not required. Army Form C. 212I. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. Of MsASE CaTE Reed. at This message is on a/c of TheeA Gn E, Sirict Hieon Date senic CNNEN. PIMIN ORAI FSender& Miner SA AMONt Wntot AAA munac but Conngan are in party of 50 undr hunt poomtes (aps have supfered casathes] mone hand exported back to prvonce drent lovts who is slightly wounded to doing some sapping work for Major Margathen and he his sine men with thm of the others te has no trace but topes manly of then man have worked away to the left &o are how in the forng thre. I ape tryng to thane them Camalhes at ppon Io pe e e en e pete t te e on s s o . From Place Time The above may be forwarded as now corrected.(2) u hett Somure of piur a naw ntomed t nr to a. M Consor "This line should be crased if not required.
Army Form C. 2123. MESSACES AND SICNALS. No. of Message C. Form. (Original) Office Stamp. Sent, or sent out Recd. Col Prett from pcolleded Mean B 87 3/12. On Esune Returned 389 Setrite Mstic Office received here at 010 Handed in at the H8 D5 T0 Senteto Mimber TEAY TO Tme Da o M 405 In v operation yesterday out was shooo afternoon & aand trench remained &o arm ar (3 Turks) developped fully mann heavy uryng atlpsoon fire oni but did not1otherwise show any indicetion of atacking B2A 5500 we brought maphine sich yeas to bear on surps about Hill 60 nds 807 yds rac sestion at7 wornded and killet sualtie 6 se hap in & by m FROM PLACE TIN ne ans of Stamps afflred to the es collecied on delivery are to account by An Po AnEabove, is the spaces headed Delvery and ind of amounts paid out are to be set forth in FCeACN MS This tine should be c Io
My Sor C. N MESSACES AND SICNALS No. of Messag C. Ferm. (Origimnal) Recd Sect, O CO OA Ofice Stame Coll RCA from PCAleSE Means Paid out Pisnce Returned Service instructions. Office at Received here a Handed in at the 70 FSeatetO NE Oat of Mo AICOY TO MA MOCI aa trte i opepation on left aae stre New Mechine qpa pocitin in tpush at ExX of 04 Septiam Lep besn left used for ot time yesterday. New mackine o Section c in implocement, in ring Turks) about 92143 has in constructed during night daa. All ranks plert & f nd movement vigilat through bi observe on part of Turps opposite post 8881 C0k PLACE 16 guthost TIME AAILC Eediecues, or other charges collecied on delivery are to be bought to account Eepeces nesded -Detcy and ges and of amounts paid our are to be set forth t it, w t gn I iot n
MOMT MA MALIAATEUA ETHOT VAAT BE T ETEAS THSAAGGA TO HSIASIHTON SIIDIA trenteanant T trte lan you supply N.Z. srmted Fies 200 bombs they will be sending over (a party] at onie Tway an applyins to 100 from H. 84 Diig pergantly awill repay us what C them Send awswer by bearer whether you can manage t very rgent. Hhishnd tuph 14 dispatitund 0oto Gr
JB.H.P. 4 t 19rs 0728 8/0/15 I am sending you a speciment of our Artillry shell landed below our Dugants will you please stope artillery from doing so they do more domage to us than to te enemy men are getting rattled sas enay bsgor Sreay Of Meme &e FeI Or O WMFFI 6op tfe Dat 1593 no 2 ost #8 obs pex 16o/ Obs 1446 8for a
rom any Pow O. AIL. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS No of Message Words Charge rad ge Tand OEMSATANANANE This message to on a/e of: Sent e Bervie H forowl Comta enf General Monash SentGR DYAMon LrGBM AAA 28t Your referve must be imployed tonight in linting up & consolidating time with WErKifle right- They have corauced 40£ towards your left. so gep should on by now be about 100£ This sho be recomn iked by the officers today This has just been pettled between General Russes & Myself as the share comvinted gover men must complete af all coste- Pepys Will Explain the situation as it stands now. I General Cok Place The above may be forwarded as now corrected. Holy tr sowr. ortie d sen o mnt n i cr to 1. This line should be erased H not required. 0 S.B. Ltd. Wt. WISS-50,000. 9/14 Forms OMnIO.

