Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 6, 3 August - 7 August 1915, Part 9

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
Awaiting approval
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2rile IESTRUCTIOTS REGARDIEG ITTER - OO:HIICATIOT 3. Part 1 H CHIP3 AND AIRORAFT. ----------------- Attention is called to Signal Organisation for Combined Oper¬ ations, new edition, copies of which are with Drig.-Genoral, R.A., Divisional Commanders, buse and flant signal stations, and flank obsorving Officers, and all Ships. Covering ships are to be stationed off Anzao in two groups, a Northern and Southern. Dach group has boen allotted a series of targets as a first objective which are given in tho instructions issued to Divisional Commanders. There are two flank observing Officers, one on each flank. These officers can communicate direct with the Flank Signal Stations which will be in touch with the groups of supporting ships on each flank. These flank observing offioers must keep senior ship of their group informed every olock hour, as far as they can, as to any change in our line: this information vill be passed on to other They will repear this information to ships by the senior ship. The Flank observing officers will spot Army Corps report contre. if required, in which case they will communicate direct with indi¬ vidual ships. Requests for special fire will only bo made by A. C. Hdors (Brig.-Genl. R.A.) - through U 4 or W 8. G.O.C., Australian Division - through W& (via A.C.) G.O.C., N. Z. 4 4. Division through W & (via A.C.) or U S (via line to be maintained by T.Z.0 A. Division) G.O.C., 13th Division, when acting independently, through W 4 (via A.C.) or WG (via line to be maintained by 15th Divn) G.O.C., 2nd Light Horse Brigade through W 5 (via spocial line laid in communication with O.C., 5) These requests will be made to the senior ship of a group. They will be marked priority, they will be sent in the special code given in the manual and will be repeated to A.C.Hdgrs, or report contre. They may also bo sent through Flank observing officers if desired. Spotting messages for shore artillery to and from airoraft will be sent and received through W 5, by arrangement between Artillery Drigade Commanders and the officer in charge W 5.
AU" 433 PART II LAND COMLUNICATIONS. ----------------- Army Corps Headquerters will remain in its present sito in tho first instunce, lator it will move forward to a Report Centre (call ARC) the situation of which will be notifiod to all concerned. When a new Report Centre is opened, Divisions and flanks will normally communicate with the Keport Centro (ARC) through the present Corps Heudquartors Signal Office (AC) which will transmit. The existing communications betweon A.C. and its Divisiongwill be maintained, and, in the event of tho Divisional, Headquarters moving, communication will be intained by the Army Corps Signal Coy. Diroot communication will be arranged as soon as practicablo. Inter-divisional communication will be through AC, except between the Tow Zealand and Australion Division (£Z) and tho 15th Division (TM) which will be direct, and will be crranged botween thoso divisione. The Brig.-Genoral, R.A., at AnC will be in direct tole¬ phonio communication with the Hders.- G9th Artillory Erigade and with W 8. A visual station will bo established at AMC which will communicate with the 9th Army Corps Hoadquartors. As soon as practicable, tolographic communication will bo ostablishod betwoen the Oth Arry Corps and Anzac by the Arny Corps Signal Coy. The Administrative sorvico of tolophones in tho Anzac Covo area will be maintainod. Divisions should be proparod to uso visual signalling at any time - but stations must always bo sited so that signulling is not soen by the onomy, and holios and lamps should not bo directed to another station which is in line with any ground occupied by tho onomy.
onna im ver d nn MESSAGES AND STGNALS. No of Monage- srf Sent orsentout Omer Sga H Nerng M6-£45 Cherges to oolect Feerser Ineransheri Ar tar, lart eeslighttred Handedin at Tomen a Rearet ha I Bd hn gamder Suncher Therft sthent at W2995 Ih 2 Sar Aonlatt Are Lill ov ane Hon Bargiede Allase at Aher Lirelagt Shne t Lil en Lale dedck Ahteh Po I FROM FLäorETDAR Hben merttinn fet emss ver e ses tan on iRlafe
Ln Fer d 30 o Form (oriøinab MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. Nacn- Omee Stamp Sent orcentout Ræavrea Worde¬ Preir Code From Charges to oolect Serples Instruchone m Resshyid Sne- Handedin at Trnsprter Mansche Hesrr Fer 06 aaa Dar 2- rrox PLACE LTLME Er nr en e e r e eer Wae ma sco Pade-ST4 s R Loi-FomCAZ2 7 5,00
Atäs 2. t Bfarte nstehr oete Zu

A N Z A C.


