Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 7, 15 August - 22 August 1915, Part 7

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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112 outpost line. LIYz. - to be held will thas be from DERVISH ALI HorY through KAILTIK MRALA up N.K. spur of KALAILK DEAR to apoint about 92-7-7 and back across KALAIIX DERE to 4th Aust. Bde. present line. 6.0.C. 4th Australian Bde. will assist by construction of the last piece of communi cation acress KALLYLX DERR as promptly as pessible. S. ARTLLLERY COOETATLM. Uader the orders of G.O.C., F.2.A. Division, the u.R.x. will arrange for howitser fire on enemy's trenches between 92-7-7 and the A in AsMAr 92pd and in 92u3-9 and 9327-8, also on KABAE KUrU and green patch FanM (921l and SUSLK KUYBfat ten minutes later (viz CnsORm), but heavy fire (howitser and shrapnel) to be kept up on the pertion 92-7-7 to 4 in ASMA and knoll 100 while General Russell digs in Ris new line. Shrapnel fire on the line KABAK KUrY - SUSAK KoYG till our troops reach it; after that to 11ft gradually to the line DERVISH ALI RUrU - KALASIX AGHALA (92-3-4) t1ll our troops reach it; after that be- rend to protect consolidation of that line by out post battalions. Pesitions gained by our troops will be marked by red or pink flags 18 inches aquare on poles 2 feet Righ. Each Battalion will carry four. 411 troops in pessession of them will also wear tin dises on their backs. S. EYTPYERG - SPNCIL. Every man meving out will have 200 rounds of annunition, full water bottle, and energency ration, and 2 empty sand- bags. Red or pink flags, 4 per battalion, to mark positions gained - eare to be taken that they are placed so as to be seen by our artillery observers and not by the enemy. Entrenching tools will be carried by 40 p. A supply of bombs will be carried by each battalion, and bombers must be well forward in assaulting lines. AMMUNITION. Arrangements must be made, especially by out post Iine, to have reserve innunition sent ap behind tx advance. Watches will be set by representatives of Brigades, etc., 3 at Indlan BrIgade Read Quarters at 9 a.m. on 21st august. L. REPOPES. to SORSE EILL (92ne) after 2 PM. on Rist August. Bearer Sub-Divisions will be established for British ROIO troops (&7 st head of Lustralia Valley (9239), and (D) in rear of left of s.J.B. trenches (9243), under orders of A.D.M.3., N.2.A. Division. Clearing stations in present positions. Fer Indian troops, 0.C. 108 Indian Field Ambulance will establian bearer sub-divisions at or near Fiequets Nos. 1 and 2 (g2nMl. Clearing station as at present. commencing at Ne Mon 2/8/5; the fire in the pertion 82-77 to KALAYLK AGHALA to cease at 3 PM. an on KABAK RS7t T o Brigade Major, Nc.6 sestion.
13th Report for 24 hours ended 0500 21-8-16 5 17 Day quiet. Fwe & conmunication Ascashed improved. No morement on part of enemy. Our sharp- stooten shot two twrheah suipers in Hushes on ridge in frort of position. 4/ Scouts sent out 0100 from towards hushy till tearing 360 from PWOT. Excountered party o20 & 30 tinks one second rldge. Me scont wounded. Turks were not ptrenched 5/. Heavr musketon five indirection of 9th Army Coops during night, (about + 0200) 5500 Dnat Laod Report a hre ending os so 2415 Looe progue moue Mencha fen act, every past is eafe and parapets are being improved to afforee facilities to bring fiae bear on Hotton of qucky, communi- Eatlan Frenches have oec quite afe for inguasd axgoexs. Sapping still continues fance pooce poogeCes. elageeaalk. Suckar popksane Sp015 e ed asedoing gooce waok enee pa very quest nothing ean& evemy Weghs quck Klankine Hapor 2 00 p2 s0sf
MESsAGES, SANAIS AND HELD TELEGRAPRA Amy Ferm O. 2121. Modined ir India Ro of Heang Worde J Charge Sor SaNRN Prom Oode sood Ovce o Origin and Service Instructions Dato Sent 32 krow -m NOTHEG TO BE WRITTEN BY THE ADDRESSOR ABOTE THIS LINE. t 70 Dy Bds 5 OMrD MoMFONPARE TSemtors Eit Day Apoott to roP to Aumte 144 Mmentry wise to movement of one enemn our Wthing front further Adart 4 FROM tathe Rw rime X e a t (B) Yem Hharrs teapt an oa (Mhareed 1a it Endincion a CruMF ASISNAE MAO AT & Td, MIS SMATMIMIIANN PTal aould t a Nao equed -