"A" Form.  
Army Form C. 2121 
Prefix   Code   m
Office of origin & Service Instructions
Words   Charge
At      m.
This Message is on a/c of:
(signature of "Frankin Officer")
Recd. at         m. 
TO         BM
4th  Bde 
*Sender's          Day of                 In reply 
Number.         Month.                to Number              AAA 
QA 116      TWENTY-SEVENTH          ---          
Salier's party 150 collected in 15th Gully 
& handed to Beyers AAA Fifty from 14th 
not yet reported AAA Col Adams would 
like a telephone AAA He has nothing to 
From         DMarks 
Place            2005 


"A" Form.       Army Form C. 2121 
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS     No. of Message... 
Prefix     Code   m.           Words Charge 
Office of origin & Service Instructions. 
At       m.                    
This Message is on a/c of:
(Signature of "Frankin Officer")
Recd.  at      m.
TO            4th Brigade            2120 
*Sender's Number.         Day of Month.       In reply to Number.      AAA 
OA 117                                  27th 
On the right of sap to 14th Bn we 
have broken through to a little gully 
running down to KAIAJICK DERE AAA 
We are piqueting this to-night AAA 
14th Bn notified 
From         13th Bn 
Time          2110 
The above may be forwarded as now corrected. 
(Z)     DGMarks 


"C" Form (Original). 
Army Form C. 2123.                     
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.     No. of Message 
Prefix SM   Code KP   Words  48 
Charges to collect. 
Received                   Sent, or sent out             Office Stamp 
From  NZ                  At  2210 m.             
By  CGray                  To                                             
Service Instructions. 
Handed in at  NZ  Office    2200m.   Received 2209 m. 
TO   General Monash 
4 Aust Inf Bde 
*Sender's Number      Day of Month     In reply to Number     AAA 
G709                                 27th 
My Congratulations on what 
Australians have got after I 
understand great difficulties and 
much hard fighting aaa Trust 
that fourth and fifth Brigades 
between them will complete your 
piece during night 
BO 248 
BM 979 
FROM                        General Godley 
PLACE & TIME            NZA RC.


FORCE ATTACKING SARI BAIR                    61 
Summary of events from 6 a.m. 27th August to 6 a.m. 28th August 1915. 
POPE'S was shelled from direction of MULE GULLY, but no 
damage was done. 
Enemy tried to erect a bomb screen in front of QUINN'S, 
but was unsuccessful owing to our bombs. 
Nothing to report. 
A hostile aeroplane dropped a bomb in the AGHYL DERE at 
6.50 p.m. yesterday. 
The 4th Australian Infantry Brigade on the right were 
unable to make progress owing oto Machine Gun fire. 
The New Zealand Mounted Rifles occupy trenches prolonging 
their former trenches to 40 yards beyond "B" (reference Sketch), 
up communication trench to top of Hill, also a second
communication trench, between above and old trench. 
The Connaught Rangers took C - D, but lost it at 8.30 p.m. 
on being bombed. 
4 p.m. - 5 p.m. Bombardment of trenches on KAIAJIK AGHALA 
and KNOLL 60 took place. The batteries allotted to this were 
all howitzer batteries, namely 4th N.Z. Battery, and "B", "C", and 
"D" Batteries of 69th Brigade R.F.A. 
The bombardment was veri successful except on the flanks of 
the position, where more opposition than was expected was 
encountered when the assault was made at 5 p.m. 
During the above hours, the field batteries and the heavy 
guns, ashore and afloat, swept the road approaches to the 
position to be taken and endeavoured to neutralize the hostile 
5 p.m. On the assault being made, the Howitzers switched 
to their right, and fired higher up the KAIAJIK DERE ridge, 
while the other guns continued to deal with movement more 
removed from the objective, and with the enemy's guns. 
During the night, an intermittent fire from Howitzers was 
kept up on the trenches adjoining those captured. 
Unobtainable at present - will be forwarded later. 
No. 2 Post. 
28th August 1915. 
JM     W.J.M.G


Report for 24 hours ended                                                                        
0500 - 28-8-15 
No.3 POST 
1. / We were well situated for control 
& observation of fire & at 1700 
were able to direct a most 
effective covering fire on turkish 
trenches with rifles & MGs. 
2/. Sap to 14th Bn nearing completion. 
Holed through to & piqueted small 
gully between us & 14th Bn
3/ 1900 Supplied an additional 
1 officer & 50 men of A Coy 17th Bn 
for Reserve. 
4/ Nothing to report on our 
front during night 
JM  0500  


"A" Form.  
my Form C. 2121 
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS     No. of Message 
Prefix   Code   m.           Words   Charge 
Office of Origin & Service Instructions. 
At      m.                   .                                   
This message is on a/c of:
(Signature of "Franking Officer")
Recd. at        m.
TO    HQ     4th Brigade Headquarters 
*Sender's Number.         Day of Month.        In reply to Number.       AAA 
                                             twenty eighth 
From 6 am 27th Inst until 4 P.M. same date 
things on our front were quiet. 
When bombardment opened at 4 PM. this firing 
line was manned with every spare man 
and when enemy was were disturbed fire was 
directed on them, and from time attack was launched 
a continuous fire was kept up with Rifles & M Guns 
on enemy trenches. 
Fifty men from this battalion under 
Lieut Coombs composed part of the right force 
and fifty under Lieut Corrigan were in reserve 
On account of smoke etc very 
little could be seen of operation from 
this post. 
The reserve party of 50 men under Lieut 
The above may be forwarded as now corrected.
Signature of Addressor or person authorized to telegraph in his name.


