Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 8, 25 August - 27 August 1915, Part 7

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
Accession number:

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AUS COPY. Australia Valley, ponriunsylak. (Gallipoli) Aug. 26/15 N.Z. 4 A. Div. I desire to bring under the special notice of the G.O.C. the services rendered in thie campaign by my Brigade- Major, Lieut.-Col. J. P. Moclinn, V.D. This officer has brought to bear upon the discharge of his important duties untiring industry and zeal, sound judgment and a wide knowledge of military usage and precedent and of the elemente which contribute to fighting efficiency and success in the field to a degree which is deserving of the highest praise. During the organization of the Brigade in Australia, while acting as my staíf Officer during the time that I was in command of a Convoy of 1] Transporte carrying 10,000 troope, throughout the War-training of this Brigade in Egypt, and the heavy fighting in Monash Valley for the first five weeke, and during all the work done since by this Brigade, this officer' services have stood upon the highest plane of merit. He eerved with distinction in the South African War and as head of an important branch of a Government Department in Australia, he made exceptional sacrifices to enliet for War service. I venture to suggest that Lt. Col. McGlinn's services ere deserving of the highest recognition eppropriate to his rank and status. (Signed) JOHN MONASH Brig-General Commanding Fourth (Aust.) Inf. Brigade. Certified true copy u :. Town Clerk Melbourne. 3let May, 1934. late Sir John Monash, handed Note: "Original" written by the to Brigadier-General J. F. McClinn by Dr. Gershon Bennett, Melbourne, April 1934.
vor rorm VOriehnall Ammv kerm d um MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No of Merage Tonser Sast Sent orsentout Resalved Avorde Predr¬ ad From. 8o Changes to oolect ha 36.615 Ferspr Ineransherni a malte t -ome. Handedi at Monat Berdral Ersche renf Day of Month 1 Tanse aaa 26 1Bu 956 Atan R Hat 1.OUGKKAN e 2 vanl Halke 40 30 FROM At. slaor zruax ar a waset sen socoo Pade-Sht S B. LUL-FormaCAlz Gddre 7240
Y No. 6 SECTION ORDER BY MAJOR-GENERAL H.V. COX, C.B..C.S.-OMDO. ---- The boundary of Nos. 1 and 2 Sub-Sections of defence is altered so that No.1 Sub-Section will include the trenches across the KALAJIK DERE at present manned from 4th Australian Brigade. No. 2 Sub-Section will include the defences on the lower portion of the KAIAJIK ACHALA manned at present from the New Zealand Mounted Hifles Brigade and 18th Australian Battalion, and the KäBAK KUYU defences up to the right of the Indian Brigade. abze DAMAKJELIK BAIR. Captain, 26/8/15. Brigade Major No. 6 Section. To/ G.9.C. No. 1 Sub-Section. O.C. 14th Sikhs. No. 2 1/5th Gurkha Rifles. 1/6th O.C. No.3 " 29th Brigade. 2/10th N.Z. Engineers. 108 Ind. Fd. Ambulance. Atzestte sidle N 6 Jur berg 6 Lrwilyfa
) ut. .....1. A (1) Coder ordere fros O.C.d. D.Z.A. Divieion oporation row (27tA August/ sith the objeot ef geining sneing et 1t hours manding ground ca the LALUlK AJAALA Hill. (2) The objeetivee ere as markod on the sccompan; to B. vie- Turkish tronches is frest of eth Anstralien Vis- mekorr (2) D to 0. vie- loag Turlish commniestion trench running over 0 £. D. - e line of Turkiah trench fros the cosmanioeting trench on knoll 6o round North of Kill to preseat left of Les tealand tronch es KiI. The fellewing ertillery cooperation end previoue boobardment has beon ) coseence at le sours om s'th. ranged for, the letter ! enay'! trenches on isM:! spar(92-p-6-v and 93¬ 1a) Harl 7-.) . Maßs Im end en valley beyond Ka1 JIk 3a.! k. Trwitzers, ete.. Comseneing at 16 houre f7th cn Knoll Krl trenchee on it. Enst of a line 92-i- und eß---o y fire 16 houre to 16-30, 5 minntes broek and ist 1-4, steady rete fire 16-35 to 17 ho Daring ebove poriod come fire on N.E. spur Dzu Lilk 31 må to knoll at contour 100 inclusive. After eceaalt ( 7e) steady fire on A.E. s als ound beyond the opu ul lark, end to soarch low described ebovo generelly, the valley betwoon DYI Te roads by which roinforoemente dark - intense fire os spun for Field Artillery Vals Elst a renge on to hos a tho et afiet istretiom to be over by 12 noo- 41.