Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 8, 25 August - 27 August 1915, Part 4

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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O. FOrMC Recd from Sence MisMctons Handed in at the 70 FROM PLACE TIME All Portera Charees M Army Form C. 2123. No. of Message NESSACES AND SICNALS. Office Stamp. Sent, or sent out Code 25½ Collected p2id out Distance Returned 36 received pere a2107M. ftice at Lnt Be Maj. 4 Bole AA4 Day of Instructions Acknowledged M Sharry Capt 2100 rought to account by me ans of Stamps affixed to the face of the Weeee, or other Charges Collecied on delivery are to be MrIis Sbole, in the Spaces Neaded Dettvery and are to be a TRMAAS
w AMICON MESSAGES AND SICNALS. No. of MessAPE O Cam BS Sent, or sent out Office Stamp. Moe L Bor fom Cstertd MeNK 30 Visate B On 2584 Returned Serie Misteton Otice At Acco II Handed MSIM. #7 10 2d 70 SentesHimbe Day of Monh IM FeplY TO Number. AAA 24 957 lease by measer er and send possible telegraf y ty alre effective strength and 24 sanally fd report hours evening this enting 1900 le 0701 temevro FROM PLACE ant Sw TIME All Porterage, Redirection ther charges collected on delivery are to be bought to account by me ans of Stames affired to the face of the irticulars of such charges and of amounts paid out are to be set forth in wriling above, in the spaces headed Delivery and term, and the Charses for Delvery Thie line should be erased I not required
iere Army FornE MESSAGES AND SICNALS. No. of Message SCom Office Stamp. Sent, or sent out orde Reck Pretir W cose from Coeates B O Means 13 87 paid out Distance Rettrad Senice Wist Received nere 21 Q1. m Oce at A Handed in 2 I e Lor wa amber. AAA 027 WAIESY 10 Trutation at D C0a N7 tri 4El. thare repeated Secth 2121 Bde NZ FROM St 2 PLACE TIME d to the lace of the 1e200d ther charges colleced on delivery are t All Porterage, Redirection W and overes wate a, and the particulars of such charges and of amounts paid out are to be Charges for Delivery This tine should be crased
20. 4 receImen eE (26 17 Emmary elcrents from Lam 22th Annuet te Lam. 26th Ensust 1912. De. Leneme During the night, the Turks attempted to use shevels in a pertion of their trenches in frent (NES, but were prevented from deing so by our bembs. Sa Kothins to report. Se The enemy shelled the Apex on RNODODENDRON SPUR yesterday, during which a Machine Cun of L.K. Lanes.Kest. was damaged beyond repair. MeLessmer The line of the 9th Cerps on our left creases the CROCOLATY KILLS (VILGRIS BURNU) as follows ; 105 A. 5. 105 A.2 thence along centour 5o to between 105 K.2 and 3. S activity on the enemy’s part was noticed at about 106 N. 7 where a gun epaulment had been previcuely located. Shertly after, reperts were heard, followed by burats ever our Trenches, at SUSAK KUYU. The Target was engaged and the sun did not Tire any mere throughout the day. howitsers fired throughout the night at KALASIK agnala to hinder the enemy working there. Indian Mountain Artillery. A convey was caught coming along the read at 106 V. 1 and 27 rounds fired at 1t. In the merning, an enemy's Machine gun epened fire on a bathing party, butthe second round from the Mountain sun at 80 B. 7 the Turks made off with their Machine Cun. sost MRELSANS SMCOL LLLLER 20 TO Ni1 M CALLSIN 188 LICK. (eracuated) Roadgwasters. No. 2 Fest. 2A
Army Form C. 2123. -SSAGES AND SICNALS. No: of Message C Fom Cr Office Stamp. Se S O O Core from 3 Conected leans o leken Paid out Distance hen to Service instructions. eceived here at 6) Office 514 Handed in at the 70 AAA - aled al me oit FRO PLAC TIME ips affired to the face of the All Porterage, Redirection, or other charges collected on delivery are 1o here Je 2 amounts at are MN M ARoWN Misissisipiat to md Pas n 49
O. FOM OONENN Recd. Preti from SeMEN Handed in at the T0 - Report 80 Fother front FROM PLACE TIME All Porterng Co0e Meare Distance 26 Cole imoun 3 8 Army Form C. 2123. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Message Sent, or sent out Otree sramp. Collected Paid out Returned 4 eived t m. Bde Day Of Month AAK twenty four hou ended report om acons llvery ar 10 Medace oma MC. ANC