"A" Form.
Army Form C. 2121.
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS             No. of Message 
Prefix  Code    m.           Words     Charge 
Office of Origin & Service Instructions. 
Sent.                                     This Message is on a/c of:         Recd. at    m. 
At     m.                                             Service.                              Date 
To                                                                                                    From     
By              (Signature of "Franking Officer")                         By 
*Sender's Number.         Day of Month.       In reply to Number.    AAA    
Corrigan are in bivouac but the party  
of 50 under Lieut Coombs (who have suffered 
casualties) none have reported back to bivouac 
Lieut Coombs who is slightly wounded is doing 
some sapping work for Major Margolin 
and he has five men with him of the others 
he has no trace but hopes many of them 
may have worked away to the left & are 
now in the firing line. I am trying to trace them 
Casualties approx 1 officer Lt Coombs Wounded other Ranks 10 Killed 
20 Wounded 
Place          JM   
The above may be forwarded as now corrected. 
(Z)                               J P McSherry Capt 
Signature of Addressor or person authorized to telegraph in his name. 
*This line should be erased if not required.


Army Form C. 2123. 
C. Form. (Original).  
No. of Message 
from    QE         
By   HJ  
Prefix    Code   Words   
Charges for Delivery
Paid out                         
Sent, or sent out 
At   M. 
By  QE                                
at     M.
Office Stamp
Service Instructions. 
Handed in at the   QE  Office at  0604 M.    Received here at  0610  M. 
TO     BDE HQ. 4th 
*Sender's Number.       Day of Month.       In reply to Number.        AAA 
In view of operation yesterday 
afternoon the post was stood 
to arms at 1530 and trenches remained 
fully manned. Turks developed 
heavy fire on us during afternoon 
but did not otherwise show any 
indication of attacking AAA. 
We brought machine gun fire 5500 
rounds to bear on Turks about Hill 60 
from No.3 Section at range 800 yds aaa 
our Casualties 2 killed 3 wounded aaa 
Work on forward fire trenches has been 
continued but has been hampered by 


Army Form C. 2123. 
C. Form. (Original).  
No. of Message... 
Charges for delivery
Paid out
Sent, or sent out
At       M
at         M.
office Stamp. 
Service Instructions. 
Handed in at the            Office at       M.        Received here at        M. 
*Sender's Number.          Day of Month.        In reply to Number.                   AAA 
stray bullets from operation on left aaa 
New machine gun position in trench at 
extreme left of No 4 Section has been 
used for first time yesterday, New machine 
gun emplacement in No 3 Section covering 
Turks about 92 L3 has been constructed 
during night aaa. All ranks alert & 
vigilant through night but no movement 
observed on part of Turks opposite post 
PLACE     O C No 1 outpost 
TIME       0604


Lieutenant Macdonald.                            
Can you supply N.Z. Mounted Rifles 
with 200 bombs? They will be 
sending over a party at once. They 
are applying for 1000 from H.Q. 
Division urgently & will repay us what 
we give them. Send answer by 
bearer whether you can manage the  
200. It is very urgent. 
28.8.15  J R Eastwood  Cptn 
despatched 0010 


B. H. Q. 4th Brd. 
07 28 
I am sending you a 
specimen of our Artillery 
shell landed below 
our Dugouts will you 
for please stope 
artillery from doing so 
They do more damage to 
us than to the enemy 
men are getting rattled 


60 pr Howitzer 
69th Bde Hwtzer Batt 5" 
             H.Q. No 2 post 
             obs near 60pr obs 
             stn near 14th Bn 


"A" Form.
Army Form C. 2121 
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS     No. of Message 
Prefix   Code m.            
Office of Origin & Service Instructions.
Words    Charge 
At     m.
This message is on a/c of:
28/8/15   Service
(Signature of "Franking Officer.")
Recd. at    m.
TO    General Monash. 
*Sender's Number.          
Day of Month.    28th      
In reply to Number.       AAA 
Your reserve xxxx must be employed tonight 
in linking up & consolidating line with  
NZ M Rifles right - They have advanced 40 x 
towards your left _ so gap should only now 
be about 100 x - This shd be reconnoitred 
by the officers today. This has just been settled 
between General Russell & myself as the share 
xxxxx your men must complete at all costs- 
Pepys will explain the situation as it stands 
From         General COX 
Time          8.30. am 
The above may be forwarded as now corrected. 
(Z)     HVCox MG 
Signature of Addressor or person authorised to telegraph in his name 

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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