Part 1
Attention is called to Signal Organization for Combined Oper-ations, 
new edition, copies of which are with Brig.-General, R.A., 
Divisional Commanders, base and flank signal stations, and flank 
Observing Officers, and all Ships.
Covering ships are to be stationed off Anzac in two groups,
a Northern and Southern. Each group has been allotted a series 
of targets as a first objective  which are given in the instructions 
issued to Divisional Commanders.
There are two flank observing Officers, one on each flank.
These officers can communicate direct with the Flank Signal Stations
which will be in touch with the groups of supporting ships on each 
flank. These flank observing officers must keep senior ship of 
their group informed every clock hour, as far as they can, as to 
any change in our line: this information will be passed on to other 
ships by the senior ship. They will repeat this information to 
Army Corps report centre. The Flank observing officers will spot 
if required, in which case they will communicate direct with individual
Requests for special fire will only be made by
A.C. Hdqrs (Brig.-Genl. R.A.) - through W 4 or W 6.
G.O.C., Australian Division - through W 4 (via A.C.)
G.O.C., N.Z. & A. Division through W 4 (via A.C.) or W 6 (via
line t be maintained by N.Z.& A. Division)
G.O.C., 13th Division, when acting independently, through W4
(via A.C.) or W 6 (via line to be maintained by 13th Divn)
G.O.C., 2nd Light Horse Brigade through W 5 (via special line
laid in communication with O.C., W 5)
These requests will be made to the senior ship of a group.
They will be marked priority, they will be sent in the special code 
given in the manual and will be repeated to A.C.Hdqrs, or report 
centre. They may also be sent through Flank observing officers if 
Spotting messages for shore artillery to and from aircraft
will be sent and received through W 5, by arrangement between 
Artillery Brigade Commanders and the officer in charge W5.





Army Corps Headquarters will remain in its present site
in the first instance, later it will move forward to a Report
Centre (call ARC) the situation of which will be notified to all 
When a new Report Centre is opened, Divisions and flanks
will normally communicate with the Report Centre (ARC) through 
the present Corps Headquarters Signal Office (AC) which will 
transmit. The existing communications between A.C. and its 
Divisions will be maintained, and, in the event of the Divisional 
Headquarters moving, communication will be maintained by the Army
Corps Signal Coy. Direct communication will be arranged as 
soon as practicable.
Inter-divisional communication will be through AC, except
between the New Zealand and Australian Division (NZ) and the 15th Division (YM) which will be direct, and will be arranged between 
these divisions.
The Brig.-General, R.A., at ARC will be in direct telephonic
communication with the Hdqrs.- 69th Artillery Brigade
and with W 8.
A visual station will be established at ARC which will
communicate with the 9th Army Corps Headquarters.
As soon as practicable, telegraphic communication will
be established between the 9th Army Corps and Anzac by the Army
Corps Signal Coy.
The Administrative service of telephones in the Anzac 
Cove area will be maintained.
Divisions should be prepared to use visual signalling at
any time - but stations must always be sited so that signaling
is not seen by the enemy, and helios and lamps should not be 
directed to another station which is in line with any ground 
occupied by the enemy.

  "C" Form (Original). Army Form C. 2123
  MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Message ....
Prefix  .SM.. Code .... Words ....67 Received  Sent, or sent out Office Stamp.
  £  s.  d. From   At  6-8-15m. (27) 
Charges to collect   By   To   On march. Cant
use light to read
Service Instructions.     
 NZA By  
Handed in at Office ....... m. Received   m.
TO  Gen Cox 29 Ind Bde
   & General Johnstone Happy Valley
*Sender's Number Day of Month In reply to Number AAA
 NZG 908    
 As no guides are available
 for reserve Columns will you
 please drop picquets at places
 where direction might be lost
 in order to find out
 road to reserve Brigadier
 after leaving No 3 Post
 AAA Acknowledge
FROM  N.Z & A Div
  * This line should be erased if not used  
W.2384—583. 80,000 Pads—8/14. S.B. Ltd.– Forms/C.2123.


  "C" Form (Original). Army Form C. 2123
  MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Message ....
Prefix  ... Code .... Words .... Received  Sent, or sent out Office Stamp.

£  s.


From   At  m. (1)
Charges to
  By   To   
Service Instructions.     
Handed in at Office ....... m. Received 7.10p m.
TO  4th Aust Inf Bde
*Sender's Number Day of Month In reply to Number AAA
 NZg 902  Six  
 Australian Division has assaulted
 LONE PINE after one hours
 intense bombardment AAA First
 line checked Second & Third
 came on Suffering from Shrapnel
fire AAA Whole swept on 
 and are reported to be well
 into the middle of The LONE PINE
 Plateau AAA Communication
 trenches being rapidly pushed
FROM  NZ & A Div
PLACE & TIME  1900
  * This line should be erased if not used  
W.2384—583. 80,000 Pads—8/14. S.B. Ltd.– Forms/C.2123.  PTO



13th Bn Lt Tilney
14th R Rankine
15th HR Carter Mjr
16th H Pope N SC
To note
JP McG Col
6 8 /15 


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