TO. TON CSS L TST MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No of Mosase ReN Bont, CFhantOnt [ OHeS SIARS a 405.30 Cm w aled 120 From D EuttKtAn 20 PR Handed in at Received to 9 4th Int Both SANAEESEE DATAINON TIESGISNENSE AAA 21st Day Guiet and supeciont. quiet night recomnalicance but showed no charge Lawkish dispositions KKK Heary firing inle direction of Choiblal Halls 0200 to 0245 at AAA as mene Br conference afternoon 14th Fist ovr detacked inee teher at 18.30 14th complete connecting sap to their treachs 16th Br to end at commencepent of Lap AAA work Frenches (conmetting on Fire sap heads Section pushed for n AAA Fnom RLAOKATME The ts Nont b Cst HA WM moPad Sr AR Ltd -FormaC 2122. TO. ToM C T ITSERN MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. Na of Mossage S Boot, or cooton Onice Stamp ma ""& CarraS to MlCO EANESTbaNN SASSRN n TeeSNENNN SMASONTE TIESYWNSN AAA Ceptan Shelse LRE has pubmised to obtain Inon and Fimber to repair casin of well at foot I Sector of A+ALickness continues ne but Casaulities Occuped ToM Cet Tape PLAORATIN 050 This Tings SOANN F MADEnd ArL AB.Lid-Farmer
Ar Form M Sa M. No. of Message MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. PCR Col M/ Wort Chae Reed at This message is on a/c of: Ohee A CENSSEFCe Ri Date Service t From Cop SMMITOTTFIMTINT OMAOT 115 Rusell General FSentetGHne WleNt toHie D oe po AAA a 2 o operation Order) Referente a datted 20/8/15 sent you this moring Onders of 9n Corps mave been received which me advante, of do not indirate nat the vallry is insended meir night ndops in to 9o beyond 3059K Koxv tday, My orders, to our post ling are perefore modified to conform and theyy are now directed to take up a line from 3osad Koxy soum Gast arong nutbered conowrs 30.40 50 (Tt your Knoll 60 as 92. Jo4. Arfillery commander nsd sion has veen informed of Omys modification. Election Place Time 1005 The above may be forwarded as now corrected.] 12 Conor.] De Apaun o vn ANO WMPRKNML The e Roud be Cased if not required. C.0 Intimation received that s right of Nenth Coops does not intend for present to push cast for the than Snaak Knye AB1. One attacking Coluims well have to conform to this H It does not affect action of this Higade except that Denish Ali Kingn, still remains enevng country at conclusion of operation I aa fo
ACRO P It you approve Please inform St Col. Agnew that, after Jeney Rinls force has deboched from my treaches & made good the covosing of the Rarapick Dere, I propose to send a patrol of 50 men to work down the Vallery of the Kaiagick Der in the Direction of Kabak Knnygnn For purpose of clearing valley of smipers in Geeneral Knosils rear. TD. PON HOMSn NESSACRS AND SIANALS. CANEWEN Smt Lpt SurtesCantton sanded in at a57 month ot General Monish SMACTONENEN SYANONN BTENSWSINSS aa M.N 1136 Your proposal approved Fnom Tecrion TLAORATIHE W D A Pad Al. A. B. Lld-FormeAI
C. Form. (Original. Recd hcose Pretix Hrom Means 8LI Distance Service instructions. Handed in at the SenleISMMe 11 FRI PLA TIME An Po Bine Wh MCaC Army Form C. 2123. MESSACES AND SIGNALS oto. A Mecodge Office Stamp. Sent, or sent out Words Collected 1 Paid out Returned Received here at Office at 64 194 24 of 6 me ans of Stamps affixed to the face of the in the spaces headed Delvery and
Sinnn Ar Form. Army Form C. 2121. 20 of Mevre MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. ao ChaT -I c This message to on ap of: Ollce a bow nd trts hstoton t so serice 4t- To Stator A TTIS MAMTIBS- Br General Sureet W2A Dp 14 General Monash CA 4 N25 34th Be lo SWE 2/10 Lro to MAM MAoN S aa 1315 to difficulties heving arisen Own cooperation between artillery I ops and ourselves all times meationed 9th a operation oder 1 by me of 20th are back half an your, and this put -means protininery vomberdmen ts will ence at 2 45 pm gno ent coms KAIAVIR DERE, tower part) at 330 on at which is the time several rursells assault will begin gea Artilly on KADAK KUYW will end at fire at Drick Une General Agrew 34 aaa SLcan Kongade asscall will forvergat 330 nscid Will more Acknowledge o 3 P.M. oad 4 J Section R Tm 400 The alre aay te serred a now arriaed To tei Senature of Addrewer of pesson ancharlend to tolegraph in Mis name. Conr This line should be crased H not required
Torn Bions LAY FONSC.NA MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. Na of Meseuse C Charges to Pay. Office Stamp 20 al 23 N2 "a Suns Aatt a anon 339 ane O trs JSTN SATANONN PENSWTSNS aaa I Phesset woh th all time Lors seration ertind tr en Hat d 20th are orderno tel an hour postpered owing necessity 8 Ledy reedjustment aith CRS Bupport Detweelh 9th theref aga we oon On te referried t demar stration in pance 19 Op0 ra one order now romn will not enge alla adren wll 1030 today sections refpeated all s t Mst no Please Acknowledge 0 fo M G Sepet On vie 1320 mube&n W 88 20,000 Pad-81. S.B.Ltd-FormC 212.
10 13 C.O. Det Stat Time named his commencement of operahimn this afternoon has been portpuned from $300 to $530 AAA Asknowledg 2 1ENO W2 ens Cate have Refeence G.48 tiker to alte to 1530 time given in Sen los opention order A me trce order 19 not received by the want 29

