Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 6, 3 August - 7 August 1915, Part 11

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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COriginal C.FO Recd Preti from Handed in at the 70 - ASI Chages to Vistance Coll Tny CAN CMR MESSACES AND SICNALS. No. of Message Sent, or sent out Office Stamp. Nord SColeneo S/Pa OM Returned Office at Received here at WATEO AAA rded n ougan past menced vill less 14 her im wante I Stames affired to the lace of th in the spaces headed Deltery and
o M SON CMR No. of Message MESSACES AND SICNALS. C. Fonn CORM Office Stamp. Sent, or sent out Word Recd. Pretir 74 from ACaleeS Means 115 1210 Out By Distance Returned Service instructions. Received here : Handed in at the BRISAOIER Ball 70 224 10 Number. TSentero Minber our front, except on guies Everything shrapnel. little a the with touch ar in We Willsheres FROM L PLACE TIME collecied on delivery are to be b All Porterage, Redirection, our are to amounts pai term, and Charees for Delivery his line she Cole MCW. a
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O Pon, rsna LET PONNCNN MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Mersore Receved Sent, or sent out Otico Blamy. PreEx Code Words FTOME "10. Oharged to coler 12 16 SertS Tistferon RaneWa Office D Reveral al Laig Dy A WiESSESNSNSR AAA No9 Your canno adve ley Owen eal co well authorit cultie acu matter ha FROM V2 PLACEATIME 154 The the Mont be Braed MCot WOS Do Pads IIL A.W & Co FormAOM
MOR Copy. 3 operation orders by Bryaner Gon CxCRCS 7/8/15 the Defence of the gronno gained to the wote of ANEAc hal be organzes and consolivated as followe- Th dine from 9225 Brough DoMinNcEI BAR A 92n9 is hels by troops of the 13th Destsion, from 92N9 through Contrn 100 a0 spa in 92459 as fer as spux in 93 V2-3 3 wal be Cnfrongeed by 4th Australian Bde and wen complete lsk to held by 3 Bat tat Bde, te 9t Bittr bring ridn bund 1279 ly m sitho and 1o98 the kaoks over sakeng the A9H1L 6 DCAE) under the EAaM will be and any extrenched by th 169R the positions gained on the cruni Boik ridge will b held and catrinches by two batalions of the 37t Bde, 2/10 curkh riftes, under the command 4Br Gvt CAYLEY. 10I0 in mist hstent that trat bmantaind heteen the right of the onionof the /6 and te positions held or the mai conwek soik ridg of the remaining two battalions of Genl Cayleys Brigade will tha in local reterne. wh oy all units arrange to - ovg pip vations to the above positions tonight. 3f Water dumps, ammunit on Dumps and forward dressing stations and G.O.C.S head quarters with by at Janation of the two branahes of AGHYL DERE (92 X3) Cop 1 148 Galpy. Captemn "2 GR Dte Major Ind 1 16 4 10 3 4 Australian Bte. 6 39th Brigade m.
anaa m ar Form. Army Form C. (2I2L. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Message CAATE Wore Prefr - Aad. 1620. This message is on a/c of: Ohee A On ASerSSMSN D 7/8/15 Sent. service 1620 oBA 204 a Byine C obedeely T0 OC THIRTHENTH BL FSEGNn in reply to Number. Day of Month. AAA 2N634 Seventh collected have lected tocaten and you senthred personal you Reply I 2th Irf Bl BM Castality Repst. have reported all following Mats Del Yaur 110 Mo Bde o/11508 Place T16015 The above may be forwarded as now corrected. SFMMICAHMEAMOKNMMMOIEADICERENNNONN Consor This line should be crased if not required.
ec Pretts NOM Senice Bistrictions Handed in at the 70 SerteroTimber R0 PLA 110.0 Meare Distance MESSACES AND SICNALS. ecied 5 paid out ffice at No. Of MCASSOLE Office Stamp. or sent out Returned ere 9 200
Handed in at the 70 Senters Himber itt ACE Milistiy to, Ditry X ance Cole 44 1 tee M SON CNR No. of Message MESSALES ANO SICNAIS. Office Stamp. Sent, or sent out Words 1645M Collected PB Spaid out Returned Received here a Office at afor to The AAA SIE NOntE 8.33 even in ttatered they enteavour. A 41 them Me 100 Roun
C. Form COSMa. Pretix from Handed in at the 70 He FROM PLACE TIME in Ponn Eie t O sremo Mears Distance Cole tae ol Miy PoN C.RR No. of Message MESSACES AND SIGNALS. Office Stamp. Sent, or sent out Nord 3 Collected S paid out Returned Received here at Office at 12d AAA doing are can very are I are Or
Rell Pretix from Senice Mistactons Handed in at the SenterS FROM PLAC TIME A Porerase, RedirecHen Cheres Oor Diliany Weare Distance Co0C ny FoNCRIR No. of Message MESSACES AND SICNALS. Office Stamp. Sent, or sent out Words 3 Coneed Paid out eturned Received here at Office at A24 sick ear es collecied on delivery are t of amounts paid omr are to be set This line should be 1