144 2/26195 Report 34 has endoing or go /0/15 tenche work of impooing tell going you Lapping io being pushed on as fact as possible, from Nc1 poct a hunnel haxto 6o ent up face of Hell to feacarg egoa Jeaper)1 oscpe pope ept stetl bbeing done pocts fage mpooc ng auped Gineoat Yesy quiet for our foout all cay yas song a shorp busst of Kifle Five heard from Maj. Masgoling poct lastea inscee at 20 er55- charp busst from N. Fock lactor of thne asoied 5500 another MEMOR General 26/8/s 6035 Mr 12 shaato Lave u May Margolins pootes appeared from ovrewoation to be oly soeour e Howetzer ha throughout the night steacly shelled in oecied of Racat Aghald Pleshe Eeft Leent Coli BO. We Soct
C.FOT Recd. from Senite Mist KOrS Handed in at the 010 rst FROM PLACE TiMi Meano Vistce VK CODC t7 Army Form C. 2123. NESSAGES ANT SICNALS No. of Messsse Sent, or sent out Office Stamp. Collected 18G 6 2t Paid out Returned 145 Received here at 545 BDE E AAA night 310 s aa find Frenche 2ag ips affired to he tace of in paces headed Delivery and
MESSAOES AND SIONAIS. om. Oinnal No. of Messase Pretis Sent, or sent out Co0e Wore Office Stamp. 3 CoNeed Means Snce 2ad out Returned Handed in at the OHicea Received here at 70 SenttisKinte 1 425 first &im No 3 Section 4 a a All lls on post have gove day which reque oest fatgie for waded sae. I would ppear from te that enemy trew of positi X are tongy anoite al FROM PLACE TIME All Porterase, RedrecHl, Cther MIMI torm, an parti 14 A the mat C an
Army Form C. 2123. No. of Message MESSACES AND SICNALS. C. to Office Stamp. Sent, or sent out Recd Prett from Collected Means Paid out Distance Returned SeFIE ISEOS Received here al Office at Handed in at the 70 2a4 ReYW Pme MOnth. SeMS MNNS H. Sections DEH &h sclosed but nat nD aaa the rature Bn continu Mar skreds FROM PLACE t N0 TIME is affixed to the lace All Porterage, Redirectiea, or other charges collecied on delivery are to aces headed Delivery agd paid particulars of such charges and of amou orm, and th Charses for Deltvery TMEE 811
  Army Form C 2123.
C. Form. (Original). MESSAGE AND SIGNALS. No. of Message ...
Recd Prefix  SM Code ....... Words ......... Sent, or sent out Office Stamp
from 5th Bn           At ........ . M. 25/8/15
[[LD?]] Delivery. Means ............ Charges for
Collected ...... ........
  ......... .......... By 47
By ........   Distance   Paid out .... Returned
Service Instructions. at ......... . M.
Handed in at the   Office at     M. Received here at 210M M.
TO { Bde Maj. 4th Inf Bde
 * Sender's Number. Day of Month. In reply to Number. AAA
Instructions Acknowledged
PLACE Capt. McSharry
TIME 2100
All Porterage, Redirection, or other charges collected on delivery are to be brought to accouat by me ans of Stamps affixed to the face of the form, and
the particulars of such charges and of amounts paid out are to be set forth in writing above, in the spaces headed "Delivery" and "Charges for Delivery".
   * This line should be erased if not required  
  Army Form 
C. Form.  (Original). MESSAGE AND SIGNALS No. of Message ...
Recd Prefix SM Code LB Words ......... Sent, or sent out Office Stamp
from NZ           At ........ . M. B O
  Delivery. Means ............ Charges for
Collected ...... 124
ES Z .......... By .........
By ........   Distance   Paid out .... Returned
Service Instructions. at ......... . M.
Handed in at the NZ Office at 2110 M. Received here at 2111 M.
TO { 4th Bde
 * Sender's Number. Day of Month. In reply to Number. AAA
 N Z A 957 21 ~
Please send by messenger and
not by telegraph if possible
the effective strength and also
the casualty report for 24
hours ending 1900 this evening
by 0700 tomorrow
FROM Send by phone
PLACE NZ and A Divn
  Army Form 
C. Form.  (Original). MESSAGE AND SIGNALS No. of Message ...
Recd Prefix SM Code .I C Words 35 Sent, or sent out Office Stamp
from NZ           At ........ . M. B Q
  Delivery. Means ............ Charges for
Collected ...... ........
ES [[?]]   .......... By 125
By ........   Distance   Paid out .... Returned
Service Instructions. at ......... . M.
Handed in at the  NZ  Office at 21 15 M. Received here at 2121 M.
TO { 4th Aust Inf Bde
 * Sender's Number. Day of Month. In reply to Number. AAA
GC 60 25th ——
Can you give any information
as to the whereabouts of Capt
SMYTHE Army Corps staff AAA
Addressed 6 Sectn repeated 4 A.I. Bde
N Z M.R. Bde
PMcG 33
PLACE NZ Report Centre
TIME 2115



