Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 8, 27 August - 29 August 1915, Part 1

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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stop o Cw D. 10 t -en OrEATON ORMR D. II 67 Briendier Ceneral J. Honeyoh, V. D. Connanding No. 1 sub section of &c. & Defence mctan Readmuarters, Itn mf. Byndg Mstralis valley, August Frtn, 1915. KERAECK HAT, KIRITA ERE.1 wee SITUATIOR. te hold prtion of KALLTLK ACHALA, ane occurses trenches on knoll se end to PAST of it extending thence sourn. EASTEALY ecross our whole frent. A force of isce under BRIGADLLR CERERAL Rssall (of wich ase troops from Fe. 1 sub section form part) asseults moll se and the trenches to the SOUTH EAST of 16 ot procisely 1700 today, precoded by an Artillery prepar ation comnencing at 1800 today. to cocoperate with sbove by giving covering (S) HTEITION. Hire with rifles and pachine ouns, (3) BSTMOTTORSFro Iste to 17T8 EATOR HAECOLLES ED (except a fow look ent pen in secure ont vill sit cown in bott on Itheir trenches vith their beeks to the partpet. Froe and after 1700 these troops wust be neld in reaciness to suport the RICRT of our assaultf 1f required. Pros and after lece fetigue parties vill be reduced to a ninimim ofratk and all troops not employed in fire trenches or on fatignes to be kept in hand in their Divouses At 2530 Hire trenches and nachine ams 1330 all noats to be sanned with a normal trenches not to be un- corrison recessarily arowded. Between 1s0e and 1700 there vill be ne orgenined covering fire but every advantage is to be teken to ceal with eneny eisturbed by our tomperewent. At precisely 1700 a wll directed, well austeined covering fire is to be directed on every part of the eneays position along our front, from wich he could bring fire to bear unon our asseuiting troope or captured imos trenches. This fire qust be esrecially directed, at the outset, and during the ectual assoult, at the trenches to be capturad - but the greates care is to be taken to ensure the safety of our troone as they sweep forward into our line of fire, our troops vill, vnenever, disrlsy red or mnk flags to no porsible & their resitions as they advance.
8 X (2) After the assault, the erestest vigilance wust be exercised all along our line to seal proaptly with any enemy counter attacks wnich may attempt cross or annwach our frent. All concerned to obtain official time at Briende (A) TME. Readquarters. First Aid posts and Hield dressing stations in (sJMamCAL. present positions. A protertion of stretoher hearers to be detsiled to our detachments by rats onomod (6) RrONS. Denorts by telemone to Brigade Headqarters froe mhence they vill be trenenitted to the station tennerarily occursed by the Brigedier - near the prvore MMGha L6-C0l. Briese spajer, Ain anst. infentry prigace. issued at 115c, 27/2/15. Copy ko. 1. Do. 1 Post. to Do. 2 Post. 00 5. No. 3 Pest. t co No. 4 Post. Major Marcelin. s0 Lt-col Adsma. 6. cant salier. Rrigede K. C. officer. co 60 15th Bettalion. (Reserve) Staff. 00 16. starf. 11. War Mary. to 12. A MC supply.
SOL VAATIM 1 Or TBLISM Fomg6 after W Opiation oah C.O. 15t pm Maw Marjolin HCol. Adams) The Communication tench between the Tivot and the KAIATIK DEXE must be ammunition kept clear for Lighting troops & messenges from 1530 today till dusk. None but the most igent casualties are to be evacuated through this trech till duck. No fatigne parties to use the trench after 1530 till con clusion of operations 0 110
Detl P 18 DS afte o Maja Marjolin 37 It in of utmost importance that you should mark by red a pink Flags the and line flanks, of the trenches you now hoed, plags to be in position visible to our astilliy observes (who are in our trenches in N. 2 &3 posts) but not issible to enemy Then flage to be diplayed from 1500 today till enemys tenches in hont of you have been captuned, when your Hlags will be token down M Llol. 825 D Cape 4 144 3 L openen on Major Margolin With reference to the coopiration which the gainson of you post is to render in the operations this evening, this will probably be confined to the following. When the force under St Col. Adams has Assaulted, and occupied the Turkish trunches immediately in bront of you, you are to dig a communication trench from your present line to St Col Adams new line, by the short. I most direct est, soute that is at the point where the five two lines of trenches are closest, probably not more than 30 or 40 yards This trench must be completed say 4 ft deep by dawn Two sapper will be sentt to you at 1500 to superin th wk tomorrow, & can be despened later o but on your best men to work hard in short shifts. The rest of your garrison will probably have nothing to do after the assaunlt except to be aleot to deal with a Conttrattack fom wone niht
F.OMOYMA TAATEUA 2335 Am Forcs MESSACES AND SICNALS. No. of Message FCOm BISAN Office Stamp Sent, or sent out Nord Recd. Cole Pretir 7B from Collected Means 8 8 o thin Paid out Distance 2815 Returned Service instruction Received here at1480 m Office at Handed in at the 70 te - DaY AAA today operaters for Repart Cntre MONASH H ppite te at Sat 5 Call MR H telephen 92N6 FROM Kusse em RACE TIME 14115 10 M Me A SIANS MS TSI All Porterage, Redirection, or other charges collected on delivery are to be bought to ac af above, in the spaces headed Dell Wm nts paid out are to be set forth ts wi the particulars of such charges and of ame Charaes for OcIvery s t w t me ta ntd 80S19
O Tow Onstont LAYTENAN MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. Na of Mase Charges to Pay. Oenan IX 44 Autes Hton Handed in at oas T JoNder S MIMSRST DT AMON AAA preplace I i Bt t Bri et Spiat FROM PAORATMN in nt 4 WA Do0 Pad 81. S.B.Lld-FormaCMI. Repeart to Bregas Way
TC Tow OnbltS LTESE MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. Na of Ma 00 wm Charges to Pay. Aunes Mue 1 -m. Recoived Handed in at DATANONN SEOSYWSSNSN TOSSSN AAA Alenald E tut 0 ied sd t 2 Pers pt p th fy tape FROM PLAORATIME WA DoPad HIL. A BLl-FormUns e
Criscope Reples Ceriscopes received. HAd
SATMPNEN 234 Lppl. A Upton is detarled PESISON AISEN this wrt. for n Pves S BSVISSSH M. for Haptent Bth. 6 te AW ILITHSRbS 2 8 3th fow Spl Please instruct hame Dty yert for Aptor to scnonc oith Sech s t been ept Congletio Oerpie JBS DenSt LACoNN m PArOE MASOR, I MAF. OHRE AUSTRAIIAN MAPEPIL FOP 294061915 /or Bte to report as Ce Upton ordered MOAT directed h HHO. NMITSSDATT 1450 aat onor aut aa me s a w