Army Form C. 2123.
C Form. (Original).   MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.   No. of Message 
Rec    Prefix    Code    Words                 Sent, or sent out         Office Stamp. 
from                                                                    At          .M                              9
               Delivery     Charges for                   By
By           Means        Delivery 
                Distance    Collected                      Returned
                                     Paid out                        at           .M
Service Instructions
Handed in at the               Office at      M.   Received here at       M.
*Sender's Number            Day of Month    In reply to Number     AAA

deemed it not safe to
take outpost line originally intended
as my left would have
been "in the air" aaa my outpost
line was in position at 
0330 and at once commenced
to intrench aaa I now
find that three companies less
one platoon of 13th Batt.
have not yet rejoined after
having been used for clearing
the way for the advance
during the night aaa
TIME 0840


Army Form C. 2123.
C. Form. (Original).           MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.    No. of Message
Rec QA   Prefix    Code    Words                 Sent, or sent out         Office Stamp. 
from  LR                                                                  At          .M                              7/8/15
               Delivery     Charges for                   By                                             15
By           Means        Delivery 
                Distance    Collected                      Returned
                                     Paid out                        at           .M
Service Instructions
Handed in at the               Office at      M.   Received here at  1151     M.
TO  BRIGADIER   4th Inf Bde
*Sender's Number            Day of Month    In reply to Number     AAA

Everything quiet on our front, except
for a little shrapnel.
We are in touch with the
FROM 13th BN


Army Form C. 2123.
C Form. (Original).   MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.   No. of Message 
Rec    Prefix    Code    Words                 Sent, or sent out         Office Stamp. 
from                                                                    At          .M                         7 8 15
               Delivery     Charges for                   By                                         16
By           Means        Delivery 
                Distance    Collected                      Returned
                                     Paid out                        at           .M
Service Instructions
Handed in at the               Office at      M.   Received here at       M.
TO  H Q  4th Inf Bde
*Sender's Number            Day of Month    In reply to Number     AAA

Quiet but a lot of shelling
and sniping aaa Trenches now
being carried satisfactory
FROM 16 Bn


Army Form C. 2123.
C Form. (Original).   
Prefix DM    Code GK   Words  37   Received       Sent, or sent out         Office Stamp. 
                          £.   s.  d.                        From  DM          At          .M                         1635
Charges to collect                              By   [[?]]              To                                         
Service Instructions
Handed in at the               Office at      M.   Received here at 1631      M.
TO  General Monash    [*9*]
*Sender's Number            Day of Month    In reply to Number     AAA
 NDG997                               9th


Your Bn 632 Fourth Fld Ambce
cannot advance further up gulley
owing to fire aaa medical
authorities well aware of difficulties
of evacuation aaa ADMS has
matter in hand.



