Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 7, 15 August - 22 August 1915, Part 6

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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0 E Stablishment per Buttln Off orhers Solat Bl. Tatfln 99 1023 32 attach 791 1024 2 9t 4 S Ox te 25 24 2 sigh Were all Rat 4414 Actrelly in 17-5 Fely Ofers others Staps 15 Se 20.6 134 1.68 140 15 12 16a 2 64 677 Worl all rad. Total Stranght ormant thro welk 1712
7 6 7700 6 an 48 an 62 in timntn pri ete annnmmnten 134 y e m ancin mn oa From innae r ni anen nen onenmem n e ies Place mmmumm Time The above may be forwarded as now corrected. 12) cmmnemm occmmn consumend Signature of Addressor or person authorized to telegraph in his name. Sensor. This line should be erased if not required.
132 BnAIF Ne 3B11 Ausk Valley Report for 24 hours ended 2500. 20//15. 140 Very Ount day. i Improvement to fire and 2 Communication trenches are still being prished ahend. all Officer of this Battation 3 have now vsted the other Rst of the Lection. might quiet & uneventful 4 atwt 17 afayr 20/5/15
Nesor 24 hos enem 20/8/10 Tuck £45 1244 ape being pod larepad enes ad seeng pngele for supporto aud . garases ale being very misco empased edcessses ext ace fean Kophole ufec wil gopangege day Janca e poms sct N0 wth St Sergal sesy quet seay wttle e seen epe Neght pas guill Glor 62 Sept 20/ £or Mas 6 sph 49
2 MESSAGES, SIGNALS AND FIELD TELEGRAPRR Ary Porn O. 212 Badnad 1o india Wa of Waago_ Nore V Cre (X) Eor stemge. Pron an Rood TMMTTEGENMI VSSSAN Date Sone Brom NOTHINS TO BE WRITTEN BY THE ADDRESSOR ABOTE THIS LINE 7050 504 onamw CononMCL CalesS Mt Dar of Booth Totory t 144 an Over thin along from beny hos Wdg past Five4 fo where and AA poresent bein eaithworks purshed fothing on t report further FROM Piace 5 no e AM S Parad conmenne ansen one eng t n e Ctwed M AMent -
Oigna from Sernce Handed in at the TIME An Port a, and MA Stance Army Form C. 2123. No. of Message ent, or sent out Office Stamp. Retuned Received here at AAA me ans of Stamps affixed to the face of the led Delivery and 10 the8
28 anguat 1 Wdar. Inp. Bde 4 work on Saps was; been n owing pr of wch on patigues caring sash o whige latter wout funie be continued p of Ridge appoit pou contnue exprosement of u pene are or ppede d cor e po of ts past a are consistetlly warking of then solly ponta, io pepo anones peuy y one pa Fea nget ns sase gul 400 44 of not oupot Not 5pot
Douft Copy P Speration Order No 1 Anskalia Vallay Aug 21 /1915 Bryarr Genral Iash V.D conidig 4x anstral en ye D Refernce Map 1, 20000 KURITA DERE. The Ninth Corps attacks the W. hills - A forse of all aonss undr Dituation Majes Lenenl Cox, of which this tgade from part cooperate by making good a line running approimately South Fovn D in DEXVISH AL) at a point Nx till it meets our present line, in the oreerity of NS 2 mashie grn in the 13th Hattalion) No 3 port. This point will be indicated by Mags Herring 13th Wr & is referred to hereunder as the pirot Infantry The l tae is divided into the goureps composed as follow. Under Bgds. Lenial Monachis Fouth Aust. Infantry Brigads less a detachment of 500. Ander Byr. Leneal Rnssel N.2. Mountal Reples 500 o 4th Husk, Eng. Bde A ballation of 29th Witish Higade 29h Idimhige Under St. Col. Anews Connauight Ranges (29th Watick Hrignds) S.W. Sordver 29th Indian Brignte Unde Sld. Palin: 9500 achment. A forse compased of 250 of 13th W & 250 o 14th Ws with due proportion of officers & N.C.Os, is placed under the commant of Major Herring 12th Mr, who will report for order to Byde- Sent. Rnsail. This with fid & wats froce will be in light fighting order 100 picks & 100 shooch, such man carrying 2 sandbags, & apupped with Couty as arranged by the Commander of the Froce. The role of thi torse witbe to sebrnch from the firring trench of the 13th Haltation, on a pontage of about 150 yart near the ploot the right in the weuntg Nad aa poiit. Its objection is the ridge of on the right bank of the Kaiapick Der belieuin drge Hert a ttenting nt anae t diter o diticliful ther gontg on thet ter many white ver aripig apitatly tn fo iongfar m yoeus yo o by the eveny secipe fos not bling t fight d p o hos befefefthe him
110 One houe before the time named for the commencement of the tir Coor speration, the fe trenches are to be fully mannot in all posts Fom the prst to the left of and line, every tacility must be given to the troops of the assaulting colum to enter, pass along & dabouch from our trenchas. from the prost to the right of our line, an energitie and sustained are Covering twe will be directed at the enemy's Frenches along our Front, commencing at a time which will be communicated to all concerned, & continuing till ordered to cease. While the Fire is to be well sustaneet, it must be carefully contralled & directed so as to compel the enery to keep under sover. Commander of ports will uuturally arrange to divide up the hontage, so as to enoure that no prrtim of the enemy's tenches cscapes fom being