Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 8, 27 August - 29 August 1915, Part 2

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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M.OAOY MA HALLAATEUA ETOHOT VAATLHM L Juny Form C. 2123. MESSACES AND SICNALS. C. Form. (Original). sto. of Wessage Recd Sent, or sent out Office Stamp. Word CoRE Pretir from 66 3 Colees Means O Dia Paid out Distance Returned Service instructions Office at Handed in at the Received here al 50 70 Sente DA O Mont AAA al FRON PLACE TIME All Porterage, Redirection, or other res collecied on de tred t0 , and the particulars of such c Jaces headed Deltery and IANN Charges tor Deltvery M
MI.O MOYMA WALLAATEUA ETOHOT VAATLHIM AIIEIIA OT TOLISI D 272AO THTAAGGA TO HCITASITON Bale 490 Capt Biers has taken over Capt Saliers place & has collected the whole of the reserves comprising 4 Officers + soomen & is standing by 15 Bn H.A. 15 Bn Hor TeoorI JaNEH 664 3024 Jaest WMO
F Bri. our shell just droped on my trench and dilled a fergt can't you get the artillery to engther yough wereyol perts p 711 Jor O 8 In Bull. 24th 3 tomon fom forwarding to you the empty shell that landed. dshind our Dugants by this shell you may be able to find but which gun dase the domage Mary himnmayr 5
+Headquarters 4th Hust Brigate. 46 There are no Wrelcher beares from either the 17th Batalln or 14 Batal helping at 15th Betal duseing station. They are wanted urgentily. PAC. Yavenport capt. R.N.0 15th Pataltn ex 18.00 E4 Mo B Bun from Brgain Mayor 4A) B. Wontert he possible 1 ananee d frm of the foleis of N.S.J. ame to come up to me advancer ciging of 4 I amb as are heay no4 suffcient beavs to cove wooof number of wounded coming back Mr Aymand Fenber Ca Mho2 Blth 19.30 Cas
oaa (52 thro our neop oul seem to have to one trenst ake than aker 2 tive
7 etd B toe 4 yay Col Pope Have jost been taking on sene of ta preport thas our truks to seem to gave one trenea only Canes tive they have theon terke. covering fire proved yer His the Tt to seem effective at Execes. Leavy very te sufferny Fatetan stee
Army Form C. 2121. Ar Form. No. of Message MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. Norse Charge Ca Reed at SE This message to on a/e of: Oad OnASEMSMNSN pae Set Service 26649 SFMAT OIIFIMSRIPS MIOTY atier Capt C T0 B5 on testves wa LtNGHT DT A MSOMS SeMAGETEAME AAA BM You Sending Brigader to men and ficer Lost 27 & NO each in up force Your bring to 2e we AAA to Enan forth tenun ADD awarl ae you PrON Jet 4 Place 34 D Genths 25 Time The above may be forwarded as now corrected D WA onte atte a m tatones w i t Censor This line should be crase] Hf not required. 8000 S.B.Ltd. WI. WISISISI-DO,C0. 8/1l. Forms Cnno.
M.OMO MA HALIAATEUA E3OROY VAATIIIN ay Forn D. An. A FOrM AITEY No of Mecse MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. Nore Charge O Office of Origin and Service Instructions. This message to on a/c of: sen Da service From B7 ISSSARTOL-FRSKEE OMISIY T0 MNHON LrerytoMnt SenteTMt AAA no gat and fe wto mnt o yt t we to 6 i set Of i ae Nelve sort 6 With tto these the to ory e had po still nt tole senfc abest i m FroN tad ept 3 ete Place to the th I Time The above may be forwarded as now corrected. t co. Cre d aam a ro a nom to ur t. . This line should be erased if not required. 8300 S.B. Ltd Wi. Wisssu_ 50,000. 9/14 Forms Ous0 naw ASR 1664 a siaH
8 we at i th o th t8 D i ve tt get &e 1 to ns i I C + the e 4 th £ teke D al ti t 4 an no ^ ind th vete t
VOATLN na1 ATe1 0 Army Form C. 2123. MESSACES AND SIGNALS. C. Form, (Original). No. of Message Recd. Sent, or sent out F Mea H Words OiceSlany for N 5 Means a 25 19480 o Distance Returned Service instructions. Handed in at the OHtice a Received here at Mons 70 Oay of Montn WISSY SSE AAA Ambulan Beare subdivifis assistance inbuland n EIOADE LLIAN IN A 27AUE1N FROM A PLACE ene MOOT M MS trm, and the Particulars of Juch Charges and of amounts paid Out are to be set forth i Mring ae DelnEIY ARd Charges for Delivery Thie line should be crased Inot required

Army Form C. 2123.
C. Form. (Original).  MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.   No. of Message.
Recd from RF
Prefix  Code  Words
Charges for delivery 
Paid Out
Sent, or sent out
At      .M
at         .M.
Office Stamp.
Service Instructions.
Handed in at the    Office at    M.   Received here at 16 50 M.
TO       4th Bde
*Senders Number.      Day of Month    In reply to Number     AAA
Capt Kenny 16th Bn wounded
in arm AAA Another MO required
J Larsson Med
FROM   Maj Margolin
TIME         1650
All Porterage, Redirection, or other charges collected on delivery are to be bought to accouat by me ans of Stamps affixed to the face of the
form, and the particulars of such charges and of amounts paid out are to be set forth in writing above, in the spaces headed "Delivery" and
"Charges for Delivery".
*This line should be erased if not required.