Copy 5
Operation Orders by Brigadier Gen Cox CB C.S.I.
(1) the Defence of the ground gained to the North of
ANZAC will be organized and consolidated as
(a) The time from 92 L5 through DOMUJELIK
BAIR to 92 N9 is held by troops of the 13th
Division, from - 
(b) 92 N9 through contour 100 and spur in
92 U 6-9 as far as spur in 93 V2-3 x
will be entrenched by 4th Australian Bde
and when complete will be held by 3
Battns of that Bde, the 4th Battn being
in reserve
(c) The ridges around 92Y9 by 14th Sikhs and 1/5 G.R.
(c) The Knolls overlooking the AGHYL
DERE under the FARM will be
held and entrenched by the 1/6 G.R.
(d) The positions gained on the CHUNUK
BAIR ridge will be held and
entrenched by two battalions of
the 39th Bde, xxxxxxx and
2/10 Gurkha rifles, under the command
of Br Genl CAYLEY.
(e) It is most important that trench
be maintained between the right of the
positions of the 1/6 GDR. and the positions
held on the main CHUNUK BAIR ridge 
(f) The remaining two battalions of
Genl Cayley's Brigade will be in
local reserve.
2/ All units for Indian brigade will 
arrange to bring up rations to the
above positions. tonight.
3/ Water dumps, ammunition dumps
and forward dressing stations and G.O.C.'s
headquarters will be at junction
of the two branches of AGHYL
DERE (92 X 3)

Copy 1     14'8                                    [G [?]]. Captain
"         2    1/5 G.R.                               Bde Major, Indn Bde
"         3    1/6 "
"         4    2/10 "
"         5    4th Australian Bde.
"         6    39th Brigade.
16       J.M. 


"A" Form.   Army Form C. 2121.
Prefix   Code   m.
Office of Origin and Service Instructions.
Words. Charge
At   1620m.
By Orderly
This message is on a/c of:
7/8/15 Service.
(Signature of "Franking Office.")
Recd. at 1620 m.
Date 7/8/15
From BQ
By Byrnes
Sender's Number. BM634
Day of Month. Seventh
In reply to Number.      AAA

Have you located and selected collected
your scattered personal 

B.M. 4th Inf Bde
All have reported. Casualty report following
DG Marks



From Bde MAJOR
Time 1615
The above may be forwarded as now corrected. Censor.
(Z) Signature of Addressee or person authorized to telegraph in his name. 


Army Form C 2123.
C. Form. (Original). MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.   No. of Message
Recd. from
Prefix Code Words
Delivery Means Distance
Charges for Delivery Collected Paid out  
Sent, or sent out
At  M.
at  M.
Office Stamp.
Service Instructions.
Handed in at the  Office at   M. Received here at   M.
TO 4th Bde
*Sender's Number.  A3
Day of Month.  Seventh
In reply to Number. BM634   AAA

All detached parties rejoined
unit now complete

FROM   14th
TIME     1624


Army Form C 2123.
C. Form. (Original). MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.   No. of Message
Recd. from
Prefix Code Words 23
Delivery Means Distance
Charges for Delivery Collected Paid out  
Sent, or sent out
At  1645 M.
By R.S.
at  M.
Office Stamp. 9/8/15   12
Service Instructions
Handed in at the  Office at   m. Received here at   M.
TO Bde Major 4th Bde
*Sender's Number. QDI
Day of Month. Seven
In reply to Number.  BM633  AAA

NO AAA They scattered in
Fourth Bde A.A.A Am endeavoring
to secure them

FROM     15th Bn


Army Form C 2123.
C. Form. (Original). MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.   No. of Message
Recd. from
Prefix Code Words
Delivery Means Distance
Charges for Delivery Collected Paid out  
Sent, or sent out
At  M.
at  M.
Office Stamp. 7/8/15   11
Service Instructions
Handed in at the  Office at   m. Received here at   M.
TO 4th Bde

*Sender's Number. 
Day of Month.    
In reply to Number.  BM634  AAA

No we are doing the 
best we can 

[*Gathering in

FROM   16th Bn


Army Form C. 2123.
Form (Original).
No. of Message
Recd. from
Prefix    Code   Words
Charges for Delivery
Paid out
Sent, or sent out
At     M.
at      M.
Office Stamp

Service Instructions.
Handed in at the   Office at   M.  Received here at   M.

TO From OC 13th Bn

*Senders Number  [[B?]]
Day of Month.
In reply to Number.

Troops observed moving into KA B.A
through Cyprus Grove AAA consist
of infantry and what appear
to be Gurkers AAA From
three to four batteries moving
into position about one thousand
Yds south of K.A. B.A.
BUIK ANNAFARTA (ends) AAA I I suggest
Naval Fire 
Rep'd to, DW

FROM 1655
TIME  16.45.

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