swept by foe. This portion of our lind will alo be aleot to deal with any enemy Counte attack. M hme Crms. The Higade M.G. officer will redistribut the mashie puns so as to ensure effective covering fire over the whole of the enemy truches along ou kent, from the proot to the east. Shave machine sunmes to employ rifle Fire, in neighbourhool of their jais. New Aligument your Left. After the assulting porses have debonated from on & o lines the H & male good the crossing of the Kaiagiell Dere the 15th Bs will leave th trencher, & take up a line facing dust our trenches near its right reating on the progt & its left on the Valley of the Karsfick (inclusive Deve - connecting with the right of the assautling tses whethey hve deached then final position. This new aligument will be at once entructied, & a sunken way out acros the valler, tll camont C.O. 13th Wr will arange to a patral of D men, downn from Pati the personnal sompying the truche weat of the proot, to move west down the Vallay of the Kanagisk Deve (to clime the valley of enery amper in the direction of the Kabatt Kingn well this patrol to more out in mery sumediately of the new line allocated to the 15h Wm, after the Catle has moved. Reportr. to present position of Brignde H.Q.) Signnt Signat will arrange to follow 15th Ws with telephone. Frmed at Copy No. 1 to A Staff 10.C.0. Deteshment 11 Sional was Mrain 12. Gield Ambriland 13 t 13 A.S.C. H4. Br. Sm. Kussal 12
224 OPERATION ORDM Fo. ) DATED 20/8/1S. BY MAY-SENLRAL H.V.COL,.C.D. 1. Reference Force Order No. 19 dated 20th August 1815. the 9th Corps Attacks the sr Bills (105 srY) on the 212 D.WFTOY. August. Part of the SARI BAIR force (detal as below) will cooperate on right of 9th Corps and will gain ground to EAsT of present line between Rill 92r/U and KALLAR CRAIR maintaining touch with 9th Corps. Detail of force under command of Maj-General H.V. Cex. N.L.M.R. Brigade .. 2 Pattaliens. (No. 2 Co. V.E. Engineers. 29th Br: Brigade.. 2 Battaliens. 1 Bearer Sub-Divn. 4th Aust. Pox. 29th Ind. Brigade.. 3rd L.M. P.A.. . 108 L.Pek.. 4south Gales Borderers. if tnsealian moy say There are three. ORTTGTITES. III Capture of Lower Turkish trenches on N.M. side of KALAYLK DERY from a point about 92-7-7 including KALALLXnE AGHAlsand Knoll 60 to the plain about 92-7-2. (2) Captare of KANAK MITY (well) and enemy's post and trenches near it, 92 1 and 92 1 8. (3In advance of outpost line in valley to a line from near DERVISR ALI KUrY 92-4-4 to KALAYLX LGHALA 92-7-4. ander the Ordors (1) will be carried out by Br-Genoral Missell, with the RUIL Hlowing troops:- N.L. Mounted Fifle Brigade, less 2 regiments. 500 of the 4th Lustralian Brigade. 1 Battalion, 29th Pritiah Brigade. No.2 Co. N.L. Engineers (to report to Genl. Russell by 19 a.m. on, 18/ This force will move to the assault from the trenches held by S.x.D. and 4th Lustralian Prigade at 3 P.m. on 21/8/15 The 4th Austrelian Brigade will cooperate by keeping up heavy riffe fire on whole of enemy'’s trenches till General Russell’s assault masks the fire from 92-7-7 downwards, and will continue its fire on enemy's trenches above that point till General Russell has made the new position good. The S.V.B. will assist in the same way. No. (2) will be attacked by 1 Battalion 29th British Brigade which will operate from SOUTE of KABAK KYYU. The S.x.B. will cooperate with rifle and machine gun fire till masked by our troops, and will sand forward a strong party to place KABAK KUrU in a state of defence directly it is captured. The Battalion 29th British Brigade will assault the LARaK MUrU well at 3.10 P.m.. It will then reform and will be held ready to meet any counter -fteck. The operations ordered above at KARAK MIYU will be under the command of Lient-Colonel Agnew Commanding 29th British Brigade. the 14th sikhs will take ever the part of ConSE HLLL now held by the Canterbury Mounted Kifles at 4 a.m. on 21at August and will also cooperate by rifle and machine gun fire from that position till masked by our troops. They will also bring fire on to FaRd at green patch (924) 4i1l our treeps reach it. No. (3), viz- move forward of outpost line. As the 9tk Corps moves forward to the attack of the &c Rills the 2/10th Gurkhas and 1/6th Gurkhas will cooperate by noving forward EAsT up the valley. Each battalion will leave 25 men in each plequet of present line. The 1/5th Gurkhas will be in reserve, and vill follow centre of line at about 500 yards distance. the first objective of this advance will be a line sUSAK MrY - FARN at green pateh - KABAK KUYU. then it is seen that our attack on KLBLK MUTY is successful a further advance will be made to a line from near DERVISR ALY KyrY (9244) south to link up with General Russell (at 9272) and this line will be held by entrenched piequets by the 2 battalions for the night, with MaE 1/5th Gurtha Rifles in reserve. The 2/10th Gurkhas will be responsible for keeping toubh with the righ of the 9th Corps. Lt-Colonel Palin will command the move forward and the outpest m

Establishment per Battln
                        Off       Others          Totals
per Battln     32           991                1023
(attached)      1                                     1
                          33           991                1024
Bde  St Op        4             23                 287
Siglrs                    1             24                  25      }   Total strength onward
                               Total all Ranks   4148     }   this week 17-12-14
Actually in Field 17/8/15
                     Ofcrs          others
Staff                  3                  8
Sigs                   1                  15
13th                    8              206
14th                       11                  168
15th                    5               125
16th                    4              123
                            32           645      =   677   Total all ranks



4148)          67700     (16.3
The above may be forwarded as now corrected.
Signature of Addressor or person authorized to telegraph in his name.
*This line should be erased if not required.


13TH Bn AI.F.
No 3 Post
Aust. Valley.
Report for 24 hours ended
0500. 20/8/15.
1./  Very Quiet day.
2./  Improvements to Fire and
Communication trenches are
still being pushed ahead.
3./  All Officers of this Battalion
have now visited the other 
Posts of this section.
4./ Night quiet & uneventful
DG Marks



Report 24 hrs ending 0530
Trenches are still
being improved
lateral trenches
are being made
for support and 
Parapets are being very
much improved
recesses cut and
Iron loopholes
put in.
Sapping still continues
day & night to
connect up
with Nos 1-5 Posts
General very quiet all
day very little
seen of enemy
Night very quiet
PCooper  Capt
for Major
O.C. No 2 Post

                                    MESSAGES, SIGNALS AND FIELD TELEGRAPHS.
 Army Form C. 2121.   Modified for India                   No. of Message
Prefix       Code       m Words      Charge (X) For Stamps.

Recd, at    m.

Office of Origin and Service Instructions.

At              m
 4th BDE
*Sender's Number. Day of Month. In reply to Number. AAA
Everything along our front very
quiet during past twenty four hours
AAA Sapping and improvements to
earthworks being pushed on Nothing
further to report.
FROM      15th Bn
 (Y) The above may be forwarded as now corrected (Z) TPMcSharry Captn
Adjt 15th Bn
Class of message.
Countersignature of Censor of Authorising Officer.   Signature of addressor and his instructions. vid reverso.
*This line should be erased if not required.


 "C" Form (Original). MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. Army Form C. 2123.
No. of Message 
 Recd from QD

By G.S.
Prefix   Code  Words 

Sent, or sent out

At          M
By     38
at            M

Office Stamp.
Charges for Delivery
Paid out
Service Instructions. 
Handed in at the             Office at      M.   Received here at 0555 M.
TO  Bde Major
*Sender's Number. Day of Month In reply to Number AAA
Everything along our front very
quiet for past 24hrs AAA
Sapping & improvements to earthworks
being pushed on. Nothing further to
 15th Bn

All Porterage, Redirection, or other charges collected on delivery are to be bought to accouat by me ans of Stamps affixed to the face of the
form and the particulars of such charges and of amounts paid out are to be set forth to writing above, in the spaces headed "Delivery" and
"Charges for Delivery".
*This line should be erased if not required.



20th August 1915
HQ 4th Inf. Bde.
Work on Saps has been hampered
owing to numbers of men on fatigues
carrying packs - which latter work
must be continued.
Turks on Ridge opposite front continue
improvement of their trenches which are
of their standard loopholed design and
cover our whole front of this outpost. They
are consistently working on their whole
frontage, not showing particular activity
at any one point.
The night has passed quietly.
H Pope
Lt. Col
OC. No1 Outpost
No6 Section
JM Brigadier


Draft        Copy No.
Australia Valley.
Aug 21 / 1915
Operation Order No. 10
Brigadier General J Monash V.P.
Commding 4th Australian Infantry Brigade
Reference. Map 1:  20,000 KURIJA DERE.
Situation.  The Ninth Corps attack the W. hills.  - A force of all arms under
Major General Cox, of which this Brigade forms part, will cooperates by making
good a line running South approximately South from D in DERVISH ALI
KUYU till it meets our present line ^ at a point in the vicinity of No2 Machine
gun in the (13th Battalion) No 3 post. This point will be indicated by Major Herring 
13th Bn & is referred to hereafter as the 'pivot'
The ^ Infantry of the whole force  is divided into three groups composed as follows:-
Under Bgdr. General Monash :-  Fourth Aust. Infantry Brigade less a
detachment of 500.
Under Bgdr. General Russel :-  N.Z Mounted Rifles
500 of 4th Aust, Inf. Bde
A battalion of 29th British Brigade
Under Lt. Col. Agnew :-  29th  Indian Brigade
Connaught Rangers (29th British Brigade)
S.W. Borderers.
Under Lt. Col. Palin :- 29th Indian Brigade
Detachment.   A force ^ of 500 composed of 250 of 13th Bn & 250 0f 14th Bn with due
proportion of officers & N.C.O's, is placed under the command of Major
Herring 13th Bn, who will report for orders to Bgdr. Genl. Russel. This
force will be in light fighting order^ with food & water with 100 picks & 100 shovels, each
man carrying 2 sandbags,  & equipped with bombs as arranged by
the Commander of the Force. - The role of this force will be is to debouch
from the firing trench of the 13th Battalion, on a frontage of about 150 yards.
Its right in the vicinity of No2 Machine Gun position near the pivot. Its objective
is the ridge up on the right bank of the Kaiajick Dere
Preliminary Measures. The 13th + 14th Battalions will make arrangements to
detail their detachments today, so as to ensure that the men, while 
remaining available to act in support in the west of an attack by the
enemy, will secure good rest during the night Aug 20/21
One hour before the time named


Covering Fire. One hour before the time named for the commencement of the 
operation, the fire trenches are to be fully manned in all posts.
From the pivot to the left of our line, every facility must be given to
the troops of the assaulting column to enter, pass along & debouch from 
our trenches.
From the pivot to the right of our line, an energetic and sustained
covering fire will be directed at the enemy's trenches ^ all along our front,
commencing at a time which will be communicated to all
concerned, & continuing till ordered to cease. While the fire is to be
well sustained, it must be carefully controlled & directed so as 
to compel the enemy to keep under cover. Commanders of posts will
mutually arrange to divide up the frontage, so as to ensure that no
portion of the enemy's trenches escapes from being swept by fire.
This portion of our line will also be alert to deal with any enemy counterattack.
Machine Guns. The Brigade M.G. Officer will redistribute the machine guns so
as to ensure effective covering fire over the whole of the enemy trenches
along our front, from the pivot to the the east. Spare machine gunners
to employ rifle fire, in neighbourhood of their guns.
New Alignment of our Left After the assaulting forces have debouched from our
lines ^ & from left of  the 15th Battalion & made good the crossing of the Kaiajick Dere
the 15th Bn will leave their its trenches, & take up a line facing East,
its right resting on ^ our trenches near the pivot , & its left on the valley of the Kaiajick 
Dere - (inclusive) - connecting with the right of the assaulting forces when they have
reached in their final position. This new alignment will be at once
entrenched, & a sunken way cut across the valley, Lt Col Cannan
will command
Patrol. C.O. 13th Bn will arrange for a patrol of 50 men, drawn from
the personnel occupying the trenches west of the pivot, to move west down
the valley of the Kaiajick Dere to clear the valley of enemy snipers in
the direction of the Kabak Kuyu  well. ↓This patrol to move out in view
of the new line allocated to the 15th Bn ^ immediately after the latter has moved. 
Reports.  to present position of Brigade H.Q.
Signals Signals will arrange to follow ^ up 15th Bn with telephone.
Issued at
Copy No 1 to A Staff            10. C.O. Detachment
                 5  War Diary        11.  Signals
                 6 13th Bn              12. Field Ambulance
                 7  14      "                13.  A.S.C.
                 8   15     "                14. Bgr Gen Russel.
                 9   16     "  


Reference Force Order No. 19 dated 20th August 1915. 
INFORMATION.  The 9th Corps attacks the "W" hills (105 STU) on the 21st
August. Part of the SARI BAIR force (detal as below) will cooperate on
right of 9th Corps and will gain ground to EAST of present line between
Hill 92P/U and and KAZLAR CHAIR maintaining touch with 9th Corps.
Detail of force under command of Maj-General H. V. Cox.
N.Z.M.R. Brigade .. 2 Battalions       (No.2 Co. N.Z. Engineers.
29th Br:  Brigade.. 2 Battalions.       ( 1 Bearer Sub-Divn. 4th Aust. F.A..
29th Ind.  Brigade..                             (9  1     "           "       "       3rd L.H.  F.A..
4/ South Wales Borderers.                 1       "           "       "      108 I.F.A..
4/ Australian Infy Bde
2. OBJECTIVES.  There are three.
(1) Capture of lower Turkish trenches on N.E. side of KAIAJIK DERE from a 
point about 92-J-7 including KAIAJIK DERE   AGHALA and Knoll 60 to the plain
about 92-J-2.
(2) Capture of KABAK KUYU (well) and enemy's post and trenches near it,
92 i and 92 i 8.
(3)n  Advance of outpost line in valley to a line from near DERVISH ALI
KUYU 92-d-4 to KAIAJIK AGHALA 92-J-4.
3. ACTION.   (1) will be carried out xx under the orders of Br-General Russell, with the
following troops:-
N.Z. Mounted Rifle Brigade, less 2 regiments.
500 of the 4th Australian Brigade.
1 Battalion, 29th British Brigade.
No.2 Co. N.Z. Engineers (to report to Genl. Russell by 10 a.m. on 21/8/15)
This force will move to the assault from the trenches held by S.W.B. and
4th Australian Brigade at 3 P.M. on 21/8/15
The 4th Australian Brigade will cooperate by keeping up heavy rifle fire
on whole of enemy's trenches till General Russell's assault masks the fire
from 92-J-7 downwards, and will continue its fire on enemy's trenches above
that point till General Russell has made the new position good. The S.W.B.
will assist in the same way.
No. (2)  will be attacked by 1 Battalion 29th British Brigade which will 
operate from SOUTH of KABAK KUYU. The S.W.B will cooperate with rifle and
machine gun fire till masked by our troops, and will send forward a strong
party to place KABAK KUYU in a state of defence directly it is captured.
The Battalion 29th British Brigade will assault the KABAK KUYU well at
3.10PM. It will then reform and will be held ready to meet any counter 
The operations ordered above at KABAK KUYU will be under the command of
Lieut-Colonel Agnew Commanding 29th British Brigade.
The 14th Sikhs will take over the part of GORSE HILL now held by the
Canterbury Mounted Rifles at 4 a.m. on 21st August and will also cooperate
by rifle and machine gun fire from that position till masked by our troops.
They will also bring fire on to FARM at green patch(992i) till our troops
reach it.
No. (3). viz- move forward of outpost line.
As the 9th Corps moves forward to the attack of the "W" Hills the
2/10th Gurkhas and 1/6th Gurkhas will cooperate by moving forward EAST up
the valley. Each battalion will leave 25 men in each picquet of present
line. The 1/5th Gurkhas will be in reserve, and will follow centre of line
at about 600 yards distance.
The first objective of this advance will be a line SUSAK KUYU- FARM
at green patch - KABAK KUYU. When it is seen that our attack on KABAK KUYU
is successful a further advance will be made to a line from near DERVISH
ALI KUYU (92d4) south to link up with General Russell (at 92j2) and this
line will be held by entrenched picquets by the 2 battalions for the night,
with half 1/5th Gurkha Rifles in reserve.
The 2/10th Gurkhas will be responsible for keeping touch with the right
of the 9th Corps. Lt Colonel Palin will command the move forward and the 


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Sherrie ClemsonSherrie Clemson
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