- Dey To assist the Artillery it is of the ntry ftresches we now hold en the Kil 3IX AOZ.L4 snel (at 15 houre to be pleced ce es not to be soen by en ke by other red i trenehes geine ehn (oocupiod. ago dace belee areaucftd fo i infantry in edvanoed trenche Daring preliminen Pensept e fos lock-out men in ceoure spote) cill sit doen st bottom of renches with the their to the perepet. i.e miled for the assaalt ca the objestivoes win i part. . of thie order :- s- to espture trenches A - B (on skoteh) oeth Justrelien Brigsde: 100 17th Bettalien, Sth Austrulies Brigade. -te certare trenches E-0 Reunted Fifles Rrigede. settelien, 5th aus bralies Brignde. cepture trench C 250 men Connaugh t Kangors, i9th Infastry Brigede. peteiled ordere will be iszued to cach of the abov- Aussell who is placed is exrmend of the aesculting for ers will arrunge for consolideting end linking ap noe lise shon geinod. vill take plaoe st 17 hours on £7th preeisely. Jetchos e d. kaad Qurters. No.6 Nestion et 13 houre om S7th. All inf stry geinf forward will cerry 200 rounds, /S capty wandbage er sen, and each perty will heve bombers spocially deteiled ond woll upplied with bombe. seecking troope sust have one days retiome and full eeter bottlos with them. untrenehing
sftreaching teels will be carried by do t of the ettecking foree. A forwerd reeerve of s.A.A. Ammmmition of 60 rounds per men for the etteckiag force will be formed elese behind oar present trenches On LLLSIE AEM. MA/OR-MARGOI Reserves vill be held in readiness if recuired es follows :- ) (c) In gally near nes cocmunissting trench ta K.I JIX AJSALA (ont ie cur fermer line) from eth Australian brigade trenches. 100 sen - (6) from 4th Justraliam Brignde. Art 17th Bn., Sth Austrelian B4e. (x) 1t X BAX MUYU - 100 men, 15th En., Sth Australien Bde. fo be fully equigped es in preeeding peragreph. - First aid poste, first field dreseing stetions, stamd 1 (.) la procent positions. felephonie reports for G.0.0. No.6 Seetiom te Resd Qwarters. tth Australien Brigede. Roporte by hand to trenches, 13th Battelien, ith Australian Brigeie. noth after 14-30 hours on s7th. AAisffasten. Drigade Major, No.6 scetion... I Er-Cenerel Nussell ...... sepiee nonech ... tel. Agaes, 1oth Prigade.. N.L.A. Divisies..... . . .. ..... estä (at(AAALAC CNtE) col. Dapier-Johneton. c.n..., £.2.4. Diva.. zeepiee. colonel sykee 1 copy. celenel Parker. 6.S.M.A. sae. o.c. Elst zchat M.B. Offiee...
AU Rragst Hhrte ratto pe ge tetnen it Adtegrt sien Reniel at soneed 7 230 ---
8t Sak elum, ier St Feerbb Stuak Kupe Briht Kenehte Kunt Trinehe Ieh ah Bcan Farehs ftrestan 5
13/142 A Beteler 0 Atø Sy Krngadeg 4 Aact 6. -83 Ihkte 1/12 5 Kering Kia Krrtue Soncpagassa) atilatg om für Thalstår Amaera dusone, ned Tngorant Commased sch Si 3 Bettelanan I rerfeitfallg Lag Resneid het daa lfpe Iakd lovene ko Con ei Baßlelskan diher igebkenetDns dch Lendks T0 al At Candg titttetekes Austets Valeg a6 Kafadt an o It 26 7
Ernd lngun mmi nnn (a u0 ummary of events from 6 a.m. 26th August te 6 a.m. 27th August 1915. no. 3sCIIOY In the night, twe demonstrations were carried out - these drec conciderable rifle and Machine Cun fire from the Turke and during the first, an enemy's qum fired inte the left of cutlY. rorz's from the direction of N0. 4Sachlon Ive ruscc were carried eut in conjunction with No. Zectien, chich were cuecessful in drswing heavy fire from the enomy. n0. Ssmgyjon Nething wausual te repert. no. 6 sxcrc zuzif xurU is nee linked up, but the road is net safe for about 70 yaree. The 9th Corpe have relieved the piequet held by the Australians. At 4. 30 ..n. there vae some chelling, but oly2cecaltiee reeulted. Mulizy The artillery repert that the left flank vae very quiet yesterday, and they were only very occasionally engaged. The gune on the SARl BAla ridge opened fire ceveral times and vere replied te effectively on each occasion. The enemy's trenches at XAIAJIX ACMALA were fired et istermittestly during the night by the 4th (Nowitzer) Bettery. plrl offieers gjhar Hants Hliry sOVWUEI 21 SSIT EICK (rveeusted) 337 neacquartere, ne. 2 Poet 21hh Auguet 1915. 27 ? 24 5 AM
e Im Amm ( )0. an. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No of Message Tees al Rech, at- Tüls Rersdage Ss on at e: Darg aert aats mansche Dae - Beruter From Fnbprech Frcher ocerf 86 5 K2 Bt Teanspri Munschrt TDer s Harh 22500 TWENTH-SAVEANN on "0 Reporst for rig hyuss kadad AAt 27- 2415 o500 / Sch fodhs mistast og avanonstg oat I/ alinkt stog sur fraf dan Ke Rochaf Borste Icsened Ore Shres v3o sen setoted to Rr Po for Setteingg diekg dad Jrrn 3. Paee Time os06 Tile aher n00 be feranrded ar mans ceraridh " Btattg Sorsher d kectesttof tgermen sehetnes oreterot e e i " Cmshi This hne shoukd be erased if notrequired. e5n Aattaat Anend o Z Leseh Beinig enboger era Meftrig 26 ladek rerfodeiin kkavnennselalker naegMenee leenn peskaenea eaeeann Aat uxaetng deeg gavedt lurfnng deane Tetitste Ttase Astültke oha ean oner peg oore good Tates Guttt Parargtt gn wisd eedealyretesd Lethagti derred ot orser frru Michit Zohate deraelenen Pl ah 8520 o Sol IhA r e