[*Staff Ofcrs
Brigadier General J. Monassh, V.D.
Commanding No. 1 Sub Section of No. 6 Defence Section.
Headquarters, 4th Inf. Brigade.
Australia Valley,
August 27th, 1915
(1) SITUATION. We hold portion of KAIAJIK AGHALA, enemy
occupies trenches on Knoll 60 and to
EAST of it extending thence South -
EASTERLY across our whole front.
A force of 1800 under BRIGADIER GENERAL 
RUSSELL (of which 450 troops from No.
1 Sub-Section form part) assaults Knoll
60 and the trenches to the South East of
it at precisely 1700 today, preceded by an
Artillery preparation commencing at 1600
(2) INTENTION.  To co-operate with above by giving covering
fire with rifles and machine guns.
(3) INSTRUCTIONS. From 1600 to 1700 MAJOR MARGOLINS troops - 
(except a few look out men in secure spots)
will sit down in bottom of their trenches with
their backs to the parapet. From and
after 1700 these troops must be held in
readiness to support the RIGHT of our
assaults if required.
From and after 1600 fatigue parties will be
reduced to minimum xxxxxx and all troops
not employed in fire trenches or on
fatigues to be kept in hand in their
[*x (1330)*]  At x1330 fire trenches and machine guns of
all posts to be manned with a normal
garrison - trenches not to be unnecessarily
Between 1600 and 1700 there will be no
organized covering fire but every advantage
is to be taken to deal with enemy
disturbed by our bombardment.
At precisely 1700 a well directed, well
sustained covering fire is to be directed
on every part of the enemys position along
our front, from which he could bring fire
to bear upon our assaulting troops or
captured troop trenches.  This fire
must be especially directed, at the outset,
and during the actual assault, at the
trenches to be captured - but the greatest
care is to be taken to ensure the safety of
our troops as they sweep forward into our
line of fire. Our troops will, whenever
[*possible*] display red & pink flags to mark their
positions as they advance.


After the assault, the greatest vigilance must be
exercised all along our line to deal promptly with
any enemy counter attacks which may attempt to
cross or approach our front.
(4) TIME. All concerned to obtain official time at Brigade
(5) MEDICAL. First Aid posts and Field dressing stations in
present positions. A proportion of stretcher
bearers to be detailed to our detachments by posts
(6) REPORTS. Reports by telephone to Brigade Headquarters from
whence they will be transmitted to the station
temporarily occupied by the Brigadier - near the
J R McGlinn Lt-Col.
Brigade Major ,4th Aust. Infantry Brigade
Issued at 1100, 27/8/15.
Copy No. 1. - No. 1 Post.
   do          2.  No. 2 Post.
   do          3.  No. 3 Post.
   do          4.  No. 4 Post.
   do          5. Major Margolin.
   do          6. Lt-Col Adams.
   do          7. Capt Salier
   do          8. Brigade M. G. Officer.
   do          9. 15th Battalion. (Reserve)
   do         10. Staff.
   do         11. Staff.
   do         12. War Diary.
   do         13. A M C
   do         14. Supply.


