Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 7, 15 August - 22 August 1915, Part 3

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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A0. Notfoed d.OK eret 8 OleAOdt EITSSH FTOY TLIEer otolds soed vo e.0.D oE IysIottig ot Debastts atsiog oot est sede ofbaa,ext 340 Eaores Eleree S - 85. Te netlerter ats po blod SA odpof ext 20 Be setted sKITTo of DGEFTOL TKIHng DOTIer II -dstee so Jarm etsog LAS (.T.N.n est Fory xTo nexet Frsg ast .e.1) 5101 MIt GMOSAG L4th Taustrallan Brigadece WeteIgros HIv KoI betaI w II exob al alst KexY.Ca KItw exIL ext Dioa of oiciasog OMT OACGaa/eSouthWalesBordefersITe Ki eron evsd of DAS Fen Teve 0 Jox et sxIf TxoTt exT exexw eeeslg IAIL ec Oae eTONN 20 90 eldiasog es xooa Oft &t enos CCanterbury Mounted Riffes. Isch Iserg 14th Sikhs. Blef extyl --TSG, NYOW TeAF H ESTES HFYITBIO Cco ILIW KSEdw 175th GurkhaRifies reverg bas TaoTY of Brrorz WcI Dase -Kitoe Loo Vnoke eTeog KoHdezed. andg exLLo Tof eeoSIgKLleayeTe of eldened Bifeth ROFLETTSdN evreeerFI Vasgace So Bod ao exit of T2fIOthrest to gartie ToL eGKeTts IIIWeS.l.C.0.0. nooe as Zatttse roL oaLL extt To nortsvroedo rof Bxs LIEL UTUE LEx -xeiaed to TKgly est of Fref eix nort Koxext noItseIroes eitiaeog as estf eeIIIf Detzoh Fr (TBdyeTe Ed Died etY (E) gedet es redexest oft - TeeIt Bet of af treatzer eTBEI Jox exe gev MON no Kenext to abrey 001 MoK etesperg S Atiw ob aso Ft aIAT HIIE Troggse esolo AL oa &o CE TeATOns Ktiw Iazix yd nex OV Trods Dae,yas y8 HIw II segof.C.O.D edrevreeey xt Hen OSf eved Mpeke Ixenigez est 03 FIIOF HAG6 eFiesey 34 TAGITS loot of 05 60130 FOTSKEeSBS DASRC 64 F decketes atf has Lyew Ui aKeSII (4 &f afdt Mod ase sterperg S - MIETII -Edt ALy exisper sedonext est-gollattad est Lisd exIseey IIIw J agix To. Terebay LIlte et erest bas gaidelatt seoros eSsoixzed.Ise ed ot stwo ed Biroda Das, Srert &t gxixIw Bas sxigestyserte eexiper Deoryreli Ideix ts Debrers VIskerts Bas ssossted, IsstO SSI SAD Ad t Bed -S 8 e0t e73070 STSWTOf ILOWEECLSESIRNN Fox Das IxesInorg Oot streneLeete OI aifoet ateog EgseneKL -S SCeOK eTeo 10 LIIte et E.OH SeLYH SMTe AOL&d Bex &Ibed Bxs eldect exs atsenelagetke exiw eAT. BTSwod senosert BaS KeeW --ay LItta el bsox Lsretsf noxt tespetg of ysibsel exst eft Bas Deoslg &Levoregly ed Je Frot -etelid nort bas ystiidialy ot es ntog,stse etiids st SAgix Das vs5 &i bedeIatt Iiit soisesce Frodtiwhe begesg vrouospattee To D.OI AttOG LIIY SEddE SOIS ei Jepot BaidedBse Isrete F) -feeog I1 gaIeeterpef & hs &.eok seewted noFroge Lo row es Es vzsessees 11 J1 eas ot bas seea pated FrostIw 71 psols eesg ofald G nottreg est so ense est ob LIIW AsSTTD AICI eAT Konert extt s S.O EBxevot Jespa E.OH keent 18 it to etreg est to Bas at eso e ofG.. etToggea Isool garted rot vtieseoes etsfoeds est Basors Wiiif AI extI Deosig os Tox exs vest II.Jdyis is exif tel ext ot eacle sevreser Das res abrey 60 tedt ero ed Birode so - gas at etst e l ro ROEO S
No. 1773/4. LENIEARTON Read Quarters Go.5 section, 17-8-15. IA IOAPWIIV Beeponsible for the sanitation of all cullles and reutes leading from their frent to the AELL DELE. For these reading from their frent to Mponth Velea Bordorere. LA0 aELs Diihe Indlan Brigade. For these lesding frex their frext to AGNYL DELS and for all rouds etc., on the flat ground betreen the BAASELIE BanRi BAIE and the left of our line. End Cey. N.J. Baginears, Will take charge of the main BOHE DERB reate isselt and the wells in it, and be responsible that they and the read in and beside gully is kept elean and elear. Each area must have the following 1- (a! A daneial place near the AAzTL DERS for all rifles, eqnipaent, stores, ratiead, etc., picked up - there to be sent to AcRoLoa.Co es Feturn empty sules daily. into 10) BubeishPits. at latervals along rentes, atc., which eld tine, papers, and refase generelly is to be thrown and buried. usd. is o be detailed by all A ssnitary officer and eanitary & above meationed (exeept N.L.&.) to sarry out these erders,and to laspect areas daily. WMChurdill Captate. Staff Saptain, He. 5 Section. so/ C.O.C. Tustralian Brigede. J.C. 4 South Jales Borderers. No.2 Co. N.L. R.R.. 14th siths. 115-4 Surtha Pifles. 16t4 210th ScKoU., Lndian Brigade.