CONFIDENTIAL.   Australia Valley,
(Gallipoli)                  Aug. 26/15
N.Z. & A. Div. -
I desire to bring under the special notice of the
G.O.C. the services rendered in this campaign by my Brigade-Major, 
Lieut.-Col. J.P. McGlinn, V.D.

This officer has brought to bear upon the discharge of
his important duties untiring industry and zeal, sound judgment
and a wide knowledge of military usage and precedent and of the
elements which contribute to fighting efficiency and success
in the field to a degree which is deserving of the highest

During the organization of the Brigade in Australia,
while acting as my Staff Officer during the time that I was
in command of a Convoy of 17 Transports carrying 10,000 troops,
throughout the War-training of this Brigade in Egypt, and the
heavy fighting in Monash Valley for the first five weeks, and
during all the work done since by this Brigade, this officer's
services have stood upon the highest plane of merit.

He served with distinction in the South African War,
and as head of an important branch of a Government Department
in Australia, he made exceptional sacrifices to enlist for War

I venture to suggest that Lt. Col. McGlinn's services
are deserving of the highest recognition appropriate to his
rank and status.

Commanding Fourth (Aust.) Inf. Brigade.
Certified true copy
WM Carl J.P.
Town Clerk
31st May, 1934.
Note: "Original" written by the late Sir John Monash, handed
to Brigadier-General J.P. McGlinn by Dr. Gershon Bennett,
Melbourne, April 1934. 


"C' Form (Original).             Army Form C. 2123.
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.   No. of Message...
Prefix...  Code  1045p  Words...
Sent, or sent out                          


To    23                                            


Office Stamp.

Charges to collect   £  s.2  d.3
Handed in at NZ Office....m Received 11 2 pm.
TO   General Monash
*Sender's         Day of           In reply                AAA

Number          Month          to Number    
NZM 613               26              Bm 956        

and LOUGHRAN left
for Their lines at

FROM                      DADMS
PLACE & TIME       NZ & ANZ report Centre
* This line should be erased if not required.