26 8
Summary of events from 6 a.m. 25th August to 6 a.m. 26th August 1915.

During the night, the Turks attempted to use shovels in a
portion of their trenches in front of QUINN'S, but were
prevented from doing so by our bombs.

Nothing to report.

The enemy shelled the Apex on RHODODENDRON SPUR yesterday,
during which a Machine Gun of L.N. Lancs. Regt. was damaged
beyond repair.

The line of the 9th Corps on our left crosses the
CHOCOLATE HILLS (YILGHIN BURNU) as follows ; 105 R. 5. 105 R.2
thence along contour 50 to between 105 M.2 and 3.

Activity on the enemy’s part was noticed at about 106 N. 5
where a gun epaulment had been previously located. Shortly
after, reports were heard, followed by bursts over our Trenches,
at SUSAK KUYU. The Target was engaged and the gun did not
fire any more throughout the day.
Howitzers fired throughout the night at KAIAJIK AGHALA
to hinder the enemy working there.
Indian Mountain Artillery.
A convoy was caught coming along the road at 106 V. 1 and
27 rounds fired at it.
In the morning, an enemy's Machine gun opened fire on a
bathing party, but on the second round from the Mountain Gun
at 80 B. 7 the Turks made off with their Machine Gun.


  Officers Other Ranks
SICK. (Evacuated) - 188

[* M.J. W.[[?]]
No. 2 Post.
26th August 1915.

  Army Form C 2123.
C. Form.1 (Original). MESSAGE AND SIGNALS No. of Message ...
Recd Prefix ........ Code ....... Words ......... Sent, or sent out Office Stamp
from QD           At ........ . M. B Q
  Delivery. Means ............ Charges for
Collected ...... 7
  ......... .......... By .........
By GLin   Distance   Paid out .... Returned
Service Instructions. at 15th Bn M.
Handed in at the   Office at     M. Received here at 0551 M.
  ( 25/26/8/15
TO { Fourth Bde
 * Sender's Number. Day of Month. In reply to Number. AAA
Quiet night Aaa Proceeding deepening
saps & erecting barricade during
night aaa Full report follows
FROM 15th Bn
PLACE 26/8/15
TIME 0530
13th Bn 25/26/815
  Army Form C 2123.
C. Form. (Original). MESSAGE AND SIGNALS No. of Message ...
Recd Prefix ........ Code ....... Words ......... Sent, or sent out Office Stamp
from .........           At ........ . M. 1
  Delivery. Means ............ Charges for
Collected ...... ........
  ......... .......... By .........
By ........   Distance   Paid out .... Returned
Service Instructions. at ......... . M.
Handed in at the   Office at     M. Received here at 0830 M.
TO { 4th Bde
 * Sender's Number. Day of Month. In reply to Number. AAA
Report for twenty four hours ended
0500 26-8-15
Nothing to report along our
PLACE Adj. 13th Bn