1--- 5 i 4616 9 4 No B132 £5 10:-:-: £ IX of adet 1X No1 185 To PCRUEI 3 25
t 1374 BnBIF. No 3BS7 Aust Valley. Report 24 hnonded 2 8500 18//5 Hany pog a heard bot mghe in asetion of Chosolat thall. All oun along ouer arm front Improvement to Fro and conmnn- nation trinche are being steaddy pershed forward Offener from the Battadion went ana0s1 and 2 Post yesterday J Thompran toop £1 A 11 42 8 8 a 21 osfifl enghes keefacko proegegn a alf stin toce plogghes Jen 1p014 140p1 mace AH Sock ea fepeead Seets Fer. peep p1 Lopn4 pyspeogen es eghte de foom Bocatan Jage 4 Stety Lap te Moxo 45p4 Lect
tr 18815 H0 w 2/ Bs. coorks of improvemen orsened will capt. S Melsey NN2.5 in woming and Iasign for adranced we viences ceorced. I Well at joop of Not sector cared in New well stared porities cown quel Maceninl Gun on NO.3 Sactor pup on of gation by morning Repoied to s o.aoer pen Tayloy cet away our roening I ceaving fient Mc Perrson alone in cerarge of No.4 Sector. Te followng wre cequored as pes Report of 10.-8.15 12 Periscope riples S Teeiscopii Ribes 20 stacl poopeoles. Emping into right of No 4 Sector was very oad raccurate dury afternoon. Perissopes were shop any No other cumallies Hopn Oc1 PECNIRI Engieoner 9 DCOEATE Sope Biossenge
TO Pom Dusiaae AMCONOMSS MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Mosage Charges to Pay. Office Stamp Law B e " d Handedin at Ide SeSe FIMROT DaT OI HGntH TIOSY TSSSNSS aaa 11518 Please expedite your shough effectin and Carnalt eport FROM tion PLACEATINE lis
fir Berres Titmcton. Handedin at SnderS Minser 5 10 ab FROM PLACESTIME AO FoW DoS Liny RON SNN MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Message Charges to Pay. [OHee Stamp " a d £Bk 44a O R $5 PS WS SSMSS DAT SION AAA aca af knell Tomorros
Row Bistian T SON SNN MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. of Nowasa Charges to Pay./ ORo0 StmS ImS " ad LBK SomeeHamcon Bistestoc a c O 20 Bdo De NMNO DATAMSONN LWSG WSSSSSN aaa neet 200 micline line Section FROM PLACEATIME 2100 (213Se) M.RCo, Lid. WE.WISSSIST 50,000 Pads- 11s. Forms/O.2123. TSO MSONEN MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. ToAMCaR Charge This mearage is on a/e of Sace of tyn and brre hormore Reed atM a mme Oato nnd Deroice 00 MFAOPOLIMTMTINE MIT T/BS 4th Infy Bde SAEOR MEGBEN AAA 1818 1348 Machin tuns Pormenent/ position. held 4th in sector Anstratan Inparly as are Brigade follows, AAA. No 1 Eup 59 92. hast on Frenys postion W. C firm N. Relideen S46 firin ME 2 "92 43 92 4 507d0 S.W. of 3 fuy N.NWAME 92 P(00 soul of 4 92 uptinees O.9HP.7 Commanshe 480 yds 145 of Vasey of Kaiagirs DERE & firig N. & N.WV. 656/92-0.9 Frfug N. AWBy Brns posillons "71/92 N Commanding Loun part of KATAT DERE. fup N. & N. IV. p d HDr ace T RS The Alice any be soneerdit as nn arreats M JFrmar N MMIN co atoned tov This line should be crased Il not required. o it iner maran MM
39th Qup Bdl Dear General Monash. Thank you very mude for letting me have sey. Dann for 3 days. I found him most useful & I am sere hi pat our Br suipers up to plengr wrinkles. To the funation of oul two lines all right? I was up there this morning but could neot actually onl the point you right rested on? All very griet her gust now but tha Turks are digning like mkes below Chanak Ban is Wide S. Carley 19-8-15
18 Bn A No SBSI Anst Talley Report for 24 hours enders S 8500 19/5/15 i very quiet all along our front Inpormments to tronahe still contrnue 4o Other Ospion of this Battation wited other Bore 10102 14 y an effert was made to draw onemin fir at 2100 by Or commuration. Enemy replies, but five very small in rotune. W. Shanker 194p1 paptes anencing oo 50 san 10 feetet tets of J.SY sic continues Pap i afeand Luenchee ps (Lenne eegengo ereed ofe geine, casile tough taet Bene 000oe aned osaput fen Lept pase Seept Manna Flsing anepepedop paer fand raesy going ale apy HSappi9 considigs pay and dugna goode poggpees sade Vepy auies anging Fencik. day peay Liog amping aand 2100 neavy Rifle and SorH Piae ak Bor vcay c aoc fooue Klankine 12 69448 o0et p520