The boundary of Nos. 1 and 2 Sub-Sections of defence is altered
so that No.1 Sub-Section will include the trenches across the KAIAJIK
DERE at present manned from 4th Australian Brigade.
No. 2 Sub-Section will include the defences on the lower portion
of the KAIAJIK AGHALA manned at present from the New Zealand Mounted
Rifles Brigade and 18th Australian Battalion, and the KABAK KUYU
defences up to the right of the Indian Brigade.
DAMAKJELIK BAIR.         GM Jeferys
26/8/15.                                          Captain,
                                    Brigade Major No. 6 Section...
 To/ G.O.C. No. 1 Sub-Section.   O.C. 14th Sikhs.
           "       No. 2        "                     "     1/5th Gurkha Rifles.
           O.C. No. 3         "                    "     1/6th      “             “        
            "  29th Brigade.                   "    2/10th    "             "
            "  N.Z. Engineers.                  "  108 Ind. Fd. Ambulance.
A revis of tps in No 1 Subsect w
b promulgated in due course


26th August 1915.

(1) Under orders from G.O.C. N.Z.A. Division operations will be undertaken
commencing at 16 hours tomorrow (27th August) with the object of gaining
commanding ground on the KAIAJIK AGHALA Hill.

(2) The objectives are as marked on the accompanying sketch -
Viz (1) A to B, vis- Turkish trenches in front of 4th Australian
(2) B to C. vis- long Turkish communication trench running over
Hill 60.
(3) C to D. - a line of Turkish trench from the communicating
trench on knoll 60 round North of Hill to present left of
New Zealand trench on KAIAJIK AGHALA.

(3) The following artillery cooperation and previous bombardment has been
arranged for, the latter to commence at 16 hours on 27th.

(a) Naval guns on enemy's trenches on ASMA DERE spur (92-p-6-9 and 93-1-7-9) 
also on ABDEL RAHMAN BAIR and on valley beyond KAIAJIK AGHALA 
till dark.
(b) Howitzers, etc., Commencing at 16 hour 27th on Knoll 60, KAIAJIK
AGHALA and enemy's trenches on it, East of a line 92-i-j and 92-n-c  c 
1-4, steady rate of fire 16 hours to 16-30, 5 minutes break and intens
fire 16-35 to 17 hours. During above period some fire on N.E. spur
of KAIAJIK DERE from KAIAJIK AGHALA to knoll at contour 100 inclusive.
After assault (17 hours) steady fire on N.E. spur KAIAJIK DERE as
described above till dark, and to search low ground beyond the spur.
(c) Field Artillery. - generally, the valley between DERVISH ALI KUYU
and KAIAJIK AGHALA, and roads by which reinforcements from East must
move up - 16 hours till dark - intense fire on spur N.E. of KAIAJIK 
DERE from 16-35 - 17 hours
(d) Mountain Artillery. As for Field Artillery - also 2 guns 21st
Mountain Battery at close range on to hostile KAIAJIK AGHALA trenches

from the main trenches held by the 4th Australian Brigade
N.B.- Days registration to be over by 12 noon.

(4) To assist the Artillery it is of the utmost importance that the
(trenches we now hold on the KAIAJIK AGHALA shall be marked by red ∧ or pink flags
(at 15 hours to be placed so as not to be seen by enemy, also that the
(trenches gained shall be marked by other red flags xxxxxxxxx as
(occupied.   Flags have been arranged for.

(During preliminary bombardment all infantry in advanced trenches
(except a few look-out men in secure spots) will sit down at bottom of
(their trenches with their backs to the parapet.

(5) The following force is detailed for the assault on the objectives
named in para. 2 of this order :-

RIGHT viz- to capture trenches A-B (on sketch) -
250 4th Australian Brigade.
100 17th Battalion, 5th Australian Brigade.
CENTRE. - to capture trenches B-C -
300 N.Z. Mounted Rifles Brigade.
100 15th Battalion, 5th Australian Brigade.
LEFT. - to capture trench C - D -
250 men Connaught Rangers, 29th Infantry Brigade.
Detailed orders will be issued to each of the above parties by
Br-General Russell who is placed in command of the assaulting force and
will arrange for consolidating and linking up new line when gained.

(6) THE ASSAULT will take place at 17 hours on 27th precisely. Watches
to be compared at Head Quarters, No.6 Section at 10 hours on 27th.

(7) All infantry going forward will carry 200 rounds, ∧& 2 empty sandbags
per man, and each party will have bombers specially detailed and well
supplied with bombs.
Attacking troops must have one days rations and full water bottles
with them.


