Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 7, 15 August - 22 August 1915, Part 10

First World War, 1914–18
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n aweaaaD aguannenarnanan Ar Form. Army Form C. 2121. No. of Message. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. Words) Chargt II. Code Prefix Reed. at This message is on a/c of: Office of Origin & Service Instructions. SerE Date- Service From SIShatFe O Franking Cfeer T0 N2 A OWV. AAA 9. 555 22 Auend BM 888 1915 my of surwars the Cannot under 500 placed detachment of had have who Russel General whom 7 hard time a very also ye 300 gres legt under was lieved general 44 0oge to awe prouided me derady soon as as relieved them at a are rlable troops fuh as rspectfully desire to riss Mis im in ner is of he ondno Sapisfactory boot M 4 A MO5H rof Place A Time 1535 The above may be forwarded as now corrected. Signature of Addressor or person authorized to telesraph in h Censor. This line should be erased if not required.
kepot for 24 his ended 0500122-8-15 When asulting column diboncted at 1530, a Vigorius corering fire was maintained by 462 & firing luo 21 at 1845 our patrol beat down te Valley in rear of 15th 8 Returneld 1925 & reported all dear /. Hatsons of 17th. arved an support at 2143 y Sent water to major Hlening at 12330. ot Luit ath alog live at 2500 0 p 12/e1
AUSTt AR ME 16 a a90 we n Ge Brgier received operationcses togetherwll detie of position of troops ony max Instrnced Cn & Batt Loyee wrt sam would be frd pop gade ad supporte for Noonepst.o pession to Est found cape Harter of a111. Dix Staff Serowed han the Posk and ten ceps witl bng to ae Major Fiinly cond 6LNLned. ascertained from liv that the Half Batt meant only 100 men oofficer &no 17Ln Gine saw Brygad e Mayor 38 ergade and findly bovrowed from Wan a Vidan Woglet Maain and 15 boses Morl 441 5.40 Put the gua inposition about half wayi lide of Ne1Sector Cavrlewrs) where it commands Roid and about 300 yaads of twrling trencly . It has sone I Ou does at Vd Sa e eplendid, work, mating that Sast quite esaure and I wlure had sikormerg Masure guv ofpocite out of nation Heard Lacually ouat Hant Batty wad gone away from our left & and anothy Bat wed tare position aere- Sent c toacetai w foud read kings own har replased Hants. re fiched oeor o other of these Batts swould have got into wrih wilhine ten change took plaae on evening of 21t bst of operation commenced (1530 as ordered. Sustanes pre kepp of us directed and apparent ancespe presenting morement po east to west got sevue good target especally at Twrns moring west to cast oconsider ths Post much aecaused t at leach 50 awonaltiesienvinone well known super at 1573 pepe of our powitzes
bon e he ne ee pr e te o r e sealls brrs sort near writi o tho sactor. meling one man) and severely slathing Rovee others who however bid non eaae onty. Exery possible aasistence, gien to movement of 132 140 115 Battrs on Cifp but after sark It was impossible 1500 much Turnish Trenelies opposite and Posp quiet terough right gave the eas retof rap fire from ww saciirg response. I2t is cvident Furrs ciold Wense to one porp in mings sapping of fire French i part 1of re 3 feetor had been gone on witl out saydlongs are required to make parpet Question of Machine Glns were brought ot promense by admirable work sone will boprowed Vicler fight gun as compared with ou or convrted rordengelly (1889) Tere new gune and trpod warger a good deal less tan our gun withouptryss. Both on ot gung oney meane nom out. 24 was inderat 2 that the East pancs Bape to poligi he borroved giv belongs have no team to work it and ihe was being used for insurational purpose I wrll again an Bdd major 39th Bde omake effort to return given at all events for a pry onys of it is ialer placed. Pandg while in actugl use we might instruct a quin cruwg por 30t orde enaturial for trbeing well at pop of No1 secton has not yet arrived If we could get water at texs peace is wouldd be as good ad 30 men to bs in savin wen aay on wate es edaig from long distances 18 pcl OcnolPo ot siDep

"A" Form
Army Form C. 2121.
No. Of Message
Prefix    Code    m.
Office of Origin & Service Instructions.
Words   Charge
At      m.
This message is on a/c of:
(Signature of "Franking Officer")
Recd. at     m.
TO    N. Z. A. Div.     Copy
* nder's Number. BM 888
Day of Month.  22 August 1915
In reply to Number.   G 555      AAA
Cannot the survivors of my
detachment of 500 placed under
General Russel who have had
a very hard time & of whom
under 300 are left also be
relieved AAA General Cox has
already promised me to have
them relieved as soon as
fresh troops are available AAA
Respectfully desire to press this as
condition of these men is very unsatisfactory.

Time 1535

See also my letter book
of Aug 24 pgs 54 - 56
The above may be forwarded as now corrected.
Signature of Addressor or person authorized to telegraph in his name.


Report for 24 hrs ended
0500   22-8-15
1/ When assaulting column
debouched at 1530, a
vigorous covering fire was 
maintained by MGs & firing
2/ at 18.45 our patrol beat down
the valley in rear of 15th BN
Returned 1925 & reported
"all clear".
3/. 2 Platoons of 17th arrived
in support at 2145.
4/ Sent water to Major Herring
at 2330.
5/. Quiet all along line at 0500
JM 22-8-15  
LC Marks
[[?]] [[major?]]



22 8 1915

H Q. 4th Inf Bde.
At 0930 I waited on GOC. Brigade 
received operation order, together with 
detail of position of troops on map. 
Instructed that ½ Battn Loyal North 
Lancs would be made available 
as supports for No. 1 outpost. On 
return to Post found Capt Hartes of XIII 
Div.l Staff. Showed him the Post. 
and then went with him to see 
Major Fairley, comdg 6th L.N. Lancs. 
Ascertained from him that the 
Half Battn meant only 100 men 
& 1 officer - & no Machine Guns - saw 
Brigade Major 38th Brigade and finally 
borrowed from him a Vickers Light 
Maxim and 15 boxes Mark VII S.A.A.
Put the gun in position about 
half way up hill of No 1 Sector 
(Curlewis) where it commands 
Road and about 300 yards of 
Turkish trench - It has done

splendid work, making that Section
quite secure - and I believe having 
put enemy Machine Gun opposite out
of action.
Heard casually that Hants Battn had
gone away from our left - and another 
Battn had taken position there - sent
Lieut Curlewis to ascertain - who found 
that Kings own had replaced Hants. 
I think either one or the other of 
these Battns should have got into
touch with me. The change took place 
on evening of 21st inst.
Operation commenced 1530 as ordered. 
Sustained fire kept up as directed 
and apparently successful in 
preventing movement from east to 
west. Got several good targets 
especially at Turks moving west 
to east & consider this Post must 
have caused them at least 
50 casualties - including one
well known sniper - at 
1523 three of our Howitzers



shells burst short near trench of No 4 
sector - killing one man and severely  
shaking three others who however did 
not leave duty.
Every possible assistance given to
movement of 13th 14th 15th Battns on left - 
but after dark it was impossible
to do much. Turkish Trenches 
opposite this Post quiet through night. 
after stand to arms at 0400 at 0425 gave them 
a rattle of rapid fire from No 34 No 3 
section - but without xxxxxxxxxx which elicited heavy Turkish fire in 
response. It is evident Turks hold trench
to our front in strength.
Sapping of fire trench in front
of No.3 Sector has been gone on with
but sandbags are required to make 
Question of Machine Guns was 
brought into prominence by admirable 
work done with borrowed Vickers Light 
Gun as compared with our own 
converted Nordenfelts (1889). The new 
gun and tripod weigh a good deal 
less than our gun without tripod. 
Both our own guns are nearly

worn out. It was understood 
that the East Lancs Battn to whom
the borrowed gun belongs have no
team to work it - and it was
being used for instructional purposes.
I will again see Bde Major 38th
Bde & make effort to retain gun
at all events for a few days as
it is invaluable where placed.
Possibly while in actual use we
might instruct a gun crew
for 38th Bde.
Material for timbering well
at foot of No 1 Sector has not yet
arrived. If we could get
water at this place it would
be as good as 30 men to us
in saving men away on water
fatigues drawing from long

Lt Col
O.C. No 1 Post
No 6 Section of Defence



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