outpost line.
4. NEW LINE. - to be held will thus be from DERVISH ALI KUYU through
KAIAJIK AGHALA up N.E. spur of KAIAJIK DERE to apoint about 92-J-7 and
back across KAIAJIK DERE to 4th Aust. Bde. present line.    G.O.C. 4th
Australian Bde. will assist by construction of the last piece of communication
across KAIAJIK DERE as promptly as possible.
5. ARTILLERY COOPERATION.  Under the orders of G.O.C., N.Z.A. Division,
the C.R.A. will arrange for howitzer fire on enemy's trenches between
92-J-7 and the A in "ASMA" 92p8 and in 92u3-9 and 93L7-8, also on KABAK
KUYU and green patch FARM (92i) and SUSAK KUYU at ten minutes later (viz-
on3.10 PM), but heavy fire (howitzer and shrapnel) to be kept up on the
portion 92-J-7 to A in ASMA and Knoll 100 while General Russell digs in
his new line.  Shrapnel fire on the line KABAK KUYU - SUSAK KUYU till our
troops reach it;  after that to lift gradually to the line DERVISH ALI
KUYU - KAIAJIK AGHALA (92-J-4) till our troops reach it; after that beyond
to protect consolidation of that line by out post battalions. 
Positions gained by our troops will be marked by red or pink flags
18 inches square on poles 2 feet high. Each Battalion will carry four.
All troops in possession of them will also wear tin discs on their backs.
6. EQUIPMENT - SPECIAL.  Every man moving out will have 200 rounds of
ammunition, full water bottle, and emergency ration, and 2 empty sandbags.
Red or pink flags, 4 per battalion, to mark positions gained - 
care to be taken that they are placed so as to be seen by our artillery
observers and not by the enemy.  
Entrenching tools will be carried by 40 %.
A supply of bombs will be carried by each battalion, and bombers 
must be well forward in assaulting lines.
7. RESERVE AMMUNITION.  Arrangements must be made, especially by outpost
line, to have reserve ammunition sent up behind in advance.
8. T I M E. Watches will be set by representatives of Brigades, etc., 
at Indian Brigade Head Quarters at 9 a.m. on 21st August.
9. REPORTS. to GORSE HILL (92M9) after 2 P.M. on 21st August.
10. MEDICAL Bearer Sub-Divisions will be established for British
troops  (a) at head of Australia Valley (92N9), and
(b) in rear of left of S.W.B. trenches (92Q3),
under orders of A.D.M.S., N.Z.A. Division.
Clearing stations in present positions.
For Indian troops, O.C. 108 Indian Field Ambulance will establish 
bearer sub-divisions at or near Picquets Nos. 1 and 2 (92HM).
Clearing Station as at present.
(  commencing at 2.15pm on  21/8/15. The fire on the portion 92-J7 to
(  KAIAJIK  AGHALA to cease at 3 P.M. and on KABAK KUYU
Ind. Bde. Hd. Qrs.
GAJeffrey Captain,
Brigade Major, No.6 Section.....