Entrenching tools will be carried by 40% of the attacking force.
A forward reserve of S.A.A. Ammunition of 50 rounds per man for
the attacking force will be formed close behind our present trenches

(8) Reserves will be held in readiness if required as follows:-
(a) In gully near new communicating trench to KAIAJIK AGHALA (outside 
our former line) from 4th Australian Brigade xxxxx trenches.
[*ReserveX*] 100 men - ( 50 from 4th Australian Brigade.
                                            ( 50    "   17th Bn., 5th Australian Bde.
(b) At KABAK KUYU  - 100 men, 16th Bn. 5th Australian Bde.
To be fully equipped as in preceding paragraph.

(9) MEDICAL - First aid posts, first field dressing stations, stand 
fast in present positions. 

(10) Telephonic reports for G.O.C. No.6 Section to Head Quarters,
4th Australian Brigade.

Reports by hand to trenches, 13th Battalion, 4th Australian 
Both after 14-30 hours on 27th.
GM Jeferys Captain,
Brigade Major, No. 6 Section...
Br-General Russell  ...........    3 copies
       "              Monash  ........    2    "
Col. Agnew, 29th Brigade ..2    "
N.Z.A. Division ........................... 2   copies (one for ANZAC Corps)
Col. Napier-Johnston,
C.R.A. N.Z.A. Divn  ......................2 Copies.
Colonel Sykes F.A  ...................... 1 Copy.
Colonel Parker, O.C. M.A.
Bde.                                              1     "
O.C. 21st Kohat M.B.        ...       1     "
Office .............................................      1     " 


Major White N.Z.

24 hrs rations
Assault at 5 o clock
4.30 oclock Report to Gen Russell all correct
Operation Orders 





From C.O. 13th Battalion  43
To G.O.C.  4th Aust Inf. Brigade

Major S.C.E. Herring has displayed
conspicuous ability in his military
duties during my temporary command
of the 13th Battalion. I respectfully
beg to recommend that this Officer
take over the Command of the
Battalion during my absence on
sick leave.
LE Tilney Lt.Col
Cmdg 13th Battalion A.I.F. 

Australia Valley
26th August 1915
For orders accordingly
John Monash
Brig Genl
26/8/15  248


Summary of events from 6 a.m. 26th August to 6 a.m. 27th August 1915.
In the night, two demonstrations were carried out - these
drew considerable rifle and Machine Gun fire from the Turks -
and during the first, an enemy's gun fired into the left of
POPE'S from the direction of MULE GULLY.
Two ruses were carried out in conjunction with No. 3
Section, which were successful in drawing heavy fire from the
Nothing unusual to report.
SUSAK KUYU is now linked up, but the road is not safe for
about 70 yards.
The 9th Corps have relieved the picquet held by the
At 4. 30 a.m. there was some shelling, but only 2 casualties
The artillery report that the left flank was very quiet
yesterday, and they were only very occasionally engaged.
The guns on the SARI BAIR ridge opened fire several times
and were replied to effectively on each occasion.
The enemy's trenches at KAIAJIK AGHALA were fired at
intermittently during the night by the 4th (Howitzer) Battery. 

                                        Officers       Other Ranks
KILLED                                    -                      1
WOUNDED                            1                     21
MISSING                                  -                      -
SICK (Evacuated)                  4                    337
No. 2 Post
27th August 1915.





"A" Form.                                   Army Form  C. 2121.
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.    No. of Message...

Prefix... Code....m

Office of origin and Service Instruction







*This message is on a/c of: 

.................... Service


(Signature of "Franking Officer")
Recd. at...................m.
Date ................................
From    27 

TO  4th Bde   13th Bn
 * Sender's Number          Day of Month

QA 110                            TWENTY-SEVENTH          AAA 26/27
Report for 24 hours ended
0500 - 27-8-15.   AAA 

1/ Sap to 14th pushed on continuously  AAA 

2/ Quiet along our front  AAA  No movement
of troops observed 

3/. One officer & 30 men reported to R.F. Post for
sapping duty.  AAA

From     13th BN 
Time      0500
The above may be forwarded as now corrected.

DG Marks  Lt
Signature of Addressor or person authorized to telegraph in his name.
* This line should be erased if not required. 


[*14th Bn*]
Report 24 hrs ending 0530 27/8/15

Trenches being improved
and kept in 
good repair.   
Trenches have
been widened
and deepened.

Sapping progressing very

Sniping our men have
got the upper
hand over enemy
on our front

General Day quiet
During night
several short
sharp bursts
of fire from
Kaiajik Aghala

G Cooper Capt
0520   for Lt Col.
CO. No 2 Post  

Last edited by:
Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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Last updated: