Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 7, 15 August - 22 August 1915, Part 5

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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T SONCNR MESSACES AND-SICNALS. No. of Message C. ForM. OOIWLN Sent, or sent out Office Stamp. Reed. Words MaSr cle Ke 2 Conlected Means J IAIJONR 15 Distance Returned Setrce Mistetons B.C OIEN Received here at 16. 50 M. Handed in at the AUST BDE 4 T0 Sentes Fine 807 Of MonM WTESY WMMe AAA the Small parties ave constently been for hour last nonn the Sr 116 100 a square Two in werteily 92 towards HILL 9200 tirectir at across from austia FROM PLACE KINGS anw TIME 29.40 All Porterage, Redirection, or other charges collecied on delivery age to be bought to account by me and of St n, and the particulars of such charges and of amounts paid om are to be set forth io wrting above, in the Charges for Deliver ma te wodd be a cae
A05 Reguisition use of Regaured for £14 following AD. Brigade Anmunttin Ammunition thatk it 200.000 50.000 II 250 00o to McCanley # H Din 9/8/15 ton ll
Resimn Drly 10/8/15 Byd Yon J Monash Si I trust all the Sou are courd & reach you safely. All will at basit case hame are in the varley they more on tonight. Twomen returned from Hospital, sinden them on with your party. for the 1t Br. every snceers So obediently yours Worayoun I
aennt Mmdrmnon anen enen enoe Drmmm mn NEW EEALAND And HUSTRALIAN DIVISON. DIVISIGNAL ORDER-NE15- Copy N 1 H.O. Ne3 Post 10th Aug. 1915 Ren. Froam 1. The undermentioned uinip of the 29th unst, Bde are attached to this Division from this date 5 Bn. Connaught Rangers. 6 Leinster R. In continuation of Du. Order No 14 of 9 Aug. following re-distrebution of troops on the line has been found necessary- Ne3 Section - Bs Sen H.G. Chanvel CMy. Troops 1st A.L.H. Brigade 1/2Bz - Cheshirek. No. 4 Section Bs. Gen. Y.G. Hughes 3 AL.H. Bde Troops 8 Cheshire R. less 12 Brs Major Gn. F.C. SHAW CB. No5 Section Brig. Gen. T.H.TRAVERS. OUTER DEFENES Welch Fioneer Bn Troops 6.L. North Lane. R. Mtenemnen (2 Glos kr K. RW. Suv Wilts. R. 72 6 Leinster R. N2. Inf. Bde. Div. Troops. 26th Indian Mts Battery (less 1 Sect). No 1 Coy. N.2. Engineers. - Br. Gen. AH. Russell. INNEA DETENEES NE.M.A. Bde. THeePs Maori Confingent NO6 SECTION Brig Gen. HV.COx. C.B.C.SJ. TAOOPS C.R. Lane. R. 4. S.W. Borderers 10. Hank R. R.T. Rifles 29th Indian Bde. 4th Australian Bds and following Battalions under the Command 10f Br Gen. W. de S. Cayley 38th Bde. C. E. Lane. R. C.S. Lanc. R 39th Bde. 9. Worcesker K. 9. Warwick R 7. A. Stafford R.
SRISIE Esqr. Bde. 5. Cownaught Rangers. (3) DIV.TROOPS 21st Indian Mt2 Battery No2 Coy. N.2. Engrs. 3. COMMUNICATIONS The only fines of communication into the Sections 15 and 6 are:- Ne5 Section - via CHAILAK DERE "6 Section- AGAYL DERE. Transport is on no account to go by any other rouk. (Sgd.) Wt. Braithwaik LtCol.
C1 fo 94 in Dy Led Mos 93rS pe pe net t t ot or Corwants relible is of Exey port howre npt wby l vatd Cgt fland.
1226- 11501 Fear 1315- N.S.WI Lienty Col. J. P. D Glin V.D Brigade Major 4th Inf. Brigede A.1.F. New Yealand & Anstoshaw Divisdon O CouarO 262 BIREIAy
15 Auy 191 60. C 294 tate A bay to report on my Sectiry of Dependi hde The attacst during last night were repulsed without great difficulty, although enemy got close to my trenches at 2 points. I can hold my section with troops at my disposel against attacks no more swer than that of last night All the same of my line is rather weakly held, & the only reserve I have in a very weak paptalion (not exceeding 250 efficients) I have only 3 maching guns in asucaable condition Submitted for consuderation that, Iind to provc against a determined attack against this seation during the comind night it would be very desirable for me to have a furthed Reserve Battation at my mdiate disposat from duck till dawn tomorrow Meanobile coeuetting possible is being done with the fia tooks available to strungthen the defences of this pection JhnMonash Mp to G.0.4th Aunt Inq. Bhe 879
Aug. 1th I am apateb it is not likely that you can be reniforced at present as matters on right are still Serious please consinue to Thengthen your position in every possible way. &olon 15G 9.40 am
C.M. Form A. 88. ArForm Army Form C. 2121. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Messaga. Ell M Calb / onty Ctt Reed. AtM. This message is on a/e of: Ofice of Origin and Service Instructions Dent Dervice Aleonomonn II 2 m DOm om BS BrtoA Ft O Mynde Meap 20 th Mgne OAANONE SnutoMME WTENGWM AAA sether Sir party 16th febat up Henche to day Fnow this they use suppled well with bearen wide Kenver lafer - the am o Cot Pope tred have been officer stiped M E.R. White L.H.FI last Place Time 14.Pitat 101 The above may be forwarded as now corrected (D) Censor. Srtrod hosrar or rowon inmorned to becrrast to No mr This line should be erased I not required. DINI, OM

C. Form (Original).
Army Form C. 2123.
No. of Message.
from KoF
Prefix SM

Charges for 
Paid out
Sent, or sent out
At     M.