Bde Major    43
Capt Biers has taken
over Capt Salier's place
& has collected the whole
of the reserves comprising
4 Officers & 200 men & is
standing by 15th Bn H.Q.
15 Bn
27 8 15


4th Brgd.
Our shell just droped
on my trench and
killed a sergt.
cant you get the
artillery to eng them
E Margolin
R F. post
27 8 15

Batt 4th Brgd
I am forwarding to you
the empty shell that landed
behind our dugouts this morning at start of bombardment by this 
shell you may be able to
find out which gun does
the damage
E Margolin Major
27 8 15.


Headquarters 4th Aust Brigade.
There are no stretcher bearers
from either the 17th Batalln or
14th Batalln helping at 15th Batalln
dressing station. They are wanted
PAC. Davenport Capt.
R.M.O 15th Batalln
14th Batt. informed

From M.O.  13' Batt
To Brigade Major
4th A I B.
Would it be possible to arrange for
twelve xxxx of the bearers of No.5 F Amb
to come up to the Advanced dressing
of 4th F Amb. as we have not
sufficient bearers to cope with the
number of wounded coming back
Maynard Furber Capt
No. 13th Battn


1815 Pope thru BQ
Our troops only
seem to have
one trench to
take & have
taken 2 lines


B Major
4th Brigade.
Recd 6 20  27/8/15
Have just been talking to Col Pope
on phone. He reports that our troops
only seem to have one trench to 
take. They have taken two lines.
His covering fire proved very
effective and the Turks seem to 
be suffering very heavy losses.
C Hutchinson Lt
Genls Cox &  Russell infmd


"A" Form.                                 Army Form C. 2121.
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.       No. of Message
Prefix        Code       m.
Office of Origin and Service Instructions.
Words   Charge
Sent at      m.
This message is on a/c of:
(Signature of Franking Officer.")
Recd at       m.
From  49
TO    Capt  Salier
Reserves via 15th Bn
* Sender's Number      Day of Month    In reply to Number   AAA
BM 975 F                         27th
Brigadier is sending you 3
1 Officer and 50 men
from each Nos  2  &  3  Posts
to bring your force up
to 200 AAA You will
remain with your Command
where you are & await orders
From              J P McGlinn L Col  BM
Place             13th old trenches
Time                 1905
The above may be forwarded as now corrected.
(Z)   J P McG
Signature of Addressor or person authorised to telegraph in his name
* This line should be erased if not required.
8350 S. B. Ltd. Wt. W4843/541-50,000.  9/14.  Forms  C2121/10.


"A" Form.                    Army Form C. 2121.
Prefix    Code     m.
Office of Origin and Service Instructions.
Words    Charge
At           m.
This message is on a/c of:
(Signature of "Franking Officer.")
Recd. at 40  m.
TO   Cmders
* Sender's Number     Day of Month    In Reply to number   AAA
Bdr Genl Russel requests me 
to transmit to u / flwg  orders
100 men of 1 Res now under Capt Bger

w b set a o to u
at sglrs post in ac
to tke these wa  tghr with
/ remr of ur orig fc
still in ur my hand and
a o  push / whole  fwd
to reinforce in support of our | men already
holding Captured  trenches  AAA
It is right tt wi this
The above may be forwarded as now corrected.
Signature of Addressor or person authorised to telegraph in his name
* This line should be erased if not required.
8350 S. B. Ltd.  Wt.  W4843/541-50,000.  9/14.  Forms  C2121/10.


being immediate
effts ae to b mde
to get into actual
tch wi / NZ on ur
left wi no En (if any now)
allowed to remain in the 
intervening ptn of / tnch
AAA above confirms verbal
instns sent in per Capt
BM 976


Army Form C. 2123.
C . Form. (Original).     MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.     No. of Message
from NZ
By CGray
Prefix  SM    Code H7  Words 21
Charges for Delivery
Paid out
Sent, or sent out
At            .M
at           .M.
Office Stamp.
Service Instructions.
Handed in at the  NZ  Office at 2030 M.  Received here at 2057 M.
TO       General Monash
* Sender's Number     Day of Month       In reply to Number.      AAA
NZM621                           27th
Bearer subdivision from 5th Ambulance
ordered to your assistance
A J Merlia
RO 4 Fd  Amb
O.C. 4th Field Ambulance
Advance Dressing Stn
To note return please
J P McGlinn
27 AUG1915
FROM     A D M S
PLACE    NZ & A Div R. Centre
All Porterage, Redirection, or other charges collected on delivery are to be bought to accouat by me ans of Stamps affixed to the face of the
form, and the particulars of such charges and of amounts paid out are to be set forth in writing above, in the spaces headed "Delivery" and
"Charges for Delivery".
*This line should be erased if not required.

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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