G.O.C. 4th Australian Brigade.
    O.C. 4/ South Wales Borderers.
     "           Canterbury Mounted Rifles.
     "            14th Sikhs.
     "            1/5th Gurkha Rifles.
     "            1/6th       "           "
     "           2/10th    "           "


No. 1775/M.
ORGANIZATION.  Head Quarters No.6 Section, 17-8-15. 
xxx 4th Australian Brigade. Responsible for the sanitation of all
gullies and routes leading from their front to the AGHYL DERE.
4/ South Wales Borderers. For those leading from their front to
Indian Brigade. For those leading from their front to AGHYL DERE 
and for all roads etc., on the flat ground between the DAMAJELIK
XXXX BAIR and the left of our line.
2nd Coy. N.Z. Engineers. Will take charge of the main AGHYL DERE
route itself and the wells in it, and be responsible that they
and the road in and beside gully is kept clean and clear.
Each area must have the following :-
(a) A dumping place near the AGHYL DERE for all rifles, equipment,
stores, rations, etc., picked up - there to be sent to
A.N.Z.A.C. on return empty mules daily.
(b) Rubbish Pits. at intervals along routes, etc., ^into which old tins,
papers, and refuse generally is to be thrown and buried.
A sanitary officer and sanitary squad. is to be detailed by all 
above mentioned (except N.Z.E.) to carry out these orders, and
to inspect areas daily.
W M Churchill Captain,
Staff Captain, No. 6 Section......
To/ G.O.C./Australian Brigade.
  "    O.C. 4/ South Wales Borderers.
  "       "   No.2 Co. N.Z. R.E..
  "       "     14th Sikhs.
  "       "     1/5th Gurkha Rifles.
  "       "     1/6th       "           "
  "       "     2/10th    "           "
  "      S.M.O., Indian Brigade.


[Map. See original document]
O         P
No 4
Kaiajick Dere


13TH Bn A I F.
No 3 POST.
Aust Valley.
Report 24 hrs ended
0500 18/8/15.
Heavy firing was heard last
night in direction of Chocolate
Hill. All quiet along our own
Improvements to Fire and communication
trenches are being steadily
pushed forward
8 officers from this Battalion
went around Nos 1 and 2
Posts yesterday
10/8/15  F V Thompson
Lt Adj

No 2 Post
Report. 24 hrs ending 18-8-15 
Trenches Work still
proceeding satisfactory
on all.
Sapping good progress
made in both saps
towards No 3-1 Posts
Snipers Posts. Several in
our Fire Trench from
which good shooting
is done.
Roads are be made
to our position from
P Cooper Capt
for Major
0520 C.O. No 2 Post


18 8 15
HQ. 4th Inf Bde.
Works of improvements
discussed with Capt. Skelsey RNZE. in
morning and design for advanced fire
trench settled. Well at front of No 1
Section caved in. New well started
further down Gully.
Machine Gun on No. 3 Section put
out of action in morning. Reported
to Bde M.G. Officer.
Lieut. Taylor sent away sick in
evening. leaving Lieut. McPherson
alone in charge of No. 4 Section.
The following are required as
per Report of 16.8.15
12 Periscope Rifles
3 Telescopic Rifles
20 Steel Loopholes.
Sniping into right of No. 4 Section
was very bad & accurate during
afternoon. Periscopes were shot
away. No other casualties.
H Pope Lt Col
OC No 1 Post


"C" Form (Duplicate).     Army Form C.2123.
C Gray
Charges to Pay.
£     s.     d.
Office Stamp.
Service Instructions.
Handed in at LBK  Office 1103 m. Received 1150 m.
TO 4th Aust Bde
Sender's Number     Day of Month   In reply to Number      AAA
FB 18                              18/8/15
Please expedite your effective strength
and Casualty report
FROM 6 Section
(24932).  M.R.Co.,Ltd.  Wt. W9668/1672.  50,000 Pads-1/15.  Forms/C.2123.