14th Bn 25/26/8/15
Report 24 hrs ending 0530 26/8/15
Trenches work of improving
still going on
Sapping is being pushed
on as fast as
possible, from
No 1 post a tunnel
has to be cut
up face of Hill
to secure good
Snipers good work still
being done posts
are improved
during night.
General Very quiet on our
front all day
at 2045 a sharp
burst of Rifle Fire
heard from Maj.
Margolin's post lasted
8 minutes at 16 2155
sharp burst from No
1 Post lasted 9 Min:
about 0300 another

General sharp burst from
Maj Margolin's postxx
appeared from
observation to be
mostly from our
own men.
Howitzer has
throughout the night
steadily shelled
in vicinity of
Kaiajik Aghala.

F Cooper Capt
for Lieut. Col.
C.O. No 2 Post


16th Bn
  Army Form C 2123.
C. Form.  (Original). MESSAGE AND SIGNALS No. of Message ...
Recd Prefix ........ Code ....... Words ......... Sent, or sent out Office Stamp
from QE           At ........ . M. B Q
26 - 8
  Delivery. Means ............ Charges for
Collected ...... 25/26/8/15
  / / .......... By .........
By H J.   Distance   Paid out .... Returned
Service Instructions. 1 at ......... . M.
Handed in at the Q E Office at     M. Received here at 0545 M.
TO {  
 * Sender's Number. Day of Month. In reply to Number. AAA
Day passed quietly, night
disturbed by bursts of fire, 2210
& 0100 & 0300 apparently ruses aaa
The post did not reply beyond the first
bursts of fire given by men in trenches
who do not yet know the game aaa
Forward fire trench occupied for
  Army Form C 2123.
C. Form. (Original). MESSAGE AND SIGNALS No. of Message ...
Recd Prefix ........ Code ....... Words ......... Sent, or sent out Office Stamp
from .........           At ........ . M. B Q
  Delivery. Means ............ Charges for
Collected ...... ........
  ......... .......... By .........
By ........   Distance   Paid out .... Returned
Service Instructions. at ......... . M.
Handed in at the   Office at     M. Received here at   M.
TO { 2
 * Sender's Number. Day of Month. In reply to Number. AAA
first time. (No 3 Section) aaa
All wells on post have gone dry
which require large fatigues for water
aaa It would appear from fire that
enemy trenches in front of position
are strongly held aaa Reconnoitre
has shown that Turks are working
  Army Form C 2123.
C. Form. (Original). MESSAGE AND SIGNALS No. of Message ...
Recd Prefix ........ Code ....... Words ......... Sent, or sent out Office Stamp
from .........           At ........ . M. B Q
  Delivery. Means ............ Charges for
Collected ...... ........
  ......... .......... By .........
By ........   Distance   Paid out .... Returned
Service Instructions. at ......... . M.
Handed in at the   Office at     M. Received here at   M.
TO { 3
 * Sender's Number. Day of Month. In reply to Number. AAA
in DERE in front of No 3 & H Sections
But has not xxxxxx disclosed the
nature of object of the works aaa
Sickness among men of 16th Bn continues
aaa .
PLACE O C No 1 OUTPOST. No 6 Section
TIME 0545
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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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