4        Bm 968 after or with                                           35
           operation order

C.O. 15th Bn        )
Major Margolin  )
Lt Col Adams      )
The Communication trench between the
"Pivot" and the KAIAJIK DERE must be
kept clear for fighting Troops ammunition & messengers
from 1530 today till dusk. None but the
most urgent casualties are to be evacuated
through this trench till dusk. No fatigue
parties to use the trench after 1530 till conclusion 
of operations: -
Bm 968
27 8 15


2               Bm 969             [*After or with issue of O O *]                                                

Major Margolin                       37
It is of utmost importance that you
should mark by red or pink flags the
flanks and line of the trenches you now hold, flags
to be in positions visible to our Artillery
observers (who are in our trenches in No
2 & 3 posts), but not visible to enemy.
These flags to be displayed from 1500 today
till enemy's trenches in front of you have
been captured, when your flags will be
taken down.
27 8 15           Lt Col

Bm 971                           [*after or with
11 30                                operation order*]                 36

Major Margolin
With reference to the cooperation which
the garrison of your post is to render in the
operations this evening, this will probably be
Confined to the following : -
When the force under Lt Col. Adams has
assaulted and occupied the Turkish trenches
immediately in front of you, you are to dig
a communication trench from your present
line to Lt Col Adams new line, by the shortest
& most direct route, that is at the point where the
two lines of fire trenches are closest, probably
not more than 30 or 40 yards long.- This trench
must be completed say 4 ft deep by dawn
tomorrow & can be deepened later Two Sappers will be sent to you at 1500 to supervise this work. Put on
your best men to work hard in short shifts. The
rest of your garrison will probably have nothing to do
after the assault except to be alert to deal with a
counter attack from your right.


Army Form C
C Form. (Original.)  MESSAGES AND SIGNALS No. of Message
from   MR
By    CRM
Prefix   Code   Words
Charges for Delivery.
Paid out
Sent, or sent out
At      M.
By    41
at  M.
Office Stamp     

Service Instructions. 
Handed in at the   MR   Office at     M.    Received here at   14.20   M.
TO   4th Bde
*  Senders Number.     Day of Month.   In reply to Number     AAA
BM 131                               27th                                                                                                               

Report Centre for to-day operations
will be at Sap 5 opposite GEN MONASH
H Q. 92N6 telephone call M R
FROM Gen Russell
TIME  1415


Army Form C. 2123
"C" Form (Duplicate).    

p29 NZ

Charges to Pay. 
₤   s.   d.
Office Stamp.    44
Service instructions.
Handed in at            Office    m.   Received    pm.
TO   TO   Gen Monash
4th Aust Bde
*  Senders Number.     Day of Month.   In reply to Number     AAA

NZM 616                          27th                    BM 970
Making every effort to replace
Capt McGregor meantime Capt
Kenny will act for 16th
Repeat to Brigade Major
a message also forwarded  [*Gnl*]
to Cap. Kenny.
PLACE   NZ Report Centre
Repeat to Brigade Major


Army Form C. 2123
"C" Form (Duplicate).    

Charges to Pay. 
₤   s.   d.
Office Stamp.  32
Service instructions.
Handed in at    ZBK      Office  1526 m.   Received  1517  pm.
TO   Gen Monash
4th Aust Bde
*  Senders Number.     Day of Month.   In reply to Number     AAA

JBA 45                                 27th                    BM 972
Division has been asked to
send you periscopes and
periscope rifles direct aaa
not available here aaa A
moderate supply sandbags
available aaa 
To M McDonald Lt
About 600 sand bags obtained
HMcDonald Lt
Lt McDonald    2 Peris
Further report pls
JPMcG Lt Col
No 6 Sect


2 Periscope Rifles
10 Periscopes


Army Form C. 2123
"C" Form (Duplicate).    
Sm Depot   NZ
Charges to Pay. 
₤   s.   d.
Office Stamp.  32
Service instructions.
Handed in at    NZ Office  1625 m.   Received  1631 pm.
TO   Fourth  Aust Inf Bde
*  Senders Number.     Day of Month.   In reply to Number     AAA

NZA 808                             27th                    
Please detail one smart NCO
to report for duty to
A D A P S Anzac base post
office for duty in mail
landing office
Segt Sherwood to see me
JPMcGlinn Lt Col


27/ 8/15

PLACE & TIME NZ Post 1620


[*No. 1234 L/Cpl E M Upton is detailed
for this work.

A W Davis Sgt
For Adjutant 13th Btn
O.C. 13th Bn

Please instruct Lance Cpl
Upton to report for duty
in on xxxxxx  accordance with direction
over page & report completion herein 
[*JW BO*]
JP McGlinn
Lieut Colonel
29 AUG 1915
Bde Major
L/Cpl Upton ordered to report as
D W Marks
A/ Adj

Last edited by:
Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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