13th B
Report for 24 hours ended
0500 21-8-15
1./ Day quiet.
2/. Fire & communication trenches
3/. No movement on part of enemy.
Our sharp-shooters shot two
turkish snipers in bushes on
ridge in front of position.
4/. Scouts sent out 0100, from towards
bushy till bearing 360o from "PIVOT".
Encountered party of 20 or 30
turks on second ridge, NZ
Scout wounded. Turks were not
[*Bm 836*] 
5/. Heavy musketry fire in direction
of 9th Army Corps during night (about
Lieut a/adj

Report 24 hrs. ending 0530 21/8/15
Trenches.   Good progress made
in all, every part
is safe and parapets
are being improved
to afford facilities
to bring fire to
bear on bottom
of gully, communication
trenches have
been ^ made quite safe
for ingress regress.
Sapping   Still continues 
and good progress 
is being made.
Snipers   Snipers posts are 
kept manned and 
are doing good 
General.  Day very quiet 
nothing seen of 
enemy.  Night
21/8/15    R Rankine Major
C.O. No 2 Post


Army Form C. 2121.  Modified for India.   No. of Message
Prefix     Code    m.   
Words.    Charge    
(X) For Stamps.  
Recd. at       m.
Office of Origin and Service Instructions
At      m.
TO                               HQ,
(SEE INSTRUC-       4th  Infy  Bde
*Senders Number.    Day of Month.     In reply to Number.    AAA
                                       Twenty First
No movement of enemy on
our front nothing further to
FROM     15TH  Battn.
Time                0050.
(Y) The above may be forwarded as now
Countersignature of Censor or Authorising Officer.
(Z)   TPMcSharry Capt.
Adjt 15th Bn
Signature of addressor and his instructions, side reversed
Class of Message.
*This line should be erased if not required.


"C" Form (Original).                  Army Form C. 2123.
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.      No of Message
Prefix    Code     Words
Sent, or sent out                   
At   05.30 m.
To   From  QE
By   F.R.S
Office Stamp.
Charges to collect  £   s.   d
Service Instructions.
Handed in at      Office     m.  Received     m.
TO HQ  4th  Inf  Bde
*Sender's Number   Day of Month    In reply to Number      AAA
Quiet Day and suspiciously quiet
night but reconnaissance showed
no change in Turkish dispositions
AAA Heavy firing into direction
of Chocolate Hills 0200 to
0245 AAA  As arranged at 
conference in afternoon 14th Bn
detached Post was taken over
at 18.30  14th Bn to complete
Sap connecting to their trenches
16th Bn to end at
commencement of Sap AAA work
on Fire Trenches connecting Sap heads
in No 3 Section pushed forward AAA
*This line should be erased if not required
W. 2384-583.  30,000 Pads 8/14  S.B. Ltd.- Forms/C.2123.

"C" Form (Original).                  Army Form C. 2123.
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.      No of Message
Prefix      Code     Words
Sent, or sent out                   
At       m.
Office Stamp.
Charges to collect  £    s.   d
Service Instructions.
Handed in at       Office       m.  Received       m.
*Sender's Number   Day of Month     In reply to Number    AAA
Captain Skelse of NZ.RE has
promised to obtain Iron and Timber
to repair cavein xx of well at foot
of no I Sector AAA Sickness continues
but no Casaulities occurred.
FROM                      Col Pope 16 Bn
PLACE & TIME       0500
*This line should be erased if not required
W. 2384-583.  30,000 Pads 8/14  S.B. Ltd.- Forms/C.2123.


"A" Form.                                     Army Form C. 2121.
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.     No. of Message
Prefix  Code     m.
Words   Charge
This message is on a/c of:
(Signature of "Franking Officer")
Recd. at   m.
From 6
Office of Origin & Service Instructions.
At     m.
TO General Russell.
*Sender's Number.       Day of Month.        In reply to Number.     AAA
Reference Para 2 of Operation Order 1
dated 20/8/15 sent you this morning.  Orders
of 9th Corps have been received which
do not indicate that the advance of
their right troops in the valley is intended
to go beyond SUSAK KUYU today.  My
orders to outpost line are therefore
modified to conform, and they are now
directed to take up a line from SUSAK
KUYU South East along numbered
contours 20. 40. 50. to your knoll
60 at 92. J F 4.  Artillery commander
NZA Divn has been informed
of this modification.
From       6 Section
Time        1005
The above may be forwarded as now corrected.
Signature of Addressor or person authorized to telegraph in his name.
*This line should be erased if not required.
C.O. 13
Intimation received that Ninth right of Ninth
Corps does not intend for present to push east
further than Susak Kuyu AAA.  Our attacking
columns will have to conform to this AAA It does
not affect action of this Brigade except that enemy
Dervish Ali Kuyu still remains enemy country,
at conclusion of operation.  AAA inform machine guns