By 89
at.    M.
Service Instructions.
Office Stamp.
Handed in at the 
Office at    M.
Received here at 10.50 M.
Sender’s Number.
Day of Month
Small parties of the enemy
have constantly been seen for
the last hour moving from
HILL 100 and on secure square
92 U two in westerly
direction towards HILL at 92 xx
0 8 across front of
TIME JM  1940
[*To 13th BN 684
JP McGlinn Lt Col


Requisition 88
Required for use of 4th
A.I. Brigade the following
Ammunition Mark VI   200,000
          "                 "      VII     50,000
To Lt. McCauley
Div. H.Q.
H McDonald Lt
Attended .


Reserve Valley
Bgd Gen J Monash.
I trust all the
items are correct & reach you
safely  All well at base, 6th East
Lanc are in the valley they
move on tonight. Two men
returned from Hospital. sending
them on with your party.
for the 14th Bn every success
Sir obediently yours
Lt Norman Young


H.Q No 3 Post
10. Aug. 1915
Recd 7-10 am 11
1. The undermentioned units of the 29th (British)
Bde are attached to this Division from this
          5 Bn Connaught Rangers.
          6 Leinster R.
2. In continuation of Div. Order No 14 of 9 Aug.
following re-distribution of troops on the line
has been found necessary -
No 3 Section           - Br Gen. H.G. Chauvel C.M.G.
Troops                        - 1st A.L.H. Brigade
                                        ½ Bn - Cheshire R.
No 4 Section             - Br Gen. F.G. Hughes
Troops                         - 3 A.L.H. Bde
                                         8 Cheshire R. less ½ Bn
No 5 Section              - Major Gen. F.C. SHAW C.B.  x
Troops                          - Welch Pioneer Bn
                                          6.L. North Lanc. R.
                                         7. Gloster R.
                                         8. R.W. Fusrs
                                         5  Wilts. R.
                                         6  Leinster R.
                                         N.Z. Inf. Bde.
Div. Troops  .               26th Indian Mtn Battery (less 1 Sect).
                                          No 1 Coy. N.Z. Engineers.
INNER DEFENCES    - Br Gen. A.H. Russell.
TROOPS                     -   N.Z.M.R. Bde.
                                          Maori Contingent.
No 6 SECTION      -        Brig. Gen. H.V. COX. C.B. C.S.I.
TROOPS                          6. R. Lanc. R.
                                           4. S.W. Borderers.
                                           10. Hants R.
                                            6. R.I. Rifles
                                           29th Indian Bde.
                                           4th Australian Bde
                  and following Battalions under the
                  command of Br Gen. W. de S. Cayley
                     38th Bde.       6. E Lanc. R.
                                              6. S.Lanc. R  
                      39th Bde.      9. Worcester. R.
                                              9. Warwick R.
                                              7. N. Stafford R.


 29th Bde. 5. Connaught Rangers.

DIV. TROOPS : 21st Indian Mtn Battery
                             No 2 Coy. N.Z. Engrs.

The only lines of communication
into the Sections 5 and 6 are:-
No 5 Section - via CHAILAK DERE
 "    6 Section     "   AGHYL DERE.
Transport is on no account to
go by any other route.
(Sgd.) W.G. Braithwaite Lt. Col.


9-33 SC Genl Cox
informed by the General
Tilney on re
Cannan saying right
not too strongly held
Requested Brigs intro
Tilney said Reserves
frightened if attack
on Sea Flank.
Told him that was
their position

9 37 SC Genl
Cox wants reliable
officer sent to
find out Exact postn Reserves
[[renj? with]] by 29th to [[?]]
watch left flank.

[* 9-41 Just Tilney who saw
Colonel Herring
[[? Amm fire?]] *]


Please Forward

28 JU — 11 30P
Lieut Col. J. P. McGlinn V.D
Brigade Major 4th Inf. Brigade A.I.F
New Zealand & Australian Division


Aug. 10/15
G.O.C. 29th (Indian) Brigade
I beg to report on my Sections of Defensive Line.
The attacks during last night were repulsed without
great difficulty, although enemy got close to my
trenches at 2 points. —
I can hold my section with troops at my
disposal against attacks no more severe than that 
of last night.
All the same, my line is rather weakly held, &
the only reserve I have is a very weak Battalion
(not exceeding 250 efficients)
I have only 3 machine guns in a serviceable
condition. —
Submitted for consideration that, - in order to
provide against a determined attack against
this section during the coming night, it would
be very desirable for me to have a further
Reserve Battalion at my immediate disposal
from dusk till dawn tomorrow. —
Meanwhile everything possible is being done,
with the few tools available, to strengthen the
defences of this section.
John Monash
Brig Gen.
C.O. 4th Aust. Inf Bde.


Aug 10th
I am afraid it is not
likely that you can
be reinforced at
present - as matters
on right are still
Please continue to
strengthen your
position in every
possible way.
H.V Cox
9 40. am.


“A” Form. 

C.M.Form A. 39.
Army Form C.2121.
No. of Message……..
From  92
TO Brigade Major
4th A  N Brigade
I took a stretcher party
behind the up to the 16th trenches
this day. Now they are
well supplied with bearers under
Capt Kenny, who arrived later.
Col Pope & Med Officer have been 
From E.R. White. Capt. 3rd L.H.F.A
Time 14.O'clock   10/8/15

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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