Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 8, 25 August - 27 August 1915, Part 9

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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Ro an Com O. 2. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Message Nore OT pasd a Cn a This message to on ale of: Sont Data Deroio 5005 SCMITOOT TIMSHIHT MIVT 20/ Col Aops A.E SAteORENN SAYASont LrGtR AAA MB 125 trenty Deven Yours ]objective is the meny bencher from the right f vig, oar tree to B1B2 X and all iylovening tenches leas you will also arrange for a party to work westward toward N2.4 get uto touch with New Tealanders who will be working lastward asa The Man NIealand objecting N2 B1 82C. The line DC in being aisauthed by Connaughts an If is left to your ticetion how far you pro long your iie East of the big nes saa on gadning the Mnches your first care will be to prepare them against possible attack form tha and to open a covered Commanitat from MAROoli Pst into the Tark Wenche and and gel on to touch with New 2ealand ors ala. te kur Place Time Tass The above may be forwarded as now corrected. t AShuelt BryGenl ia. Car am or a warbe to u . This line should be crased if not required 800 S.B. 14d. Wt. Wisi-50,000. 9/16 Forms OnaO.
14 a or operation Order to stol Adams U.D. omindg. Right force of aHock Sitution as atready explained fond intension wift he eaplained verbalry on glound Menitation newil c of tBn 100 14 Jn, 59 of 13 under apt 1oynetl 20 Jine 1100 of 130 Bi under senior officer of B of 3 Jine 100 of 17tFn under senior officer 4.6 All other officirg to accompany thei own unit Reserve. OC. Capt Sater withofficer 50 other 15t Bor & 1 officer 50 others 17th Bo 8loy Starting Pains First tine from will pass startinof field Amontance Gressing Station at 1500 Henorts to Keens at aragat Dere Sop heard o $154 Boyo Bixonag near Lt Commdg Hortep £i 2 Bn 14aBn 4 15th Bn B to B 30 Capt Talir OCPawe
1h0 Spd 76 Inspructions to o/C. No live 59 Captain Connclly () After taking French immesately t Nof oan tree direct fire on other two sedes of teangle Sand bag the Eastern Angle leaving a permanear Comb party here. You will assist the advance tthe new Zealand aeme by oblique fire. It must be understood, however that your objectioe to the NE side which must be taken when he VY have started their at vance, swinging round to your sight front on so doing. (2) Trus next movement will be to take the NE sise of the Sqne observing the same precaution at the NE. corner as in 1 that is sandbacing the enemys approach 3 The advance to be as rapide possible age to mark trenches CCB Schee 12443 Repape PGo4 ed pas pste 41o £5 deat padat 940,044 Potoke ap 4 1944 o y yot Bfoy 4 4Hidly of Watidite 46 JRSS A8 Wach fyrpouitsf
ATENSNE Ror Costana MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. Charges to Pay. Oneestan " . & TtAeon (29 a md handod in at tho SIOSGWSNSNSS EMON DATAINON AAA th Sung that Assault cesp l 0 0f reser 100 uped te Battalion omarn the ation to tale w toots 874 might have FRon pacson D0Pad A A B.Ld-For212 TO. TOT CbSSSNS LA BSSACRS AND SIANAIS. man Charres to Par. [ OMos SMN Js teatore Handed in at DATANOE FIENGWENNN SAAKEOEENN AAA Plank then We 4 ap Stron AB FROM Jen. the MOOANN 104 Wa000 Pad 8L. S.B.Led-FormC.
658 Reference your 1040 is reserve of 100 that referred to in your operation order paragraph eight a, as another vesele of 100 AA. I had already part of arlanged for Marawlin gaverson to be with took & instructions ready for this duty AAA Will this meet requirements. Cor 96 A.O. ToM CSl WAJ TENSSE LSSSSADDONRS. M OAWAE CAAPEOWPM SenM "a B8 27. 8. 15. WTESSMteNO 3 cn handed in at t SeAOS NMRS PesAINONN TSNSGWNEN AAA your arsangaent Il te Freque FRom RIAORETTAE Maa DoPd Sl. S.B.L-Fo

"A" Form.                                                Army Form C. 2121.
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.               No. of Message

Prefix   Code    m. Words Charge

This message is on a/c of:

(Signature of "Franking Officer.")

Recd.  at     m.





Office of Origin and Service Instructions

At      m.