G.O.C. No 6 section  
If you approve Please inform Lt Col. Agnew that, after
General Russel's Force has debouched from
my trenches & made good the crossing of 
the Kaiajick Dere, I propose to send 
a patrol of 50 men to work down the
Valley of the Kaiajick Dere in the Direction 
of Kabak Kuyu for purpose of clearing
valley of snipers in General Russel's

"C" Form (Duplicate)
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.      No. of Message
SM LGS 12 LBK C Gray
Charges to Pay.
£   s.  d.
Office Stamp.
Service Instructions.
Handed in at LBK Office 1157m.  Received 1201 m.
TO General Monash
Sender's Number     Day of Month     In reply to Number     AAA
1130                                21                           BM842
Your proposal approved
FROM 6 Section  
W. 2384-583.  30,000 Pads 8/14.  S.B. Ltd. - Forms/C.2123.


Army Form C. 2123.
"C" Form (Original).      MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.     No. of Message
Recd. from QC
By 2H
Prefix  SM   Code    Words
Sent, or sent out
At     M
at      M.
Office Stamp.
Charges for Delivery
Paid out
Service Instructions.
Handed in at the    Office at     M.  Received here at 1304 M.
TO      4th BDE
*Sender's Number.    Day of Month.    In reply to Number.     AAA
37                                     21st
I have to report that
a 60 pound shell (shrapnel)
fell in Australia Gully about
1115 it has been reported
to observation officer of 10th
heavy battery he states it is
a British shell fired by
battery at Suvla

Action alert
taken over
BM 845
FROM        14th Bn
TIME           1250
All Porterage, Redirection, or other charges collected on delivery are to be bought to accouat by me ans of Stamps affixed to the face of the
form, and the particulars of such charges and of amounts paid out are to be set forth in writing above, in the spaces headed "Delivery" and
"Charges for Delivery".
*This line should be erased if not required.


"A" Form.                    Army Form C. 2121.
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.       No. of Message 
Prefix    Code   m.
This messaae is on a/c of:
(Signature of "Franking Officer.")
Recd. at    m.
From   4
Office of Origin and Service Instructions.
At        m.
TO  General Russell     NZA Div      1/5    14
        General Monash   NZA CRA   1/6  34th Bde.
        Col Agnew
        Col Palin                  SWB          2/10
*Sender's Number      Day of Month      In reply to Number     AAA
1315                                  21
Owing to difficulties having arisen
in artillery cooperation between
9th Corps and ourselves all times mentioned
in Operation Order 1 by me if 20th are
put back half an hour.  aaa  This 
means preliminary bombardments will
commence at 2 45 p. m and end
on KAIAJIK DERE lower part at 3 30
PM at which latter time General
Russells assault will begin  aaa  Artillery
fire on KABAK KUYU will end at
3.40 at which time General Agnew
will assault  aaa  Indian Brigade
will move forward at 3 30 instead
of 3 P.M.  aaa  Acknowledge   Bm850
From        6 Section
Place  JM
The above may be forwarded as now corrected.
(Z)  GAJeffrey Captain.
Signature of Addressor or person authorised to telegraph in his name.
* This line should be erased if not required.


Form (Duplicate).                    Army Form C. 2123.
SB      AE      85     NZ                
Charges to Pay.
£   s.   d.
Office Stamp.
Service Instructions.
Handed in at NZ Office   m.  Received 1339 m.
TO   4th  Aust  Bde
Sender's Number       Day of Month      In reply to Number     AAA
G481                                21                            --
Please note that all times
mentioned in Gen Coxs operation
order no 1 Dated 20th, are
postponed half an hour
owing to necessity of
readjustment of artillery
support between 9th Corps
and ourselves   AAA  Therefore
the demonstration referred to
in force order 19 para one
will not now commence
till 1530 today  AAA  addressed
all sections repeated 4th
and 5 Aust Inf Bdes   AAA
Please Acknowledge
FROM   NZ Report Centre 1320
W. 2384-583.  30,000 Pads 8/14.  S. B. Ltd.-Forms/C.2123.


13                  )
14                  )
15                   )         
16                   )
C.O.  Det.     )
Staff              )
Time named for commencement of operation
this afternoon has been postponed from 1500
to 1530.    AAA    Acknowledge

N.Z. Report Centre.
Reference G.481 action have taken ^ action to alter
time given in Gen. Cox's operation order ^ to 1530  AAA
Force order 19 not received by this  unit  me.



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