"C" Form (Duplicate).       Army Form C. 2123.
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.      No. of Message
C Gray
Charges to Pay.
£      s.      d.
Office Stamp.
Service Instructions.
Handed in at LBK Office 1925m. Received 1927m.
TO General Monash
Sender's Number  Day of Month  In reply to Number   AAA
1920                              xx 18                 BM 817
Your proposal approved AAA
General Cox will visit Knoll
100 in your line tomorrow
about 6 30 AM
FROM 6 Sectn
(24932). M.R.Co.,Ltd.  Wt. W9668/1672.  50,000 Pads-1/15.  Forms/C.2123.


"C" Form (Duplicate).       Army Form C. 2123.
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.      No. of Message
Charges to Pay
£      s.      d.
Office Stamp.
Service Instructions.
Handed in at LBK Office 0915 m. Received 0925 m.
TO 4th Aust Bde
Sender's Number     Day of Month        In reply to Number     AAA
JB 115                             18
Please wire direct Anzac at
once position of all machine 
guns in your line
Bm 816
Complete form attached
FROM 6 Section
PLACE & TIME  2100
(24932). M.R.Co.,Ltd.  Wt. W9668/1672.  50,000 Pads-1/15.  Forms/C.2123.

"A" Form.       Army Form C.2121.
Prefix      Code      m.
Words    Charge
This message is on a/c of:

(Signature of "Franking Officer.")
Recd. at       m.
From 19
Office of Origin and Service Instructions.
At     m.
TO 4th Infy Bde
* Sender's Number      Day of Month      In reply to Number    AAA
R                                        18/8/15                   JB 45
Permanent position of Machine Guns
in Section held by 4th
Australian Infantry Brigade are as 
follows AAA.
No 1 Gun Sq 92   U. 6 firing East on Enemys positions
 "    2    "     "    92  U. between 3 & 6 firing N.E - "  -  "
 "    3    "     "    92  U. 50 yds S.W. of 3 firing N. N.W. & N E
 "    4    "     "    92  P. (100 South op)    "    -   "   -   "   -   "
 "    5    "     "     92  between O.9 & P.7 Commands 400 yds
of Valley of Kaiajik DERE & firing N. & N.W.
 "    6   Sq. 92-0-9. Firing N & N W on Enemys positions
 "    7     "    92 N ^ between 3 and 8 6 Commanding Lower part of KAWK KAIAJAK
DERE. firing N. & N.W.
From  4th Bde H.Qrs
Time   1300
The above may be forwarded as now corrected.
Signature of Addressor or person authorised to telegraph in his name.
* This line should be erased if not required.
(632)  -McC. & Co. Ltd., London.-  W 11400/2045.  100,000  2/15.  Forms C2121/10.


39th Inf. Bde
Dear General Monash.
Thank you very much for
letting me have Sergt Dawn for
[?] 3 days. I found him most
useful & I am sure he put
our Bn snipers up to plenty of 
wrinkles.  Is the junction of our
two lines all right? I was up
there this morning but could not
actually see the point you right
rested on? All very quiet here
just now but the Turks are
digging like moles below Chanak
Yrs W. de S. Cayley


13th Bn A I.F
Aust Valley.
Report for 24 hours ended
0500 19/8/15
1 Very quiet all along our front.
2 Improvements to trenches still
3 4 Other Officers of the Battalion
visited other POSTS. TOTAL 14.
4 An effort was made to draw
enemies fire at 2100 by xxxx
demonsration. Enemy replied, but
fire very small in volume.
FV Thompson
Lt Adj

Report 24 hrs ending 0530 19-8-15
Trenches: Work of improving 
still continues.
Communication trenches 
are being widened
to admit of stretchers
being carried through.
Parapets. Being improved
and loopholes put
Sniping Posts are kept manned
and periscope Rifles
are kept going all
Sapping Continues day and
night good progress
General. Very quiet during
day very little
sniping about
2100 heavy Rifle
and M.G. Fire on 
Chunak Bair very
quiet on our 
R. Rankine Major
C.O. No 2 Post


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