*Sender's Number

MB 125 

Day of Month

Twenty Seven

In reply to Number



Your objective is the enemy trenches from the
right of big oak tree to B1 B2 X and all
intervening trenches aaa You will also arrange
for a party to work westward toward N.2. to 
get into touch with New Zealanders who will
be working Eastward aaa
The main N. Zealand objective is N2 B1 B2 C.
The line DC is being assaulted by Connaughts aaa
It is left to your discretion how far you prolong
your line East of the big tree aaa
On gaining the trenches your first care will be
to prepare them against possible attack from
the N. and E. and to open a covered communication
from MARGOLINS Post into the Turk trenches aaa
and Get in to touch with New Zealanders aaa.
From Gen Russell
Time 1000

The above may be forwarded as now corrected .... Censor
(Z) A H Russell Brig Genl 
Signature of Addressor or person authorized to telegraph in his name 


14th Battn AIF
Operation Order No 1
By Lt Col J Adams V.D.
Commdg. Right force of attack
Situation as already explained
xxx Intention will be
explained verbally on 
1st Line will consist of 
100 14th Bn 50 of 15th Bn 
under Capt Connelly
2nd Line 100 of 13th Bn 
under Senior officer of 
13th Bn
3rd Line 100 of 17th Bn
under senior officer "A" Coy
All other officers to 
accompany their 
own units
Reserve - O.C. Capt. Salier 
with 1 officer 50 others 
15th Bn & 1 officer 50 others 
17th Bn "B" Coy. 


Starting Point  54                                                             
First line 
will pass starting point 
4th Field Ambulance 
Dressing Station at 1500
Reports to Reserve at 
head of Kaiajak Dere Sap 
near 15th Bn Bivouac. 
Lt Col V D
No 1  Copy File 
2  OC  13th Bn
3  "      14th Bn
4  "      15th Bn
5  "      17 Bn "A" Coy
6  "      17th Bn "B" Coy 
7  "       Capt Salier OC Reserve


Instructions to O/C. No 1 line
Captain Connelly  59                                                    
(1) After taking trench immediately 
to N of oak tree direct fire 
on other two sides of triangle
Sand bag the Eastern Angle 
leaving a permanent bomb 
party here.
You will assist the advance 
of the New Zealand ∧detachment xxxxx
by oblique fire. It must 
be understood, however that 
your objective is the NE side 
which must be taken when 
the NZ have started their advance, 
swinging round to your 
right front in so doing.
(2) Your next movement will be 
to take the NE side of the Square 
observing the same precaution
at the NE. corner as in 1, that 
is sandbagging the enemy's approach
3 The advance to be as rapid 
as possible
sgs to mark trenches

O.C.  13th Bn Detachment
"     14th  "        "
"      15th  "    Reserves
"      17th  "    B Coy  "
"      17th "     A   "     Detach 
Capt Salier 13th Bn    
Please note paras
6,, 7, 8, 9, 10, & 11
J Cooper Capt
D cy.
B Co  17th H Griffiths
D Coy 14  C E Connelly Capt
B Coy 13th Alan N Brierley Lt 
Res Coy  M Salier Capt
A Coy  17th Bn R A Pye Lt
O/C 15th Charles CO Coombs Lt


"C" Form (Duplicate).                       Army Form C. 2123.
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.            No. o   essage 


Charges to Pay

£   s.   d.


Office Stamp.


Service Instructions    

Handed in at  ZDK Office Received  11 13 m.

TO General Monash

*Sender's Number

Day of Month


In reply to Number



Suggest that when
it is seen that assault
is successful the
reserve of 100 of 17th
Battalion be used at
once to dig Communications
into new line AAA They
might have tools handy AAA


"C" Form (Duplicate).                         Army Form C. 2123.
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS               No. of Message


Charges to Pay

£   s.   d.


Office Stamp.
Service Instructions    

Handed in at   Office    m.       Received   m.

TO 2

*Sender's Number


Day of Month


In reply to Number



Plans for their work
should be ready as
far as can be before
FROM Major Gen. Cox


Reference your 1040 is reserve of 
100 that referred to in your operation
order paragraph eight a, or another 
reserve of 100.  AAA  I had already
arranged for ^part of Margolin's garrison to be 
ready ^ with tools & instructions for this duty AAA  Will this
meet requirements. -

BM 967 


"C" Form (Duplicate).            Army Form C. 2123.

SM MA 16    LBK

            C Gray  

Charges to Pay

£   s.   d.


Office Stamp.


Service Instructions    

Handed in at LBK   Office  1205   m.    Received 1212  m.

TO    General Monash

*Sender's Number


Day of Month


In reply to Number

BM 967


Yes your arrangement will
meet requirements
FROM                 6 Sectn
PLACE & TIME  1200 

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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